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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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I got a surprise play of Dixit last night. Sister in law got it for her birthday, and it was simple enough to play with her parents who were in town for the holiday. It's super simple... sort of like an Apples to Apples with pictures... make up a little phrase/sentence/story for one of your pictures, everyone submits one of theirs that they think matches your sentence, then everyone tries to guess which one is yours.

Shocked to see how highly rated it is on BGG, not because I didn't enjoy it, but because it doesn't seem like a BGG-friendly game.
My GF and I finished the game of Civ we started yesterday. I'd say total play time was close to three hours if not a bit more. I did end up beating her with a Tech victory.

Now what did we think? I think we both felt a little cold to it. I think we both felt that the phases didn't flow together all that well. It felt like a game of lots of starts and stops. The other thing we were meh on was the battle system. I like the idea of using a deck building mechanic to build your troops but the actual fighting felt completely anti-climactic.

I did love the tech building. Each player has the same techs but how to build your tech pyramid is up to you. It's a really neat mechanic and mirrors the tech tree aspect of the videogame.

In the end we want to play it again with at least one more person. With two we really didn't attack each other as much as we could and the trade phase pretty much was useless. I'm hoping with more people we would see more player interaction.


First tragedy, then farce.
So.. Power Struggle.

Has gone from my first 10 ever on BGG, my favorite game to almost about to be on the trade block.

The game is severely broken.

If everyone builds similar building levels you will be waiting 3-4 turns for phase 3 to start (you will be blocked in with everyone at 2 connections per city but everyone 2-3 buildings short of forcing game end, and 6-8 power plants to go before you can build a 3rd connection per city.

This then turns into a churn of no one buying cities, a couple of people buying power plants (maybe) and then firing cities. If you are in the lead at this point you can't afford to fire any of your plants because you will be the last to buy fuel for the rest of the game. In short, the fuels will all run out by the time you get to phase 3.

You then run through 20 minutes of the players in last place grabbing a shitload of money and all of the resources and waiting for phase 3. 30 minutes later the 2 players in last place go on a city buying frenzy and win the game since no one else has the money to buy enough connections or has no access to resources to fuel their power stations.

This has now happened by last 4 games of Power Grid. I have asked for rule clarifications on BGG and I am doing everything correctly. Several posters have defended the mechanics as something you should strategize around. I'm not interested in playing a race to the bottom in the first half of the game.


Hail to the KING baby
put about 10 games up on ebay

gonna hang on to battlelore (richard borg <3 >> fantasy hate), survive (new version looks a lot nicer but i heard there are some production issues plus the old survive box is awesome), and twilight struggle (want to have it around for xmas plus the old board isn't that bad; at least it's not a poster or something *ahem* monpoc)

but adios formula d, puerto rico, FITS, monsters menace america, and a touch of evil!


Hail to the KING baby
joeyjoejoeshabadoo said:
Don't they sell the mounted board separately?
Yeah it's out of stock though and the whole upgrade kit is barely less than a new game.

Been hearing some mixed reviews of Civ recently. Seems like the tide is turning a bit although it might just be natural BGG backlash. Reconsidering my order for now, although I have forever to decide since that's the order with Gric: The Goodies and 7 Wonders :lol


Not sure if I mentioned this but when I talked to Zev at BGG he said he was shooting for a Prophesy reprint next summer. If you like the idea of Talisman, but want to not feel like a kick in the crotch keep that one in mind.

Will probably pick up the expansion in advance of the reprint.


Had a chance to finally play Summoner's War today. The game has been sitting on a shelf for months. Real simple to learn.

I have the Dwarves and Goblin starter set and a few turns in I assumed the Goblins were overpowered because they have two classes of dudes that cost nothing to summon. Plus the common fighters have a special ability where they attack after the regular attack phase, meaning the goblin player can stack attacks.

However, the game ended up being pretty close. I was down to just my Summoner and he had his Summoner, one grunt, and one special character left when he finally won.

I liked it. I'm pretty sure it's been mentioned that it's a figure-battle game without any figures, so set up is real quick. It seemed like we both had some poor rolls so the die felt balanced.

Not sure that I'd buy any additional sets but I can see this game coming out once in a while.

We then played a game of Odin's Ravens.


