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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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Cathcart said:
Hola, board game GAF. Thanks to this thread and a similar one on another forum I read I've been on a board game kick recently. I bought Carcassonne maybe five years ago and have played quite a bit of it since but that was about as adventurous as I got until this year. While I was on vacation a friend of mine introduced me to Puerto Rico and Endeavor. I thought about getting Endeavor when I got home but instead started doing some research and ended up with BSG and Arkham Horror, both of which I'm loving so far. I also picked up Ra and Citadels so I could have a few games to play with my family so I'll be testing those out tomorrow. Pretty psyched about that.

Anyway, just wanted to thank you guys for all of the cool info in this thread. Of course, I think I might be getting out of control too fast. I just got a nice little bonus check from work (yay work) and, uh...ordered Space Hulk.

Save me, Jeebus.

Welcome to the cool kids club, Cathcart ;) Those are some good games to jump into.
Cathcart said:
Hola, board game GAF. Thanks to this thread and a similar one on another forum I read I've been on a board game kick recently. I bought Carcassonne maybe five years ago and have played quite a bit of it since but that was about as adventurous as I got until this year. While I was on vacation a friend of mine introduced me to Puerto Rico and Endeavor. I thought about getting Endeavor when I got home but instead started doing some research and ended up with BSG and Arkham Horror, both of which I'm loving so far. I also picked up Ra and Citadels so I could have a few games to play with my family so I'll be testing those out tomorrow. Pretty psyched about that.

Anyway, just wanted to thank you guys for all of the cool info in this thread. Of course, I think I might be getting out of control too fast. I just got a nice little bonus check from work (yay work) and, uh...ordered Space Hulk.

Save me, Jeebus.
It begins. Pretty soon you will be rationalizing a giant CSI order because you got free shipping. Out of curiosity, how much did you spend on Space Hulk?

So I've been playing alot of games of Fury of Dracula recently and really enjoying it. We played a couple rules wrong for our first couple of games. Nothing that was too detrimental just a couple minor rules screwups. If you are familiar with Scotland Yard the game plays liked a suped of verson of that. Dracula's movements are hidden and the investigators need to work together to kill him. I won our game last night as Dracula by pretty much only staying in Eastern Europe. The only thing I don't really care for is the combat. It feels odd and it's not as fulfilling as one would hope.

Today we played a couple of games of 7 Wonders with my mom and uncle and it went over really well. It took them half a game to get the hang of it and besides my uncle mixing up a card's cost with it's reward it went pretty smoothly.


joeyjoejoeshabadoo said:
So I've been playing alot of games of Fury of Dracula recently and really enjoying it. We played a couple rules wrong for our first couple of games. Nothing that was too detrimental just a couple minor rules screwups. If you are familiar with Scotland Yard the game plays liked a suped of verson of that. Dracula's movements are hidden and the investigators need to work together to kill him. I won our game last night as Dracula by pretty much only staying in Eastern Europe. The only thing I don't really care for is the combat. It feels odd and it's not as fulfilling as one would hope.

Check out the soon to be released Letters from Whitechapel if you haven't. There's a Drakkenstrike video of it up. Looks to be like a combatless FoD with some other pretty cool rules tweaks.


joeyjoejoeshabadoo said:
It begins. Pretty soon you will be rationalizing a giant CSI order because you got free shipping. Out of curiosity, how much did you spend on Space Hulk?

175. Not a great deal, I know, but the seller had a really high rating on BGG and the guy who was selling it for less didn't. Oh well, I've moved past the money part and onto the excited waiting part :)

I'm glad I won't have to spend as much on War of the Ring. That looks like the kind of game I could really get into and I just saw that a new edition is due later this year. Now I just have to learn carpentry so I can build a spinning Dune table...


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Was taught Tikal last night. I liked it quite a bit. I won, too. <3 Mainly by aggressively chasing down treasures, which most players at the table mostly ignored.

