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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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Played Puerto Rico for the first time on Saturday. Me and my eldest son absolutely loved it. Can't wait to play more.

My parents also got me Citadels and Settlers of Catan for my birthday. Best parents ever! :D


AstroLad said:
RFTG + Gathering Storm baby. Not that I mind Rebel vs. Imperium on keldon, but it's just too fiddly for me with the takeovers IRL
We play it with all the expansions, I don't really envision myself playing it again without them. I like the huge number of cards and the possibilities.
Then again I'm a fairly "fresh" RftG player and so are my friends, and I've added all the expansions after just a few games with the base game or with just the first two expansions.
TwiztidElf said:
Played Puerto Rico for the first time on Saturday. Me and my eldest son absolutely loved it. Can't wait to play more.

My parents also got me Citadels and Settlers of Catan for my birthday. Best parents ever! :D

Three solid games right there (though I'm super burned out on Catan at this point, if I'm honest).


i need a boardgame recommendation, fellows. back when i was a kiddo i used to play this game called hero quest (?) which i loved. i'm looking for something like that, 2-5ish players..but ideally not in a swords/wizards fantasy setting. is there such a thing as a sci-fi/cyberpunky dungeoncrawl type boardgame? any help would be appreciated!


Hail to the KING baby
coldvein said:
i need a boardgame recommendation, fellows. back when i was a kiddo i used to play this game called hero quest (?) which i loved. i'm looking for something like that, 2-5ish players..but ideally not in a swords/wizards fantasy setting. is there such a thing as a sci-fi/cyberpunky dungeoncrawl type boardgame? any help would be appreciated!
yes, yes there is. you'll have to check these out in terms of playtime and complexity but they are all fairly popular and generally well-reviewed. these are non-fantasy crawlish-type games so you'll also have to take a look to see how well the theme jibes with your needs
Doom the Boardgame
Earth Reborn


I had a marathon session of boardgaming yesterday (and into today). Started about 4pm and didn't finish until 9:30am the next day. When I got home, I slept until 6pm. Thank god for MLK day as I don't have to work tomorrow ;)

Played: Elfenland, AoE III (I won!), Orgeon and LeHarve (I can't be sure, but it had to be atleast a 6 hour game). Man, that game is hard as hell. I came in dead last as I could never do anything but fight to try to get some food the whole game (I could never get more than 1 iron ship). I'd like to play it again when I'm not so tired though. I never did get M&M to the table as it wasn't the best crowd to teach that kind of game.

You may be wondering why I only got 4 games in, well, there was a lot of socializing and it was a dinner party so lots of food being eaten too. Fun times though.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Had a martini + game night with some friends last night. We started with some "Would You Rather" party game just to loosen everyone up. It was hardly a game at all, in fact.

The "main event" was to be A Touch of Evil, but this turned out to be a little disastrous. We had all hit the "martini" side of the party theme pretty hard, and everyone was pretty drunk. And none of us had played touch of evil before... the guy that brought it had only ran through it solo.

So it was a bunch of loud drunk people trying (and failing) to understand WTF we were doing in some fairly heavy dice-rolling game. It was three women and three men, and we eventually started losing the women. At one point all three had got up and left the game, so we decided that was a good time to pack it up, ha.

Switched back to some "tough questions" party game.

I ended up drinking like 7 beers and 3 martinis... things got pretty nuts.

Edit: It didn't help that we invented a house rule in our first "would you rather" game that involved lots of people doing lots of shots... probably not a great way to prep for Touch of Evil!


First tragedy, then farce.
Played a game of Small World today with my 13 year old match with Big Bros Big Sisters.

He *killed* me. He got rampaging Gypsies and figured out that with good die rolls he could easily score 15 points a turn and I couldn't do enough damage to force him into decline until late in the game.


First tragedy, then farce.
So, went to a party at a coworkers place tonight since we are all off tomorrow (hooray working in finance).. with 8 coworkers just to have drinks and bullshit.

I brought Perudo (Liar's Dice) along with me having had such a good time with it the other night.

