I liked the trailer, i dont think ive been on any forum that hates these movies nearly as much as gaf. Whats wrong with dark?
Nothing, but as a trailer that wants to sell you the movie, some see the start of the trailer till the end just one light scale
Like yes if shits going down, smoke, dreary, fires galore raging, decimation laid about you use the dark to convey the visual scope of the scene
Yet throughout the whole trailer to some including me it felt like that the whole things is just stuck on that visual base
Some of the scenes come off really looking fake, cause the visual tone doesn't match what's happening in front of you
Prime example when Wonder Woman goes her superhero fall pose and joins Aquaman and Cyborg in that alien space location
The color is so muted, Cyborg almost is blending into the scene, Aquaman looks very dull, Wonder Woman looks tolerable cause the focal point is on her
Could've used some different color grade or just lighting it differently, just to show the Superheroes in a good standing