I don't have time for a full write-up, but the "short version" is that I really liked it a lot. It seems quite deserving of its very high BGG rank. Unlike Puerto Rico, which seemed like nothing special after my first (and so far only) play through.

I will say, though, that the game is a nightmare if you or someone you play with is prone to analysis paralysis. One guy we play with (it was his game actually) has terrible AP, so the one Tikal game took FOOORRREVEER. And it strikes me as a game that would typically move fairly fast.

He wasn't only planning out all ten of his own actions in his head (before making a move), but he also seemed to be planning the future actions of the rest of the players, too. And factoring that in. All the planning lead to some good moves with some good blocks of other players, but I still won by going with my "gut" - ie placing a tent in a remote area of the board, assuming it would come in handy later, etc.


Played another game of Mansions of Madness with a full complement of players last night. I was the Keeper again. I had 3 new players, one person who had played through half a scenario, and then me. I set everything up myself before playing and it took about 50 minutes. I went with the first scenario since it's a good intro to the game.

The investigators should have had this one but they didn't pay enough attention to the Prologue to know where they should start looking. Because of this they split into teams of two and headed off in opposite directions.

What was kind of funny was how one of the players (my niece) wasn't playing very cooperatively. She kept rushing into things even though her team mates were trying to get her to be more cautious. In hindsight she played really well into one of the stereotypes you'd find in horror movie: the bossy girl who does her own thing. As such she triggered the last clue when everyone else was urging her to wait until people could regroup and the proverbial poop hit the fan.

Still, it was close and if I hadn't been able to drive a couple of the investigators insane they would have solved the mystery and escaped with their (pretend) lives.

MoM is a nice Saturday night diversion if you can get a good group of people together. I'm still fiddling with some of the rules but I'm getting a better grasp on it the more we play.


Neo Member
I've been playing the shit out of Memoir 44 online. I can't wait to buy it and try to get some friends hooked.

I *would* buy the online version if it didn't use a pay to play model. After playing the computer a bunch of times (which plays egregiously unfair by the way), I played two matches against other people. I was competitive in the first (lost by one) and won the second by a wide margin.

I totally understand the complaints that this game is too "chancey." The game I won I waxed the floor with a much more experienced player who also had better (fortified) starting positions. I just had the luck of good card draws and dice rolls, while he had the misfortune of some pitiful rolls.


arotator said:
I totally understand the complaints that this game is too "chancey." The game I won I waxed the floor with a much more experienced player who also had better (fortified) starting positions. I just had the luck of good card draws and dice rolls, while he had the misfortune of some pitiful rolls.
That's kind of why I stopped playing the online version. It's one thing to be sitting across from a friend and pulling a bad hand or rolling crappy dice, but over the internet to a faceless opponent and a random dice generator it felt so cold and wrong.


Neverfade said:
Wait till you fall in love with it and want to get a Collector's Edition in the second hand market. :p
Oh man, that thing. I read you can't open the book past a 90 degree angle without potentially damaging the box but since there's nothing to stop you from doing that people attach hinges and stuff. It's kinda like that Denis Leary joke, "They say Catan leads to other games. No it doesn't, it leads to fucking carpentry."


Cathcart said:
Oh man, that thing. I read you can't open the book past a 90 degree angle without potentially damaging the box but since there's nothing to stop you from doing that people attach hinges and stuff. It's kinda like that Denis Leary joke, "They say Catan leads to other games. No it doesn't, it leads to fucking carpentry."

Or just don't open it past 90 degrees. You don't need to open it anywhere near that much to get the pieces out.


Finally got to play some new games!

Carcassonne: Deceptively simple in gameplay and execution but I can see how there are layers of depth and strategy for advanced players. Really like the meeples. Are the expansions worth getting or do they add to the complexity of the game? I kind of enjoy the simplicity of it.

Dominion: Intrigue: Only played Dominion (base only) twice and while I did enjoy it enough for me to go out and buy Intrigue, I can see how this is a more refined/advanced version of the game as a standalone game. The cards are a bit more fun and the combination types really adds an interesting element to the game. Should I go back and get the base game or one of the other expansions?