We must have played 20 games of Perudo.. I can't think of a better party game. This is extremely quick, extremely casual and a ton of fun.. and the more you have had to drink the more fun the game becomes.

I dropped the rules regarding bidding aces because they were too hard given the state of inebriation of most of us, but man was this game a blast. To think, I was about to put it up on the trading block.

It has also inspired me to start tracking my plays on BGG so that I can see what games have and haven't made it to the table over the course of time. Should be a good way to gauge which games I am either ignoring or need to be traded.


Hail to the KING baby
StoOgE said:
It has also inspired me to start tracking my plays on BGG so that I can see what games have and haven't made it to the table over the course of time. Should be a good way to gauge which games I am either ignoring or need to be traded.
I started doing this about six months ago. Up until yesterday I used to even keep track of who played, what expansions were used, and scores. But yesterday I started doing just logging the play and that's it since I know that will allow me to be more diligent.


Fail out bailed
StoOgE said:
It is Tribe's thing. Sort of. Tribe and another group both meet there... I am technically a member of the other group, but the Tribe guys show up and are super nice. I just wish their game section was better.. and their comic section for that matter.

If you are at all interested in getting into some good games, feel free and try it out. The collection these guys have is amazing. Between last week and this week I've played Princes of the Renaissance and will play Goa. The people I play with are great and the combined collection is amazing.

There is a meetup group (Board and Brews). Everyone there is super friendly. I've only been going a couple of months (late September?) and everyone already knows my name.

Meeting GAFers in real life is creepy, but I'm up to 4 of them at this point including the big boss man, so I've sort of gotten over it.
I might have to try this out. Or at least, say I will and chicken out. I'll pitch it to the wife. She (thankfully) likes enjoys board games.
Yeah, I started logging plays in September when a friend that visited for PAX was doing it. I hadn't seen much point, but he explained the value he got out of it and convinced me. Now I'm camping backloggery.com so I can track my video game status too, haha.

He also used it to keep track of wins/losses, but I refuse to do that. If I'm going to start keeping stats, then I'm just going to build my full stat-tracking database that I've been wanting to start for forever.
I've tried logging plays before...I wish I could remember to do it but eventually had to give up because, well, I couldn't. :p

I do keep logs in our co-op boxes though, just a sheet of paper in each measuring how we did against the board, so we know when it's time to ramp up the difficulty with an expansion or new rules (and, more importantly, when it's not).

AstroLad said:
yes, yes there is. you'll have to check these out in terms of playtime and complexity but they are all fairly popular and generally well-reviewed. these are non-fantasy crawlish-type games so you'll also have to take a look to see how well the theme jibes with your needs
Doom the Boardgame
Earth Reborn

I happen to have a copy of Doom available for trade if you're interested, coldvein, and I think it's a great choice for what you're looking for. Great game but never sees use here as my wife doesn't care for these sorts of games. It's in great shape, only played twice. These games have come a long way since Hero Quest, as the "nemesis" player is actively trying to win rather than facilitating a D&D-lite experience a la Zargon.

If you're interested, shoot me a PM with a few games you'd be willing to trade for it and we'll see if we can work something out (couldn't find you on bgg).

edit: I should probably point out that I do not have the OOP expansion...just the base set.
I've been tracking plays on BGG since apparently December 2003. I track sessions of a game more so than actual plays. So something like Bananagrams might get played 10 times in a night but I will only mark that as one play. It's fairly quick to do right after a night of gaming and sometimes the statistics will surprise you.
Yup. I sometimes even do it on my phone between games, just to keep on top of it.

Will be easier when I have one of them verizon iPhones and can use the BGG app!


First tragedy, then farce.
Glad to see I'm not the only one. It does seem to give me a really good idea of "this game is played a ton" so I know when an expansion might be worth actually getting vs me being an OCD completionist.

or the "you never play this game.. get it to the table and make a decision if it's a keeper or not".

