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The new White Stripes record confuses me.

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Jack White really needs to lay off of the coke. Jesus. "Red Rain," even for a straight up rocker, is just really odd. It sounds like an album Spoon would make if they were all addicted to crack.


I wonder how my Dad will react, they're his favorite band. He dug Blue Orchid but not the falsetto too much.


The only two reviews I've seen so far are from Spin and NME. NME liked it (gave it an 8), Spin didn't. They gave it a less than favorable review.


I've been through the whole thing about 4 times..... and I dig it bigtime. Its definatly not what I was expecting, but I guess Blue Orchid wasn't what I was expecting either.

Fave tunes -
Blue Orchid
My Doorbell
Little Ghost
Denial Twist
Take, Take, Take
I'm Lonely

Yeah I guess I like it :)


This album is excellent. It just reconfirmes the fact that The White Stripes put out some of the best music today, period. Seriously... I used to be pretty selective about their discography, but De Stijl, White Blood Cells, Elephant and now Get Behind me Satan are as perfect as rock albums can be. I would love to see this band live.

Jack White is an amazing songwriter and extremely creative guitarist. His performance of "Death Letter" in 2001 from the BBC is probably my favorite cover ever.
I really like this. Of course, I've only listened once and my opinions are highly volatile, but this album feels right.

The songs aren't immediately catchy (I'm listening to it a second time right now), but they're quality and I can tell I'm going to have this on repeat for a long time to come.


I'm really enjoying it. I'm still not quite sure where I'd rank it among the other albums. I like that it's a pretty big departure from their previous work and not simply Elephant II. Red Rain is quickly becoming one of my favorite Stripes songs.


Unconfirmed Member
Oh man, because I'd played their different albums to fucking death, I'd forgotten just how much I loved these guys. This album is kicking my ass. It's pretty fucking weird, but that's okay. I kind of saw Elephant as taking everything they'd done prior and taking it to a new level. I like that they're going in a bit of a different direction, but it still sounds like them.

Good work, Jack. I think he needs to get into more fist fights.

"The Denial Twist" fucking rules, by the way.
thank god you got rid of your packers avatar lambtron

i obtained this album (legally), i am going to listen to it shortly.

p.s. meg white isn't hot


Nah. It's not like their music requires the sampling frequency of a CD. That's why I love this band so much. In fact, the way they sound seems to be more fitting for vinyl anyway. They're the only stripped down, semi-simplistic kind of rock band that knows what the fuck they're doing. Every time I'm in the car and hear stupid bands like Jet or The Vines I'm so glad there are bands like the Stripes.

Oh, btw, I'd also like to add that "Get Behind Me Satan" is the coolest title for an album.
The production on Blue Orchid sounds completely different from the rest of the album. I wonder if it was a last minute addition to appease record execs with a more radio friendly tune that's not too far removed from their previous hits like the rest of the album is.

Good album though.


-jinx- said:
Could you explain what that means?
True 48KHz, background noise free audio - what CD's were made for, but The White Stripes confirm that creativity and talent >> sound quality.

The Stripes' music isn't all about being super polished or well crafted in the studio. It's pretty raw, but somehow, extremely creative and as noise-tacular as anything experimental bands have done in the 80's and 90's. But their sound definitely has a classic rock vibe to it that works perfectly with vinyl.


Unconfirmed Member
Diablos said:
True 48KHz, background noise free audio - what CD's were made for, but The White Stripes confirm that creativity and talent >> sound quality.

The Stripes' music isn't all about being super polished or well crafted in the studio. It's pretty raw, but somehow, extremely creative and as noise-tacular as anything experimental bands have done in the 80's and 90's. But their sound definitely has a classic rock vibe to it that works perfectly with vinyl.

Pretty much everything sounds better on vinyl, though.

FrenchMovieTheme said:
thank god you got rid of your packers avatar lambtron

Only 'cos it's offseason. I'll be rockin' Favre as he slings and slangs his way to a 5-11 season in the cellar of the NFC North this year. Woo.


My mini-review of this alternative/southern/punk/psychedelic/noise masterpiece.

