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The new iPad |OT|

lol damn so much hate. I do admit it's upscale hipster shit. Their suits used to cost 4000 rtw few years ago btw.

don't stress out. haters will hate. that case can likely last you as long as tablets are made, and while people drop $500 total for cases for their next 4 or 5 tablets, you'll have a case that looks better than all of them, and will last longer than all of them. I just wish that fit were a little more enviable. The rest of the case is fantastic.

Is there a way to tighten that bottom flap?


don't stress out. haters will hate. that case can likely last you as long as tablets are made, and while people drop $500 total for cases for their next 4 or 5 tablets, you'll have a case that looks better than all of them, and will last longer than all of them. I just wish that fit were a little more enviable. The rest of the case is fantastic.

Is there a way to tighten that bottom flap?

Unfortunately no. I think it was made this way so e og ipad cold fit as well. It doesnt bother me much but i might stop by the flagship store and ask for alteration from their cobbler though


Gruber makes a good point.


If we based our tablet purchases on sales data only perhaps, sure.


Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
Unfortunately no. I think it was made this way so e og ipad cold fit as well. It doesnt bother me much but i might stop by the flagship store and ask for alteration from their cobbler though
LOL. That is awesome.

And no hate. I've made heaps of outrageous purchases! Usually while on holidays :(


The heat issue definitely seems to be much worse for some than others, what with scattered reports of iPads getting almost burning hot and shutting down. I'm going to bet this is like anything else: Defectives due to rushed manufacturing for launch day.

As for the general ten-degree temperature increase, I can't say I'm shocked. The iPad 3 isn't exactly an ideal thermal environment, you've got a faster processor (and a newer display burning more power and generating more heat) smooshed inside a case that mostly consists of a giant battery.

I didn't know that this was a widespread problem.

"Widespread" is probably a bit much. As they always say, more people go out on the internet to talk about their bad experiences than their good ones, especially during product launches (when the happy customers are too busy using the new toy.)
My iPad may get warm, but never hot. I especially don't notice it when it's in my case. I didn't know that this was a widespread problem.
It was better designed on the cow, honestly.

And here I was feeling guilty about my smartcover purchase ($45), which I think is overpriced and which I'm debating returning.

don't stress out. haters will hate. that case can likely last you as long as tablets are made, and while people drop $500 total for cases for their next 4 or 5 tablets, you'll have a case that looks better than all of them, and will last longer than all of them. I just wish that fit were a little more enviable. The rest of the case is fantastic.

Is there a way to tighten that bottom flap?

That's quite the fuzzy math you got there. Can't imagine how long it would take the avergae person to accumulate $500 spent on tablet cases. 10-15 years at least?But ok.


Even warm is putting it a bit much, IMO unless you're picking up a freshly charged unit. It just doesn't stay completely cool like the iPad 2, it is a complete nonissue.

I decided to crack open one of the smart covers apple gave us, though I was planning just to sell em off. I like it, though. The grey color i got looks nice on the white. Maybe I should get something for the back, though.


so I managed to switch my engraved 3rd gen iPad (engraving courtesy of the lovely lady) with a higher capacity model with Verizon LTE. was in and out in less than 5 minutes and they even erased the original iPad in front of me.

great customer service, and i'm looking forward to trying the LTE connection on my commute to and from work tomorrow. it's a shame they only had smart cases on stock, though. i need a replacement for my folio since the new ipads are just large enough to make the magnets on my old case inoperable to active/disarm the screen while it's covered.

How did you do that? What was the engraving on the back, something generic and not your name I'm assuming?


Even warm is putting it a bit much, IMO. It just doesn't stay completely cool like the iPad 2. It's a complete nonissue, though.

I decided to crack open one of the smart covers apple gave us, though I was planning just to sell em off. I like it, though. The grey color i got looks nice on the white. Maybe I should get something for the back, though.
Exactly. Just the usual handwringing we get every launch.


How do you actually add comic files locally to your iPad and read them using ComicGlass?

My preferred way is to use FileBrowser or FilesConnect apps to access my comic collection wirelessly on a NAS or my computer and to use the "Open In" function to hand them off to ComicGlass.

FYI, Smash Comic and Manga Reader doesn't work yet on retina, loads images really slow. Too bad because Auto Zoom feature rocks and the app was real snappy on iPad 2.


Here's the same pic I posted earlier with adjusted white balance. I'm now convinced the majority of the yellow hue people haven't compared theirs to the older iPads. I haven't seen many pics that show the new iPad with a similar hue to the previous devices. The new iPad has a warmer color temp, and auto white balance does a terrible job of producing a photo suitable for comparing them.