Dungeons & Dragons: Castle Ravenloft: I wanted to give this D&D board game another chance as I only got to play Wrath of Ashardalon at PAX East this year when I was tired. I can understand the appeal behind the game series for some people but for me it just doesn't really do it. I feel as a D&D type game it fails to hit the storytelling or attachment that one would normally get and as a board game I just don't think it's very fun. The game constantly punishes the players with Encounter cards and all monsters basically get initiative attack on the party. I don't feel that there's any way to properly formulate a strategy given the extreme randomness of the game. Never does a decision actually feel 100% confident in that if you don't explore you could get punished by an Encounter..only to explore and get an Encounter as well as spawning another monster.

The characters while being varied in class aren't very different in terms of AC/Speed/HP. And the daily/utility powers only refreshing very rarely just doesn't really sit well with me. Not to mention the treasure cards are absolute crap and it's such a rarity for someone to level up and even when they do it's such a minor improvement you're better off saving the 5 xp to counter an Encounter event card. I had two items that were monster specific (Wooden Stake for Vampires, Silver Dagger for Werewolves) and we went through the whole monster deck without fighting either one of those. What's the point? Why aren't you allowed to trade items after one player takes it? It just feels very clumsy and detached from how a dungeon crawler party-based game should be.

Granted these impressions are only based on three game attempts but I just don't feel like skill or ability is much of a factor in the game and that really the game could play itself out automatically without much variance in how a scenario turns out. Not really interested in playing this again as two games of the same scenario (first one was a wipe) ate up almost 4 hours of gaming that could've been used for other board games.


Hero said:
Carcassonne: Deceptively simple in gameplay and execution but I can see how there are layers of depth and strategy for advanced players. Really like the meeples. Are the expansions worth getting or do they add to the complexity of the game? I kind of enjoy the simplicity of it.
I've played a lot of Carcassonne and have most of the expansions. Inns and Cathedrals is a pretty simple expansion that's worth getting because it comes with a lot of new tiles, some of which fill in some of the trickier spots you might come across. Sometimes we play it and just ignore the Inn and Cathedral rules and play them like normal tiles just so we have some extra pieces.

Traders & Builders is OK if you've played a bunch and want to mix it up a bit. It basically adds some new tokens you can collect by completing certain cities. Honestly we rarely use it, though. The base game + I&C is pretty much perfect.

Most of the other expansions are good if you are looking to start fist fights with your friends as they are often about gotchas and screwing people over. It's not really our thing but if you want to spice things up the Princess & Dragon and the Tower are the better ones I think. P&D is pretty complicated but you get to stomp around with the dragon meeple so that's fun. The Count is complicated and not all that great but cheap and worth buying for the Count meeple. Ah! Ah! Ah! I bought the Abbey and Mayor but still have never used it.

Don't take the Catapult expansion if the dude offers to pay you. It is clown college Carcassonne.


Hero said:
Dominion: Intrigue: Only played Dominion (base only) twice and while I did enjoy it enough for me to go out and buy Intrigue, I can see how this is a more refined/advanced version of the game as a standalone game. The cards are a bit more fun and the combination types really adds an interesting element to the game. Should I go back and get the base game or one of the other expansions?

I'd strongly recommend getting the base game before the other expansions, though it's not necessary. I like the simplicity of the cards in the base game, and find that most of the good cards from other sets work best when used alongside the original set. I'd personally rank them in the following order (Though I'm in the minority on Seaside - it seems others rate it higher than me)

5/don't bother) Alchemy
Hero said:

haha, if you guys haven't figured it out yet, Hero is the fellow gaffer I tabletop game with. I'll keep my impressions short for redundancy

Carcassonne: Like it! Didn't do so well though, came in last place and one of my moves actually caused the first place player to win, Doh!

Dominion Intrigue: Like it! the 2 game loadouts we played were so entirely different; adds a lot of variety to the game for replayability.

