How does Mega Man 64 stack up with Legends (PS1)?
On the positive side, the N64 version has much better-looking graphics, as that screenshot shows. Smooting out those horrible jaggies and getting rid of the popping polygons does wonders! Also it has rumble support.
On the bad side, it's a super-shoddy port. I have no idea how such a bad port managed to take three years to release, versus when the original PS1 version shipped, but it doesn't say great things about Capcom. Why were many areas made smaller? There's no good excuse for this! I highly doubt that those areas were too large for the N64 to handle, certainly. Also, they didn't bother with actual analog controls, sadly. Sure, you can use the analog stick, but it's still all-or-nothing digital controls. Considering that this is a 3d game, this is very disappointing. As for the draw distance, I guess it's slightly less, but I think the reduced area sizes is the bigger issue; draw distance is good enough on N64. That does help show even more how shoddy the porting job was, though. I know the N64 and PS1 are quite different, and the PS1 does have higher average polygon counts, but this isn't exactly the most complex-looking game, and there's no excuse for the draw distance reduction either.
Even so, thanks to the much better-looking graphics, the game is definitely more pleasant to play on the N64 if polygon seam errors bother you, as they do me.