First tragedy, then farce.
also, played my freebie from BGG Con Aton today.

Really solid 2p game. It is also much simpler than the rules make it sound with all of it's Egyptian gibberish and symbols.

Seems to have some really good depth + a 15 minute playing time... and all that Egyptian stuff looks cool.


First tragedy, then farce.

Power Grid is not broken. A bunch of guys at BGG helped me figure out what I had screwed up. Someone at game night had "corrected" a rule I was playing with. My original interpretation was correct, and his "fix" wound up breaking the entire game completely.

Merry early Xmas to me... one of my favorite games is salavged.

I should have figured it out given the game went from OMG AMAZING! to slightly shitty starting with Power Grid on board game night...


First tragedy, then farce.
AstroLad said:
Been hearing some mixed reviews of Civ recently. Seems like the tide is turning a bit although it might just be natural BGG backlash. Reconsidering my order for now, although I have forever to decide since that's the order with Gric: The Goodies and 7 Wonders :lol

Well, we'll have to see. I enjoyed the game flow and the mechanics.

The problem is most people got 1 maybe 2 plays in at BGG-Con... so at that point it was more of a "wow, this games mechanics are cool and it seems fun". It's not until the game has been played 4-5 times do you really start to see the strategy open up and figure out if the game is actually good or just fun mechanics.


First tragedy, then farce.
Cyan said:
Huh. What was the rules problem? Now I'm curious.

someone told me during the building phase that in turn order you built your first connection. Then after everyone had built 1 connection you got to build your second.

The problem is this all but ensures everyone will build a similar number of cities which will clog the game up during phase 2.
StoOgE said:
someone told me during the building phase that in turn order you built your first connection. Then after everyone had built 1 connection you got to build your second.

The problem is this all but ensures everyone will build a similar number of cities which will clog the game up during phase 2.
Doesn't that kind of defeat the purpose of the "lesson" of the game? Resources are supposed to be in short supply. No wonder why it broke the game.


First tragedy, then farce.
joeyjoejoeshabadoo said:
Doesn't that kind of defeat the purpose of the "lesson" of the game? Resources are supposed to be in short supply. No wonder why it broke the game.

it didn't affect the resources, but it made it effectively impossible to end the game in step 2.

Then you had to wait for step 3 to come out.. which could be a while if no one was buying many plants.


Hail to the KING baby
joey i sent you a pm re betrayal at house on the hill

good to hear aton is good too. going to have to try that out next week


Hail to the KING baby
Here are CSI's CYBER MONDAY sales:

Hansa Teutonica $26.99
Power Struggle $31.99
Tales of the Arabian Nights $29.99
Dungeon Lords $34.99
Tinner's Trail $31.99
Panzer General: Allied Assault $31.99
Panzer General: Russian Assault $31.99
Baltimore and Ohio $29.99
Charon Inc. $21.99
Asteroyds $23.99
Globalization $4.99
Hornet $22.99
SmileyFace $7.99

Nothing too spectacular in terms of games I want, but Tales of the Arabian Nights (which I own) is an amazing game if you are looking for a storytelling/Choose-Your-Own-Adventure-style board game. Check out the reviews if you wish but it's really a lot of fun. Also very nice production values per Z-Man's usual high quality.
AstroLad said:
Here are CSI's CYBER MONDAY sales:

Hansa Teutonica $26.99
Power Struggle $31.99
Tales of the Arabian Nights $29.99
Dungeon Lords $34.99
Tinner's Trail $31.99
Panzer General: Allied Assault $31.99
Panzer General: Russian Assault $31.99
Baltimore and Ohio $29.99
Charon Inc. $21.99
Asteroyds $23.99
Globalization $4.99
Hornet $22.99
SmileyFace $7.99

Nothing too spectacular in terms of games I want, but Tales of the Arabian Nights (which I own) is an amazing game if you are looking for a storytelling/Choose-Your-Own-Adventure-style board game. Check out the reviews if you wish but it's really a lot of fun. Also very nice production values per Z-Man's usual high quality.

I'm checking to see if they can add Asteroyds to an open order I have (damn 7 Wonders). I can second the recommendation for Tales of the Arabian Nights, not much of a game but a wonderful experience.