Castle Ravenloft: Brutal. It's very hard and a single misstep can have extreme consequences. Sometimes you're given a choice between 2 things, and they're both extremely bad. I enjoyed it a lot but I think it's because I've played Wizard the 3 times I've played; I love casting the high level magic and being otherworldly. I wish the game caused you to go deeper into the dungeon though; it feels odd fighting off hordes of monsters and being half dead only a single tile away from the start steps. We beat the game and it didn't feel like we went into the depths of the actual dungeon at all.

Bonus!: Went to Wendy's and saw the kid's meal toys are Pac-man themed! One of them is a board game, I asked the clerk about it and she slipped me one for free. Played it and it's awesome terrible, lol. The most fun thing about it is how incredibly wrong they got Pac-man mechanics; the power pellets are actually warp spaces, the "bad" side of the 6 sided dice simulates a ghost catching you but has a print of an edible ghost on it (blue, squiggly mouth), so that doesn't make sense, and the object of the game is to eat fruit. Could be confusing for kids though because not everything Pac-man eats is fruit, so does the key count? How about pretzel, etc?
Hero said:
Dungeons & Dragons: Castle Ravenloft: I wanted to give this D&D board game another chance as I only got to play Wrath of Ashardalon at PAX East this year when I was tired. I can understand the appeal behind the game series for some people but for me it just doesn't really do it. I feel as a D&D type game it fails to hit the storytelling or attachment that one would normally get and as a board game I just don't think it's very fun. The game constantly punishes the players with Encounter cards and all monsters basically get initiative attack on the party. I don't feel that there's any way to properly formulate a strategy given the extreme randomness of the game. Never does a decision actually feel 100% confident in that if you don't explore you could get punished by an Encounter..only to explore and get an Encounter as well as spawning another monster.
Yeah, I honestly keep going back and forth on Ravenloft. This past Friday, we played a game of this, and for both something to compare and a nostalgia kick, someone brought over their old, old copy of the game Dragon Strike. Not a great game by any stretch, but it was one of those 90s attempts at marrying the D&D RPG system with the "can be done in an hour or two" mechanics of a board game. And though the game has its problems, it reminded me of what Ravenloft is missing with the DM-Less approach despite the fact that I really have no experience with tabletop RPG systems.

By that, I just mean that what I really like about Ravenloft is also what I find really limiting about it. I like that it's a quick and dirty (most games are done in an hour) approximation of a board game RPG that doesn't require a player dedicated to the DM role. But also because of that, it doesn't allow for a wide range of interesting choices to make. I'm curious about Ashardalon, having only played Ravenloft, but I haven't really heard anything about it substantially mixing up the formula. I find that I'm digging the genre and would like a little more, but some of the meatier options seem a little daunting (moreso when talking about time commitment as opposed to complexity).


Hail to the KING baby
-I consider Best Carc to be I&C + T&B. With people totally new to boardgaming though, I go back to base. They are both pretty great expansions that work well indendently and together.

-If you like Dominion, by all means go for the expansions. My personal favorite is Seaside. Intrigue and Prosperity are both very good too. Intrigue has more sort of bread-and-butter simple cards (other than wacky stuff like Masquerade) that sort of round out the base set (it is a standalone game after all). Seaside and Prosperity are much more creative and colorful in terms of the new mechanics they introduce. If you love base, you really can't go wrong with any of those, only Alchemy which is very hit-or-miss with people (not a huge fan myself unless I'm playing it on isotropic where it doesn't take 10m to play through a couple Possession turns).

-I haven't had the chance to play too much this month because my schedule has been crazy. Did sneak in some Lost Cities and RftG+TGS with my wife yesterday though. Thank goodness for Yucata and iOS, let me crank out a few games of Carc and Campaign Manager in spare moments.


Hail to the KING baby
So looking at coolstuffinc think I'm due for another buying blitz in a month or two. (Been a long time actually, at least for me.)

-Arkham Horror: Miskatonic Horror Expansion
-Troyes Board Game
-Dominion: Cornucopia

So damn good for starters.


