In my xperience, humans have the harder time in lnoe.
RayStorm said:While I tried my best to train my gaming groups not to eat anything sticky, fatty or crumbly while gaming there still is some notable resistance to my Snack-free gaming environment.
So, are there any kinds of salty/sweet snacks that afford themselves to be eaten while playing without mistreating my poor unsleeved Dominion cards?
Please share your experiences or reference me to past discussion about food while gaming.
Gary Whitta said:For Halloween we are playing Last Night on Earth LIVE on
Palmer_v1 said:What are some of the better games that will support more than 6 players?
Palmer_v1 said:Almost anything that is entertaining. We play a large mix of board games normally, but most of them only go up to 6 players. I know of some party games that could work, but I was thinking of something deeper than just playing Apples to Apples or whatever. Being casual friendly would be fine. I know a couple of us have no problem getting into complicated games, but an 8 player game isn't likely to get used that often.
Honestly' splitting up into a couple smaller groups would probably be best. 6 or more can be unwieldy and there really is only a handful of games that are truly worthwhile at that size. That being said, 7 Wonders plays great up to seven and The Resistance are two that immediately come to mind. I was also able to play Fearsome Floors with seven this past weekend and it wasn't bad either.Palmer_v1 said:What are some of the better games that will support more than 6 players?
ultron87 said:The Resistance supports a ton of players and goes really fast.
It also could potentially destroy friendships. But that's all part of the fun.
Yeah the Resistance is great. We played like three games of that in a row on Saturday and it got loud.ultron87 said:The Resistance supports a ton of players and goes really fast.
It also could potentially destroy friendships. But that's all part of the fun.
AstroLad said:In other board-game news, playing Agricola with draft rules on is quite fun.![]()
as odd as this sounds, I'm kind of worried about trying the Advanced rules in Formula D. We've played twice but each time had beginners, so we used beginner rules. Without having to worry about different points taking different damage, it made like an arcadey experience and people were playing "silly," like taking massive damage, going up a gear even though they really shouldn't, etc. I feel that because the beginner rules are less serious, it makes for a less serious, more fun more laughs, kind of thing. I do plan on playing advanced rules next game, just to see if this is correct though.AstroLad said:Snow Tails is giving me some hankering for Formula D -- maybe I need to reconsider that game now in the context of a large game group to play it with.
I think you're right. This is a big part of what put me off Formula D was that it felt like it should either be a light--almost party-game or a simmy game, but was really neither. Why I sold it and kept Snow Tails (which is quite similar) instead. But I always really loved the idea of different dice for different gears, and the aesthetics on the game are really great.Gryphter said:as odd as this sounds, I'm kind of worried about trying the Advanced rules in Formula D. We've played twice but each time had beginners, so we used beginner rules. Without having to worry about different points taking different damage, it made like an arcadey experience and people were playing "silly," like taking massive damage, going up a gear even though they really shouldn't, etc. I feel that because the beginner rules are less serious, it makes for a less serious, more fun more laughs, kind of thing. I do plan on playing advanced rules next game, just to see if this is correct though.
BattleMonkey said:What we have been doing lately is instead of eating snacks at the table, we take little breaks during our games or between games to head to the kitchen for snacks. Folks will sometimes bring some cake, or other little treats for our game nights, and I keep my place stocked with variety of shit. Nothing but drinking usually during the actual games.
Gary Whitta said:Last Night on Earth is pretty fun, as survivors we are getting wiped out by the zombies though.
BattleMonkey said:In my xperience, humans have the harder time in lnoe.
BattleMonkey said:So Nightfall, any comments on it? How unique different from typical DBG's is it? Group s kinda getting sick of the genre and seems a new one comes out every other week now. Nightfall have lot of unique gameplay to give it a whirl? Is the art overall better than the box arts, which is pretty horrible looking.
Might just wait for Eaten by Zombies to be my "last" DBG
In my limited experience with the game (only played a handful of times), the times I remember the humans winning, it was looking really bad for the humans for the first three quarters of the game, with a pretty dramatic turn-around in the last quarter.BattleMonkey said:In my xperience, humans have the harder time in lnoe.
AstroLad said:I honestly forget who has the edge, but LNOE is definitely designed for last-turn-type heroics. Once in a while you have a squash match but the game succeeds quite often at being crazy close. It's possible you are forgetting some rules though, for what is mostly a light/medium party-type game it has a decent amount of rules fiddliness.
AstroLad said:I honestly forget who has the edge, but LNOE is definitely designed for last-turn-type heroics. Once in a while you have a squash match but the game succeeds quite often at being crazy close. It's possible you are forgetting some rules though, for what is mostly a light/medium party-type game it has a decent amount of rules fiddliness.
AstroLad said:I honestly forget who has the edge, but LNOE is definitely designed for last-turn-type heroics. Once in a while you have a squash match but the game succeeds quite often at being crazy close. It's possible you are forgetting some rules though, for what is mostly a light/medium party-type game it has a decent amount of rules fiddliness.
StoOgE said:Zombies tend to win my games most of the times.
The humans get squashed early when they lose, or it's close. I've never seen a zombie get mauled. Except that time at BGG con when we crushed your wife. In her defense, we managed to get some inane weapons.
I think the humans have it harder simply because they have to work together, and often have multiple problems to juggle. While the zombies just have.. BRAINS to worry about.
BattleMonkey said:Never found the game fiddly at all, if anything its very streamlined and simple, even if you toss in expansions. The last minute rush type of play is just natural to the time limit structure of the game and since it uses objectives generally, players end up usually hording around a particular area right near the end in their mad rush to try and win.
People always mess up the rules and interactions, which is why there's a big unofficial FAQ for it. There are many important rules that you cannot know how to play correctly if you don't read the FAQ and a few of the more popular BGG rules forum threads.BattleMonkey said:Never found the game fiddly at all, if anything its very streamlined and simple, even if you toss in expansions. The last minute rush type of play is just natural to the time limit structure of the game and since it uses objectives generally, players end up usually hording around a particular area right near the end in their mad rush to try and win.
AstroLad said:People always mess up the rules and interactions, which is why there's a big unofficial FAQ for it. There are many important rules that you cannot know how to play correctly if you don't read the FAQ and a few of the more popular BGG rules forum threads.
BattleMonkey said:I've never ran into rules "you cannot know" in the many times I've played. I'll take a look at this "faq" and see whats on it, though I have a feeling I will probably end up rolling my eyes with how over analyzed much of the game will be... like many "ameritrash" titles.
Hero said:If you feel that way there's no stopping you from your opinion but there are a lot of different variables and unclear wordings that create these huge standstills in the gameplay because everyone has their own interpretation of it. If you've been on the BGG forums for this game and took a look at how many questions arise it's clear this game is not as simple as you make it out to be.
Hero said:If you feel that way there's no stopping you from your opinion but there are a lot of different variables and unclear wordings that create these huge standstills in the gameplay because everyone has their own interpretation of it. If you've been on the BGG forums for this game and took a look at how many questions arise it's clear this game is not as simple as you make it out to be.
AstroLad said:well if we're comparing it to ffg garbage that needs four faqs to even be playable, then yes it's totally "streamlined" and simple.
back in realityland however
I actually have yet to play with those extra cards, but I'd say a general rule of thumb for any new group is to start off simple. Unless they've played Werewolf or Mafia before, but even then I'd only bring the extra cards in once everybody's played and familiar with the core game.AstroLad said:What is the best way to play The Resistance with a new group of 6? Advanced rules ("plots"?)? Variants?
AstroLad said:What is the best way to play The Resistance with a new group of 6? Advanced rules ("plots"?)? Variants?