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The Night Of - new crime limited series - HBO Sundays - 90 on Metacritic

Man that was rough ending the episode there.

Two possibly stupid questions: Why does he still wear sandals when his feet are covered in cling wrap? They're not letting his feet 'breathe' at all, may as well cover them up.

Second, and this may come up in the trial itself, but how has no-one mentioned how little blood Nasir had on him, compared to how much blood is all over the bed and wall?

Yeah exactly. You'd think itd be the first glaringly obvious thing to point out
Finally saw the last episode. The scene with Box and the map was brilliant. Also enjoyed the humor with the cat and the hooker. I live for little character moments like that.
One thing that doesnt make any sense to me is that naz was barely bloody. How could he have stabbed her so much if he was barely bloody

Also all he did was take on ecstasy pill, one snort of cocaine, and two tequila shots. He was pulled over at 1:46 am and yet was in the gas station past 11pm and so presumably having sex past midnight. I think it's more likely that he was subdued/knocked out by an intruder than affected by the drugs. He wasn't intoxicated enough to pass out and forget what happened.


Also all he did was take on ecstasy pill, one snort of cocaine, and two tequila shots. He was pulled over at 1:46 am and yet was in the gas station past 11pm and so presumably having sex past midnight. I think it's more likely that he was subdued/knocked out by an intruder than affected by the drugs. He wasn't intoxicated enough to pass out and forget what happened.

Considering we didn't see him take the K it's clear whatever he ingested we didn't get an accurate picture of exactly how much he consumed.
Has it ever dawned on any of the investigators why Naz broke back IN to the house? He was already in with her having sex, that's been established.

Really curious to see how this plays out

Drunk murderer came back in to sloppily clean up the crime scene, easily reconciled with him having the murder weapon on his person and being seen with/without his jacket by the eyewitness.
Has it ever dawned on any of the investigators why Naz broke back IN to the house? He was already in with her having sex, that's been established.

Really curious to see how this plays out
I thought he came back because he forgot the keys to his cab. In a moment of panic he grabs the knife and takes it with him.
The major difference between these two situations is right there in the URL. THREE YEARS. In the latest episode they were just getting around to retracing his steps and getting security cam footage. That would be what, day 2 of the investigation? He hasn't been in there that long.

I think the point is that it's not a cakewalk. This kid was beaten daily by other inmates and the guards, and regularly thrown in solitary for refusing to confess to a crime he didn't commit - stealing a bookbag. It was so traumatic he offed himself when he left. And that's real life. Naz hasn't had it nearly as bad, I'd think adopting a fake tough guy persona will serve him well in the short term.

You don't need to beat him until you're pulled off by another inmate. The fact that there COULD be consequences for not participating is what's so unrealistic. In this ridiculous universe where rikers is run by an inmate, yes it makes sense to beat the guy up some.

Again, reading the story above, the real life guards are just as bad as the inmates.
But it's just stupid. 10 minutes earlier he was quibbling over his fee, now he's suicidally dedicated to proving he's not a loser?

There was a part in between where he realized he was impotent, got humiliated at his pharmacy (again), got humiliated as a volunteer at a school, got humiliated at a bar, and then got a rush of adrenaline/success chatting up and harassing a few witnesses. Yes, it was insanely stupid for him to go that far, and I think the episode tried to paint a picture of a man who threw himself into this thing because it's the only thing he's good at. If it didn't resonate, I can understand, but at least I think that's what they were trying to do.

There's no setup for why she's like that. She's in the show for a few minutes before this episode, and appears to be a cautious and pragmatic DA. Now she's having the coroner rehearse statements and drawing wild conclusions from 10 seconds of video?

Conviction rates are how big city prosecutors move up in the world. They don't care about seeking truth, that's the police's job. If they find themselves with a weak case, they will more than likely push for a plea rather than just throw it out.
The silence of the cop in that scene, and the map thing prior, is such an obvious telegraph that he thinks Naz didn't do it.

