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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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Hail to the KING baby
eznark said:
Last night was 2 player. This weekend should be more. Looking forward to it. Jesus those cards are small!
Hahah yeah, that's why many people get the 1910 expansion which has large cards and a bunch of new routes.
Yaweee said:
You don't need to keep them separate, really. It should be easy enough to separate, and you can just play with it all to give the game slightly more randomness, adding or removing tiles if there is a relative surplus or shortage.

yeah its easy enough, the manual lists what's included with the 5-6 player expansion and should only take a minute if that to remove from the base game. The chits definitely need to be kept separate though

I can't wait to play more this Sat


First tragedy, then farce.
eznark said:
Last night was 2 player. This weekend should be more. Looking forward to it. Jesus those cards are small!

Yeah, I find 3-5 players to be best.

Remember that you can only use 1 of the connecting routes between cities in the 2 and 3 player games.


Gryphter said:
yeah its easy enough, the manual lists what's included with the 5-6 player expansion and should only take a minute if that to remove from the base game. The chits definitely need to be kept separate though

I can't wait to play more this Sat

I don't see what the problem is with mixing the chits, unless you stringently want to adhere to the alphabetical order placement. Just do it randomly, and manually remove clusters of a single number or missing numbers.


StoOgE said:
Yeah, I find 3-5 players to be best.

Remember that you can only use 1 of the connecting routes between cities in the 2 and 3 player games.
Yup, had that part down. Only thing is, can you do all three actions in one turn? Draw, take route and pick Route Cards?

The instructions make it seem like you can, however I seem to remember it being an either/or situation on the xbla version?

Seth C

AstroLad said:
is this 2P with the base game? it can be kinda tough to make that too confrontational unless you get really lucky with the destinations or kind of go out of your way

Not to mention that you're likely better off focusing on amassing a huge number of completed routes anyway. 4 and 5 player is intense though, and you're likely screwing each other even without doing so intentionally.

eznark said:
Yup, had that part down. Only thing is, can you do all three actions in one turn? Draw, take route and pick Route Cards?

The instructions make it seem like you can, however I seem to remember it being an either/or situation on the xbla version?

Absolutely not. It's a fairly important aspect of the game mechanics. You get to choose only one thing to do each round: draw more train cards, claim a segment, or draw new tickets (routes). It keeps the pace moving, as no one can draw colored trains and then think about where to place them. You get to think while others are playing.

I've got 3 hours to kill at work so I'll be in the Dominion lobby if anyone wants to play.


Hail to the KING baby
No, you can only do one type of action per turn:

"On his turn, a player must perform one (and only one) of the following three actions:"
eznark said:
Yup, had that part down. Only thing is, can you do all three actions in one turn? Draw, take route and pick Route Cards?

The instructions make it seem like you can, however I seem to remember it being an either/or situation on the xbla version?

It's either/or. You can only do one of those things.

What's everyone's take on the other versions of TTR? I have the German one, there's a European one too. I like the added complexity and changes to it, but hate that it doubled the average play time from one to two hours.


Hail to the KING baby
Gaming Truth said:
It's either/or. You can only do one of those things.

What's everyone's take on the other versions of TTR? I have the German one, there's a European one too. I like the added complexity and changes to it, but hate that it doubled the average play time from one to two hours.
Nordic Countries is my favorite TTR just because it plays fast and great with 2-3 (3 is max though) and it isn't broken like Switzerland.

Seth C

Gaming Truth said:
It's either/or. You can only do one of those things.

What's everyone's take on the other versions of TTR? I have the German one, there's a European one too. I like the added complexity and changes to it, but hate that it doubled the average play time from one to two hours.

I only own and have played USA (regular and with 1910) and Europe, but of those two I definitely prefer USA. I'm sure it is partially due to familiarity, but the board also feels much more balanced. Europe adds the complexity of stations, but there was little choice because otherwise the congestion in eastern Europe would basically ruin the game.


First tragedy, then farce.
I would say if TTR goes over well an investment in 1910 would be your best move.

It fixes a few issues with the base game (routes that are 90% the same) and gives you full sized cards.


