It was really dumb. I was a senior in highschool and some regrettable stuff went down within the school. I decided I was going to leave early. On the way out a security guard tried to stop me, and I knew my rights so I just shut my mouth and moved around him. The vice principal then tried to cut me off, put his hands on me, and told me to stop. I walked around him and insulted him, I can't even recall what I said, something like "don't touch me bitch".
So, the VP, took me to court. I forget the exact charges, but I remember him claiming I threatened him. The hallway we were in had cameras.
So, the public defender asked me "what did you say to one another, what happened when you were speaking to one another, and did you leave right away?". I told her the truth.
She asked that VP, as we were standing before the judge, what transpired. She then quickly picked apart his lies and suggested that the court postpone to gather the evidence from the camera. The prosecutor realized he had nathan and conceded. I walked out smiling, and I swear someone sitting in the court was like "yeeeaaaa boy". It's a fond memory.
Edit: oh yea, the VP claimed I spit on him.
Edit 2: I also went to the drunk tank and was accused by a cop of resisting arrest. That was my three days in jail. The charges were dropped because he didn't show up and I suppose the courts were swamped. By the way, I did not resist. It was an amicable exchange between the cop and I and to this day am baffled why he charged me.