This scene I felt he was just establishing that Nas was where he said he was. Totally circumstantial to the crime itself. The video of Nas picking her up is far more damning.

Forget the father joining the complaint then. Either the two guys can file charges, get the car back, then drop them and all's good in the world. Or, they file and have to wait until the case is decided which would easily be 6+ months, in which case it's far too late to help them if that's their main source of income. I don't buy it as a source of drama. It either makes 100% sense to do or 0%, depending on facts that we don't know.

The fact remains if Nas is charged by either party and indicted on the charge, that's now public knowledge. Now he's an opportunistic cab thief high on illegal drugs prowling for women to abduct. They save their business, and damn him to life in prison.
Forget the father joining the complaint then. Either the two guys can file charges, get the car back, then drop them and all's good in the world. Or, they file and have to wait until the case is decided which would easily be 6+ months, in which case it's far too late to help them if that's their main source of income. I don't buy it as a source of drama. It either makes 100% sense to do or 0%, depending on facts that we don't know.

You know that people don't "file charges" and "drop charges," right? That's the prosecutor's responsibility and choice. If there's evidence of it and it is worth prosecuting, they may do it. There's no way for the father to retract the charges, it isn't his decision.


One theory I have which I hope ends up not being true cause it's a little 'lawnmower guy was the killer' is that there's a camera of some sort in the deer head on the wall at Andrea's place and they somehow uncover that and it has footage that exonerates Nas.
One theory I have which I hope ends up not being true cause it's a little 'lawnmower guy was the killer' is that there's a camera of some sort in the deer head on the wall at Andrea's place and they somehow uncover that and it has footage that exonerates Nas.

Hmm interesting theory.
One theory I have which I hope ends up not being true cause it's a little 'lawnmower guy was the killer' is that there's a camera of some sort in the deer head on the wall at Andrea's place and they somehow uncover that and it has footage that exonerates Nas.

yeah, they focused on that deer head again this past episode. it's been highlighted so many times at this point. makes me think there's something too it as well. before this last episode i assumed maybe they were just highlighting it for effect (build tension etc...), but this last shot of it just didn't seemed framed that way to me. it was very quick. almost a reminder that it's there. it didn't come across as mood building shot like the previous shots of it.


yeah, they focused on that deer head again this past episode. it's been highlighted so many times at this point. makes me think there's something too it as well. before this last episode i assumed maybe they were just highlighting it for effect (build tension etc...), but this last shot of it just didn't seemed framed that way to me. it was very quick. almost a reminder that it's there. it didn't come across as mood building shot like the previous shots of it.

Yeah, I'm fairly sure the step dad will come back into it. Perhaps he had a camera installed to keep an eye on Andrea cause she was stealing from him or something? He hasn't told the police about the camera cause a) he's an idiot and b) is racist and probably thinks hey one more A-rab in prison is fine with me and c) didn't want to incriminate himself in anything.

Duane is probably a red herring but will lead to learning about the conflict between her and her step dad? Maybe?
One theory I have which I hope ends up not being true cause it's a little 'lawnmower guy was the killer' is that there's a camera of some sort in the deer head on the wall at Andrea's place and they somehow uncover that and it has footage that exonerates Nas.
I dunno if that will be the smoking gun. They would have to run the camera on record 24/7 and have it store the recording somewhere too, which I don't think cameras do. I think that's a red herring.


Good Art™
Feet and penis close up all over, that's certainly not what i was waiting for in the show!! But it's still great :p
Hmm her gate lock was broken in this episode?

iirc she let her cat out right when Naz entered her place and then the gate was locked? If so that shows that there was a breaking in on the back door which says Naz wasn't the only one there?


semen stains the mountaintops
I gotta agree with the deer head theory, I believe the first time they showed it, they really focused on the eyes which made me think that there might be a camera in there and they've shown it a few more times. Maybe they just show it for a "if the walls could talk" type thing but it does feel like there might be something there.

