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The Night Of - new crime limited series - HBO Sundays - 90 on Metacritic

Nas' lawyers don't object to anything. It's maddening.

Haha, I said the same thing to my girlfriend while we were watching this.
The prosecutor was shitting on Naz's schoolmate who bought drugs and I said "Badgering the witness?! Anybody?"

And I agree with people about how dumb Naz getting tattoos, shaving his head, and using drugs is, especially WHILE HE'S STILL ON TRIAL. They're so worried about him wearing a blue shirt, but not about the jury seeing his tattoos or him looking more and more like a crackhead.


And I agree with people about how dumb Naz getting tattoos, shaving his head, and using drugs is, especially WHILE HE'S STILL ON TRIAL..

Part of the problem is probably because of how condensed this 8-episode run is, there's no real sense of time in any of this series. The only thing differentiating this is that Noz is getting built, maybe JUST maybe I would've bought into the idea of the tattoos if the jail camaraderie was built up and we saw growth in them covering each other. Literally just needed a montage of prison gestures, the rewards Noz receives whether in jail or for specifically the trial, and them running the prison OH YEAH AND THE MAIN POINT OF NOZ TUTORING HIS BOY. Albeit that was probably a lie from the begging and that statement of him just wanting him to turn into a jailbird wasn't just jokey sarcasm writing. As a viewer the series really does seem like it's happening within a month which is absurd really.
Haha, I said the same thing to my girlfriend while we were watching this.
The prosecutor was shitting on Naz's schoolmate who bought drugs and I said "Badgering the witness?! Anybody?"

And I agree with people about how dumb Naz getting tattoos, shaving his head, and using drugs is, especially WHILE HE'S STILL ON TRIAL. They're so worried about him wearing a blue shirt, but not about the jury seeing his tattoos or him looking more and more like a crackhead.

What bothered me is that no one even seemed to care that he had those stupid tatoos
Damn man. Every. Single. Episode. Gets. WORSE.

LOL how is this even possible? I've never watched a series start so high and get lower every episode like this. No joke, I ALMOST stopped watching with the lawyer kiss. That was so undeserving, so out of left field. Yes, it's not impossible, but with what the show has presented to us, highly unlikely. What will be really funny is if the finale is amazing! Guess we'll see! Frustrating to watch at this point, but there's only one more. I feel bad for friends I recommended this too at the beginning haha.


What was with the victim found at the beginning of the episode?

Unless I'm totally mistaken, the look of the alleyway Box was standing in with the victim looked like the same alleyway Stone chased Dwayne into a couple of episodes back. Plus she looked to have similar stab wounds to Andrea's.

I'm probably way off, though, haha.

What bothered me is that no one even seemed to care that he had those stupid tatoos

He seems to mostly be keeping his hands under the table. That's a start, I guess!


The thing that bugs me the most is Naz smoking crack. Why?! So foolish. Same with the tats, I find him so frustrating.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
The thing that bugs me the most is Naz smoking crack. Why?! So foolish. Same with the tats, I find him so frustrating.
What's wrong with showing your appreciation of Sinbad on your knuckles?


What was with the victim found at the beginning of the episode?

I think they were pointing at how people only care about the stabbings when it happens to young, white, wealthy, and attractive party girls.

I think it also may point to the real killer still being out there, maybe the undertaker?
I guess I'm the only one who thought this recent episode was good. It was really only episode 6 where it took a major dip in my opinion

I still found it enjoyable regardless of how stupid some of it is. It is a disappointment compared to my expectations of the series after the first couple of episodes especially the first one


I still found it enjoyable regardless of how stupid some of it is. It is a disappointment compared to my expectations of the series after the first couple of episodes especially the first one
I'm in the same boat. Still really enjoying it, though I have my complaints and it's fallen well short of my expectations. Hoping the finale is good. I still think the show has tremendous potential
I'm still enjoying it. It has failed to reach the dizzying heights of the fantastic first episode but it's still a fascinating and compelling show. Also I think the second girl being killed insinuates there's no way in hell Nas will be found guilty. The killer is still on the loose so it's an obvious sign Nas didn't do it.

Really looking forward to seeing how this'll play out. Next week can't come soon enough.


Man this latest episode is just straight crap now:

"Did I raise an ANIMAL?"

"Your son is a KILLER." Ay this one's actually fine but I will add:

"You did this!" from the woman in the burka.

".... until I called 911 with his hands around my neck."

Then Box filling out his pension at a bar?!

Chandra being all hot for Naz?!

What the fuck are they even doing anymore?


i haven't noticed a "decline" but if we don't get any kind of closure on whodunnit i'll be pissed

maybe i'd be okay with a vague ending if it sprinkled a bunch of hints throughout but i feel certain scenarios remain largely unexplored (the black dudes, goldigger bro). maybe someday i'll re-watch it and have a bunch of revelations but eh


I don't understand this tv show. Not only is it depressing as hell but there are too many things that make no sense. The trial looks like a complete joke. I don't know what the defense team is doing with their team like aren't you supposed to be better prepared ? Don't you get at least a year before a trial ? How come the trial was set so early ?

