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The Night Of - new crime limited series - HBO Sundays - 90 on Metacritic


9? Hope so, but I'd read it's 8....?

I know, but the fact he's played by a somewhat notable HBO alumni makes me figure he has to be involved a bit more. Either he's involved in her death or he cares more than he is letting on.
Or he's being used as a red herring, of which this series has a few.
Finishing up ep 5, but I'm anxious to know if there's anything about the missing picture on her wall? You can see the negative space whenever they have a shot of the blood spray. I'm tempted to rewatch the first episode to see if they show what was on the wall.


I get that, but it's not working for me, I could understand some of the things he's done, but the tattoos is where I draw the line.

Someone getting a tattoo is where you draw the line...over smuggling and pulling drugs out of your ass, beating someone to near death, and doing heroin??


This show just shows you how quickly the prison system can fuck you up. There is no reform, you just get fucked even harder in there. I mean look what Naz is becoming.


What's missing in this show is the amount of time that has passed. Getting to trial in a case like this would take months of not a year.
What's missing in this show is the amount of time that has passed. Getting to trial in a case like this would take months of not a year.

The DA asked it to be fast tracked given the Muslim angle (there were protests if memory serves) a few episodes back. Specifically he asked it be moved to the front of the line.


Some cheesy ass writing in this episode.

1: Naz's dad delivers food to his lawyer by mere chance? seriously?

2: Dude molests/rapes that other dude right in plain sight of the door window and he's worried someone might see and tell freddy? Really?

Also Naz continues to be the biggest idiot on tv. tattooing his fingers now, smoking crack...

I'm pretty sure the whole deal with Freddy has just been a set up to get Naz under his control. The whole hot baby oil/beating that dude up. That guy was paid lol.

The show has moved slower than just about any other decent series I've seen. They've got to start moving forward.
Weak episode despite the trial actually starting. How did they not address last week's cliffhanger of John Stone standing in that room chasing that guy down?
Aight. I still think Naz didn't kill her, but I feel like he's gonna fuck up while in Rikers and still end up in prison for something. I just can't see the dude coming out of this unscathed.

I also don't think it's the stepfather. Seems too obvious, but I'd be cool with that outcome if it is indeed him.


I wish Nas' transformation was more gradual as more time passes. Although with the limited number of episodes, I figured the writers made a conscious decision to fast track the whole thing.

That baby oil/scalding hot water incident might just what triggered him and giving that beatdown in the shower turned him over completely.


Between stepdad, Duane Reade, and the hearse dude, it's going to be a cakewalk to inject reasonable doubt. The only real questions left are who actually did it, and what happens to everyone in the time it takes for the justice system to get to the verdict.

The secret villains of the story are the cop and the DA lawyer who keep trying to cut corners to pin the murder on Naz instead of actually trying to find out who killed her.
Some cheesy ass writing in this episode.

1: Naz's dad delivers food to his lawyer by mere chance? seriously?

2: Dude molests/rapes that other dude right in plain sight of the door window and he's worried someone might see and tell freddy? Really?

Also Naz continues to be the biggest idiot on tv. tattooing his fingers now, smoking crack...

I'm pretty sure the whole deal with Freddy has just been a set up to get Naz under his control. The whole hot baby oil/beating that dude up. That guy was paid lol.

The show has moved slower than just about any other decent series I've seen. They've got to start moving forward.


Let's not forget the dumb hearse driver. Felt completely unbelievable that he'd talk to Chandra like that, and make himself look like some weird suspect.

Why did he call Chandra anyway? What did he want to tell her?


I'm on ep 3, pretty good. New York prison looks horrific. It's not great anywhere, but having been through the system once, it's a lot more boring down here. And the lawyers a lot less personal. My first lawyer asked me three questions, then I waited around for a few hours, went in front of the judge, and she annihilated the prosecution in, I swear, maybe two minutes, and it was over. I walked out and never saw her again.
I'm on ep 3, pretty good. New York prison looks horrific. It's not great anywhere, but having been through the system once, it's a lot more boring down here. And the lawyers a lot less personal. My first lawyer asked me three questions, then I waited around for a few hours, went in front of the judge, and she annihilated the prosecution in, I swear, maybe two minutes, and it was over. I walked out and never saw her again.

...alright Whatd u do


...alright Whatd u do

It was really dumb. I was a senior in highschool and some regrettable stuff went down within the school. I decided I was going to leave early. On the way out a security guard tried to stop me, and I knew my rights so I just shut my mouth and moved around him. The vice principal then tried to cut me off, put his hands on me, and told me to stop. I walked around him and insulted him, I can't even recall what I said, something like "don't touch me bitch".

So, the VP, took me to court. I forget the exact charges, but I remember him claiming I threatened him. The hallway we were in had cameras.

So, the public defender asked me "what did you say to one another, what happened when you were speaking to one another, and did you leave right away?". I told her the truth.

She asked that VP, as we were standing before the judge, what transpired. She then quickly picked apart his lies and suggested that the court postpone to gather the evidence from the camera. The prosecutor realized he had nathan and conceded. I walked out smiling, and I swear someone sitting in the court was like "yeeeaaaa boy". It's a fond memory.

Edit: oh yea, the VP claimed I spit on him.

Edit 2: I also went to the drunk tank and was accused by a cop of resisting arrest. That was my three days in jail. The charges were dropped because he didn't show up and I suppose the courts were swamped. By the way, I did not resist. It was an amicable exchange between the cop and I and to this day am baffled why he charged me.
Omg this fucking idiot tattooed "BAD" across his knuckles wtf lol. I'm surprised we didn't see a scene where Turturro chastised him for such a stupid decision. He better hope none of the jurors notice that.

Also found the morgue worker a nut job. Haha that scene was interesting.

Also holy shit the DA is a garbage person. Lol two instances now of asking the expert witnesses to say what she wants.
Omg this fucking idiot tattooed "BAD" across his knuckles wtf lol. I'm surprised we didn't see a scene where Turturro chastised him for such a stupid decision. He better hope none of the jurors notice that.

Also found the morgue worker a nut job. Haha that scene was interesting.

Also holy shit the DA is a garbage person. Lol two instances now of asking the expert witnesses to say what she wants.
Sinbad, actually!
Series went from good to shit. The fuck happened here.

Huh I wouldn't say that. Episode was pretty decent.

I think it's worth mentioning that nasir is a naive little kid in a den of wolves. Plus he seems pretty hopeless about his case. When you put those two together of course he's gonna make so many rash decisions to fit in at rikers. Especially with freddie pulling the puppet strings to manipulate him.
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