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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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Not Wario
Looking to try out a board game this upcoming week with some friends. We're all into video games and some of us have played MtG a decent amount, but we've yet to really try board games. Right now, it's a split between Dominion, 7 Wonders, and Agricola. Anyways, my question is this: are there are any physical shops one can expect to find these sorts of board games at or is it mostly a specialty shop/online store kind of deal?


I've played a lot of new games over the past few weeks.

Catan Geographies: Germany
Lords of Vegas LORD$ OF VEGA$
Catan Dice
7 Wonders
Lost Cities: The Board Game

Catan Geographies is an interesting twist on Catan. It plays mostly the same, the main differences are that the board isn't randomized and you can only build settlements in specific places. Each played chooses a starting card at random which determines where your three starting settlements are which is nice because everyone starts out on equal footing. Other than that there aren't any really major differences.


Catan Dice is okay for a travel game, I guess, but not really compelling at all.

LORD$ OF VEGA$ shares a good chunk of mechanics with Aquire, but there's a lot more randomization involved because a lot of stuff is based on dice rolls. The one mechanic I did think was interesting was scoring. Outside the edge of the board there's a victory point track. Each casino is scored individually (A casino 1 square large scores 1 point, 2 squares large score 2 and so on). The interesting part is that there's inflation on the victory point track. So after a certain point you HAVE to score at least two from a single casino to advance. Then at least 3 and so on and so on. Any casinos that score less than that essentially become worthless. Other than that I'm not a huge fan of the game.


Domaine is a lot of fun , but falls apart slightly in the late game. The way it works, each player has four castles, (or three if you're playing with four players) each with one knight to start. During your turn you can either pay to play a card and do its action or sell a card to the Chancery for money. Then you either draw a card from the top of the deck or from the Chancery (can't be the card you just sold). The abilities on the cards are: build walls, hire knights, expand your domain, ally with an adjacent domain, and deserter cards (steal a knight).

The main goal of the game is to build domains. The way you do that is by enclosing your castles with walls in such a way that no one else's pieces are in the enclosed area. Once you've done so you've created a domain. Based on which tiles are in your domain you score points and also get extra income at the start of your turn. Walls are neutral and you can build them anywhere other than within an established domain.

By playing expand cards you're allowed to expand your domain by two tiles in any orthogonal direction. You can expand into unclaimed space OR into other players domains (shrinking theirs while growing yours), but you can only encroach on another players domain if your domain has more knights than his. Alliance cards allow you to ally with an opponents domain that borders your own. What that means is that for the rest of the game those two domains can no longer expand onto one another.

A strategy I've found that probably only will work if you're playing with people who haven't played before is to keep one castle completely undevoloped and out in the open. Eventually the game will progress to the point that you can create a huge domain for that castle just by building two or three walls. Where the end game seemed to fall apart when we played was in the card selection. The cards in the later part of the game didn't seem to have nearly enough expansion cards and seemed to be pretty much all deserter, alliance and knight cards. There are two ways to win the game: either have the most points when the deck runs out or get up to a pre-determined number of points based on the number of players. The later cards seem to be setup in such a way that you want to take a lead and then hold it rather than hit the point cap. That took us off guard.


7 Wonders is a lot of fun and I think most people here have played it. Unfortunately we only had three people when we played. It seems like the sort of game that's better with more players. Still we enjoyed it enough that we immediately played it again after our first time.


Lost Cities the Board Game plays very similarly to the regular card game, but scaled for more players. The basic gameplay is identical to the card game, but certain spaces on the board will give bonus points in the form of either extra movement, bonus point tiles (both of which remain there for everyone to reach them) and artifacts (which are first come, first served).



Hail to the KING baby
traveler said:
Looking to try out a board game this upcoming week with some friends. We're all into video games and some of us have played MtG a decent amount, but we've yet to really try board games. Right now, it's a split between Dominion, 7 Wonders, and Agricola. Anyways, my question is this: are there are any physical shops one can expect to find these sorts of board games at or is it mostly a specialty shop/online store kind of deal?
There are definitely lots of B&M game stores. Many specialize more in Magic and miniatures than most of the stuff we talk about here, but there are also some that are very solid in boardgaming. This is a very helpful list for that kind of stuff if you're in the US (think there are similar ones for other countries on BGG as well): http://www.boardgamegeek.com/thread/294366/flgs-of-the-usa-a-list-of-game-store-advice-on-b
Brashnir said:
I didn't even know there were other VA-based people in this thread. I second the motion.