1. Blue Orchid
Awesome opener. Stripped down psychedelic power riffing. The ideas for songs like these have come a long way since Fell In Love With a Girl, heh. I always think of the color neon pink when I hear this song. That's just what the guitar tone and noise reminds me of, I guess - I don't know why. No, I've never experimented with drugs. :p

2. The Nurse
Awesome use of the somewhat out of place cymbal (that's mixed with a messed up guitar noise that matches it perfectly) to enhance the song's daydreaming (or perhaps high), out of mind feeling. Overall, this song is trippy as hell. Jack White must really like his drugs, but that's ok. Probably the weirdest song on the album (and their discography?)

3. My Doorbell
Why do I think of 50's music when I hear this? "My Doorbell" is my favorite song on this album so far - it has an awesome upbeat tempo, and this is definitely one of Jack's best vocal performances to date. Plus, it's a lot different from anything else the band has done (which is true for just about every song on the album, but this one isn't even guitar-driven rock - it sounds like an oldie or something.)

4. Forever For Her (Is Over For Me)
Great leadup to the chorus! Seems to capitalize on their obsession for southern/grungy rock that dominates their albums, but adapted to fit the more psychedelic feel of Get Behind Me Satan. Damn, I love that title.

5. Little Ghost
Reminds me of an acoustic Led Zeppelin song or something, but more personal lyrics. A nice break from the madness; very mellow and folky. I was hoping it was gonna be some kind of sequel to one of my favorite WS songs, "Little Bird." But it's not. :( Can't hold that against the song, though!

6. The Denial Twist
Just what the song says - a twist, and a damn good one. This is also a fine moment for Meg because this is one of her best drum performances. Great beat.

7. White Moon
I don't have much to say about this one... pretty dull. Weakest song on the album, IMO. But honestly, it's the only weak one.

8. Instinct Blues
Amplified, loud, distorted, direct, but blusey too... a mix of what the band has done on their past few albums, I guess?

9. Passive Manipulation
Sing more songs, Meg. This one is too short! But it certainly screams hippie. I like it. Cute would be the word.

10. Take, Take, Take
Starts out as folk pop, then dissolves into this messed up piano driven thing, then goes back to the folk pop. Not exactly the easiest thing to do without the result being horrible, but of course they pull it off.

11. As Ugly As I Seem
Haha, COMPLETELY out of place. I don't like it, if only because it's way, way too western for my tastes. The band is better off doing what they do best, and that would be fusing this type of sound with alternative, punk, and blues. But for what it is... it's certainly not bad.

12. Red Rain
This song rocks, plain and simple. I'm addicted to the possessed power riffing. I want to pick up a guitar and start rockin' out (if only I could.) But that's exactly what the song is: possessed. Just when I thought they couldn't do any more altering of their signature sound, they did. Jack White, what are you taking? :D But yeah, this demonstrates that the Stripes somehow manage to reinvent the most simplistic of approaches to music without sounding redundant. They seriously need to be recognized for doing so.

13. I'm Lonely (But I Ain't That Lonely Yet)
Eh... a little on the boring side but obviously this is a deeper glimpse into Jack's personal life. Second weakest song on the album.

I give it a 9 out of 10. I'm not sure where to rank this because I love all their albums the same.


It's definitely a masterpiece. I hear something different every time I play it. I've already listened to it like 10 times today.
I hate the way this fucking forum always has impressions of albums illegally downloaded. When the album actually comes out, and I buy it legally and respectfully, nobody wants to talk about it anymore. DIE YOU HAXXORS DIE!


diablos review is pretty silly, but he's right about it being a good album. it's bascially a mid-50's chess record (minus the awful blue orchid) and i mean that's a lot of fun


enjoy bell woods said:
Yeah, "Blue Orchid" is fucking awful. I also think "My Doorbell" is irritating and lost whatever it had after one listen.

oh i like my doorbell is fun after a few listens, it works al ot better than the overly precious songs on elephant. also i think sharon jones should cover it.


swoon said:
diablos review is pretty silly, but he's right about it being a good album. it's bascially a mid-50's chess record (minus the awful blue orchid) and i mean that's a lot of fun
What's so silly about what I had to say?

I didn't write a 10 page review. You think I'm Pitchfork or something?
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