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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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First tragedy, then farce.
joeyjoejoeshabadoo said:
Tammany Hall arrived tonight and it looks great. Btw, mine wasn't shrink wrapped, was this typical? It's not a big deal because you can tell it's brand new I just thought it was weird. Anyway board looks fantastic, the Boss meeples are fun, and the rules are straight forward. I'm looking forward to finally getting to play this sucker.

No shrink wrap here either. I think because these were at Essen they wanted to be able to show people the game, but I'm not really sure.

I also noticed on the back of the rule manual that Martin Wallace helped redesign the game from its 2007 print and play look. I thought it was just the treefrog artists that were involved.

Theboard is one of the nicer ones I have ever seen. It looks great and just puts you into the time period well.

The only tricky part of the rules is explaining the special powers, slander mechanics, and counting up the race tokens to see who gets the bonus influence chips at the end of the election phase. It can turn into a Power Grid like counting game just before the election to make sure you are where you thought you were in regards to those bonuses.

Other than that you really have two options of what to do on a given turn.


First tragedy, then farce.
For comparison:

Pree Treefrog:


Post Treefrog:



Hail to the KING baby
echoshifting said:
I'm gonna have to start hanging out in the online Dominion lobby more often (as echoshifting)...
hellz yeah me and steve played a quick game yesterday and it was pretty fun. i mean when is dominion not fun
AstroLad said:
my master plan is to keep using expansions you haven't played at all. next up a full alchemy set!
Eh, the "I haven't played these expansions!" excuse just makes for a good scapegoat. The reality of it is that, even if I played with just the base cards, I'd still lose. My skills at Base Dominion would probably be regarded as "passable at best."


Hail to the KING baby
so i got in puzzle strike last night and read the rules this morning. it's funny just how blatantly this game is dominion + puzzle fighter. also interesting that sirlin couldn't team up with or at least get a license from capcom for this considering the existence of cap's officially licensed dominion knocked the re deck building game. anyway the art is actually quite nice and the game does seem fun and simple a la dominion. may try it out this weekend
AstroLad said:
so i got in puzzle strike last night and read the rules this morning. it's funny just how blatantly this game is dominion + puzzle fighter. also interesting that sirlin couldn't team up with or at least get a license from capcom for this considering the existence of cap's officially licensed dominion knocked the re deck building game. anyway the art is actually quite nice and the game does seem fun and simple a la dominion. may try it out this weekend
I'm curious to see how that plays. Did you get your copy of Yomi as well?


First tragedy, then farce.
Hey guys, wanted to remind you to rate Tammany Hall on BGG once you've played it.

The way geek ratings work is they throw in a ton of "fake" 5.5 ratings to keep games with few ratings from jumping into the top spots so just getting a few more trades could move the game up the rankings closer to where it should be (in my opinion of course).

Could help Stratamax to get money for their next effort.

Seth C

Anyone want to play Dominion? I'm in the lobby as Seth.

echoshifting said:
When you're playing by yourself. Solitaire is borrrrrrrrring.

Agreed. I've now played many rounds that way and it is only good for familiarizing yourself with cards.


Hail to the KING baby
yah that was fun . . . two TOTALLY different games right there and we didn't even have to bring alchemy or plat/colonies into the mix

Seth C

Lots of fun. I suck, but not as bad as echoshifting, so it's all good. :D Maybe he'll come back from break and he and I can have a bad Dominion showdown.


Hail to the KING baby
Cyan said:
Seriously. That first one was like 5 minutes or something.

Crazy how different the game can be with just a few different cards. And we didn't even use any witches or mountebanks! That was my big worry... that we'd all get bogged down with curses on top of the militia and other slowing stuff.

ggs, dudes!
yeah i like giving curses but with ambassador in play i stayed away. i dunno if venture is that good generally but with ambassador to thin out your coppers very fast it is really nice
Seth C said:
Lots of fun. I suck, but not as bad as echoshifting, so it's all good. :D Maybe he'll come back from break and he and I can have a bad Dominion showdown.


That was fun gents, gimme a shout on Steam anytime you need to fill a chair and I shall as I am able! I'll try to poke my nose in the lobby now and then, too.