Hail to the KING baby
Mr. Lemming said:
I'm checking to see if they can add Asteroyds to an open order I have (damn 7 Wonders). I can second the recommendation for Tales of the Arabian Nights, not much of a game but a wonderful experience.
I'm always futzing with my orders there so it shouldn't be a problem. Did you see about 7 Wonder though? Looks like it might not even make the holidays. I currently have it in my early-2011 order with Merchants & Marauders, and a bunch of Gric things that aren't out yet.


First tragedy, then farce.
Hans Teutonica is supposed to be good (BGG game of the year) but I have enough worker placement games at this point.

Tinner's Trail is Martin Wallace so that should be a winner, but I don't think 31 dollars is all that much of a discount.
Just want to give a post-Thanksgiving report.

Everyone had a great time with the games I ended up with. Glad that I picked up short, quick-start games since it meant that everyone got a chance to play. My sister and her boyfriend were sitting there playing board games on their phone after lunch on Thanksgiving and I told them to cut that shit out and play some actual board games :lol

In order of play, the games stacked up like so:

1) Blokus
2) Rumis
3) Hey That's My Fish
4) Ingenious

By far, Blokus was the biggest hit. Played several hours of it on Thursday and again on Saturday night when I met up again with my mom, sister, and her boyfriend. Highly recommend Blokus for the holidays as it's a great way to pass the time. Even my mom really got into it, too.

We switched out Blokus for Rumis a few times, but my sister didn't enjoy it as much. She's already a bit spatially challenged and playing in 3D ensured that she lost like, every round :lol

Hey That's My Fish was fun, but I learned that you can't play this game with an investment banker; he always wins because his whole career is about finding ways to take the most resources.

Ingenious still remains a favorite of my wife because it's the one board game where she can pretty consistently beat me. I have no idea why/how; she never beats me in board games (though I love her for trying!) but she kicks my butt in this game.

Action shot:




stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Played Bohnanza with some non-gamers over the long weekend and it was a disaster. It was me and my wife (both gamers), her sister and boyfriend (light gamers - they own catan) and her parents, who have 0 exposure to Eurogames.

My mother in law kept asking/complaining over and over about not being able to re-arrange the cards in her hand. She kept saying "but why CAN'T you?!?" and I kept explaining that the point was you needed to be prepared when your turn came up, and trade away anything you didn't want - it was the object of the game. Re-arranging would ruin it.

Also, my father in law just kept wanting to be a part of any and every trade. He'd shout "I'll take that wax bean!" and I would say "wait... why? You don't have wax beans planted..." and he would respond "oh... I guess I don't know why I wanted it!" Yes, I know he could have been planning a bean switch, but trust me... he wasn't.

Lastly, they kept asking fundamental questions about the game itself. Stuff like "why do we plant beans? Why do we harvest beans and earn money?" I didn't know how to respond other than to say "That's the entire premise of the game."

All in all I don't think anyone enjoyed themselves very much, and three of us finished with 10 coins, the other three with 11 coins. :lol :lol

Ah well. At least we had a good time with Apples to Apples later. Although I was fucking pissed when the adjective was "Cosmic" and I DIDN'T win with "Jupiter". The judge picked "Pyramids" instead.


First tragedy, then farce.
I've raged on someone during a game of Power Grid who did similar things. A great plant came up that would have won her the game, but she refused to buy it because she would have to get rid of her lucky number plant.

Her lucky number was 8. She held onto that crappy plant the entire game and lost.

Gateway games or not, certain games are only going to go over well with analytical minds.


Hail to the KING baby
I've never had Bohnanza really "work." It really is counterintuitive in fairly unfun ways, so I think the reactions were pretty reasonable for non-gamers. I do have one friend who absolutely loves it though for reasons that are still unclear to me. Ah well, least it's cheap.


First tragedy, then farce.
AstroLad said:
I've never had Bohnanza really "work." It really is counterintuitive in fairly unfun ways, so I think the reactions were pretty reasonable for non-gamers. I do have one friend who absolutely loves it though for reasons that are still unclear to me. Ah well, least it's cheap.

My girlfriends brother owns it. It is one of 4 games he owns and he has been banned from ever playing it with his wife or two of his sisters (including my girlfriend) so I doubt I ever get to try it.
As an aside, Charlie, your (family's?) kitties are adorable.