StoOgE said:
I would say if TTR goes over well an investment in 1910 would be your best move.

It fixes a few issues with the base game (routes that are 90% the same) and gives you full sized cards.

Yep. I play a lot of Ticket To Ride, but won't play the "base" game any more. I need those big cards & rejigged routes from 1910.

If you're going to play a lot of it, Nordic Countries is worth a buy too - it's a really tight hardcore 2 or 3 player map without the complexities of Europe's train stations but with the tunnels etc so playing time isn't artificially extended.
fenners said:
Yep. I play a lot of Ticket To Ride, but won't play the "base" game any more. I need those big cards & rejigged routes from 1910.
I purchased the 1910 expansion with my copy of TTR so I always played with that. I actually just played the base game for the first time over Christmas and those tiny cards suuuuuck. 1910 is worth it for the big cards alone.


MichaelBD said:
Played the first game of the Resident Evil deck building game. It ran a little long but that's because we were learning the cards, had a dude who took forever to take a turn, and I messed up the mansion deck and didn't add the loot (so it was only monsters).

We really enjoyed it. Some complain about the random nature of the mansion deck but that's the part we liked the most. Deciding to push your luck going into the mansion with 50 or 60 worth of damage to deal and flipping that card to see what's behind the door was a blast. Not sure if the fun will wear but as of right now it was a hit. Only played the Story mode so there are other modes to try out as well.

I had a similar opinion of it. I really want to see the promised expansions for this game, because the foundations for it are pretty solid, and the fixes that the need (#1 being more card variety) seem pretty obvious. Fun stuff as is, though!


Unison said:
I had a similar opinion of it. I really want to see the promised expansions for this game, because the foundations for it are pretty solid, and the fixes that the need (#1 being more card variety) seem pretty obvious. Fun stuff as is, though!
First expansion is supposed to be coming out around March, so there isn't too long to wait.


First tragedy, then farce.
So, Perudo made a bigger impact than I even thought last week.

I went to a happy hour and both people that were at the party last week and this happy hour wanted to know if I had brought "that dice game".

Pretty strong praise.


Just got back from the Australian Catan championships, made it to the semi-finals.

Had some great games in the early rounds and met some cool people.

In my semi I was heading for an easy win, but two douche bags who obviously knew each other were pretty much colluding the whole game and one of them stole the win.

At one point the guy who won was on 9 points and his mate who was well out of the running was negotiating a trade with him. I just turned to him and said "seriously, you're going to trade with him? He's on 9 fucking points!"

Suffice to say he didn't make the trade...


Hail to the KING baby
choodi said:
Just got back from the Australian Catan championships, made it to the semi-finals.

Had some great games in the early rounds and met some cool people.

In my semi I was heading for an easy win, but two douche bags who obviously knew each other were pretty much colluding the whole game and one of them stole the win.

At one point the guy who won was on 9 points and his mate who was well out of the running was negotiating a trade with him. I just turned to him and said "seriously, you're going to trade with him? He's on 9 fucking points!"

Suffice to say he didn't make the trade...
I remember there was a Catan tournament at PAX East and I could not fathom how it would work well because of precisely this.


Played BSG tonight. Used components from both expansions. From Pegasus we used the Pegasus board, characters, and all the new cards (including treachery). For Exodus we used new Crises cards and the Cylon Fleet option.

We messed up a few rules along the way (it was more complicated than I had anticipated adding in those new elements) but aside from a few bumps it was a great experience. I imagine we'll keep using the Cylon Fleet option instead of attack cards moving forward.

Had a nice moment when as Admiral Cain I had my loyalty cards checked by the guy playing Baltar. I had my reservations about him being a cylon and was pretty vocal about it. So to try and turn the tables he looked at my cards (I had two Not a Cylon cards) then announced to the table that I "was not what I appeared to be." This sealed it that he was a cylon.

Another player was playing as Cally, whose OPG ability lets her execute a character. He threatened to off me (he was next in turn) and I told him to go ahead, because when I died I'd have to show my loyalty cards, they would see I'm human, and then they would know Baltar was a cylon. He didn't call me on it.