Crazy how different those games were, holy crap@Cyan + Venture = nuclear winter

AstroLad said:
yeah i like giving curses but with ambassador in play i stayed away. i dunno if venture is that good generally but with ambassador to thin out your coppers very fast it is really nice

That's my favorite thing about Dominion - chances are, of the four of us, none of us has ever used that combo before...I'm not even sure I've seen it. The guy who puts that together when they hit the table is going to win.
I can't believe I just read an article in which Reiner Knizia downplays the importance of math in game design. Not that I necessarily disagree with the point he makes. Maybe. I do <3 math though.


platypotamus said:
I can't believe I just read an article in which Reiner Knizia downplays the importance of math in game design. Not that I necessarily disagree with the point he makes. Maybe. I do <3 math though.

Knizia's the classic example of overusing math in his mechanics with pasted on theme, that's what makes it so funny.
joeyjoejoeshabadoo said:
Bang! was released for iDevices recently. The interface is not great but serviceable and the artwork looks great. My complaint is that it's missing a ton of features. Simple things like being able to choose a different difficulty will result in a screen saying it's coming in a future update. There is also a bug where it doesnt allow enough time for you to read the full card descriptions. Overall for $2 it's not a bad buy and with the promise of online play it can be fun.

I dont know if it is a bug or not, but I found that if you keep your finger on the card, then the rest of the text will scroll.

I personally dont like that; it should scroll once you touch the card, and not stop after 3-5 seconds.


Hail to the KING baby
In my experience the top 3 iOS board games are:

1. Carc
2. Neuroshima
3. Samurai

And everything else is far behind, especially most of the cheapie Knizia cash-ins.


platypotamus said:
I can't believe I just read an article in which Reiner Knizia downplays the importance of math in game design. Not that I necessarily disagree with the point he makes. Maybe. I do <3 math though.

I do hate having to spend a lot of time to calculate which move would give me more VP's though as they just leads to AP more often than not. However, this does improve as you become more familiar with a game, so it's really more a pet peeve of mine rather than a design flaw.
I'm having people over to learn Settlers of Catan with me this Sat, none of us have ever played it before but 1 guy played it on XBL. There will be 6 of us and yes, I have the 5-6 player expansion. Is this going to be an easy game to learn? I plan on reading the manual tonight


Hail to the KING baby
Gryphter said:
I'm having people over to learn Settlers of Catan with me this Sat, none of us have ever played it before but 1 guy played it on XBL. There will be 6 of us and yes, I have the 5-6 player expansion. Is this going to be an easy game to learn? I plan on reading the manual tonight
Yes it is pretty easy to learn. My recommendation always, especially with a group >4, is for you to learn the rules inside and out so that you minimize the fumbling around with the rulebook during play. The other caveat is the 6p Catan is fairly long. Around two hours, sometimes more.
AstroLad said:
Yes it is pretty easy to learn. My recommendation always, especially with a group >4, is for you to learn the rules inside and out so that you minimize the fumbling around with the rulebook during play. The other caveat is the 6p Catan is fairly long. Around two hours, sometimes more.

Easy to learn, that's good to hear. 2+ hours isn't a big deal, I have people over probably once a month but we've been known to do 8-10 hour marathon gaming nights, mostly Last Night on Earth since that was our gateway game.

Seeing pictures of the game, it seems hard to keep track of the various colored roads, buildings, ships, etc that you lay down in-between the hexes. I found this monstrous gaming board called The Vagabond, you can use it to keep everything from shifting around when bumped. Price is steep though


AstroLad said:
Yes it is pretty easy to learn. My recommendation always, especially with a group >4, is for you to learn the rules inside and out so that you minimize the fumbling around with the rulebook during play.
This is essential. Some games you can learn as you play, and it's still fun for everybody. Catan is not one of those games. I know it wasn't for me (and it probably still colors my opinion of the game, years later).


Hail to the KING baby
Oh yeah, it's a good deal easier than LNoE.

It's not hard to keep track of anything in Catan really. Each person gets a set of roads, cities, and settlements in their color and they build from that set. Then you just lay out the resource cards and that's it. Only thing you really have to keep tabs on is your own score (since points from cards are secret and you have to call bingo once you reach 10), who has the longest road (pretty easy), and who has the most knights in play (again very easy).

btw anyone up for a couple games of dominion?

Seth C

AstroLad said:
me and seth just played a 2p game that i think would have taken well over an hour IRL

Yeah. It would have been brutal.

I'm hanging out back in the game lobby. You know, in case anyone wants to come win a game of Dominion.

Edit - As promised, Steve Youngblood stopped by and posted a victory over me.
Seth C said:
Edit - As promised, Steve Youngblood stopped by and posted a victory over me.
In hindsight, if I hadn't done those silly "use a Salvager to trash a Province to buy another Province" moves (I misread what the Salvager did, or else I wouldn't have bought it when I di), I think you might have pulled it off. It took you a while to get your money going, but you were doing quite well towards the end.

