Okay...I'll chime in on a few issues here, but there's a lot of stuff to cover and I'll have a tough time choosing.
- The new stipulation? UBER LAME. It has proven that it STILL doesn't cripple the team who finishes in last in a non-elimination, so it's just basically going to make it uncomfortable for them when sleeping or camping out. Adversely, it means a lot less stuff to carry around. It gives them no proper storage, sadly, and they have no jackets or anything of that nature, but it just seems like a worthless stipulation. It seems pointless and just more harsh for the sake of being more harsh, not because it changes the game in any way.
- Toyota must die. Not only did they have their ad plug, there was also like 20 Toyota ads on CTV during the first hour. I get it; you make cars.
- That was a serious cut that she experienced, and I honestly felt quite bad for her, but Gretchen is a distinctly annoying individual who I would much rather see gone. I give them props for finishing in 5th, but they beat a team who rolled their car and a team who was as dysfunctional as they come.
- Speaking of dysfunctional, Ray and Deana are bottomfeeders, no matter what Ray thinks. We saw them get the fast forward and move ahead, but then we saw a slow ass performance at the Detour. They clearly have no ability to work cohesively on the same task. Kris and Jon from last season are the perfect example of a team that did as well as they did because of Detour/Roadblock performances, and Ray and Deana were the exact opposite. Very glad to see them go.
- Maybe it's just me, but by the time they flipped their car I had officially deemed Brian and Greg my favourite team left in the race. They seem genuine dudes who are enjoying themselves. Mind you, they flipped the car, but their reaction afterwards was real. When it came down to a footrace, it was awesome to see them come through in the end. They were mistake free over two legs before that moment. They struggled early on in the race, but they seem to be doing a lot better and I'm rooting for them from now on.
- Best Footrace since Season 2 finale. Enough said.
- The Crash and Rob and Amber driving by...doesn't really bother me. While I think it perhaps would have been common courtesy to roll down your window and see how things were going, they clearly saw another team was there, they were walking about and tending to someone. They simply didn't take the time to pay lip service; it's not like they literally drove by and said "haha, they crashed" or didn't notice. Looks pretty bad to the other teams, though.
- Speaking of the other teams, I think I'm behind Uchenna and Joyce and Brian and Greg right now. Lynn and Alex are too bitchy about everything; I agree with some of their problems with Rob and Amber, but I wish they'd shut up about it. Ron and Kelly...in all honesty, they're the type of team that Freddy and Kendra were last season, without the ignorance of other cultures. They are two athletic and fit people who perform generally well in the race once they get into a rhythm, and will likely ride that to the final 4. Gretchen and Meredith are kind of out of this thing right now. There are no longer any teams waiting to self-destruct, so they might be next in line.
- This, of course, leaves Rob and Amber. First off, clearly Survivor is pretty popular in South Africa. We did not see that kind of attention since they first got to Peru. I loved their helper actually coming to the mat with them. It was cute. Rob may be a bit of a jerk, but he's usually kind of right. Lynn and Alex are bitter jerks sometimes too; they're bitter about Rob being bitter about them being bitter, for god's sake. I think that Rob and Amber are not the strongest racers, as we saw in the first leg. They went for a fast forward when leaving in like 3rd, which is just a bad idea. When there was a fast forward every leg, that's a better idea. When there is only 2 in the entire race, you don't risk that. Besides, most Fast Forwards have been "One Team at a Time" tasks in the past few seasons so it was a bad strategic move. In a situation where the mechanics of the race can't be manipulated, Rob and Amber are no better than any other teams.
So...go Brian and Greg and Uchenna and Joyce. And Meredith and Gretchen beating Ray and Deana is dramatic irony as only reality TV can provide.