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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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StoOgE said:
Yeah, Black Friday in general can really lead you to buying shit you don't want because it is cheap.

I think Astrolad called it the Steam sale syndrome at BGG-Con and he's right. You see shit. Shit is cheaper than you normally see it so you but it even if you don't really want it.

I almost bought Gulo Gulo tonight at my FLGS because it was in stock for 35 dollars. It's a game for children. I'm a 28 year old man-child. But it's like 80-100 dollars on BGG at any given time so I almost pulled the trigger.

What FLGS? I'm a grown man but I /do/ have two kids that'd like it ;)


First tragedy, then farce.
dogbert said:
What FLGS? I'm a grown man but I /do/ have two kids that'd like it ;)

Dragon's Lair on Burnett and 2222.

If you want me to run over there Friday I can grab it. They are supposed to have some sort of Black Friday sale that I want to check out anyway.


First tragedy, then farce.
MichaelBD said:
And the more I'm thinking about Civ the more I'm obsessing over it. I'm just really scared about the playing time and how that will affect being able to play it on some type of regular basis.

At BGG-Con the playtime we heard about ranged from 4-6 hours and that was everyone's first game. I only played the short game, but if those 4-6 hour times included learning the game you can lop an hour off the playtime.. and that was with someone teaching it to us. So a lot of those extreme playtimes could include a ton of learning the game. Obviously players with AP are going to bring a game with this many options to a crawl.

Playtime is a real concern, but I figure a good game of Civ on the PC takes about as long.. and I liked it enough that if it makes it to the table 3-4 times a year I would be thrilled.

That said, my local gaming group that I played it with was begging me to buy it so that they could play it so I have a built in audience for it.


First tragedy, then farce.
Checked on sales this morning.

CSI and Thoughthammer are running pretty disappointing black friday sales.

though, given their margins I'm not really shocked.


StoOgE said:
Dragon's Lair on Burnett and 2222.

If you want me to run over there Friday I can grab it. They are supposed to have some sort of Black Friday sale that I want to check out anyway.

Nah, I can run over, I need to pick up something little for my Secret Santa target anyway.


StoOgE said:
At BGG-Con the playtime we heard about ranged from 4-6 hours and that was everyone's first game. I only played the short game, but if those 4-6 hour times included learning the game you can lop an hour off the playtime.. and that was with someone teaching it to us. So a lot of those extreme playtimes could include a ton of learning the game. Obviously players with AP are going to bring a game with this many options to a crawl.

Playtime is a real concern, but I figure a good game of Civ on the PC takes about as long.. and I liked it enough that if it makes it to the table 3-4 times a year I would be thrilled.

That said, my local gaming group that I played it with was begging me to buy it so that they could play it so I have a built in audience for it.
I meet with a group that gets together on Thursday nights for roughly 4 hours at a pop. If we could get through a game in that amount of time I'd be thrilled. And there has been a lot of interest with Civ from some of them as well, so I have high hopes that it could ultimately be played once a month or so.


Hail to the KING baby
BattleMonkey said:
Most gaming black friday sales are meh, good stuff is generally only on liquidation items.
yup i would still maintain that the monpoc voltron at miniaturemarket for $25 is the best deal in "board"gaming atm
AstroLad said:
yup i would still maintain that the monpoc voltron at miniaturemarket for $25 is the best deal in "board"gaming atm

They overbought so much monpoc stuff. The site when it launched said they had almost 800 copies of Voltron in stock :lol . Same with much of the initial releases and within 2 months they were dumping 100's of cases of boosters for 50-60% off.
StoOgE said:
Columbia's Block War games are pretty straightforward as well. I played and enjoyed Richard III a good deal and found it's complexity to be very straightforward. Not really any more difficult than M44 in my eyes but a much more satisfying game.

Just a heads up, Time Well Spent has it on sale as part of their black friday deals for $37


First tragedy, then farce.
BomberMouse said:
Just a heads up, Time Well Spent has it on sale as part of their black friday deals for $37

You are amazing.

edit: nevermind 10 dollar shipping puts it right back to normal prices.

I would have to spend 150 to get free shipping.... hrmm..
StoOgE said:
You are amazing.

edit: nevermind 10 dollar shipping puts it right back to normal prices.