Maybe the step-dad put a camera there to spy on her? Speaking of, I wonder what his role in this whole thing will be. There's some shady shit between him and her, especially with the way she was acting when we first met her, maybe the step-dad was abusing her?


I'm probably going to give this show one more episode before I drop it. The plot hasn't gone anywhere since episode 1, and the show just feels like it's wasting my time for the sake of it at this point.


doesnt the deer head have blood on it from the knife to the hand when they were partying?

i thought that's why they kept focusing on it.
Finally watched the last episode. So, so good. Loved the contrast between a lot of really strong lighthearted scenes with the hell that Naz is going through. I really hope they don't end up proving Naz innocent only to have him get fucked over for something he had to do in prison, I feel so bad for the dude.

Definitely the best show on TV, I really don't get how people think the show is wasting their time or the plot isn't moving forward.


Finally saw the last episode. The scene with Box and the map was brilliant. Also enjoyed the humor with the cat and the hooker. I live for little character moments like that.

Really? The map scene to me just felt unnecessary and stretched out. And I was surprised they didn't map out his movements earlier already.

It didn't reveal anything shocking either other than that yes he was "all over the map".

Pacing is a bit too slow for me because I am more intrigued in the mystery (always am) but with 3 episodes left, hopefully it picks up.

Also as a Pakistani who lives in Jackson Heights, the depiction of his family, their environment, and his dad's co workers is beyond unrealistic. Couple of shots of the main South Asian Jackson Heights shopping area yes, but I don't get why it's so difficult for them to actually cast south asians in these roles.


Has it ever dawned on any of the investigators why Naz broke back IN to the house? He was already in with her having sex, that's been established.

Really curious to see how this plays out

The investigators aren't looking for inconsistencies. Their job isn't to unearth the truth, their job is to get a conviction. If there is anything that seems ambiguous or unexplained, they'll either ignore it or explain it off as irrelevant among the mountain of incriminating evidence they already have.

You can see it in the prosecutor's comments when Naz stops and picks up Andrea. She calls it pre-meditation, she really has no idea what he's thinking, but that moment fits her narrative and her goals, which is to put Naz in jail, thus it's useful for her.

The amount of blood on Naz isn't something they'd bring up, though I imagine the doubt eventually spreads in Box's mind as to whether or not Naz actually did it and he'll start looking at things like lack of blood, the broken back gate, the possibility that Andrea's wounds indicate a serrated knife and thus couldn't be the one Naz was carrying, and other attention grabbing details. You can tell when Box and the prosecutor are looking at the camera footage that Box is uncomfortable that Naz's actions don't fit the narrative he'd formed.

I'm not sure the defense is even really aware of these facts—Stones isn't a brilliant trial lawyer, but Chandra seems like she'll bring that eye for detail thaf will be useful in court. It'll take time to gather any useful information though.

Ultimately the point of the episode was to show how both sides are battling to "win" the case but are forgetting the thing they're fighting over: the model student first generation American who wasn't a criminal before, but definitely is now.

Finally watched the last episode. So, so good. Loved the contrast between a lot of really strong lighthearted scenes with the hell that Naz is going through. I really hope they don't end up proving Naz innocent only to have him get fucked over for something he had to do in prison, I feel so bad for the dude.

Definitely the best show on TV, I really don't get how people think the show is wasting their time or the plot isn't moving forward.

People think the plot isn't moving forward because the plot they expected isn't the actual point of the show. I agree, show is sooooooo good.
Finally watched the last episode. So, so good. Loved the contrast between a lot of really strong lighthearted scenes with the hell that Naz is going through. I really hope they don't end up proving Naz innocent only to have him get fucked over for something he had to do in prison, I feel so bad for the dude.

Definitely the best show on TV, I really don't get how people think the show is wasting their time or the plot isn't moving forward.

I'm with you breh. Thing I look most forward to week by week on tv now.