No one feels invested in what they're doing. They all look like a bunch of sleep-walkers.

It's too bad because I was hooked after the first episode.


I thought that scene was fantastic, all scenes with the two cabbies really.
Though I thought most of the episode was poor, what's your issue with that?

I mean that was probably the least bad of the episode, but I just felt it was a little on the nose and obvious. The scene was generally pretty good but it just felt kind of cliched and expected the way that the other guys turned on him. Again though, I'm probably being a bit too harsh in light of how stupid some other stuff in the episode is, by itself that wasn't really a bad part.
Well, where did he take a shower? He was picked up on the night of. Its weird it hasnt been brought up at all in the show, not even by the defense. Where's the blood on Naz? Should have been one of the first things that came up in the police side as well.
He could have showered at Andrea's house immediately after killing her, and then fleeing the area.


This show is entertaining but wow it's silly.

It's as if the writers wrote this show based solely on TV and movie court scenes they've seen. I see that a lot of it has been covered.

Waiter drug dealer could have pled the 5th through his whole questioning.
If the DA knew about the second kid Naz hurt in school, the defense would have too.
Naz is the most easily influenced person ever.. the tats, drugs, change in speech.. It's hilarious and it makes it hard to sympathize with him (if you think he didn't do it).
Kiss with his attorney. haha
So much leading, speculation and hearsay during questioning.

I'm really quite curious how this wraps up!
I mean that was probably the least bad of the episode, but I just felt it was a little on the nose and obvious. The scene was generally pretty good but it just felt kind of cliched and expected the way that the other guys turned on him. Again though, I'm probably being a bit too harsh in light of how stupid some other stuff in the episode is, by itself that wasn't really a bad part.
I mean they've been building this up for 7 episodes, I just can't see the issue with it
They're well acted and sympathetic characters, plus even him saying that the guys son was a killer was built up well in said scene and felt like it was born out of frustration and desperation rather than vindictiveness to me.
It's not like that terrible Realtor or whatever guy helping Tuturo.
I mean that was probably the least bad of the episode, but I just felt it was a little on the nose and obvious. The scene was generally pretty good but it just felt kind of cliched and expected the way that the other guys turned on him. Again though, I'm probably being a bit too harsh in light of how stupid some other stuff in the episode is, by itself that wasn't really a bad part.

I'm not really sure I understand what your complaint is. Yeah it was expected, because it's a perfectly reasonable and expected reaction. How else should they have acted??


I mean they've been building this up for 7 episodes, I just can't see the issue with it
They're well acted and sympathetic characters, plus even him saying that the guys son was a killer was built up well in said scene and felt like it was born out of frustration and desperation rather than vindictiveness to me.
It's not like that terrible Realtor or whatever guy helping Tuturo.

I'm not really sure I understand what your complaint is. Yeah it was expected, because it's a perfectly reasonable and expected reaction. How else should they have acted??

Yeah ya know I'm just being a grumpy dick in this particular instance, honestly. The scene itself wasn't bad, I'm just kind of soured to the melodrama of the whole "innocent and completely victimized parents" arc. Like when they passed the woman in the burka and she's like "you did this!"

I'm just kinda rolling my eyes through to the finish so forgive me if I sound like an asshole. I still do want to see how it resolves and I'm also still really loving Turturo's performance as well, but there's just so much silliness along the way I can't help myself.


This show is such a joke now I hope in the finale the lawyer is murdered by the real killer, and Freddy helps Naz break out so he can hunt the guy down and fight him to death in an underground cage match, with Stone and Andrea's dad betting on the outcome.


This show is such a joke now I hope in the finale the lawyer is murdered by the real killer, and Freddy helps Naz break out so he can hunt the guy down and fight him to death in an underground cage match, with Stone and Andrea's dad betting on the outcome.

Nah, that's just how the British version ends.
uh damn wtf happened, going from the praise in the 1st couple pages to this page.....

I was always gonna wait till the season is over before I decide to watch it anyway.
like when they passed the woman in the burka and she's like "you did this!"
That part made me laugh,just so hamfisted and goofy looking.
I share a majority of your complaints, was just that I didn't see the issue with the taxi scene.
uh damn wtf happened, going from the praise in the 1st couple pages to this page.....

I was always gonna wait till the season is over before I decide to watch it anyway.
Should have just watched it rather than read the thread.
This show is such a joke now I hope in the finale the lawyer is murdered by the real killer, and Freddy helps Naz break out so he can hunt the guy down and fight him to death in an underground cage match, with Stone and Andrea's dad betting on the outcome.
My perfect ending is Stone, Freddy, and Box going on a road trip together.
Maybe Kat as well.