I would have to spend 150 to get free shipping.... hrmm..

:lol Sorry, I always have to pay shipping so I never notice the free shipping threshold, I assumed it would be between $50 and $100.

EDIT: They do have a price matching policy though, so it might be easier to make a $150 order that way.

Best Prices Guarantee

If you find a lower price somewhere else, we will match it! Please note in the comments sections where you found that price, what the price is, and we will match it. At this time we can not price match games manufactured or distributed by Haba, Fred, or Mayfair Games (This includes Phalanx Games).

Personally, I've never bought from them but they seem to have a good reputation.


First tragedy, then farce.
BomberMouse said:
:lol Sorry, I always have to pay shipping so I never notice the free shipping threshold, I assumed it would be between 50 and 100.

yeah, it's why I use CSI or boardsandbits. 100 dollar threshold FTW.

Every other month I put together a 3-4 game order for free shipping. It's like getting a game free compared to FLGS prices.

edit: just saw your edit. I might talk to the GF and parents tomorrow about getting my Xmas presents together tomorrow from this website.

Part of the problem right now is I want to get Texas Glory which is a Columbia Block War game about the Texas war for Independence... it only seems to be in stock at Columbia's website which is MSRP. Might have to hold off on that one.
Seth C said:
I wish Ticket to Ride was on sale somewhere for Black Friday.

I've heard that there's a coupon for 30% off one item at barnes and noble, which carries Ticket to Ride. I can't find the coupon online though, so it may be an email/snail mail only thing though?


Hail to the KING baby
black friday plans:

Seth C said:
I wish Ticket to Ride was on sale somewhere for Black Friday.
Sign up for a free membership at Borders. They constantly send out 30% off coupons and will throw in a 40% one every once in awhile. Borders carries TtR as well as a random selection of other games.


First tragedy, then farce.
AstroLad said:
black friday plans:


pretty jealous...

there are only a few places to worry about area control in the game compared even to 1960.. unless the rules are much more complicated it seems like it should be a simpler game than TS.

Also, put together an order for Xmas. My parents, GF and her brother are splitting an order of Richard III, Washington's War, Civilization and at least one mystery game.

So, pretty excited.. starting to build my light war game collection which seems to be the perfect 2p games with some depth.

I think I'm going to wind up with Rommel in the Desert, Hammer of the Scots and Paths of Glory early next year to round it out.


Hail to the KING baby
Haven't played it yet (that's actually my learning game) but the rules are a good deal more complex, you've got terrorist cells, terrorist plots, troops, etc. to manage and there are checks all over the place (player guides have like six tables each). TS seems to give you a decent base to learn the rest, but there's a lot more layered on top. Then again when I play it and it all clicks together that might all be moot.

Then again compared to some of the stuff you're playing I'm sure it's quite reasonable. :p

The nice thing is that the second book has a really long playthrough of a few turns, which is what I'm working through now. Every medium+ game should have this. Not just examples in rules, but several detailed turns.

Just wanna learn it in time for when my brother gets here. Probably won't have time for a real game this weekend since I need to teach & play Le Havre and MonPoc.


First tragedy, then farce.
I've heard it is more complicated than TS.. but the board has a lot less going on. I'll be interested to see your opinions.

I think Washington's War will probably be more complicated since it is a card based war game. From what I have gathered 1960 and TS are "euro game"d versions of the We the People system that has been popular in wargaming for the last 20 years or so. Washington's War is a reprint with a few streamlined additions of We the People.

The Columbia Block War games on the other hand are super simple. 2-3 hour playtimes and 2 page rule books. I'm really not exaggerating when I say that Richard III is a simpler game than Memoir 44, but much more rewarding. It manages to distill wargaming into simple die rolls but balances itself very well.

Assuming Richard III goes over well with a couple of my friends I can see myself buying 3-4 more of these light war games. From what I have read on BGG a lot of the games I am going into are very Euro-friendly.

That said, the last time I tried to treat a non-board game like a board game MonPoc happened :lol


First tragedy, then farce.
BomberMouse said:
I've been reading the Richard III rules and I'm not sure it's simpler than M44 but it sure looks like fun, the whole "fog of war" aspect looks really cool

Well the only move you can really make it to activate as many hexes as you have points on your card.. march them towards your opponent and then fight.