Steve Youngblood said:
By that, I just mean that what I really like about Ravenloft is also what I find really limiting about it. I like that it's a quick and dirty (most games are done in an hour) approximation of a board game RPG that doesn't require a player dedicated to the DM role. But also because of that, it doesn't allow for a wide range of interesting choices to make. I'm curious about Ashardalon, having only played Ravenloft, but I haven't really heard anything about it substantially mixing up the formula. I find that I'm digging the genre and would like a little more, but some of the meatier options seem a little daunting (moreso when talking about time commitment as opposed to complexity).

I enjoy the game for the same reasons. Especially the 1 hour adventures the game mostly consists of. I've done 8 scenarios from Ravenloft and we were successful in 4 of them. The challenge feels balanced to me with a couple of the games we lost were fairly close to ending in success.

I've played 2 adventures from Ashardalon and the gameplay is virtually unchanged. You have some different characters to choose from (same classes except for one) with different abilities, different monsters, and different encounter/treasure cards, but that's all they are, just different. I wouldn't call them new or in any way fundamentally changing what you'd get from Ravenloft.

I'm also looking around at other cooperative games that feature quicker play sessions and I'm interested in Pandemic. Obviously missing out on the fantasy theme with that one. Also, if anyone has played Defenders of the Realms, I'd really like to know if that is a good coop game with quick play sessions?


Hail to the KING baby
timetokill said:
Just to clarify, Miskatonic is only good if you have at least one of the other expansions first, right?
Yep it's just supplemental stuff for pretty much every expansion. AH geeks only.
AstroLad said:
Yep it's just supplemental stuff for pretty much every expansion. AH geeks only.

I'll probably get Innsmouth in the next month (and Dunwich whenever they reprint it), so when you get Miskatonic I'd really love to hear your impressions on how valuable it is.


Played Die Macher for the first time this week (and won!). Very fiddly rules, but the experience was great. I like the game a lot more than I thought I would. Going into the last election (we played a shorter 5 round game), I believe I was in next to last place. It just so happens that I won the last election (a 20 point state). In this election I had media control. Using my shadow cabinet card I put a doubler on the tomato (forgive me, not sure what this particular card signifies) which gave me +2 and EVERYONE else -2. I had 2 other matches. However, one of the player won the opinion poll election and I was moved from 0 to -3 on the election board. As a result my ten voter cubes were worth only 1 point each. I ended up with a total of 12 (I started at 2). Everyone else has -1 or worse (they were all at 0 on the election board). None of the other players had more than 6 points at the end of the election so I won this election. I got the 20 points for winning the election, I got 12 points for having media control, and I got to put two cards into the national election. Because of this sole election I took the lead in party people, and I had FOUR cards matching in the national poll for a total of 70 points. So, in this last round I made 20+12+70 points (not to mention the +10 bonus for most people and another 20 points for having media control in a previous election--I won two overall). So, despite having the fewest total seats at the end of the game, I won the game with 213 points, 20 points more than the next closet player. I can't believe how powerful the last election is. To go from next to last to first by winning a 20 point election was quite a surprise.
Ravenlofts monster spawn/attack mechanics just ruin the whole thing for me. It is designed for play without a GM and it just kills much of the fun for our group. Many alternatives out there that use a GM and make for much better games. Though it is true that the one nice thing about raveloft and such is the quick and simply play of it.
BattleMonkey said:
Ravenlofts monster spawn/attack mechanics just ruin the whole thing for me. It is designed for play without a GM and it just kills much of the fun for our group. Many alternatives out there that use a GM and make for much better games. Though it is true that the one nice thing about raveloft and such is the quick and simply play of it.
Say I'm willing to cave on the "I like that it doesn't have a DM" aspect. What recommendations would you have that are somewhere in between Ravenloft and, say, Descent? Because I've looked into the latter, and it looks pretty neat. But I've heard that it's a "four hours if you know what you're doing" kind of game. I'd be lucky to get that to the table even once.
Pretty much all the DM dungeon delves seem to take a long time as they are generally more complex and require people to understand more things about having a DM and such. Descent is probably one of the best on the market but it does take up lot of space and time. Ravenloft and the other coming D&D board games of the same system are probably the best bet for quick dungeon delving gaming. Group we play with is used to large and long games so we really were not keen on the D&D board games and rather just play actual D&D if we had too.