On topic, thanks Astrolad et al, for recommending Jaipur. Wife and I finally tried it yesterday, and while she swept the series (grrrr!), we both totally loved it. Nice and fast, kind of simple, but strategically deep and interesting. Really looking forward to playing more.


Hail to the KING baby
platypotamus said:
On topic, thanks Astrolad et al, for recommending Jaipur. Wife and I finally tried it yesterday, and while she swept the series (grrrr!), we both totally loved it. Nice and fast, kind of simple, but strategically deep and interesting. Really looking forward to playing more.
My wife beats me most of the time at it too. Almost every game I've ever played (except tutorial/first games) has been really close though, at least in the aggregate.
AstroLad said:
My wife beats me most of the time at it too. Almost every game I've ever played (except tutorial/first games) has been really close though, at least in the aggregate.

Yeah, she lost the first round until we remembered to count our camel herds. Damn it.
Has anybody played Wasabi!? I got it cheap on BGG and it arrived last Friday. My mom and I played a game while my son was napping and it's kind of fun. It's super light and completely non-threatening to non-gamers so it was perfect for my mom.

The game has you placing tiles to complete various sushi recipes. Once a recipe is complete you score points based on the size and if you did it "In style" (in the exact order on the recipe card) you get wasabi cubes, which is just bonus points at the end of the game. The game also features kitchen cards which allow you to break a rule (eg. play two tiles instead of one, stack ingredients) you get kitchen cards by completing a recipe as a bonus. Like I said the game is really light and plays quickly.

The components are top notch and colorful. The player screens are themed like menus they not only look nice but are functional in that they provide slots to place your recipe cards. They also included little dishes for your wasabi cubes. It's completely unnecessary but fun and adds to the theme.

Some people on BGG say it's too luck based and the kitchen cards are too chaotic, and they are somewhat right. However, for a fast, light, "noob" friendly game like this, one could easily looks past the chaos and find something fun.


I've played Wasabi once & hated it. There's few games I downright hate & that's one of them. Just didn't gel with me at all. Production quality is top notch & I feel like I should like it, but I don't :)


First tragedy, then farce.
So.. signed up for two giants in the coming weeks at board game night.

Die Macher - this game has scared me ever since I first saw it.


Android - almost as scary.


The one I didn't sign up for is Container. It looks like the worst game ever.. I mean, the box is a picture of shipping containers. Half of my normal gaming group swears it was *the* game of BGG-Con. The other half thinks it was Wallenstein.

Look at all that excitement in a box.



First tragedy, then farce.
So a few things.. just finished my trial game of Battlestar Gallactica. Hoping to get it to the table this weekend. It really does seem like a better version of Shadows over Camelot (which is a game I really really like). Being a fan of the show doesn't hurt either.. and I have several friends who are fans as well. That said, the first person to design a co-op with traitor game that doesn't take up 20 sq ft of playings space will get my money. And no, sabateur doesn't count.

What does the Pegasus expansion bring to the table and why is it so maligned?

Finished learning all of my BGG-Con pick ups. Looks like Hera and Zeus is going to be the only casualty from those I bought. It is entirely too convoluted of a game to fit into the "quick 2p game" niche I was hoping it would. Kosmos 2p games are usually very simple.. this one has too much shit going on. It's like Stratego but much harder... seems like a fun game, but I'm not going to teach someone this game for the 30 minutes it could take when I could teach them a better 2p game like 1960 in less time. Luckily Aton fills in the spot I was hoping Hera and Zeus would as a nice Battle Line equivalent of a simple but deep 2p game.

Also hoping someone here has played St. Petersburg before as the rules are insanely confusing (though the game seems simple enough). I think it looks like a real winner once I'm clear on the rules.. seems like a very simple tableau game without role selection that I could use as a gateway to RFTG.

1) You can buy or take any type of card in hand from the top or bottom row during any given phase (i.e. you can buy an aristocrat on the bottom row at -1 cost during the building phase).

2) You only score those cards in your tableau during their phase. So, you put an aristocrat in your tableau during the worker phase. All well and good, but you aren't going to earn any VP for him until the end of the next aristocrat phase.

3) Points are cumulative.. so putting an aristocrat down during the first aristocrat phase means you score his VP every time that phase come up for the rest of the game (unless you replace him with a trade card).