One of the things I've found is there are several games I own (TTR, Small World, Roborally) that I just never want to play for some reason. But once they are on the table everyone has a blast.
Had a chance to play some new stuff (to me at least this weekend). I finally played a game of Race for the Galaxy, which I enjoyed, but we only played one game and nobody had any experience with anything outside of San Juan. So, a lot of the potential fun of the game took a back seat to rules clarification. Because of that, though I'm keen of playing it again, I really didn't get a chance to form a solid opinion on it. This is contrasted with San Juan which, due to its streamlining, clicked almost immediately.

Also played Agricola finally. Unfortunately, I really didn't get a chance to get too into it, as someone who wasn't really much of a board gamer stopped by for a couple of drinks after we started, so I spent a lot of time conversing with that individual as opposed to getting into the game. Therefore, I only concocted a really basic strategy that was often misplayed, and missed out on a lot of what you were supposed to be doing. Still, it seemed like a pretty fun game, if a little long-ish for the group's taste. I could definitely see why it's so popular.

Finally, I played a couple of games of Yomi. On the plus side, it's a really neat concept with plenty of charm. However, it didn't really get its teeth into me just yet. I haven't really gotten a chance to really familiarize myself with any of the characters and formulate long term game plans, so more often than not it played like an interesting spin on Rock Paper Scissors. This is fun if you like the psychology involved with that, but I think I'm still missing out on what people who have praised the game have taken away from it. I think there's more there that I just haven't figured out, or at least I hope so. Because as fun as playing the "He thinks I'm going to attack, so I'm going to block, but I bet he's figured that out, so I'm going to attack!" mind game is, I don't know if it's worthy of its hefty price (for the complete set anyway) and endless replays just yet. Nevertheless, I want to again reiterate that the concept is pretty cool.
Steve Youngblood said:
Had a chance to play some new stuff (to me at least this weekend). I finally played a game of Race for the Galaxy, which I enjoyed, but we only played one game and nobody had any experience with anything outside of San Juan. So, a lot of the potential fun of the game took a back seat to rules clarification. Because of that, though I'm keen of playing it again, I really didn't get a chance to form a solid opinion on it. This is contrasted with San Juan which, due to its streamlining, clicked almost immediately.

Also played Agricola finally. Unfortunately, I really didn't get a chance to get too into it, as someone who wasn't really much of a board gamer stopped by for a couple of drinks after we started, so I spent a lot of time conversing with that individual as opposed to getting into the game. Therefore, I only concocted a really basic strategy that was often misplayed, and missed out on a lot of what you were supposed to be doing. Still, it seemed like a pretty fun game, if a little long-ish for the group's taste. I could definitely see why it's so popular.

Finally, I played a couple of games of Yomi. On the plus side, it's a really neat concept with plenty of charm. However, it didn't really get its teeth into me just yet. I haven't really gotten a chance to really familiarize myself with any of the characters and formulate long term game plans, so more often than not it played like an interesting spin on Rock Paper Scissors. This is fun if you like the psychology involved with that, but I think I'm still missing out on what people who have praised the game have taken away from it. I think there's more there that I just haven't figured out, or at least I hope so. Because as fun as playing the "He thinks I'm going to attack, so I'm going to block, but I bet he's figured that out, so I'm going to attack!" mind game is, I don't know if it's worthy of its hefty price (for the complete set anyway) and endless replays just yet. Nevertheless, I want to again reiterate that the concept is pretty cool.

ctrl + f Through the Ages


Damn it, Youngblood!

Also: I think that everyone hates RftG for at least their first 2-3 plays, so it's pretty normal for it not to have clicked after the one go. Without knowing the cards in the deck somewhat, and how they interact, it's fairly impossible to know what's what.
platypotamus said:
ctrl + f Through the Ages


Damn it, Youngblood!
The people were practically begging for that game, and I almost busted it out, but then I had a change of heart and instead played Thunderstone!*

*This didn't actually happen.


