Season: 9
Episode: 11-12
Title: Absolute Justice
Airdate: Friday February 5th, 8PM (Eastern Time)
I was asked by several people in the Official Smallville Season Nine Thread to create a separate thread for Geoff John's upcoming Smallville movie. So here is some content to get comic book fans excited for Friday's two hour event.
Who: Geoff John's has written the two hour Smallville movie which will introduce many of the DC characters from the Justice Society of America. While there will be three main characters (Hawkman, Doctor Fate and Star Girl) there will also be a number of other characters that will play a role in some form or another and of course there will be a villain for this event.
About: Here is the official press release on this episode. Please highlight for spoilers:
Trailer 1:
Trailer 2:
Clip 1:
Clip 2:
Clip 3:
Geoff Johns (Audio Interview):
Michael Shanks (Hawkman) (Audio Interview, Four Parts):
Geoff Johns KryptonSite interview:
Brent Stait (Doctor Fate) interview:
Michael Shanks (Hawkman) interview:
Smallville Producers interview:
There is a lot of content here to dig through for those really interested. Absolute Justice sounds like it's going to be an amazing event and really the entire season has been fantastic this year so far and the spoilers we are getting for the second half of the season sounds even more amazing. Hope everyone here enjoys Absolute Justice and of course I am curious to hear everyone's opinions after watching it.
Episode: 11-12
Title: Absolute Justice
Airdate: Friday February 5th, 8PM (Eastern Time)
I was asked by several people in the Official Smallville Season Nine Thread to create a separate thread for Geoff John's upcoming Smallville movie. So here is some content to get comic book fans excited for Friday's two hour event.
Who: Geoff John's has written the two hour Smallville movie which will introduce many of the DC characters from the Justice Society of America. While there will be three main characters (Hawkman, Doctor Fate and Star Girl) there will also be a number of other characters that will play a role in some form or another and of course there will be a villain for this event.
About: Here is the official press release on this episode. Please highlight for spoilers:
DC COMICS' CHARACTERS HAWKMAN, STAR GIRL AND DR. FATE FROM THE JUSTICE SOCIETY OF AMERICA MEET UP WITH CLARK AND HIS TEAM IN A SPECIAL TWO-HOUR EVENT; PAM GRIER GUEST STARS A man named Sylvester Pemberton tracks down Chloe (Allison Mack) and tells her he knows about her team of superheroes and needs their help. However, before he can explain who he is, he is attacked and killed by Icicle (guest star Wesley Macinnes). Clark (Tom Welling) and Chloe's (Allison Mack) investigation leads Clark to the former headquarters of the Justice Society of America where he meets up with Nelson AKA Dr. Fate (guest star Brent Stait), Carter Hall AKA Hawkman (guest star Michael Shanks) and Courtney AKA Star Girl (guest star Britt Irvin). Courtney pleads with Hawkman and Dr. Fate to help her catch the killer that is targeting their group but they are reluctant to resume their duties as superheroes. Clark, John Jones (guest star Phil Morris), Green Arrow (Justin Hartley) and Chloe team up to help the JSA stop Icicle before he murders another member of the group. Meanwhile, Lois (Erica Durance) receives a package from a mysterious agency called Checkmate, run by Amanda Waller (guest star Pam Grier). Posted on KryptonSite. Geoff Johns wrote the two-hour episode. Glen Winters directed the first hour (#3X5262) and Tom Welling directed the second hour (#3X5263).
Trailer 1:
Trailer 2:
Clip 1:
Clip 2:
Clip 3:
Geoff Johns (Audio Interview):
Michael Shanks (Hawkman) (Audio Interview, Four Parts):
Geoff Johns KryptonSite interview:
Brent Stait (Doctor Fate) interview:
Michael Shanks (Hawkman) interview:
Smallville Producers interview:
There is a lot of content here to dig through for those really interested. Absolute Justice sounds like it's going to be an amazing event and really the entire season has been fantastic this year so far and the spoilers we are getting for the second half of the season sounds even more amazing. Hope everyone here enjoys Absolute Justice and of course I am curious to hear everyone's opinions after watching it.