The Baltar player was new to the game, so when the game had us down to one fuel and it was his turn, I recommended if he were a cylon that now would be a good time to reveal. Of course he revealed, and his reveal action let him pull 5 Galactica damage tokens and implement 2, and of course he pulled the fuel token and won the game.

Finished the house project that the wife was using to hold my next order hostage and now I will soon have:

Founding Fathers
Glory to Rome

As soon as she finds her other amazon gift card, 7 Wonders will be coming in a separate order on Amazon (so it doesn't hold up the above CSI order, and because we have almost the full cost covered in Amazon gift cards)

Fuck yes.


Also: Played some Dominion tonight.

As part of the aforementioned house project (cleaning out a walk in closet), I was to reorganize dominion. I bought a big card box and used the dividers printed from BGG and now ALL the cards (minus promos, which I just ordered) are in one box. It made setup so much easier, I no longer care which expansions people want to play. Which means Alchemy will actually get plays.... like it did tonight!

I really don't hate Alchemy. I think the potions aren't a terrible mechanic, though it is a little wonky that it fucks with the supply card distribution a bit. Still, having it all in one box makes it a lot less painful.

What I DO hate is the Pirate Ship. 90% of the time, if it's out, it forces everyone to use it. I don't mind card COMBOs that are really powerful, but a card that on it's own is a great attack, and a great defense against its own attack, and very difficult to counter... yuck.


I played Stone Age and Agricola at the Australian Gaming Expo (thats where the catan tournament was).

Stone Age was fantastic and my mate bought it. I hope we can get that one to the table pretty regularly.

Agricola I didn't like at all. It was too slow and replacing all of the bits after each round was too time consuming.

I didn't get to play dominion unfortunately.


platypotamus let me know how you like Glory to Rome. I got it for Christmas but have been unable to convince people to play. The rules scare even me though, so fair enough. It's not so much a rulebook as it is a BAR exam.

Also picked up Hannibal which looks great but also haven't been able to play it yet. It's like motivating yourself to watch a 3 hour depressing subtitled inde movie, girlfriend and friends just never have the energy. But it looks like a simplified combination of risk, go and magic, not too bad at all.


Fjord said:
Also picked up Hannibal which looks great but also haven't been able to play it yet. It's like motivating yourself to watch a 3 hour depressing subtitled inde movie, girlfriend and friends just never have the energy. But it looks like a simplified combination of risk, go and magic, not too bad at all.

Hannibal Rome vs Carthage? Yeah, I grabbed that at the BGG.Con math trade as I've been wanting to try it but, man, it looks like it's going to hard to get to the table. I need to bite the bullet & just play a damn learning game on my own to get the rules down. Bah.


Hail to the KING baby
Fjord said:
platypotamus let me know how you like Glory to Rome. I got it for Christmas but have been unable to convince people to play. The rules scare even me though, so fair enough. It's not so much a rulebook as it is a BAR exam.

Also picked up Hannibal which looks great but also haven't been able to play it yet. It's like motivating yourself to watch a 3 hour depressing subtitled inde movie, girlfriend and friends just never have the energy. But it looks like a simplified combination of risk, go and magic, not too bad at all.
Bahaha I've had this game for over two years now and feel the same way.
choodi said:
Stone Age was fantastic and my mate bought it. I hope we can get that one to the table pretty regularly.

www.yucata.de allows some net-gaming of Stone Age. Don't play with Stooge though, he never takes his turns!

Fjord said:
platypotamus let me know how you like Glory to Rome. I got it for Christmas but have been unable to convince people to play. The rules scare even me though, so fair enough. It's not so much a rulebook as it is a BAR exam.

For sure! Knowing me, I'll probably post impressions of all of them, in excruciating detail.


First tragedy, then farce.
Had a nice day of gaming with the parents and girlfriend.

Ticket to Ride was played (My father is addicted to it) once. I barely failed to get my last ticket completed which would have been a 41 point swing. (16 on the ticket, plus the 15 point bonus I would have had to myself).