The only other thing to keep up with is loyalty checks which aren't any different than the battle mechanics and a couple of fiddly rules here and there.


First tragedy, then farce.
funagain is running free shipping on 50 dollar orders and is going to have some sale items go up at 9 AM PST.

They are the most expensive of the online stores however. Civilization is 8 dollars more expensive on their website than CSI.


Hail to the KING baby
StoOgE said:
funagain is running free shipping on 50 dollar orders and is going to have some sale items go up at 9 AM PST.

They are the most expensive of the online stores however. Civilization is 8 dollars more expensive on their website than CSI.
civ for 33
forbidden island for 10
ravenloft for 35

pretty screamin deals when you count the free shipping
wth, local store had board game sale on everything 35% off, find out that it was yesterday only. Everything is on sale but the board games were on sale only a few hours on Thanksgiving day? Fuckers.

StoOgE said:
That said, the last time I tried to treat a non-board game like a board game MonPoc happened :lol

Most of these games you are talking of are really board games more than actual wargames.


Hail to the KING baby
so do i :lol but still, cheaper than i got them or have ever seen them

edit: actually i think that's the only even halfway decent black friday board-game sale there has been online, so appreciate it!
BattleMonkey said:
The warstore black friday sale is going on, they tend to be more wargame and miniature heavy, but they carry everything and do have a board game section sale going on at http://www.thewarstore.com/BlackFridayBoardgameBlitz.html

Also at checkout you get an extra 5% off if you put in the code "Black Friday" . They use a flat rate shipping of about 5-6$ for no matter how much you order.
Chez Guevara

SMH Steve Jackson.


First tragedy, then farce.
AstroLad said:
so do i :lol but still, cheaper than i got them or have ever seen them

edit: actually i think that's the only even halfway decent black friday board-game sale there has been online, so appreciate it!

it also lasted about 20 minutes.. including the 50 dollar free shipping

Civ at 35 dollars at the War game thingy.

Not bad. Sadly, I am in buying lockdown as I already released my Xmas wishlist to family and girlfriend. Last year I got a really good deal on something on my wishlist and my father raged at me as they had bought it too.


Hail to the KING baby
StoOgE said:
it also lasted about 20 minutes.. including the 50 dollar free shipping

Civ at 35 dollars at the War game thingy.

Not bad. Sadly, I am in buying lockdown as I already released my Xmas wishlist to family and girlfriend. Last year I got a really good deal on something on my wishlist and my father raged at me as they had bought it too.
Yeah I'm on lockdown because I have so much shit to learn once my next order arrives next week or the week after. Christmas is a non-issue though because my wife and family already know that I buy myself all the board games I want :lol


First tragedy, then farce.
Well, there is that too.

I think I am mainly going to be getting expansions. My parents refuse to order things off the internet and refuse to pay 70 bucks for a game, so I sent them a list of Power Grid expansions they can get in store for 15 dollars and various filler games that are under 20.

Most likely I am going to hold off on getting this via a sale and pay full price sometime in January.. but I did just buy 10 games at BGG-Con, so I guess I'll live :lol


Hail to the KING baby
smore black friday gaming now that i've finished the labyrinth tutorial game:


omg stooge we shoulda totally just played voltron instead. no buildings. set armies. only one unit type (though the alpha form of the monster is five morphers with their own abilities, so it's not boring). ah well this will be a nice way to ease people (including myself) into real monpoc


First tragedy, then farce.
But it doesn't look as cool without the buildings... :(

Oh well, I think MonPoc is going to go away from my collection in favor of light wargaming. I'm going to hold off to see if you are able to teach the game over the holidays to some of your family.
So far digging Dust Tactics, the game plays very quick and it's design makes it pretty fast set up game compared to most miniature wargames. Rules are very simple but make sense, there is a whole lot of similarities to the AT-43 rule system used by Rackham, which is to be expected since the game was developed by those who created that rule system and later left that company.

Be interested to see how the game continues to play once the expansions come out, the next one already shown off is Artillery Strike adding artillery mechs, sniper teams, and command squads.