There may be more VA-peeps than you think. VA's a big state though, so you might have to be more specific. =)


traveler said:
Looking to try out a board game this upcoming week with some friends. We're all into video games and some of us have played MtG a decent amount, but we've yet to really try board games. Right now, it's a split between Dominion, 7 Wonders, and Agricola. Anyways, my question is this: are there are any physical shops one can expect to find these sorts of board games at or is it mostly a specialty shop/online store kind of deal?
You can find Dominion and Agricola at some Barnes & Noble stores.


Not Wario
Thanks guys. I'll actually be at B&N tonight. Looks like thats the only store that might carry stuff in the Macon area anyhow. I've been to some of the card shops around here for Magic tourneys before but I can't recall if any had board games or not. Seem to remember seeing that Arkham art before in person.


Not Wario
The Good News: My local B&N does indeed carry several of the popular boardgames- Agricola, Carcassonne, Catan, Dominion, and several of Dominion's expansions.

The Bad News: Friends and I decided on 7 Wonders. Guess game night can wait till next weekend.


It looks like I'm in for BGG. It's just gonna be me and one friend. Looks like my Minnesota crew can't make it.
traveler said:
The Good News: My local B&N does indeed carry several of the popular boardgames- Agricola, Carcassonne, Catan, Dominion, and several of Dominion's expansions.

The Bad News: Friends and I decided on 7 Wonders. Guess game night can wait till next weekend.

Probably best not to start with Agricola, to be honest. Fantastic game, despite what neverfade says, but it's in the deep end.
Just finished up another game of Arkham Horror today, but with the Innsmouth Horror expansion I picked up. I was batting 100% in AH, but that ended today as we fell to Cthugha after he awoke from the Deep Ones track filling.

It was actually really intense. We had 4 sealed gates, and were working on a 5th The Deep Ones track was inching forward and we had a Rumor where after each mythos phase, you had to roll a die. A 1 or 2 added a token to the Deep Ones track. We had a guy set to put in the last two clues to get the Feds to raid Innsmouth and clear the Deep Ones track and get rid of that damned rumor. But that has to happen during Upkeep. So in the final roll just before that Upkeep that would have saved us, we rolled a 2 and got the Deep Ones track full. :(

It was a tense way to lose but man, fighting Cthugha and leaving victorious is practically impossible!


Lost a 2 player game of AH to Cthulu today. It was really close, we had five seals up and the other guy was in the second half of another world when we hit a monster surge that put us over 2x the limit at terror ten. Blerg. Fun game, though.

Also played my first two games of Space Hulk :) But I lost both of them :( It's great stuff, though. We played the first mission and took turns playing each side. I felt like I had a disadvantage playing the marines first since my friend got to watch me figure out the strats before we switched sides. Oh well, I can see playing a lot more of it, though.

Also played a few games of Citadels. So far the biggest game I've played was with three people, I'm pretty interested to get a five or six player game happening.


Man, I'm kinda interested in Troyes, but the inner AT-head in me is flashing warning signs.

Looks like it has decent interaction and DIIIIIIIIIIIICE YEEEEAH!

Anyone had a chance to play?


Hail to the KING baby
I'm definitely going to include Troyes in my next order in a couple months -- total sucker for worker placement.

Played some Agricola this weekend. Finally broke out the Gamers' deck. Nice thing is there are enough cards to play Gamers' Deck only (don't really like mixing cards myself). The cards are definitely fiddlier in the sense that several of them really required consulting the Compendium to nail down and their mechanics are just more involved than most of the cards from the main decks. We also performed in the low 30s which is quite low for us so there may be a negative effect on score too (or just our lack of familiarity at play). I was forced to do a grain engine because of my cards, which I hate since it nets you so few points unless you can scoop them up elsewhere but it was a fun game overall. 3P Gric is just brutal though; you are so much resource-starved than with 4 or 5.

Also played Race for the Galaxy up through the Rebel vs. Imperium expansion with takeovers ON. We almost never do this but it's so rare that it comes into play and I genuinely like most of the RvI cards so we just sucked it up. It definitely makes the game feel a good deal heavier though just in general tracking your strength and allegiance etc.


AstroLad said:
Also played Race for the Galaxy up through the Rebel vs. Imperium expansion with takeovers ON. We almost never do this but it's so rare that it comes into play and I genuinely like most of the RvI cards so we just sucked it up. It definitely makes the game feel a good deal heavier though just in general tracking your strength and allegiance etc.

