I didn't read any of that shit but it looks like your battling over locations ala Battlefront/Blood Bowl Card Game?
It seems kinda like a mix of Blood Bowl and the Star Wars LCG
I didn't read any of that shit but it looks like your battling over locations ala Battlefront/Blood Bowl Card Game?
The bggtv one.
Samle game by Ted Alspach.
Should have linked those the other day. I looked them up to try get an impression to compare it to Avalon and Werewolf for you but I couldn't quite articulate my opinion then. Apologies.
Oh, I don't think he is looking for something that is the same. I have been reading about Netrunner for a while and hyping it up to him, hoping he would buy it and we could play. He told me recently that the most fun he has had playing games with me at work is when we play Smash Up, and that is because he greatly prefers card games to board games. So he dropped a bunch of dollars on MtG cards recently so we could play and was telling me that he was getting more interested in Netrunner. I was like "That's great! You pick that up and I will get Pathfinder and Thunderstone and we will be set on card games!" Turns out he used to be really big into 40K and his reaction last night when I saw the link in here and showed him was "Welp, looks like Netrunner will have to wait a while longer, because I am getting that. Hell, I'll even pre-order it!"Netrunner and WH40k LCG seem very diffrent kind of games. Netrunner is assymmetrical and theres no battlesystem or anything.
Just came across a $60 collectors edition of Metal Gear Solid Risk at a local game store. I've always wanted one but have no idea what a normal price range is on it. Should I just go ahead and buy this one regardless as its the last they have in stock?
Barnes and noble has it for $39.95
I think there's a difference between the Collector's set (which may have been limited run) and the regular edition you see in stores.
They both were called "limited edition", but they are exact same contents. The one you find in stores is the basic edition. The other limited edition was the exclusive from buying it direct from USAopoly and featured different box art, but that is only difference, the box.
Our own Stooge is bringing this to the US. I'm looking forward to it, seems like a good game.Just found out about Machi Kuro today. Looking forward to it, especially if it's that quick of a game
Lol, seriously? No pewter figurines or anything?
Ugh, last night I was playing Terra Mystica with 4 other guys, we were almost in the final round and three people still had a decent chance of winning when all of a sudden my dog decided to jump on the table out of nowhere and all the pieces moved all over the placeI need a higher table
Myth arrived today! Components seem decent and I was really surprised at how good the metal hero inserts and treasure tokens are. Haven't sleeved anything yet and I still need to give the rules another go before my first play through on Friday. Also looking at the list of items that are coming in the next shipment this game is going to require a lot more storage than the core box provides.
Anyone else contribute to the Heroes Wanted kickstarter when it was up? Game looks like a ton of fun and I'm a sucker for superheroes.
I thought the idea of the board/scenario being a newspaper (and there being many different scenarios/papers to play on) was a very neat idea, but every superhero-themed game I've played so far has left a lot to be desired.
Our own Stooge is bringing this to the US. I'm looking forward to it, seems like a good game.
That looks absolutely fantastic, man. Thanks for the pics. More in the future, I hope.
I skipped out on the KS because:
A) I didn't like the artwork. Seemed too cartoony based on the theme, for my tastes. But dem metal tokens!!
B) I was already committed to a mess of other tabletop projects. Particularly Zombicide Season 2.
However, I am in for MERCS: Recon. Looks promising and a much better design for its theme as a CQ room-to-room combat game.
That looks absolutely fantastic, man. Thanks for the pics. More in the future, I hope.
I skipped out on the KS because:
A) I didn't like the artwork. Seemed too cartoony based on the theme, for my tastes. But dem metal tokens!!
B) I was already committed to a mess of other tabletop projects. Particularly Zombicide Season 2.
However, I am in for MERCS: Recon. Looks promising and a much better design for its theme as a CQ room-to-room combat game.
Have any of you played the standard game of MERCS? I think I want to buy a couple army boxes, and just play it like a board game, is it worth grabbing? I like the 5v5 aspect of it, its what I wanted out of Infinity, but I couldnt get that to work out right, so I never bought any of those minis, haha.
You can play army box vs army box, but I believe the armies are not exactly balanced to play against each other. Infinity I still say is the most balanced miniature game out there.
And Merc is typical skirmish wargame, so it is very rules heavy.
Looking forward to your impressions, have you played Gears of War the board game? I hope it scratches that same itch.Punched out all the components, sleeved the cards and organized the bits. Going to start with the first quest tutorial listed on the Myth website as my introduction to play.
Looking forward to your impressions, have you played Gears of War the board game? I hope it scratches that same itch.
Mercs is same art and sculptors as myth. But their minis have always been better than their artwork.
Punched out all the components, sleeved the cards and organized the bits. Going to start with the first quest tutorial listed on the Myth website as my introduction to play.
I actually think the art in Myth is what would make it approachable for more people. I really like the cartoony vibe, though that's coming from a perspective that doesn't really get into the serious fantasy look of games like Descent or DnD board games.
Heck, my group really gets into games like Super Dungeon Explore even though Descent (2.0?) is probably quicker, more streamlined, and probably just better and more strategic. My group scoffs at the ideas of long games (won't play anything that might go over 90 minutes at times) but will gladly sit through a 3 hour Super Dungeon Explore session and feel like it took no time at all.
Though, Myth was probably the last kickstarter I'll ever do. It was a fun run of trying it but researching, watching playthroughs, and seeing impressions after release makes me okay to wait.
Unless it has super cool exclusives. Though what does it say that I feel the Coup and Flash Point expansion kickstarters were my favorite ones to do?
I tried playing Madeira the other night. You guys...I think I found my limit for things I'll tolerate from a eurogame... Dear Europe: there is such a thing as "too much" in board games.
That is the most european euro game to have ever europed.
This was played at a table next to me at game night. It looked really busy and involved. I still want to give it a try, but I really like hard as nails Euros.I tried playing Madeira the other night. You guys...I think I found my limit for things I'll tolerate from a eurogame... Dear Europe: there is such a thing as "too much" in board games.
For Stooge: Will this include the super-duper extra cards version?
Edit: I see the press release thingy addresses this with the expansion released later this year.
Indeed. The gameplay itself is what sounds intriguing for me. A friend of mine just backed it, so there's a shine of promise to me right there.
Nice shelf back there. Need pics of that!
Those aren't ALL of the map tiles, are there? :-o
I had this as a kid ages ago, alongside Abalone and two games I can't remember.So my friend recently got introduced to Quarto, and he promptly bought it himself and introduced me to it. It's a great one-on-one game, that's basically a complex version of tic-tac-toe. The rules are simple, complete a row of 4 pieces that share a common trait. The traits are short/tall, solid/hole, round/square, white/black. If a 4 pieces all share atleast one of those traits, it's a win. The last rule is you don't pick your piece, your opponent does after their move. This makes the game revolve around setting up win conditions and denying your opponent winning pieces.. but forcing them to give you winning pieces.
Great game.
Played Alien Frontiers for the first time today, I've enjoyed it. The mechanics were very simple but interesting enough once I actually understood them.
The game ended with 3 players tying 2 points away from the winner, who wasn't the only person who actually played the game before.
I had this as a kid ages ago, alongside Abalone and two games I can't remember.
I wonder how different it would be if I played it now.
Yesterday I've played A Game of Thrones 2nd edition for the first time,
I guess it's just not my kind of game.