Played 4 games of Perudo. Fast becoming my favorite quick game to play and it's funny how it always turns into 4-5 games after the first :lol

Got in Through the Desert. Really enjoyed the game. A lot actually. I know it is a pasted on theme, but it really doesn't feel like it. I think the pastel camels make the whole thing much easier to access. I won that one handily.. it's going to get to the table quickly. It is a completely luckless game that is right up there with TTR as a gateway in my opinion.


Hail to the KING baby
platypotamus said:

Just like to hassle you :)

Choodi, I doubt we'll be able to get a GAF game started on a Sunday, but we should recruit for one tomorrow.
I'm down. Still haven't finished one hahah.


Fjord said:
platypotamus let me know how you like Glory to Rome. I got it for Christmas but have been unable to convince people to play. The rules scare even me though, so fair enough. It's not so much a rulebook as it is a BAR exam.

What are you having trouble with? Maybe I'm just biased, but GTR is pretty easy.

Starting player (Leader) picks a card, everyone decides if they're going to follow or think, then everyone executes said action. Rinse, repeat.


Played my first game on BSG last night. What a fantastic game. I was human we we lost to teh Cylons (they played really well, we didn't know know who the Cylon's were) so they revealed and we just didn't have a chance at the point. On top of that they were BOTH our only two pilots. On the next turn, we drew a boarding parties crisis card and the shit hit the fan. We managed to stop the toasters from winning by boarding party with only one space to go before we lost. We were at 7 distance and all our resources were in the red. The key moment in the game is when one of our cylon's (at this point unrevealed) screwed us on a skill check and I had to discard all 11 cards I had in my hand. We failed check after check after that. BSG is by far the best coop game with traitor mechanic.

We then played a very unusual game of Betrayal. A game that is supposed to only last 45 minutes ended up lasting like 2 hours becuase the haunt did not start until we had 8 omen cards out. We also ran out of ground and upper floors and only 5 basement floors remaining. The heroes won by defeating Death in a game of chess.

Earlier in the day we played a game called Asteroyds. An spacial recognition game that can be rather tricky depending on how the asteroids on the board move. I screwed up a number of times and ran into them. Not recommended for the spatially challenged.
Showed Conflict of Heroes to my old historical war buff buddy and her adored it. We played some things wrong being our first time but also we didn't know that they updated the rules so much with SoS, makes a huge change to how game is played. But what we saw we really liked.

Have to get the Poland set as it apparently comes with the counters to update the original game to it's updated status and errata.
Ok, made a Stone Age game (after you guys probably have all left), and invited Choodi, Astrolad, and Flynn.

Also, just noticed Arkadia is on there. I haven't played it in awhile, but would totally play that online with you guys sometime. It's a good'n.


Hail to the KING baby
Just to hop on the new gaming pile, played my first games of Puzzle Strike tonight. Really a fun little game. Plays almost precisely how you'd expect Dominion + Puzzle Fighter to play, which is a good thing. It's also really fast. A game takes about 10-15m.


I also played my first game of BSG yesterday. 5 players and the humans lost before they could make the final jump after getting past 8 distance or whatever it is. The thing that screwed us over however wasn't really our fault, as the loyalty cards had been misdealt and there was only one cylon loyalty card in play. After the first cylon was revealed and found to have only one cylon card, the remaining four of us turned on each other in confusion and frustration trying to make sense of everyone's actions, knowing one of us "had" to be the a cylon. Worst move of the game was probably made by myself, where I influenced the President (my girlfriend) into throwing my brother in the brig and keeping him there when I suspected he was a Cylon. He was also our only pilot.

I wouldn't say I didn't enjoy the game but we finished up in just over four hours, which doesn't really make me want to jump back in for another game any time soon. I struggle to enjoy coop games as it is and while the wild accusations, paranoia and in-fighting were interesting, I was glad when it was over and we could move on to a more relaxing game of Small World. I wonder if my issue with coop games stems more from the games we are playing than the coop mechanics themselves. Everything other than Pandemic seems overly long and drawn out and all seem to suffer from a feeling like you're whittling away at stats or tasks turn after turn, while flipping over a "bad things happen" card to make it more difficult. Any suggestions for something cooperative with a shorter playtime and more pronounced effects of actions? BSGs interactions are really good, but feel so watered down when you're playing for that long. Somehow condensing the same number of fights for leadership, accusations of betrayel and desperate bids for a substantial return into a one hour game might bring me back to the coop table.