First tragedy, then farce.

Trade accepted.

Pitchcar for Richard III. I regreted the pitchcar purchase almost right away. It's too much trouble to set up and the normal board game group doesn't really want to play it... ever. I've wanted Richard III since BGG. Probably getting hosed a bit on price, but oh well.

Also have the following trades in the pipeline with the other side actually considering it:

Tikal for RFTG + GS (never get this to the table, it's easier to just play Puerto Rico, and Tikal is a fun little area control game)
Kingsburg for Perikles (the only people I know who might play this with me already own it)
Arkadia for Tempus (loved Arkadia on yucata.. and again, everyone I know who might play this with me already owns it).
Back from my vacation, took my turns on yucata. Should be no further interruption.

Also, looks like Amazon is finally about to ship my 7 Wonders this week or next...


Anybody have any experience with FFG's Warhammer: Invasion Card Game. Got the core set on a total whim. Looks like it will be a quick and fun two player game.

I also, thanks to my impulsiveness, picked up the core set of A Game of Thrones Card Game. This one looks a bit more involved than Warhammer, so it might have to sit on the shelf for a while. But I really like that it will accommodate up to 4.
Played Resident Evil, pretty good really. The core of the game is obviously a Dominion rip off but the whole encounter/explore mechanic adds a nice competitive aspect to it, as well the games many alternate game play modes to choose from. The expansion announced works stand alone or as an expansion to the first set and will also add a coop play mode. If you like RE and Dominion, it's worth a look at.

MichaelBD said:
Anybody have any experience with FFG's Warhammer: Invasion Card Game. Got the core set on a total whim. Looks like it will be a quick and fun two player game.

It's a good game, very simple really and quick to play, but offers lot of strategy when you get down into the deck building aspect and really explore with the expansions.


I like the AGOT card game a lot. It takes a while to really learn, but it is way deeper and involved than, say, Magic.


BattleMonkey said:
It's a good game, very simple really and quick to play, but offers lot of strategy when you get down into the deck building aspect and really explore with the expansions.

Having read the rules for both games WH definitely seems much easier to learn, which is why I'll try it out first with some friends.

Flynn said:
I like the AGOT card game a lot. It takes a while to really learn, but it is way deeper and involved than, say, Magic.
It looks really fun and I like the plot cards and how they look to affect gameplay. I'm really hoping to drum up some interest. It looks though like it's one of those games where you can have a lot of bickering over how cards/actions can be used/played. My head was swimming after spending some time on FFG's site and reading about how action cards are played, etc.


My second game of AH was a victory. Suck it, Azathoth! Probably you guys noticed earlier tonight when the world didn't end. You're welcome.

My friend's Joe Diamond was a walking armory but his weak will score and some unlucky environment cards kept him in check for a while. My Bob Jenkins took out a monster or two but then lost a pretty bad fight and spent a few turns recovering. We managed to get three gates down but then we were both low on health and stamina and with monsters everywhere it took a while to get back into shape. Meanwhile the terror track just kept creeping up. We were close to being overrun when we closed two gates simultaneously just as a very lucky mythos card cleared the board of monsters (three monsters moved from locations to streets on that card and then the streets were cleaned, woot). After that I had a pretty easy time closing the last gate, picking up an elder thingy from my other world encounter to seal the deal (omg get it?).

Good times, good times. For most of the game we were sure we were going to lose via terror track and we probably would have if it weren't for that street cleaning. After the street cleaning we had five seals up and got a few mythos cards for sealed locations in a row. We also didn't hit any nasty rumors the whole game, which helped. In my last game I had rumors up constantly. We may play again tomorrow if he can make it, otherwise my next game is Saturday with a different friend. This game is the bidness.

