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The Night Of - new crime limited series - HBO Sundays - 90 on Metacritic


Sonic handles my blue balls
Eh, Dexter never came close the degree of acting, cinematography or musical score this show boasts. So I wouldn't put it on man-baby-on-treadmill level, regardless of where the story goes.

Final episode is titled "Call of The Wild". Naz is Buck. So who is his Spitz that he kills? Freddy? Or did he already kill it and it's Andrea?
Well, where did he take a shower? He was picked up on the night of. Its weird it hasnt been brought up at all in the show, not even by the defense. Where's the blood on Naz? Should have been one of the first things that came up in the police side as well.

This bothers me insanely. If he did take a shower, there would be evidence of blood all over the hallways, or to the shower. No way would all that blood be gone in a shower.

I wish Andrea was just choked to death or something.


So the finale is next and that's it? There's no second season right? Can they really tie it all up in one episode. Given how slow things have been moving I doubt that somehow.


I really wish the writing lived up to the acting, directing, and music. I sill enjoy watching this show, but it's so frustrating how wrong the writers seem to be at depicting anything about a trial.

Both the courtroom and prison based drama sequences feel so "miniature" and glossed over. Neither are remotely convincing, they feel like dress rehearsals or something. When the trial started I was like "really... wait? This is the real trial here?" Same with the prison, it's just that one room of the prison, doesn't even feel remotely like a living, breathing place at all.


Unconfirmed Member
Both the courtroom and prison based drama sequences feel so "miniature" and glossed over. Neither are remotely convincing, they feel like dress rehearsals or something. When the trial started I was like "really... wait? This is the real trial here?" Same with the prison, it's just that one room of the prison, doesn't even feel remotely like a living, breathing place at all.

Yeah when the trial started I was thinking, "the defense hasn't even gathered any evidence yet", they hadn't even tried coming up with a story at that point, but I was kind of hoping/thinking they were just messing with the timeline a bit, but that doesn't appear to be the case.

I'm not an expert on trials or anything, but it all just feels so scripted, where the pilot felt natural, and tense.


One thing that's weird is how they keep handling the knife that could be the murder weapon. Without gloves also. Like I don't really know much about the actual evidence protocol and procedures, but that doesn't seem right at all.


Man, I'm really surprised at the reaction here. I've been really enjoying the high production values and great acting and atmosphere in the show.

I thought that the writing was all kinds of contrived to begin with, though. All of the coincidence of him getting picked up and then taken back to the crime scene and then almost escaping from the precinct only to be just barely caught on a formality pat down, not to mention the incredible coincidences with the evidence that are part of the show's premise. I'm surprised that this is seen as such a high point when compared with the writing in later episodes...I guess I just don't see the decline.

I agree the show started out dumb and has stayed pretty dumb. What's changing is that people are sobering up from the intoxicating pre-release trailer and great atmosphere early on.

Both the courtroom and prison based drama sequences feel so "miniature" and glossed over. Neither are remotely convincing, they feel like dress rehearsals or something. When the trial started I was like "really... wait? This is the real trial here?" Same with the prison, it's just that one room of the prison, doesn't even feel remotely like a living, breathing place at all.

One really weird thing about the courtroom scenes is how empty the gallery is. This is a major murder trial and 8 people showed up? According to the TVs they keep showing, people are constantly talking about this case. Could they not afford to hire more extras?

I wonder if this was originally a much longer series and they chopped it down because it wasn't turning out as god as they hoped. It feels like a cliff's notes version of a better show, and at 8.5 hours still somehow manages to feel more rushed than a 45 minute L&O episode.


Gotta say guys, I'm not enjoying this show at all. It started off with a really interesting premise, but everything feels so rushed (which in and of itself is weird because the show's pace is slow as hell). Nas's prison descent doesn't come off as believable to me. It just feels like he got in there and the next day boom he's acting like this rebel badass. I'm seriously just wondering what the point of it all is. And we're already at the end??? This show needed more than 8 episodes. I have no idea what the hell they're going to end with. So far all i see is a good idea poorly executed.