On MacRumors people keep posting comparisons like mine and immediately a ton of people pile on and say it looks terrible. My hypothesis is that many of these same people don't have an iPad 2 to directly compare their own. Before I put it next to the iPad 2 I thought the screen was just about perfect with excellent whites/greys.

The one on the right looks way too blue to me.


Unconfirmed Member
Isn't the back made of aluminum like a MBP? If that's so then it's soaking up all that heat to dissipate it.
How did you do that? What was the engraving on the back, something generic and not your name I'm assuming?

Na, Apple just doesn't give a shit. They've fixed/replaced out of warranty items I've had many times, totalling thousands of dollars (iPhone, Macbook Pro, Mac mini, etc). In general they're very lax, as they have policies that put customer satisfaction beyond anything else. It's what makes people lifelong customers, and Apple is smart enough to realize that.

And yeah, the back does get warmer. Chalk that up to pushing 4X the pixels, having much larger power output, and a quad core GPU. However, this story is being played up as a desperate attempt to start another 'scandal', 'controversy' or such other bullshit, about something that wouldn't even warrant a single article with any other product of any other company. It's just clickbait, and everyone will jump in at the risk of missing out on these previous clicks.


Proper screen calibration usually has color balance to low warms, as opposed to cools or even neutral. I don't think it's weird to prefer cool though, but the calibration isn't really off or anything.

This conversation does remind me of how much time I spent on avs forums when I first started getting into hd displays. That took a bit of a mental cleansing to get over some bad habits I had (addicted to crazy high backlight, too much sharpness, had deep color on which was murdering my blacks, etc)
Unfortunately no. I think it was made this way so e og ipad cold fit as well. It doesnt bother me much but i might stop by the flagship store and ask for alteration from their cobbler though

that...is a brilliant idea. I would if I were you. Tablets are only going to get thinner from here. Best to address it now than later.

That's quite the fuzzy math you got there. Can't imagine how long it would take the avergae person to accumulate $500 spent on tablet cases. 10-15 years at least?But ok.
let me have my fuzzy maths!


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
My preferred way is to use FileBrowser or FilesConnect apps to access my comic collection wirelessly on a NAS or my computer and to use the "Open In" function
Which one of these do your recommend more? I would love to be able to stream off my NAS.


lol, well I was wrong on my guess about what minor issue would be latched on to by tech blogs and fanboy warz, blown out of porportion and forgotten six months later. I was sure it was going to be the screen. Instead it's going to be HEATGATE.


Which one of these do your recommend more? I would love to be able to stream off my NAS.

FileBrowser is cheaper and has a faster, easier interface. FilesConnect is more powerful and can also access cloud storage like DropBox, Box.net, Facebook, but it's a little clunkier and costs more. I end up using FileBrowser a lot more.


lol, well I was wrong on my guess about what minor issue would be latched on to by tech blogs and fanboy warz, blown out of porportion and forgotten six months later. I was sure it was going to be the screen. Instead it's going to be HEATGATE.

Yea design choices affecting handheld devices being held are totally minor issues.

Aruarian Reflection

Chauffeur de la gdlk
Of all people, Apple thread regulars have no right to hate on kruskev for buying overpriced products

But speaking of cases, looks like most of the manufacturers are quick to respond to the non-functional sleep/wake and will be producing fixed cases in a couple weeks. I'm looking for one that has front/back coverage, smart cover function, built-in stand for multiple angles, doesn't cover the bezel, great quality (leather or otherwise), and must come in either white or pink. Not that easy, but a couple on Amazon may fit the bill after they fix the smart magnets...
Just ordered the Logitech keyboard from amazon. After I buy my smartcover tomorrow I am fucking done spending money for the money. Jesus christ. I am trying to save half my salary by the end of the year, but this fucking forum makes me spend money like no tomorrow.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
FileBrowser is cheaper and has a faster, easier interface. FilesConnect is more powerful and can also access cloud storage like DropBox, Box.net, Facebook, but it's a little clunkier and costs more. I end up using FileBrowser a lot more.

Right now they are both $4.99. Still recommend File Browser over FC?


Wow, times change. When I got them, FB was $1.99 and FC was $7.99.

I guess for the money, I'd go with FilesConnect, it can do a lot more, though it takes more taps to transfer and hand off a file.


My new version of mashing f5 to see if my iPad has shipped has turned into checking the app store to see if any of my apps have been updated for retina. I may have some issues haha

And someone earlier mentioned it but apple-gaf really is one of the better "forums" compared to the lunatics like at macrumors. I want to strangle half of them talking about screen protectors and the other half trying to crop out black bars when converting video.