Hail to the KING baby
Cyan said:
It requires a lot of patience. It probably takes anywhere from 5-10 games before you really get it. At that point, it becomes incredibly fun. But it's definitely an investment.
yeah and if you already know san juan you're already halfway there really. it's only the people that don't know san juan that have their minds truly blown in a bad way by the game
AstroLad said:
yeah and if you already know san juan you're already halfway there really. it's only the people that don't know san juan that have their minds truly blown in a bad way by the game
Yeah, I more or less had a good idea of what I was doing. I just didn't have a good strategy formulated (not knowing how the cards interacted with each other, and I also was somewhat surprised at just how much more in depth it was than San Juan. Meaning that at a cursory glance, I was pretty confident, but when it came time for some of the phases, I had more questions about what I was allowed to do than I figured I'd have. A couple of the people who didn't play San Juan beforehand were completely lost.

Seth C

StoOgE said:
So, went to a party at a coworkers place tonight since we are all off tomorrow (hooray working in finance).. with 8 coworkers just to have drinks and bullshit.

I brought Perudo (Liar's Dice) along with me having had such a good time with it the other night.

We must have played 20 games of Perudo.. I can't think of a better party game. This is extremely quick, extremely casual and a ton of fun.. and the more you have had to drink the more fun the game becomes.

I dropped the rules regarding bidding aces because they were too hard given the state of inebriation of most of us, but man was this game a blast. To think, I was about to put it up on the trading block.

It has also inspired me to start tracking my plays on BGG so that I can see what games have and haven't made it to the table over the course of time. Should be a good way to gauge which games I am either ignoring or need to be traded.

I saw your post earlier and thought, "Maybe I should buy this Liar's Dice game for my board game night Wednesday!" Tonight I opened my board game closet and much to my surprise, I already own it. Clearly time to get all of my collection on my BGG account...


Steve Youngblood said:
Yeah, I more or less had a good idea of what I was doing. I just didn't have a good strategy formulated (not knowing how the cards interacted with each other, and I also was somewhat surprised at just how much more in depth it was than San Juan. Meaning that at a cursory glance, I was pretty confident, but when it came time for some of the phases, I had more questions about what I was allowed to do than I figured I'd have. A couple of the people who didn't play San Juan beforehand were completely lost.
At least the game breaks down obvious combos by color, so for example if you are sitting with a green planet or two and have a green development you have the option to go green for the match.

I love RftG. We haven't played in a few months though. Even though I said I'd never try and teach it again I'm tempted to have another go with it for a friend who has been getting the gaming bug. I tried teaching him before and he was lost but that was close to a year ago and he's learned a lot of games since then, so his game-schema is a lot more varied now.
Seth C said:
I saw your post earlier and thought, "Maybe I should buy this Liar's Dice game for my board game night Wednesday!" Tonight I opened my board game closet and much to my surprise, I already own it. Clearly time to get all of my collection on my BGG account...

Boardgaming is the new steam? Or the old steam?


Eyeing off Race for the Galaxy after playing about twenty games of Dominion with my brother over the weekend. Looks like it could be a winner with my girlfriend as well, who tends to click better with anything that isn't a fantasy setting.

Dominion is fantastic though, before this weekend I'd only played it once but now I'm glad I have the Intrigue expansion on the way and it would be good to get some games going with more than two players. It's probably my favourite game outside of Carcassone with two players so far though, very easy to get caught up by playing "just one more game" when you're rolling random sets of cards with the iPhone apps.

Seth C

platypotamus said:
Boardgaming is the new steam? Or the old steam?

I've been building a collection from Goodwill for many years (that's where I got Liar's Dice...at some point). But I collect many things. Board games, video games, comic books, real books, vinyl records...
Bang! was released for iDevices recently. The interface is not great but serviceable and the artwork looks great. My complaint is that it's missing a ton of features. Simple things like being able to choose a different difficulty will result in a screen saying it's coming in a future update. There is also a bug where it doesnt allow enough time for you to read the full card descriptions. Overall for $2 it's not a bad buy and with the promise of online play it can be fun.


I don't know much about this one, but the cover really makes me want to get it.