Those additional military strength bars are really good for signifying "yes, I'm vulnerable or no I'm not." It took me a while to get the hang of using it, but it makes sense rather than sitting there counting every opponent's power. I


Hail to the KING baby
oh yeah i totally agree, just mean that all the tracking of that and other things adds a good amount to what was previously a pretty snappy game which is good or bad depending on what you're looking for. myself probably do a couple dozen playthroughs with this then finally move on to BoW
OOOOh my copy of 7 Wonders might be in my box or on my porch when I get home tonight.

(It's such BS that my shipments always arrive on like a Monday or whatever).


Super Sleuth
I picked up Race for the Galaxy yesterday and my wife and I played two games.

She claimed she was getting frustrated with the rules and it made her feel stupid, but half way through the game she was playing fairly autonomously and she ended up kicking my ass. The second game I backed into an Alien strategy and ended up beating her by a single point.

I kept telling her that this is a tricky game to get a handle on, but because we both had played San Juan before, it didn't take her long to pick up the gist of the game.

I like it much better than San Juan, the interactions of the cards seem more fun, the military is a pretty cool mechanic, and the different starting worlds are a fun touch.


Yaboosh said:
I picked up Race for the Galaxy yesterday and my wife and I played two games.

She claimed she was getting frustrated with the rules and it made her feel stupid, but half way through the game she was playing fairly autonomously and she ended up kicking my ass. The second game I backed into an Alien strategy and ended up beating her by a single point.

I kept telling her that this is a tricky game to get a handle on, but because we both had played San Juan before, it didn't take her long to pick up the gist of the game.

I like it much better than San Juan, the interactions of the cards seem more fun, the military is a pretty cool mechanic, and the different starting worlds are a fun touch.

I too hated Race the first couple of times I played it. The game is a harsh mistress.


Super Sleuth
Flynn said:
I too hated Race the first couple of times I played it. The game is a harsh mistress.

She actually didn't hate it, she liked it. She was just getting frustrated with herself because she thought she should just be able to pick it up immediately.
Race took me quite a number of games before I was comfortable with it. I still always feel like I'm playing poorly. Well, 99% of the time.

Read the rules for 7 Wonders, simple enough. Is the 2 player variant worth playing? It seems super awkward. Worse than Dungeon Lords' 2 player mode.


Funny, I really liked Race for the Galaxy on my first (and so far only) play. The symbols on the cards didn't seem too confusing to me. Maybe I had a good teacher? I had played San Juan dozens of times prior, though. I pursued a military strategy and beat two veterans and another friend with one other game under his belt.

Also, after playing Vikings in person once and a few games on Yucata, I decided to purchase it. I wasn't planning on getting it quite yet, but I realized that my Barnes & Noble Groupon was never redeemed and it was going to expire in 5 days. I had originally ordered the Onyx Risk set when I first received the Groupon, but my internet was messed up that day and apparently it never went through. Lucky I happened to check today and found no order confirmation, or it would have gone to waste.
I'm looking for some free Pen and Paper RPG games that I can play with people at work.

They need to be free (or cheap), attainable quickly, and suitable for 4-6 people. Specifically looking for a game with dice rolls.

We haven't played DnD before so if there are n00b games you recommend I'm all ears.

Thanks gals and guys!
platypotamus said:
Read the rules for 7 Wonders, simple enough. Is the 2 player variant worth playing? It seems super awkward. Worse than Dungeon Lords' 2 player mode.
Personally I didn't like the two player variant. The "AI" player was just a glorified discard/draw pile. It really needs to be played with at least three but more is always merrier.

BTW, did you get a second edition printing? It looks like there may have been problems with the printing on the AGE 3 card backs.

I just saw the thread and didn't have a chance to read through the whole thing.


How cheap is cheap?

I've heard a lot of good things about Gamma World, which is based off D&D, but I hear its pretty easy to crack open the base set and get going. I'd research it a bit on BGG.


Annnnd BGG.Con is officially sold out. One week of availability.

Now, tickets will be getting sold/traded for a while between folk, but still. One week!


Hail to the KING baby
fenners said:
Annnnd BGG.Con is officially sold out. One week of availability.

Now, tickets will be getting sold/traded for a while between folk, but still. One week!
You could see it coming with how they overshot their donation goal by like a katrillion dollars even though they had never reached it in years past. Our hobby is officially MAINSTREAM PEOPLE. Well not really, but getting there. Good timing on them to get that new space for next year's Con. Going to make every effort to get out there this year though too.

Norren: You might wanna check out BGG they have an entire print & play subforum with an incredibly active community that I'm sure could lead you in lots of good directions. Don't know how many active freegamers there are in this thread though.


I signed up for Yucata. My user name is the same as my name here (MichaelBD).