Seth C

Steve Youngblood said:
In hindsight, if I hadn't done those silly "use a Salvager to trash a Province to buy another Province" moves (I misread what the Salvager did, or else I wouldn't have bought it when I di), I think you might have pulled it off. It took you a while to get your money going, but you were doing quite well towards the end.

Yeah. And I had a hand that would have given me another Province. Your wrong move won you the game.

Astro - Sorry about that. I did step out. I brought my copy of Intrigue down to my mom's to let her play a game. She wasn't feeling it so much.

Edit - Finally won my first online game. I basically just filled my entire deck with Envoys and Gold and bought every Province.


Played the first game of the Resident Evil deck building game. It ran a little long but that's because we were learning the cards, had a dude who took forever to take a turn, and I messed up the mansion deck and didn't add the loot (so it was only monsters).

We really enjoyed it. Some complain about the random nature of the mansion deck but that's the part we liked the most. Deciding to push your luck going into the mansion with 50 or 60 worth of damage to deal and flipping that card to see what's behind the door was a blast. Not sure if the fun will wear but as of right now it was a hit. Only played the Story mode so there are other modes to try out as well.

Only real complaint, and it's a big one, is the quality of the card stock they used sucks. Considering the dry weather in New England trying to shuffle and draw cards with dry skin and slippery card stock blows. Plus (and I've read similar complaints on the Geek) some cards are warping pretty fierce. I'm generally not an advocate of sleeving (Twilight Struggle is the only game I've sleeved and that's because of the inordinate amount of shuffling the Early and Mid War decks contend with versus the Late War Deck) but I might have no choice with this game. It's so bad that it's like playing a game of poker with a marked deck because you know what that warped card coming up is.


Finally got around the getting a game of Ticket to Ride in last night. Weird that a newborn would be so disruptive and keep us from playing if for weeks, right?

Anyway, it was fun. I really like the game from playing in XBL and in person was no different. We only had time for one game and wanted to get the rules down before my folks came into town this weekend so really we kind of found ourselves focusing on what we were doing and ignoring the other person. As a result there wasn't a whole lot of blocking or suspense (until we counted the route cards).

I'm looking forward to playing it more this weekend and getting a bit more cut-throat with it.
Had a two 3player games of Catan last night, the Xbox player came over to teach the my fiance and me. It's great!

After playing I went ahead and mixed the 5-6 player expansion stuff in which was a mistake; I realized that you have to keep some things separate like the number chits. I also assume when going from a 5-6 player game back to 4, you have to remove the appropriate land hexes and Development cards.


First tragedy, then farce.
Gryphter said:
Had a two 3player games of Catan last night, the Xbox player came over to teach the my fiance and me. It's great!

After playing I went ahead and mixed the 5-6 player expansion stuff in which was a mistake; I realized that you have to keep some things separate like the number chits. I also assume when going from a 5-6 player game back to 4, you have to remove the appropriate land hexes and Development cards.

yep. You want to make sure you have the right amount of each so you'll need to pull the expansion stuff back out.


Hail to the KING baby
eznark said:
Finally got around the getting a game of Ticket to Ride in last night. Weird that a newborn would be so disruptive and keep us from playing if for weeks, right?

Anyway, it was fun. I really like the game from playing in XBL and in person was no different. We only had time for one game and wanted to get the rules down before my folks came into town this weekend so really we kind of found ourselves focusing on what we were doing and ignoring the other person. As a result there wasn't a whole lot of blocking or suspense (until we counted the route cards).

I'm looking forward to playing it more this weekend and getting a bit more cut-throat with it.
is this 2P with the base game? it can be kinda tough to make that too confrontational unless you get really lucky with the destinations or kind of go out of your way


Gryphter said:
Had a two 3player games of Catan last night, the Xbox player came over to teach the my fiance and me. It's great!

After playing I went ahead and mixed the 5-6 player expansion stuff in which was a mistake; I realized that you have to keep some things separate like the number chits. I also assume when going from a 5-6 player game back to 4, you have to remove the appropriate land hexes and Development cards.

You don't need to keep them separate, really. It should be easy enough to separate, and you can just play with it all to give the game slightly more randomness, adding or removing tiles if there is a relative surplus or shortage.


AstroLad said:
is this 2P with the base game? it can be kinda tough to make that too confrontational unless you get really lucky with the destinations or kind of go out of your way
Last night was 2 player. This weekend should be more. Looking forward to it. Jesus those cards are small!
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