Am I right on this?
StoOgE said:
So a few things.. just finished my trial game of Battlestar Gallactica. Hoping to get it to the table this weekend. It really does seem like a better version of Shadows over Camelot (which is a game I really really like). Being a fan of the show doesn't hurt either.. and I have several friends who are fans as well.

What does the Pegasus expansion bring to the table and why is it so maligned?
Neverfade would more than likely give you more in depth impression but here's what I understand.

There are two big changes that people don't seem to like. One is the Cylon leaders, they have a special victory condition they draw at the beginning of the game. The yare either good for the humans or bad but you don't know which. Another problem people have is the New Caprica phase. Basically halfway through the game you get to New Caprica and you have to play by a whole new set of rules. I haven't had a chance to play with it yet but if I do I think I'm going to be keeping the Cylon leaders and the Pegasus board but leave out the New Caprica phase.


Joey has it right.

The New Caprica stuff is just fucking ignorant. It involves a total rewrite of some of the fiddly rules -- i.e. when jump icons activate or when heavy raiders move and when they do not...it's fucking unnecessary. Not to mention the Caprica phase just adds so much more time to a game that already is long.

Personally, I'd play the base game over BSG w/ Pegasus 10 out of 10 times. The Cylon leaders aren't worth the hassle. Literally the best thing in the box are the plastic basestars. Hell, I'll gladly sell you my copy of Pegasus. I'll never use it again. The new characters are even a pain because you have to play with certain rules if you incorporate them -- their once-per-game abilities rely on it. Not to mention a new hierarchy for each chain of command and an overlay for the cylon ships. Christ, just thinking about it has me steaming.

THAT being said, man I'm pumped for the Exodus expansion. It looks to add three much smaller rulesets that aren't going to make you relearn a game and have to use X components for Y components to work ala Pegasus.


First tragedy, then farce.
Interesting.. I actually think this genre of games (cooperation games, especially those with a traitor component) need to rely on very simple rules that can be easily taught early in the game.

It's very possible a first time player will be the traitor or the game "leader" will wind up working against the good guys. So everyone needs to pretty much know what their goal is early.

Throwing monkey wrenches into that would seem to be a bad idea.

I am guessing that they purpose behind the changes was to make the game mesh with where the show had gone since the game came out since most of the games basis went out the window by the end of S1?

One thing I like (or think I like since I haven't played it yet) is the game does seem to feel more like you are trying to keep your ship flying to escape the Cylons. It's something Forbidden Island and Pandemic both managed well.. make you feel like you are up against time and what you are doing makes sense.

As much as I do enjoy Shadows over Camelot it feels more like an abstract game with a theme bolted onto it. A few of the games (mostly Excalibur) feel very well thought out where the rest are just variants of poker hands.


StoOgE said:
One thing I like (or think I like since I haven't played it yet) is the game does seem to feel more like you are trying to keep your ship flying to escape the Cylons. It's something Forbidden Island and Pandemic both managed well.. make you feel like you are up against time and what you are doing makes sense.

This is very much the case with base-game BSG. Shit it going to be flying. The humans are around to control the bleeding just lost enough.

PS - still have that Terra Prime you want to get rid of? Tell me how much itll run me and I'll send you the cash in a few days.
Yea Pegasus was kind of neat in concept and was meant to be fluffy, but yea it just adds a whole lot of complexity and slows the game down big time. I kinda felt the same way about some of the Arkham Horror expansions that involved extra boards as well... dunno seems that when they add a second board to a game things are getting too cluttered.

Best part is when traitor players turn on each other, so many good times involved in that and funny situations.


First tragedy, then farce.
Thanks guys.. sounds like I should stear clear of it.

I think I might get Merlin's whatever it's called for Shadows over Camelot instead.

1) It makes the game harder
2) It's 15 dollars at my FLGS.


I played some Lord of Vegas yesterday. Much better game than expected. For a game that comes with about 40 dice, it is actually quite strategic and gives you a lot of choices and interaction with your opponents. You are basically building up the Vegas strip through buying empty lots and choosing to build casinos on them. There are a lot of cool mechanics and the theme actually works quite well.