Doesn't seem like it's out yet, though.
Leviathans is a wargame that is coming out from the folks who do Battletech right now, not a board game at all. They keep pushing it's release back but you can get lot of the playtest rules in cheap online pdf's, but their are no figures yet for the game.

Info was coming out regularly for the game for some time and then it stopped and it's been like months since any new real info and still no release date.


First tragedy, then farce.
Tammany Hall is here!

Just in time for game night. Doubt I get to play it tonight, but I want to bring it so I can gin up some interest for next week.


StoOgE said:
Tammany Hall is here!

Just in time for game night. Doubt I get to play it tonight, but I want to bring it so I can gin up some interest for next week.
Mine went out priority Monday, hopefully here by tomorrow!
echoshifting said:
Yeah I don't think Leviathans is ever going to see daylight. Which is a shame because the style and concept make it sound pretty hawt.

It might have been put on hold for a while because of the financial issues Catalyst was having and some of the reorganization they recently underwent. They are still putting out Battletech products, I bet they are not in a good position to to release a totally new IP like that at this time.

Seth C

StoOgE said:
Tammany Hall is here!

Just in time for game night. Doubt I get to play it tonight, but I want to bring it so I can gin up some interest for next week.

Argh. I wish you guys would stop talking about this so I stop thinking about it so I don't feel compelled to buy it. I've never played it or any game like it, so it is a fairly large expenditure, with no idea whether or not I'd enjoy it. Yet, I want it.


First tragedy, then farce.
Seth C said:
Argh. I wish you guys would stop talking about this so I stop thinking about it so I don't feel compelled to buy it. I've never played it or any game like it, so it is a fairly large expenditure, with no idea whether or not I'd enjoy it. Yet, I want it.

GAF accounts for about 10% of this games sales in the US at this point :lol


Hail to the KING baby
i am getting in this week

puzzle strike
tammany hall

there does definitely come to be a saturation point though. some people get content with 10, some 50, some 150 but you'll go into buybuybuy mode and then at some point go hmmm i think i'm set i'd actually like to dig into these some more. and it's not like video games where there's like part 3 part 4 2011 2012. the mechanics and games overall are generally more timeless and long-lasting


First tragedy, then farce.
yeah the problem is that "saturation point" is a moving target.

I hit one at 4 games and was happy. Then I hit it at around 10 games and was happy. Now I'm about around 40 games and am pretty content.

I figure my this time next year I'll be pulling and Astrolad and selling my house to have more room for games.


I've taken my games to two different meets, but I've yet to have any of my games played. We always play someone elses. Oh well, I think it's because some of them I haven't played yet so it's hard for me to teach a game I haven't played (and others because of their theme). I think I'll finally get in a non solo game of AH tomorrow though. Looking forward to that.


Hail to the KING baby
ah dominion alchemy (single turn)