I swear I get the feeling that this will end like that ed Norton movie where he makes the heel turn at the end and tells his lawyer that he did it after he gets a not guilty verdict. Or they can convict him and we get a little hint that someone else was the killer tho. Or leave it ambiguous. I dunno, a lot of possibilities for a solid end to this.


I'm in the camp of considering the pilot the highlight, but i'm enjoying it nonetheless.
It's great television still, and much better than something like True Detective (not that the two shows are really that comparable).
It feels just a tad too exaggerated to me, like Freddy having all that power, or some aspects of character development, going by so quickly; it risks going into caricature territory.
It's just that from the pilot i was expecting something on the level of Show me a Hero, and i don't think it's there, so far anyway.


There's like 3 episodes left.

Which is the only reason I'm giving it another episode. If it wasn't such a short series I would have dropped it after the 4th episode. If it shows a modicum of plot movement I'll keep going, but if it fucks off another episode then I'm done with it.

Deku Tree

Which is the only reason I'm giving it another episode. If it wasn't such a short series I would have dropped it after the 4th episode. If it shows a modicum of plot movement I'll keep going, but if it fucks off another episode then I'm done with it.

The show is not about the who-done-it plot, word. If your not into the character development then abandon ship.


The show is not about the who-done-it plot, word. If your not into the character development then abandon ship.

Good media can balance character development and plot development.

I wouldn't read an 800 page novel where nothing happens after the first 100 pages until the last 100 pages, either. I would say "this book is wasting my fucking time and should have been 200-300 pages".

Considering the UK original was much shorter than this is, I think it's a fair criticism to say this is show is overly bloated.
Someone's spying on her maybe?

Hmm, someone could be. Still I dont think it will be the smoking gun. Like we're not getting a footage that will show exactly what happened. That will be too hackneyed, hence why I dont think the "camera" plot device is there. I also don't think the stepdad was spying on her, because Box seems to know stepdad and maybe even the girl in question. Stone will definitely piece together something by digging up clues.

My fear is that it's proven Nas really is the killer..We are slowly unraveling his character inside the prison by courtesy of Freddy.
The amount of blood on Naz isn't something they'd bring up, though I imagine the doubt eventually spreads in Box's mind as to whether or not Naz actually did it and he'll start looking at things like lack of blood, the broken back gate, the possibility that Andrea's wounds indicate a serrated knife and thus couldn't be the one Naz was carrying, and other attention grabbing details.
No blood on Nas isn't his biggest defense imo. He couldn't remember how he got in the kitchen. He couldn't have remembered taking a shower either.


Maybe they'll explain it later on, but Nas' transformation happened way too quickly imo. They could have at least drawn it out longer but they swapped doe-faced Nas for hard Nas within just a few scenes.

Otherwise I think the show is really good. Sometimes the various pieces or threads don't connect all that well, so the show feels a bit disjointed, but at least it's been entertaining throughout. Hoping the last 3 eps tie things up nicely


Just watched the first five eps of this today. I really like it so far. I feel like its building up to Naz getting exonerated somehow, but everyone's lives ruined regardless. Naz is already getting fucked up by prison, and may end up committing some crime there to get himself convicted even after he's exonerated for the original murder, all while his brother is getting thrown out of school, his dad is out of work, and his whole family is going into debt to pay for his defense. At least Stone saved the cat.


Maybe they'll explain it later on, but Nas' transformation happened way too quickly imo. They could have at least drawn it out longer but they swapped doe-faced Nas for hard Nas within just a few scenes.
I agree, it's why i didnt find the character development all that compelling so far.

However they seem to imply not so subtly that Naz already had a lot of rage bottled up in him, which suggests he may have done it after all.


He'll get off for the charge but his transformation will make like the step-father (who is played by Mickey Doyle, so he has to have a purpose here) think he's guilty and take vigilante justice.


He'll get off for the charge but his transformation will make like the step-father (who is played by Mickey Doyle, so he has to have a purpose here) think he's guilty and take vigilante justice.

It's not even clear how much he really cared about the girl.
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