Unconfirmed Member
I agree the show started out dumb and has stayed pretty dumb. What's changing is that people are sobering up from the intoxicating pre-release trailer and great atmosphere early on.

I never saw the pre-release trailer, but the pilot was honestly one of the best I've ever seen.
It's wierd, even though I agree with most the criticism here I still enjoy the show. There's enough here to keep me entertained on Sunday nights in a post-GoT world.

Another element of the show that seems out of place is Stone's interactions with his son. Definitely feels a bit rushed cause I'm not sure why the son is so embarrassed or what's goin on there.


Just stated this so I can't really read the thread but the first two episodes were great.

Really love the manipulation of the lead detective. This is why they say don't talk to the police... they are not your friends when you are suspected of murder lol.
I still think it's a good show. It hasn't reached the ambient, atmospheric and just stunning heights of the amazing pilot but it's still compelling and reasonably captivating. I'm really invested in it and am looking forward to seeing the epic 95-minute finale.

I think it's clear with the second knife victim showing up that Naz didn't do it. I think that was telegraphed quite clearly and obviously.

Just hope we find out who actually is responsible for the killings. I hope the finale is a satisfying resolution.


I really hope it has a satisfying finale but at this point I have had no anticipation or tension or any synonym of the scenario build up as the plot just feels like random darts on an idea board. Someday I will find a show that captivates me like True Detective S1. :(


Beat EviLore at pool.
I am still liking the show. Some moments I am like really why are they doing that? The kiss was the biggest moment other then that not so much. I am letting the time issue go I am just assuming its been close to a year since this happened.


^ He's not in a prison environment though. He's in a jail awaiting/on trial

What Freddy is doing, along with him even being at that jail, are 100% impossible.

I would buy Nas's downward trajectory AFTER the trial, but before and during? It's stupid. Even with his crybaby "everyone thinks I did it so fuck it" attitude, he could at least hold off until he's actually convicted. He could get off on a technicality, they could find the real killer, the jury could find the state's case unconvincing. The immediacy with which he gives up hope is necessary for the entire jail story line to exist, and I think that's exactly why it was written that way.

"Let's break him in ep 3 so he can be a crackhead by ep 7"

It wouldn't be "good" tv if he kept his shit together, stayed out of trouble, and participated in his own defense. Like a real human being would.
I find Naz's descent in to the thug life to be quite interesting. It does feel a little rushed and unrealistic but I'm loving the "good guy gone bad" story line and seeing his personality break down. What's happening to him isn't that far outside the realm of possibility. It's unlikely but it's still possible.

We're not given a time frame here in terms of how much time has passed since his arrest. Given what we're seeing on-screen I would imagine more time has passed than some may realise. The assumption is months but I wouldn't be surprised if it's intended to be more like a year or so.


Definitely gonna watch the finale , but the quality of these episodes has definitely taken a dip.

Its probably because the show is so condensed , but his transformation into thug with tatoos happened real gd quick.

Also the last ep showed another body , then nothing was mentioned of that again for the rest of the episode.

Meh , im glad the last ep is 90 minutes , hopefully this pans out decently.
The finale better be amazing or I'll feel very conned. I've never watched a show with more miserable people than True Detective Season 2, so that's not good company. Nearly every character is unwatchable, and I have long lost any sympathy for Naz.
I have the distinct feeling they're setting the ending up for him to be convicted and the whole point of the show retroactively was to watch good boy Naz decent into a hardened con. Well prob find out the step dad did it but they can't prove it

The DA is so ugly.

Hideous, like a witch.



I just don't know how this can end well considering how they have so many loose ends. i agree it has taken a turn the last few episodes and lost some of its luster

The DA is so ugly.

Hideous, like a witch.