Hail to the KING baby
BattleMonkey said:
Yea Pegasus was kind of neat in concept and was meant to be fluffy, but yea it just adds a whole lot of complexity and slows the game down big time. I kinda felt the same way about some of the Arkham Horror expansions that involved extra boards as well... dunno seems that when they add a second board to a game things are getting too cluttered.

Best part is when traitor players turn on each other, so many good times involved in that and funny situations.
Yeah I'm thinking of getting rid of a couple of my AH expansions actually. I love the game and the expansions are all good to great, but I so rarely get to play AH that it's kind of a joke that I own three big-box expansions for it. Probably hang on to Dunwich and the small boxes (which are so much easier to introduce to new players anyway).


First tragedy, then farce.
Drey1082 said:
I played some Lord of Vegas yesterday. Much better game than expected. For a game that comes with about 40 dice, it is actually quite strategic and gives you a lot of choices and interaction with your opponents. You are basically building up the Vegas strip through buying empty lots and choosing to build casinos on them. There are a lot of cool mechanics and the theme actually works quite well.

I enjoyed my game of it.. but I have a few problems with the game.

First of all, there is too much luck involved. The strategy is great, but if you build up a casino and the D6 spot has yet to be claimed you are basically waiting to lose control of the casino. You can of course force a reroll though.

Second, WHY IS THERE PAPER MONEY? You have a game about Las Vegas. POKER CHIPS. POKER CHIPS. Why are there not poker chips in this game by default?

Lastly.. the box itself is about the worst thing ever. The board, the chits, the dice are all top quality and look like an amazing game.. and the box and storage tray just look like some throwaway game no one cares about.

Other than that I really like the idea of the game. It is like aqcuire but with some randomness to it and a pretty theme. I would like another play with it, but I own acquire and it scratches too much of the same itch.


First tragedy, then farce.
Has anyone here used Sci-Fi City before?

They have some insanely low prices on some of their games while their average price is on par with CSI and free shipping for 100 dollar orders.

I'm hesitant to leave the comfort of CSI, but some of their prices are substantially (5-10 dollars a game) better.

I think I'm going to put together a 7 wonders, Civilization + some war games order. I figure 7 wonders isn't going to make the holidays so it will be a post Xmas present to myself. And it gives me time to move anything out of the order that I get for Christmas.
StoOgE said:
I enjoyed my game of it.. but I have a few problems with the game.

First of all, there is too much luck involved. The strategy is great, but if you build up a casino and the D6 spot has yet to be claimed you are basically waiting to lose control of the casino. You can of course force a reroll though.

Second, WHY IS THERE PAPER MONEY? You have a game about Las Vegas. POKER CHIPS. POKER CHIPS. Why are there not poker chips in this game by default?

Lastly.. the box itself is about the worst thing ever. The board, the chits, the dice are all top quality and look like an amazing game.. and the box and storage tray just look like some throwaway game no one cares about.

Other than that I really like the idea of the game. It is like aqcuire but with some randomness to it and a pretty theme. I would like another play with it, but I own acquire and it scratches too much of the same itch.
The paper money is the only thing that really bugs me about the game but it's easily fixed. The insert is an annoyance as it's not even made for the game, but again, easily fixable. The luck factor actually works with the theme. I've said this before, but rolling fistfuls of dice is satisfying as fuck.

AstroLad said:
some peeps on bgg are organizing a werewolf game for first-timers: http://www.boardgamegeek.com/article/5875102#5875102

i've actually never played online before but it seems like it might be kinda fun so i signed up
We used to do this at another board I was a member of, it was fun. We used to do themed games where the moderator would choose a theme (usually a movie or tv show) and assign characters from the show or movie. Everyone would then change their avatars to match their characters and play. The game actually plays well online.
StoOgE said:
Has anyone here used Sci-Fi City before?

They have some insanely low prices on some of their games while their average price is on par with CSI and free shipping for 100 dollar orders.

I'm hesitant to leave the comfort of CSI, but some of their prices are substantially (5-10 dollars a game) better.

I think I'm going to put together a 7 wonders, Civilization + some war games order. I figure 7 wonders isn't going to make the holidays so it will be a post Xmas present to myself. And it gives me time to move anything out of the order that I get for Christmas.

Sci Fi City in Orlando? They are a well known store, never ordered from them though online.
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