My copy of Dominion: Intrigue also arrived, so I'm keen to give that a whirl soon too. Given the amount of games my brother and I played of vanilla Dominion during the flooding we had here recently, I can see myself purchasing most (if not all the expansions) relatively soon.


platypotamus said:
Ok, made a Stone Age game (after you guys probably have all left), and invited Choodi, Astrolad, and Flynn.

Also, just noticed Arkadia is on there. I haven't played it in awhile, but would totally play that online with you guys sometime. It's a good'n.
Cool, I am in Australia so my timezone is going to be a bit out of whack with you guys.

I will do my best to keep the turns flowing and will try to log in at appropriate times. What timezones are you in?
choodi said:
Cool, I am in Australia so my timezone is going to be a bit out of whack with you guys.

I will do my best to keep the turns flowing and will try to log in at appropriate times. What timezones are you in?

I think Flynn and I are in Pacific, and Astrolad is Eastern. I wouldn't sweat it too terribly much. The other games I'm in on there have been moving at a pace of 1-2 actions per day, at the most, which suits me fine.


I got Pentago the other day. It's pretty fun, but it seems shockingly shallow (though I've only played about an hour of it). I'm a little disappointed, but it was worth the price.

Recently our group has been playing the FFG release of Cosmic Encounter. It's a lot of fun, although I don't really care for the win conditions. The interplay between whatever alien combination you get makes it interesting though.
AstroLad said:
Just to hop on the new gaming pile, played my first games of Puzzle Strike tonight. Really a fun little game. Plays almost precisely how you'd expect Dominion + Puzzle Fighter to play, which is a good thing. It's also really fast. A game takes about 10-15m.

I'm liking what I'm hearing...

edit: ...but not what I'm seeing. :( $50 for a 10-15 minute game is kinda crazy, even for a Dominion junkie like me.


Agyar said:
I also played my first game of BSG yesterday.

I pass on the chances to play BSG all the time due to the length. However, to be fair it is your first time playing. If you have a group that is already familiar with the rules and the flow of the game, I imagine you could cut the time to half. Regardless, a cooperative game with traitor mechanic will always take a while to complete due to the setup. Since the bad guys have to look innocent while secretly sabotaging the game, they can't reveal themselves too early.

Anyway, you could probably check out Cutthroat Cavern or Shadow Hunters. They aren't really straight-forward coop like BSG or Pandemic, but players do have to work together towards their individual goal, allowing for some backstabbing fun. Plays pretty fast as well, usually under an hour.


Hail to the KING baby
echoshifting said:
I'm liking what I'm hearing...

edit: ...but not what I'm seeing. :( $50 for a 10-15 minute game is kinda crazy, even for a Dominion junkie like me.
Yeah forgot about that. I got it for 40 at CSI but I think Sirlin is avoiding giving online retailers access to the game in the future kinda too bad. Think he sells a print-and-play for cheaper fwiw.


Somewhere this week my birthday gift shipment from Udo Grebe Gamedesign (European GMT) should be arriving. I'm can barely hold on waiting anymore;
- Dominant Species
- Labyrinth: The War on Terror
- Washington's War
- Battle Line

CDG's are like crack to me now it seems. I was also thinking about picking up Merchants & Marauders but I'll prolly won't be able to get that onto the table anytime soon.

Also got in a good weekend of gaming;
- Ticket to Ride: Nordic with my gf and it was fantastic. Much better than the original if only because it plays so increadibly fast. Happy we bought this as TtR is her favorite game but I did not particularly like the USA map that much.
- two games of Aton which is fairly basic but serves it's purpose as a light and fast game that seems to have plenty of strategic paths.
- two 2-player games of RftG with Gathering Storm. Was my first time playing with the expansion cards (no goals) and generally one of the first times playing anyway. I'm slowly starting to get my head wrapped around the game and with that my appreciation is increasing.
- two 3-player games of 7 Wonders which is hands down my favorite card game right now. It seems best with 3 and 4 players aswell since the draft will come back to you so there's even more need to hide cards from fellow players.
- first (3-player) game of Puerto Rico. This one didn't went over so well with the other two players who had a hard time using the role-selecting system to their own, rather then my, adventage. It probably also didn't help that I started with corn (which I've read is the strongest starting position). I'm hoping that they'll give it another try as they didn't seem really wild over it afterwards.
Played some Munchkin over the weekend with the expansion sets I got for Xmas, 2&3. Goddamn the decks are tall now, not sure if I want anymore to be honest.