I'm not online during the day, so if anyone is up for a slow burn game of something then I'd be good to go.
AstroLad said:
Norren: You might wanna check out BGG they have an entire print & play subforum with an incredibly active community that I'm sure could lead you in lots of good directions. Don't know how many active freegamers there are in this thread though.

Thanks, will check this out.


First tragedy, then farce.
fenners said:
Annnnd BGG.Con is officially sold out. One week of availability.

Now, tickets will be getting sold/traded for a while between folk, but still. One week!

yeah, I'm willing to be a ton of people bought tickets and will bow out. a month before the Con last year and people couldn't give tickets away. For me the ticket price would have been the most expensive thing. For most, the ticket to the Con is the least of their expenses.. as evidenced by hotel bookings being lower than this time last year.
joeyjoejoeshabadoo said:
BTW, did you get a second edition printing? It looks like there may have been problems with the printing on the AGE 3 card backs.

I just saw the thread and didn't have a chance to read through the whole thing.

I don't see any problem with my cards, or with the pictures in the thread, but I'm pretty colorblind, so I'll have my wife check them when she gets home.
platypotamus said:
I don't see any problem with my cards, or with the pictures in the thread, but I'm pretty colorblind, so I'll have my wife check them when she gets home.
Yeah it looks like some people are making a bigger deal out of it than it is. I don't know how much it would help or hurt to know what cards are in a hand. Since the hands are being passed around anyway and you should only be worried about your neighbors it really shouldn't have too much of an impact. As for the change of name on the wonder boards they it is just an appearance change but I prefer the first edition boards.

So tonight I played a few new quick games with my fiance tonight. First off we played a couple games of Fairy Tale. The game uses the same drafting mechanic that 7 Wonders does. (pick a card pass your hand to your neighbor) Once you get a hand of five you play three of them one at a time flipping or unflipping cards as they are played. At the end of four rounds you add up the points of the face up cards in your tableau and the person with the most points wins. We both really liked it. It plays extremely fast and some of the combos that can be pulled off are a lot of fun. I recommend this game if you are looking for a fast filler. It was even fun with only two players but I would love to try it with more people.

Next we played Family Business. FB is a mob themed card game that feels like a derivative of Guillotine. Each player has a host of mob cards in front of them. Through out the game you will be playing cards to add mobsters to a line in front of the "wall". Once a mob war begins you discard a mobster from the front of the line at the beginning of your turn. This continues until someone plays a truce card or there are no mobsters left in line. The last player with mobsters remaining wins. I thought this game was alright. As I said it's derivative of Guillotine and the entire time I thought I'd rather be playing that than Family Buisness. So skip it but if you need a game to satisfy your inner executioner grab Guillotine instead.

Finally, we played Roll Through the Ages. I was already familiar with the game thanks to the iPhone app (which is serviceable once you get the hang of it.) I love it. It's a Civ themed Yhatzee variant where you are rolling for food, workers, and goods. Workers allow you to build more cities (gain extra dice) or monuments which get you points. Goods can purchase improvements for you civilization, like irrigation which will get you an extra food which you will need to feed your cities. It plays quick, has interesting descisions, and the components are fantastic. I totally recommend it.
joeyjoejoeshabadoo said:
Yeah it looks like some people are making a bigger deal out of it than it is. I don't know how much it would help or hurt to know what cards are in a hand. Since the hands are being passed around anyway and you should only be worried about your neighbors it really shouldn't have too much of an impact. As for the change of name on the wonder boards they it is just an appearance change but I prefer the first edition boards.

Yeah, she looked at them and said she didn't see anything either. So, I guess I'm lucky?

Astrolad, what happened to you in that Vikings game on Yucata?


Hail to the KING baby
platypotamus said:
Yeah, she looked at them and said she didn't see anything either. So, I guess I'm lucky?

Astrolad, what happened to you in that Vikings game on Yucata?
had to forfeit sorry gotta read the rules


Hail to the KING baby
Just booked hotel for bgg.con :D. My wife definitely won't be able to go so if I do go I'll probably bring along a non-gaming friend.


Been playing a bunch of games recently.

Played TI:3rd Edition a couple of weekends ago and had a lot of fun. Didn't read up on strategies before playing with the 6 other people so I didn't do so well, but there's always next time!. So many decisions to be made while playing that game. The group that plays this doesn't play it regularly, so I'll have to come better prepared next time.

Also played BSG for the first time recently with 4 people, but we didn't have time to finish. I can see this being a great group game that will get lots of plays. At first it was sort of boring since we were able to kill everything quickly and jump in a timely manner, but as soon as we said that we drew some nasty crisis cards and were running low on resources. Once the final loyalty cards were drawn we only played two more turns and the cylon was just about to do some major damage. Would have been a close finish. Can't wait to revisit this one.