I've also played my first few games of Citadels and I'm liking it a lot. So far I haven't played with more than 3 people so I can't wait to get a five or six player game going. Should be fun.

Also, FedEx says Space Hulk arrives tomorrow! Wooooo! Unfortunately the clipper, knife and glue I ordered may not show up until next week. Noooooo!


First tragedy, then farce.
Two games tonight..

First, Steam. Liked the game.. came in 3rd out of 5. Two of the players were absolutely terrible. Kept getting up to go to the bathroom or get more soda.. he kept telling everyone what to do (his advice was horrible, he came in last). She kept watching TV instead of playing the game. Bleh.

Following it up with a 3p game of innovation. LOVED THIS GAME. LOVED IT. LOVE. I won it by getting my 5th monument right before the next player was about to end the game. So simple, plays fast. Very unique. Did I mention.. LOVED IT.


MichaelBD said:
Having read the rules for both games WH definitely seems much easier to learn, which is why I'll try it out first with some friends.

It looks really fun and I like the plot cards and how they look to affect gameplay. I'm really hoping to drum up some interest. It looks though like it's one of those games where you can have a lot of bickering over how cards/actions can be used/played. My head was swimming after spending some time on FFG's site and reading about how action cards are played, etc.

We were lucky to play at the game shop closest to the FFG offices. So we had lots of guys that worked on the game giving us tips / rulings.


Cathcart said:
My second game of AH was a victory. Suck it, Azathoth! Probably you guys noticed earlier tonight when the world didn't end. You're welcome.

My friend's Joe Diamond was a walking armory but his weak will score and some unlucky environment cards kept him in check for a while. My Bob Jenkins took out a monster or two but then lost a pretty bad fight and spent a few turns recovering. We managed to get three gates down but then we were both low on health and stamina and with monsters everywhere it took a while to get back into shape. Meanwhile the terror track just kept creeping up. We were close to being overrun when we closed two gates simultaneously just as a very lucky mythos card cleared the board of monsters (three monsters moved from locations to streets on that card and then the streets were cleaned, woot). After that I had a pretty easy time closing the last gate, picking up an elder thingy from my other world encounter to seal the deal (omg get it?).

Good times, good times. For most of the game we were sure we were going to lose via terror track and we probably would have if it weren't for that street cleaning. After the street cleaning we had five seals up and got a few mythos cards for sealed locations in a row. We also didn't hit any nasty rumors the whole game, which helped. In my last game I had rumors up constantly. We may play again tomorrow if he can make it, otherwise my next game is Saturday with a different friend. This game is the bidness.

I've also played my first few games of Citadels and I'm liking it a lot. So far I haven't played with more than 3 people so I can't wait to get a five or six player game going. Should be fun.

Also, FedEx says Space Hulk arrives tomorrow! Wooooo! Unfortunately the clipper, knife and glue I ordered may not show up until next week. Noooooo!

From reading your description I think you're getting terror track and doom track mixed up. It's a common mistake. The Terror Track is on the board and it governs store closings (and yes, it's a possible failure condition, but is very rarely met) while the Doom Track is on the Ancient One's card, and in the case of Azathoth, is an insta-lose when filled.


No, I know what they are. We had a lot of gates open and we weren't killing many monsters for a while. With only 2 people the monster limit is five and the outskirts limit is six. With six gates open (I think that was our max) we were getting 6 monsters per surge and we had quite a few of those. So almost every other turn terror was going up. Luckily after the double gate close turn we got that mythos card and then we started getting a lot of cards for places we had already sealed so the end of the game was actually pretty calm.

Nice thing about Azathoth is that his doom track goes to 14 so we were never super close to danger there. I think the game ended with him around 10.


StoOgE said:
Following it up with a 3p game of innovation. LOVED THIS GAME. LOVED IT. LOVE. I won it by getting my 5th monument right before the next player was about to end the game. So simple, plays fast. Very unique. Did I mention.. LOVED IT.