There's just no way of speeding this game up. Had a group of 5 and we used both speed rules mentioned in the manual, extra phase "listen at the door" as well as "any hero helping in a final fight wins, regardless of the helper's level."

Game went for like 2.5 hours and it was late to begin with, we started at 1am. We've tried lowering the win level to 7 or 8 in the past as well but this game jut doesn't want to end easy; everyone saves their ammo for the finals so it takes forever to win.

I want this game to be an appetizer before heading into other games but at this point I think I'm barking up the wrong tree
Played Tammany Hall last night and I wasn't disappointed. The game takes place in late 1800s New York during the reign of the Tammany party; think Gangs of New York and you pretty much have the theme for the game in mind.

Players are trying to gain control of the various wards in Manhattan and this is done by placing ward bosses in the wards. However, just playing ward bosses alone will not guarantee you a victory in a particular ward. You need to gain political favors of the various ethnic groups that make up a Ward. But that's not all, an opposing ward boss threatening to make inroads into your Ward? Take him out with some good old fashion mud slinging. If you play it right your slander could spill into the next ward and cause your opponent to loose their foothold in that ward as well. Every four years an election is held. Win the most wards, you win the election and become Mayor (yay!); get three extra points. Now you have got to appoint your cabinet, who honestly get better perks. (Boo!) Some of the perks, include locking up a ward so no other bosses and enter or leave, gaining a political favor chip of your choice every turn, or moving an immigrant cube out of a ward possibly screwing your opponents out of bonus votes during the next election.

The game is easy to learn and fast to teach yet there is a ton of depth and strategy to explore. Our three player "learning" game took about an hour but I can see it lasting a little longer than that with more players. The game seems like it scales nicely and the confrontations start right away. Which brings me to my next point, the game can get brutal. If you become the mayor you basically have a giant target on your back and people can and will gang up on you. According to the designer making deals is perfectly acceptable in this game. So is backstabbing and other nefarious political deeds. It may look and play like a Euro but it doesn't feel like one. This is definitely not a multiplayer solitaire game.

In our game I won the mayorship in the first term and didn't let it go. However, by the last term I had lost most of my wards including Tammany Hall (which is worth two points) I only barely squeaked out a one point victory. We missed two minor rules in our play-through but they wouldn't have changed the outcome either way so we just noted the rules for next time. I thought the game was definitely worth a purchase. Since the game might not get a reprint if you are at all interested get yourself a copy now before the price becomes inflated.


Gryphter said:
Played some Munchkin over the weekend with the expansion sets I got for Xmas, 2&3. Goddamn the decks are tall now, not sure if I want anymore to be honest.

There's just no way of speeding this game up. Had a group of 5 and we used both speed rules mentioned in the manual, extra phase "listen at the door" as well as "any hero helping in a final fight wins, regardless of the helper's level."

Game went for like 2.5 hours and it was late to begin with, we started at 1am. We've tried lowering the win level to 7 or 8 in the past as well but this game jut doesn't want to end easy; everyone saves their ammo for the finals so it takes forever to win.

I want this game to be an appetizer before heading into other games but at this point I think I'm barking up the wrong tree

Yeah, forget that notion now. We've had Munchkin as a lead in for our group on about four different occasions. Each time it took twice as long as we were anticipating... even when we knew it would be long and we purposely shortened the winning level. Always ended up making our featured game for the night run too late which is not fun.

Munchkin is just OK, its not great. The length is my biggest gripe though. I honestly start holding back towards the end and actually do my best to help the clear leader make to the end to win the game ASAP just because I'd rather get to something more rewarding for the time invested.
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