Booster packs also seem very reasonable, a squad of troopers will run $14.95-$19.95 and with online discounts that will be even cheaper. Still waiting to see how much individual tanks will cost.

Pretty pleased with the product, all quality stuff and good timing with the death of AT-43 being confirmed last month. Hopefully does well so that FFG will continue to publish it for Dust Games, the game was passed around to different publishers over the past few years.


First tragedy, then farce.
I enjoyed Dust Tactics for what it was.. but the base game seems extremely simple in a "move, shoot things in range" being basically all you can do at this point.

The components are amazing and I would like to see where the game winds up going. It really seemed to be what I was hoping MonPoc would be.. a board game version of a mini game.

Be careful though, some of the plastic on the Axis walkers guns were broken off in the BGG copy.
Oh I'm used to handling fragile models, I got closets full of miniatures and models I've had to paint/put together and storage for other games.

The simplicity so far is the most negative thing about it, running through the base game will get boring potentially after several goes. The expansions should hopefully liven things up, and the game is made to be scalable. They are also supposed to be putting out rules eventually online to play like a standard miniature wargame allowing us hobby gamers to use our own terrain and wargame tables and ditch the tiles.

Right now lot of the mini/wargaming crowd is a bit hesitant on it due to it's limited nature at the moment. But the 5 expansions announced so far are going to add lot of options and eventually new armies like the British and Aliens.

Dust Co. also puts out model kits for the universe, and all future sets are going to be same scale and include game stat cards to make them compatible with the game. These are model kits and much more expensive though, but for the hobby folks it is a nice option.
I'm back on my wife-enforced lockdown, and really hoping that Christmas gifts help me get some of the stuff that I want really bad that I'm not allowed to buy. I'm almost assuredly going to get Prosperity, as a semi-bowling-ball, because it's probably the only thing on my list that people buying me gifts know that they would want to play.

(Others are Founding Fathers-moderate chance of dad buying because he loves that period of history, 7 Wonders, and Glory to Rome. I toyed with the idea of just using my bgg wishlist AS my christmas list, and saying nuts to everything else, but I didn't).


First tragedy, then farce.

I asked for For Sale, Acquire, the Le Havre expansion, a couple small Carc expansions (King and Scout, Cult, Siege and Creativity) and the Power Grid maps.

I also asked for Richard III, Washington's War, Agricola and Civilization. My attempts to put together a gift order and have my folks and GF go in on the price were thrwarted, so I doubt I see those. My parents and GF both like a lot of shit under the tree, so a lot of small things usually win the day.

My Amazon wishlist has a bunch of stuff on it that is on deep discount this weekend, so I'm expecting that stuff + some of the sub-20 dollar board game stuff I asked for.

Which is fine, I need a copy of Acquire and For Sale is a fun filler game.


Hail to the KING baby
One thing I like about Labyrinth is that you get to play with all the cards. The three-eras mechanic of TS was cool but I barely ever got to play with the late-game cards since I was always playing people with less experience than me (or no experience).


First tragedy, then farce.
So, just finished my trail run of Perikles before playing it on Tuesday night (either Perikles, Puerto Rico or Carson City will be played since I need a medium heavyweight 5 player game)


In any case, something seems wrong here.. it's a Martin Wallace game that has well written rules and very little in the way of little niggling rules. It reminds me a lot of Princes of the Renaissance which is a very good thing.

By reminds me a lot, I mean it's the same game with a handful of tweaks and prettier components. Instead of building your families army up, the different cities come with their own standing army.. your family is only competing for control of those cities and their armies.

in every other way you wind up placing influence in cities and then that cities continued standing over the remainder of the game will have an impact on your score.

We'll have to see how it balances out in play as Sparta and Athens seems to have extremely over powered armies (but are worth the least amount of prestige points at the end).


First tragedy, then farce.
So, just got back from Kinkos.. got 5 laminated copies of 'Carson City: a new beginning'. Best 10 dollars I've spent on a game in a while.


Man, they look super professionally done. Really nice. Wet Erase marker and I can reuse these suckers over and over again. It looks like a fun variant of the game, and as much as Carson City is getting to the table lately it will probably be a welcome addition soon.