Ehhh slightly below average looking older woman... not hideous unless you have never been exposed to normal human women over 50


I just don't know how this can end well considering how they have so many loose ends. i agree it has taken a turn the last few episodes and lost some of its luster

Ehhh slightly below average looking older woman... not hideous unless you have never been exposed to normal human women over 50

It's the chin and the voice that really turn me off. I have a crush on older women so maybe I'm more critical.


Junior Member
At the beginning of the last episode the other detective said just another misdemeanor homicide. That makes no sense. Homicide is an automatic felony. Is it some kind of cop joke I don't understand or just bad writing?
At the beginning of the last episode the other detective said just another misdemeanor homicide. That makes no sense. Homicide is an automatic felony. Is it some kind of cop joke I don't understand or just bad writing?
I took it as a joke when I saw the episode. Fakedit: Did a quick Google. Apparently it's a sarcastic name for a certain type of murder.


I thought that scene was fantastic, all scenes with the two cabbies really.
Though I thought most of the episode was poor, what's your issue with that?

Along with all the other complaints brought up i can't stand the scenes with the cabbies or the supposed Queens Pakistani community at all. The actors aren't Pakistani, their accent isn't Pakistani, and their depiction is way off.


Good Art™
Should've brought David Simon in to massage the script a bit. The way it is going we'll have a full on soap opera ending in the finale.

Also why did the District Attorney always sounds like she just came down from a 3-day bender of cheap whiskey and speedball?

That's part of the problem i think. The opening, and some elements of the show could indicate a certain Simon influence, but this is not at all a serious social drama. It's more an .. Artsy and moody thriller..

But i loved the Sherlock Holmes forensic. I want a spin offf based on him!


100% logic failure rate
I love the DA. Don't get all the hate. Her speaking style and demeanor totally fits that of someone who has been doing the job way too long to care anymore.


In addition to the problems already mentioned plus the Pakistani issue I have:

  1. The show overall just seems way too slow paced yet at the same time is trying to cram so much.
  2. Shots of Box and his struggles and retirement - don't care. Isn't earned and we don't see enough of him to really form an opinion
  3. Prison drama is unrealistic and at the same rushed. Nasir goes from deer in headlights to "proper con" seemingly overnight. A longer season could have fleshed this out more.
  4. Trial just starts. One episode they are talking about jury selection and makes it seem like that would take an episode on its own but next scene the trial begins.
  5. Trial doesn't seem to fit the look of a high profile murder trial.
  6. Defense seems caught off guard all the time. Why not ask Nasir questions about his past?
  7. What was the point of the "map" scene from few episodes ago?
  8. What happened to Duane Reade? That episode where Stone chases him just ends with a cliff hanger but the next 2 episodes act like nothing ever happened.

I like it enough that of course I am going to watch the finale but the show is trying too hard to be 5 different things in a short 8 episode span. Needed to focus on maybe 1 or 2 things it was trying to show and stuck with that.


At the beginning of the last episode the other detective said just another misdemeanor homicide. That makes no sense. Homicide is an automatic felony. Is it some kind of cop joke I don't understand or just bad writing?

It's basically saying that, because she is black. no one is going to take this as seriously as Andrea's murder - i.e; "happens all the time."

That was my takeaway from it, at least.

I love the DA. Don't get all the hate. Her speaking style and demeanor totally fits that of someone who has been doing the job way too long to care anymore.

Yeah I think she's very good. I've been one of the harshest critics of the show in this thread but I did think the scene with her and Katz was quite enjoyable. As an extremely bitter and jaded New York City resident myself, I feel like I would get along just fine with her.
There's just not enough screen time to do it all in 8 episodes. The first 2 episodes had a good pace, showing the whole incident and then the initial police investigation and interrogation. The next 5 have been rushed. Dedicating a whole episode to the bail hearing. Trying to tell a story of what's going on in the jail, trying to show an investigation, and now trying to the get the trial done in 2 episodes. This could have been a great show if they kept the pace they had initially and made the show run for 12-16 episodes.

Chris R

What was the point of the view from the staircase into the kitchen? I didn't get that bit from the testimony.