--- Againsto's turn (possessed by you) ---
You play a City.
Againsto plays a City.
... You draw a Masquerade and a City and get +2 actions.
... drawing 2 cards and getting +2 actions.
You play a City.
Againsto plays a City.
... You draw a Village and a Baron and get +2 actions.
... drawing 2 cards and getting +2 actions.
You play a City.
Againsto plays a City.
... You draw a Sea Hag and a Baron and get +2 actions.
... drawing 2 cards and getting +2 actions.
You play a City.
Againsto plays a City.
... You draw a Masquerade and an Estate and get +2 actions.
... drawing 2 cards and getting +2 actions.
You play a Baron.
Againsto plays a Baron.
... You get +1 buy.
... getting +1 buy.
... You discard an Estate.
... discarding an Estate.
... You get +$4.
... getting +$4.
You play a University.
Againsto plays a University.
... You get +2 actions.
... getting +2 actions.
... You gain a Village.
... gaining a Village.
... ... AstroLad gains the Village.
... ... You gain the Village.
You play a Village.
Againsto plays a Village.
... You draw a Possession and get +2 actions.
... drawing 1 card and getting +2 actions.
You play a Masquerade.
Againsto plays a Masquerade.
... (You reshuffle.)
... (Againsto reshuffles.)
... You draw a Masquerade and a University.
... drawing 2 cards.
... You pass a University to AstroLad.
... You pass a Copper to Againsto.
... You receive a Copper from AstroLad.
... You receive a University from Againsto.
... You trash a Possession.
... trashing a Possession.
You play a Masquerade.
Againsto plays a Masquerade.
... You draw a Village and a Province.
... drawing 2 cards.
... You pass a Province to AstroLad.
... You pass a Copper to Againsto.
... You receive a Copper from AstroLad.
... You receive a Province from Againsto.
... You trash a Sea Hag.
... trashing a Sea Hag.
You play a Masquerade.
Againsto plays a Masquerade.
... You draw a Philosopher's Stone and a Gold.
... drawing 2 cards.
... You pass a Philosopher's Stone to AstroLad.
... You pass a Baron to Againsto.
... You receive a Baron from AstroLad.
... You receive a Philosopher's Stone from Againsto.
... You trash a Village.
... trashing a Village.
You play a Baron.
Againsto plays a Baron.
... You get +1 buy.
... getting +1 buy.
... You have no Estate to discard.
... You gain an Estate.
... gaining an Estate.
... ... AstroLad gains the Estate.
... ... You gain the Estate.
You play a Baron.
Againsto plays a Baron.
... You get +1 buy.
... getting +1 buy.
... You have no Estate to discard.
... You gain an Estate.
... gaining an Estate.
... ... AstroLad gains the Estate.
... ... You gain the Estate.
You play a Gold, 2 Coppers, and a Potion.
Againsto plays a Gold, 2 Coppers, and a Potion.
You buy a Province.
Againsto buys a Province.
... AstroLad gains the Province.
... You gain the Province.
You buy a Vineyard.
Againsto buys a Vineyard.
... AstroLad gains the Vineyard.
... You gain the Vineyard.
You draw your next hand: a Village, a Curse, a Baron, and 2 Golds.
Againsto discards the "trashed" cards (a Sea Hag, a Village, and a Possession).


I really want to try Phantom League. The crazy price and the concerns over some cards that need correcting concern me though.

Also: High Frontiers, anyone tried that? That board is fucking crazy.


First tragedy, then farce.
Played a game of Canal Mania at board game night.

Despite having the most hilariously terrible name ever it's a fun game. and yes, I know the name is actually a historical period.. but something about Canal Mania and Tulip Mania strike me as odd. Feels like we should call the tech and housing bubbles internet and house mania respectively.

It's Ticket to Ride meets Age of Steam. But uglier than Age of Steam even. Really plane.


Yeesh, looks barely above print and play quality.

You get destination tickets and have to build connections, but it's much more free form using hexagons and you have to build certain segments based upon the terrain you are going across.

There is also a shipping mechanism.

I came in 3rd, but had I finished my (nearly complete) final connection I would have won.


Forgot to mention this earlier. Had the monthly game night this past Saturday.

7 Wonders went over really well. The game can easily eat up a lot of table space with just 5 players if you're not careful.

Got a couple rounds of The Resistance in again, and it still remains a hit with the group.

Zombie Dice as a quick light in-betweener also went well.

We then started Merchants & Marauders knowing there's no way we'd able to finish, mainly to try and learn it. Setup took a little while, but after going through it once I can already see how to speed things up a bit. A few people commented that it felt like Grand Theft Auto - Caribbean Pirates Edition with how some of the mechanics play out. Those who played seemed to enjoy it and could see the potential of this one when we manage to find the time for a full play. Afterwards, I re-read the instructions and spotted a bunch of mistakes and misplayed rules that would've made the game go a lot smoother.
Tammany Hall arrived tonight and it looks great. Btw, mine wasn't shrink wrapped, was this typical? It's not a big deal because you can tell it's brand new I just thought it was weird. Anyway board looks fantastic, the Boss meeples are fun, and the rules are straight forward. I'm looking forward to finally getting to play this sucker.
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