Basically instead of everyone starting with 2 parcels, 3 cowboys, 1 gun and 1 road you start with 50 dollars and are able to buy different starting stats including 10 VP for 20 bucks or sell 10 VP (start negative) and get 20 dollars to spend on things at the start of the game.

Some of the things you can buy are special powers in addition to your starting inventory... like "use either side of the player card" or "roll two dice, keep the higher roll".

I think this is coming to the table with my parents tomorrow, so we will probably try the river variant + this to see if that creates a better 3p game since there should be less land = more conflict.

Sadly, my Indian card didn't make it here in time. Guess it was to be expected with the Holiday.


First tragedy, then farce.
Neverfade said:
That's a PNP expansion I take it?


They turned it loose in the world with a "make as many copies as you need" caveat right at the end of the rules explanation at the top of the sheet.

They gave them away at Essen, and Funagain is selling them for 2-3 dollars a sheet as well if you really want to buy them (I love when shitty websites selling free Essen promos blows up in their face).

One thing I learned is to get them on paper slightly smaller than 8.5 x 11. The lamination means you have to bow the cards a bit to get them in the box. I'm going to take it to work on Monday and use your paper slicer to nick a couple of centimeters off each side. The lamination at Kinkos has a lot more on the edge than is actually needed.

edit: here is the file.



Had a good boardgaming day. Finally played Neuroshima Hex. How crazy is it that the boardgame is LESS complex than the card game?

Learned Domaine (the Klaus Teuber game), which was fairly fun. The game gets really interesting when you've built up and begin pushing and invading other people's territory. We played with two and the game felt a little lopsided. Looking forward to playing with a full table.

Played Agricola with the Komplex deck and a couple hands of Dominion: Seaside (Treasure Maps!!!)


Hail to the KING baby
Hey I just played NH yesterday. Love that game even though I know it's not all that popular ITT. Looking forward to playing with the new factions from the expansions I picked up. Also played Jaipur.

We played about halfway through a full game of Le Havre. Had a good time but stopped at the midpoint since it was getting late and I suggested that we could just pick up with a new game next week now that everyone had sort of gotten the swing of things. After that I'm going to have to shift back to Gric as that's the heavy(ish) I plan on introducing to my family when they come over. One thing about Le Havre it's that it definitely makes you appreciate the relatively modest playtime of Gric.

Also played another Dominion rainbow deck that had Platinum and Colony (no Alchemy). Was fun sure but I've been tepid on Dominion recently. We may have just gotten a bad draw; I go back and forth. btw did anyone see anyone playing Dominion at BGG.Con? Kind of weirded me out. Then again we were the only ones I saw playing Catan and Carc so I guess it's just not a place for gateways unless they're super goofy or out of print or something.

Tomorrow MonPoc I hope and probably some light 2P fare like Battle Line.


First tragedy, then farce.
So parents are coming over today.. means Power Grid and Carson City are pretty likely.

I might spring Modern Art on them pre-lunch as a time killer.

Tuesday night I've promised the girlfriend, her brother and his wife a "mentally taxing" game. One of my friends will probably come along as well which means I need a good medium heavy 5p game.

Perikles is possible, but I have yet to play it and I don't know what their patience threshold is going to be. I also feel area control/influence to be a difficult concept to teach since you don't build or own anything.

Carson City is a potential winner but I've played it to death the last 10 days or so (3 games, with another probably coming today).

Le Havre is way too long for a Tuesday night game especially a teaching game since those go silly long.

Power Grid is a favorite of mine, but my girlfriend has written it off as "too simple". By too simple I think she means the game is mechanically simple. She wasn't very good at the game so I don't think she ever moved on to the underlying strategy behind winning and just stuck to the mechanics of the game.

Endeavor - kind of don't like this one.. if anyone wants a copy, let me know!

I think Puerto Rico is my most likely target since it is reasonably easy to teach, is a "mentally taxing" game and supports 5p in under 3 hours even with a teaching game. The only problem is Puerto Rico is a game where a bad move early can fuck your entire strategy.

Also, the advanced search function on BGG is amazingly good at finding a game you own to play. I throw everything in their database and can then search by number of players and play-time and it will spit out a list of my games that match those criteria.
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