Should've brought David Simon in to massage the script a bit. The way it is going we'll have a full on soap opera ending in the finale.

Also why did the District Attorney always sounds like she just came down from a 3-day bender of cheap whiskey and speedball?
What bothered me is that no one even seemed to care that he had those stupid tatoos

That was a big thing for me too.

Like I said, they make a HUGE deal about him having the wrong color shirt brought up in two separate scenes, yet nobody seems phased or even notices the tattoos.

I think the lady lawyer noticed them before they kissed, but I don't even remember if she had a reaction.
This show is such a joke now I hope in the finale the lawyer is murdered by the real killer, and Freddy helps Naz break out so he can hunt the guy down and fight him to death in an underground cage match, with Stone and Andrea's dad betting on the outcome.
"The Night Of" / "Prison Break" crossover we've all been asking for is finally here!


This show seems to get more ridiculous with each episode. Or at least, less than the realistic depiction of a crime investigation that was I sold at the start. Chandra falling for Nas is just really dumb. Not even crap like Law and Order does that.

It's still good, though
the acting has stayed solid throughout from the main characters so I'm still enjoying it. but yeah the writing has gotten a bit schlocky and unrewarding as it's progressed.
That part made me laugh,just so hamfisted and goofy looking.
I share a majority of your complaints, was just that I didn't see the issue with the taxi scene.

Should have just watched it rather than read the thread.

My perfect ending is Stone, Freddy, and Box going on a road trip together.
Maybe Kat as well.
i don't give a shit about spoilers, not like im even gonna remember anything by the time i watch it(if i do)


Anyone think that Nasir is showing no remorse for his actions? The show is tossing a whole bunch of potential people responsible and Nasir by each episode is showing who he really is. The stepdad is just a douchebag, the funeral dude is just a creep who pretties up dead people, and that other suspect is just your common street thug.


I thought it was ridiculous from the first episode. It wants to be dark and gritty critique of the justice system but the details of this case are so absurd.

We know of plenty of real world cases where people are falsely imprisoned and all the ways that happens. And they are not cases where the suspect wakes up next to a murder victim and is then caught by the police fleeing the scene with a knife bloodied with the victim's blood in his pocket.


Man, I'm really surprised at the reaction here. I've been really enjoying the high production values and great acting and atmosphere in the show.

I thought that the writing was all kinds of contrived to begin with, though. All of the coincidence of him getting picked up and then taken back to the crime scene and then almost escaping from the precinct only to be just barely caught on a formality pat down, not to mention the incredible coincidences with the evidence that are part of the show's premise. I'm surprised that this is seen as such a high point when compared with the writing in later episodes...I guess I just don't see the decline.
yeaaaa what the hell happened to this. Man I hope the finale redeems it :/

there were some highlights in there but yeah the quality decline is crazy.

Dr. Katz was the best part of the episode. Everything else has become a jumbled mess
I thought it was ridiculous from the first episode. It wants to be dark and gritty critique of the justice system but the details of this case are so absurd.

We know of plenty of real world cases where people are falsely imprisoned and all the ways that happens. And they are not cases where the suspect wakes up next to a murder victim and is then caught by the police fleeing the scene with a knife bloodied with the victim's blood in his pocket.

I think that the ambiguity over what he did do that night is an important part of the series. You're assuming he's innocent.


I think that the ambiguity over what he did do that night is an important part of the series. You're assuming he's innocent.

If he is guilty though the show was doing a terrible job with the details from the start. He doesn't have any blood on him and if I can remember correctly the knife isn't exactly covered in blood either (mostly just towards the tip consistent with their game).
Anyone think that Nasir is showing no remorse for his actions? The show is tossing a whole bunch of potential people responsible and Nasir by each episode is showing who he really is. The stepdad is just a douchebag, the funeral dude is just a creep who pretties up dead people, and that other suspect is just your common street thug.
I still haven't been convinced that Nas is that bad at all.


Is it common for prisons not to have security cameras? Or is this the writers taking liberty with the story again?


Unconfirmed Member
I really wish the writing lived up to the acting, directing, and music. I sill enjoy watching this show, but it's so frustrating how wrong the writers seem to be at depicting anything about a trial.


This show reminds me of Cars 2. I saw Cars 2 in the theater with the kids and enjoyed it well enough. However, thinking about it later I thought if that was the same exact story non-animated (say with Larry the Cable guy and Yvonne Stravinsky) I would not have gone to see that movie in a million years. It's a dumb story but Pixar is so good they made it a decently watchable movie.

Same thing here. This story in less capable hands would be a disaster. The acting and cinematography make up for a lot of shortcoming elsewhere. As it is it's watchable, but certainly nowhere near "best show of the year" territory.


This show...


I'm glad it is ending soon. First couple episodes were ok, but it doesn't deserve the praise that it has been getting.
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