Also I want to visit a cobbler to work on my stuff :(


It was then, and is now.

Apple made bumpers to fix their lack of foresight and then settled on insulating the bands after initial runs. They got away with a poor design.
C'mon Coco. I know you. This isn't gonna work on me.

Im being serious. It's not Apple alone either, my GN has a blazing hot area near the camera and it's crap that they overlook these things.
Just ordered the Logitech keyboard from amazon. After I buy my smartcover tomorrow I am fucking done spending money for the money. Jesus christ. I am trying to save half my salary by the end of the year, but this fucking forum makes me spend money like no tomorrow.

Just curious as to why you didn't check out the amazonbasics' bluetooth keyboard? I've got mine coming tomorrow and it was only $39.99.

As for the expensive iPad case, I thought it looked awesome, just that the fit was kinda bad.

Here's the expensive case that I actually quite like: Kenton Sorenson Leather iPad case


Apple made bumpers to fix their lack of foresight and then settled on insulating the bands after initial runs. They got away with a poor design.

Im being serious. It's not Apple alone either, my GN has a blazing hot area near the camera and it's crap that they overlook these things.

Don't let engadget suck you in! 'blazing hot' isn't anywhere in the same universe, much less ballpark.


Gruber makes a good point.


I checked out that dell coveted brand story (for the lulz) and found this video in an attached link:


Gotta be one of the most awkward product pitches I've ever seen. Dude didn't even realize that he was being clowned on the whole time, probably didn't help that he ignored his hosts for a good five minutes while he talked to the audience. The funniest thing is that Samsung basically made the same phone with the galaxy note and found some success. The dell brand is more of a hindrance than anything, when I hear the word dell I automatically think "shit hardware" that's a stigma that's hard to erase in customers minds. Coveted brand fucking lol.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Wow, times change. When I got them, FB was $1.99 and FC was $7.99.

I guess for the money, I'd go with FilesConnect, it can do a lot more, though it takes more taps to transfer and hand off a file.

FC seems to be working like gangbusters. Thank you!
So I didn't know the iTunes pre-installed is for purchases only, and the Music Player pre-installed only plays music purchased from there? What's a good app, free or paid, that will let me transfer mp3's from my PC to my ipad and play them? I don't expect to have wifi available everywhere so I'd like to keep some tunes on hand.


So I didn't know the iTunes pre-installed is for purchases only, and the Music Player pre-installed only plays music purchased from there? What's a good app, free or paid, that will let me transfer mp3's from my PC to my ipad and play them? I don't expect to have wifi available everywhere so I'd like to keep some tunes on hand.

Uh iTunes?


So I didn't know the iTunes pre-installed is for purchases only, and the Music Player pre-installed only plays music purchased from there? What's a good app, free or paid, that will let me transfer mp3's from my PC to my ipad and play them? I don't expect to have wifi available everywhere so I'd like to keep some tunes on hand.

You can use iTunes (on your computer) to transfer any mp3 to the iPad. The music app will play them. iTunes on the iPad is pretty much the iTunes store.

This is one area I think apple kind of fucked up.

On your computer you have one app to buy and play movies and music. On iOS now you have a music app, iTunes, a video app, and a app store! I kind of miss the old "iPod" app :(


Im kinda suprised Apple hasnt done induction charging yet. Actually, I think HP is the only one who's released a induction charger/stand. Would love to see Apple release something like that in a future iteration.


Im kinda suprised Apple hasnt done induction charging yet. Actually, I think HP is the only one who's released a induction charger/stand. Would love to see Apple release something like that in a future iteration.

It's a gimmick and if Apple does it you will be paying a premium for the accessory, when attaching a cable will do the same thing.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
Don't be a dick.
how exactly am I being a dick. If one specific area on an iPad is hot turn it around, it's not exactly like the thing is designed to be used in any orientation... Oh wait. If its too hot to touch then take it back it's defective, apple has a great return policy. Even charging and using it at the same time mine gets slightly warm at best.

"Try not holding it that way," eh? How many times am I going to have to contort my hands around suspect engineering decisions?
sorry for using logic. Also it's a design decision everyone wanted. I was around for last years launch and a lot of people were whining that the 2 wasn't retina. They give us retina and amazingly double the battery size with a minimal size and weight hit and now either the screen isn't that impressive (to some) or the iPad is so hot it's just unbearable(to others).

I'm no Apple apologist they aren't perfect but some of this crapmjust gets ridiculous.
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