On the other hand, every game I've had of it has been slow, fiddly & painful. It's flux for eurogamers. So much fucking randomness, so much chaos and 'game changing' events like how you won.
MichaelBD said:
Having read the rules for both games WH definitely seems much easier to learn, which is why I'll try it out first with some friends.

It was probably the easiest CCG type game I've been able to teach others to play very fast. The whole battlefield zones thing is a neat mechanic and it really provides lot of strategy going forward.


First tragedy, then farce.
fenners said:
On the other hand, every game I've had of it has been slow, fiddly & painful. It's flux for eurogamers. So much fucking randomness, so much chaos and 'game changing' events like how you won.

Yeah, I have no doubt at all that it is a very random game. My loving it would probably go down after repeated plays.


StoOgE said:
Yeah, I have no doubt at all that it is a very random game. My loving it would probably go down after repeated plays.

I've got one of the pre-production copies & need to play it some more; some of my game buddies love it, but it didn't go over well with me /at all/. These sort of tableaux building/combo building games have a hard time impressing me after Race.
We played a three player learning game of Mansions of Madness last night and I think it's pretty good. The main problem the investigators had was, with only two investigators it felt that they really didn't have enough to do. To them it felt like I was doing more on my turn then they could do on theirs. In a way I could see that but since the keeper is limited to threat tokens on hand for their actions and the tokens are limited to the amount of investigators in play there could be turns where I will only have one action done. Anyway it's really only a minor complaint because the next time we play three I'll just have the investigators play two characters each.

Personally, I had a pretty good time with the game. Setup is a bitch but it's a really easy game to teach and play. The keeper feels a bit overpowered at times but I kept it relatively easy on the investigators (there was a time where I could have really screwed them out of fixing a puzzle but decided to hold off on it). I ended up winning in the end which, in the first scenario, feels a bit anticlimactic. I'm going to bring this to my weekly boardgame group and see if they are interested in playing. I would love to play this with the full compliment of players.


timetokill said:
Just to clarify, Miskatonic is only good if you have at least one of the other expansions first, right?
Technically no, practically yes. Miskatonic includes a bunch of new cards to add to the previous expansions so the more expansions you have the more you get out of it. It does, however, also include some new content that can be added to the base game. So you could just get it. It would probably be a waste of money, though.


Space Hulk is here! Oh man, that box is just a giant brick of solid goodness. It's friggin' heavy because the card stock is so thick and as big as the box is it's slightly bulging because there is so much greatness stuffed inside. Everything about it screams quality. I had seen a bunch of pictures of the minis but man they are just perfect. Coolest game figures ever.

And the manuals are nice! These might be the best manuals I've received with a game since, I don't know, Wing Commander. Remember when manuals were more than just instructions kthxbye? These things are nice thick manuals with a lot of great artwork and background story mixed in. Awesome.

No wonder this thing was $100. Anyone who got it new at that price got a fantastic deal. This is seriously a contender for "best box of gaming stuff" I've ever opened up. Can't wait to play it :)
Cathcart said:
Space Hulk is here! Oh man, that box is just a giant brick of solid goodness. It's friggin' heavy because the card stock is so thick and as big as the box is it's slightly bulging because there is so much greatness stuffed inside. Everything about it screams quality. I had seen a bunch of pictures of the minis but man they are just perfect. Coolest game figures ever.

And the manuals are nice! These might be the best manuals I've received with a game since, I don't know, Wing Commander. Remember when manuals were more than just instructions kthxbye? These things are nice thick manuals with a lot of great artwork and background story mixed in. Awesome.

No wonder this thing was $100. Anyone who got it new at that price got a fantastic deal. This is seriously a contender for "best box of gaming stuff" I've ever opened up. Can't wait to play it :)
Heh, yeah Space Hulk is full of chrome. The game is a lot of fun as well one of my favorites. I was one of the lucky ones who picked it up when it was released.
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