Memles Presents...
The Defence of Rob and Amber and the Evisceration of the Old People
I am not saying that Rob and Amber are really great people, but I honestly don't think they're doing anything terrible or unprecedented. They are not being nasty to any teams, really, other than snide comments that they laugh at themselves afterwards. They aren't cold-hearted bastards waiting for other teams to slip up, nor are they shoving people out of their way at every juncture.
Let's look back at first Amazing Race villains, shall we?
Season One: Team Guido
Ah, the race's first gay couple. They were named after their dog. They wore matching outfits. They were insanely annoying. They also literally pushed people out of the way in an airport. They were generally disliked by all of the other racers and they found them mean.
My point is that they did more in the way of dirty racing and conflict in their race, but they were also quite hysterical to see in their matching outfits.
The problem here is that Rob is an insensitive asshole, as well as being pretty devious. He's not pushing anyone like Johnathan or the Guidos. All he is doing is making a few strategic moves along with being the old speaks before he thinks Boston Rob. I do NOT see them as being villians...hell, I didn't see them that way on Survivor either. The only reason they're being made out to be villians is that Lynn and Alex won't shup up about it.
That doesn't make them a villian to me. Not giving Meredith and Gretchen money doesn't make him a villain; We've seen Rob go through quite a lot of cash thus far, and they realize a few things.
- First, if Meredith and Gretchen get past this leg, they get money at the start of the next one anyways. Really, the token $5 would more or less be worthless to them, and not actually help them out substantially.
- Second, supporting Meredith and Gretchen is supporting the competition, no matter what way you look at it. And, in a race...that's not always the right idea.
Rob's problem, of course, is that he isn't making the empathetic gestures that the other teams are. He didn't go the Ray route with "Oh, we'll re-evaluate our finances later in the leg". By the same accord, he didn't make the courtesy window roll at the crash site. None of the other teams intended to stop, they simply wanted to make it appear like they wanted to. That isn't Rob's demeanor. I don't think it makes him a terrible person, and I can't hate him for that. He's not paying lip service to others simply to appear nicer than he actually is.
I can't say I hate people who are trying to win the race; that is a concept I can't understand. I'm not cheering for Rob and Amber to win or anything, but I don't hate them. Hate is reserved for those teams who don't get along, bicker all the time, and who shove one another or other such violent contact. I do not hate people for trying to win the race. For instance, I did not hate Colin and Christie. I think that they were good racers who lost the race due to a flight mistake. They bickered, he was a jerk, but they were good racers. It's the people who are jerks and who suck at the game that I can't stand.
Speaking of which, I've never felt the old people love for the sake of it being old people love. Some older teams, like Dave and Margarita last season, were awesome. She was witty, they seemed energetic, and she smashed the soapbox racer into the hay bales. They seemed to really enjoy themselves.
Meredith and Gretchen are on my last nerve. No, I don't think she fell on purpose, that was Rob being a jerk (I laughed, but it was kind of like a "He just said that?" laugh). But her and her "Ohhhhhh"s are seriously the most annoying race catchphrase since Ian's "Hooyah!", and at least that has long-term comedic possibilities, rather than long-term work in constipation commercials.
They are not good racers; they have made numerous mistakes. Heck, the reason she fell and hurt herself was due to not reading a clue properly and having to re-enter the cave. Like he said himself, 5th was the highest position they've been in to date. And, it took a car accident and a dysfunctional couple unable to grind corn to get them in that place. They have no appeal for me; they don't seem to be having all that much fun, and their exuberance counts only as a thin attempt to appear to be doing so. I don't hate them or anything, but they haven't done anything. They haven't gotten a better flight than anyone else, they haven't made a good directional decision and they haven't shown even a spark of success. They've been wandering in failure.
So, to recap. Rob and Amber: Jerks? Maybe. But they're not villains. Meredith and Gretchen: Bad Racers, annoying constipation noises.