Other fun games we've played in the last couple of weeks:

Survive! - Great game. Very simple and plays fast.

7 Wonders - Still getting the hang of victory paths, but it's just plain fun to play.

Roll through the Ages - Another good quick game

Citadels (only played 2p so far, but it was a great fast game with plenty of intrigue still)

Dominion - Mostly just play on isotropic, but we played a few games using the cards last week. (Interest in this one has died down because of my isotropic play giving me an edge vs. others)

RftG - Recently got the expansions and have only played the first one, but I've tried them on the AI program and they look to add more interesting and fun choices.


I'm starting an email interview with Jason Matthews (Twilight Struggle / Founding Fathers). If you guys have any questions for him I can slip them in on my follow up.
joeyjoejoeshabadoo said:
Personally I didn't like the two player variant. The "AI" player was just a glorified discard/draw pile. It really needs to be played with at least three but more is always merrier.

BTW, did you get a second edition printing? It looks like there may have been problems with the printing on the AGE 3 card backs.

I just saw the thread and didn't have a chance to read through the whole thing.

I was just unboxing my game and noticed it. I figured they were different types of cards, since i didnt know the game yet. Since I haven't played with it yet, I dunno how bad it will be. I'm really disappointed that:
a. It's a common problem and
b. The publisher will most likely not fix/replace it.


Gaming Truth said:

I was just unboxing my game and noticed it. I figured they were different types of cards, since i didnt know the game yet. Since I haven't played with it yet, I dunno how bad it will be. I'm really disappointed that:
a. It's a common problem and
b. The publisher will most likely not fix/replace it.
Like I said earlier I'm not sure how badly it will affect the game. I mean you will eventually see those cards anyway be it from when your neighbor passes the hand to you or they immediately play the card. It does suck that this happened and people should expect to get the product they pay for but shit happens. Good thing Asmodee is making good and offering replacements.


Played BSG with a newbie who is a born scoundrel. He had us all fooled until the bitter fucking end. I'm seriously in awe and somewhat jealous of his bullshitting attributes. I fear him as a Cylon once he gets a few more plays under his belt!


Neo Member
Finally managed a couple games of 7 Wonders last night 5 player and I will just say I am impressed, very quick and a lot of fun to play.


Hail to the KING baby
Ok finally re-read the Vikings rules. Seems fun!

edit: i sent out some more invites too to assorted games so check your invites and accept! (and let me know if you want to be invited to a new game if i didn't)


Just finished up some VERY close games of Vikings with AstroLad and Platypotamus on Yucata. The distribution of the vikings was so different between the two games, but the scores came out almost exactly the same in the end! Good games, guys, and I look forward to playing again!

I was hoping my physical copy of Vikings would arrive in the mail today so I could bring it to my game night, but UPS says it'll be here tomorrow. Maybe next week...
MrMan2k3 said:
Just finished up some VERY close games of Vikings with AstroLad and Platypotamus on Yucata. The distribution of the vikings was so different between the two games, but the scores came out almost exactly the same in the end! Good games, guys, and I look forward to playing again!

Yeah, that go around was definitely much less painful to my ego than the first, haha. It was a close one, and I thought I might have won, but something happened and I didn't get any fishermen out to supply my dudes that last round, which hurt.
Played Tammany Hall and 7 Wonders tonight with the game group. I got fucking trounced in Tammany Hall. I had three rounds where I only grabbed one point. I did a lot better in 7 Wonders and game in third in a 7 person game. I really like 7 Wonders. Light but not dumbed down. It fits a lot of people yet even with the full 7 players it still only takes 30 minutes to play.

I also got my math trade results today. I am trading Nuns on the Run for Pillars of the Earth. Math Trades have the knack of picking your least wanted game from your list. I'm fine with Pillars but it wasn't my first choice. Anybody play Pillars? I like worker placement games so I figured I would give it a try.


Not Wario
How game breaking is it if one person goes science heavy and no one else does in 7 Wonders? The game, in general, seems like it has good balance, but I keep seeing some criticisms involving that and the game swinging nature of the guilds.

Looking at picking up something more thematic. How is Dungeon Lords? I love the concept and the presentation looks slick; it just seems like one of those games that could have a definite best strategy that, once you have figured out, you could always stick to.

I'm also considering Dixit and Arabian Nights, but they seem like pure theme and very little game. Could still be fun. Lastly, Descent and RuneWars look pretty amazing, but they're fairly expensive, look pretty daunting to newcomers, and seem like they'd require lots of setup.
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