Naz woke up in the Kitchen correct? They are just saying someone could have come in, murdered her and left without ever seeing Naz.


I am surprised people feel this is rushed, I feel the opposite in that it meanders way too much on irrelevant stuff like Stone's personal life dealing with Eczema and cat allergy. Like holy crap man... you can fast forward those parts and not miss anything of significance.

Naz is really really dumb too. Like that was obvious from the first episode but he's been making massive dumb mistakes episode after episode.


Yeah I think she's very good. I've been one of the harshest critics of the show in this thread but I did think the scene with her and Katz was quite enjoyable. As an extremely bitter and jaded New York City resident myself, I feel like I would get along just fine with her.

Srsly? That was the worst scene of the series so far to me. She seemed so awkward and the pacing was terrible. I kept saying out loud "what the fuck is this? why is this happening?"

What was the point of the view from the staircase into the kitchen? I didn't get that bit from the testimony.

The real killer could have come in and gone up the stairs without seeing nasir passed out at the kitchen table. I guess the theory is if the person had seen nasir they would either have killed him too or run away.

I am surprised people feel this is rushed, I feel the opposite in that it meanders way too much on irrelevant stuff like Stone's personal life dealing with Eczema and cat allergy. Like holy crap man... you can fast forward those parts and not miss anything of significance.

It's rushed on the things that matter (investigation, trial), and too slow on the things that don't (feet, cats, taxis)


I am surprised people feel this is rushed, I feel the opposite in that it meanders way too much on irrelevant stuff like Stone's personal life dealing with Eczema and cat allergy. Like holy crap man... you can fast forward those parts and not miss anything of significance.

Naz is really really dumb too. Like that was obvious from the first episode but he's been making massive dumb mistakes episode after episode.

I think the show has been continually chipping off the innocent persona that we was initially presented as Naz in the beginning of the show. Seems like he's always had this ire in him and prison is just further enabling this.
Naz woke up in the Kitchen correct? They are just saying someone could have come in, murdered her and left without ever seeing Naz.

The real killer could have come in and gone up the stairs without seeing nasir passed out at the kitchen table. I guess the theory is if the person had seen nasir they would either have killed him too or run away.

I thought part of their defense was that the back gate was busted and that's where the killer could have come in, which I believe is past the kitchen from the staircase.
I think the show has been continually chipping off the innocent persona that we was initially presented as Naz in the beginning of the show. Seems like he's always had this ire in him and prison is just further enabling this.

Yeah that's a cool direction they've gone in - making him seem a hundred percent innocent in the beginning and then showing more of his character to demonstrate a violent past insinuating he could have done it. It's a really compelling dramatic device. In the beginning we all thought there was no way he was responsible but now we're seeing this new side to him suggesting violent behaviour which shrouds our initial perception of him with doubt.

Man, I really can't wait for the finale. At 95 minutes and feature length it's going to be epic.


Yeah that's a cool direction they've gone in - making him seem a hundred percent innocent in the beginning and then showing more of his character to demonstrate a violent past insinuating he could have done it. It's a really compelling dramatic device. In the beginning we all thought there was no way he was responsible but now we're seeing this new side to him suggesting violent behaviour which shrouds our initial perception of him with doubt.

Man, I really can't wait for the finale. At 95 minutes and feature length it's going to be epic.
Oh wow, some positivity!

Stoked for the finale too though I'm simultaneously prepared to be disappointed.


I like the new aspect shown about Naz's past (school). I like the lawyer that's allergic to cats. That prison kingpin is a smart fellow.

But overall, episodes seem to have gotten less interesting compared to the beginning.


In the back of my mind I thought Victor was going to anticipate and kill Freddy, making the remainder of the trial and finale more dire.


[*]What happened to Duane Reade? That episode where Stone chases him just ends with a cliff hanger but the next 2 episodes act like nothing ever happened.

This is what really bugs me. wth?[/QUOTE]

I don't think the program ever intended on elevating any alternative suspects beyond suspicion to the viewer.
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