Rob and Amber always getting a local to guide them around is really fucking getting on my nerves, as well as the morons who will read this and defend them doing so. Yes it's a little late change the rules now, but they have to do something next season about this crap. Sure everyone could do the same thing Rob and Amber are doing but I believe the other teams know it would go against the spirit of the game to do so.
It's my goal in (Internet) Life to get on your nerves about reality shows. I'm happy to see I'm getting through.
Look, I don't get this "Spirit of the Game" bullshit at all. The basic task of the Amazing Race is that you get a clue, you are told to go somewhere and you GET somewhere. That's the game. You are supposed to get from Point A to Point B, regardless of where you are, when it is, how the weather is and how serious your arthritis is becoming. That is the reality of the race.
One could say that attempting to deal with the language barriers and cultural changes are the "Spirit of the Game".
Either way, here is how they get from Point A to Point B.
1. Cab - Cab Driver drives them to the place where they have to go.
2. Ask Directions - They ask someone, of that culture or nation, how to get somewhere.
3. A Map - A piece of paper shows them the way to go.
4. Tour Guide - Enlisting someone to help them find a location.
So, those are the four major ways people find places...and yet they all get the same information. When you enter a cab, someone drives you to the place you have to go. When you ask for directions, you are told the best way to get somewhere. When you use a map, the piece of paper shows the best route to take. And, when you use a tour guide, you get the exact same information as the above, only concentrated into one place.
While I agree that there is a difference between asking someone for directions and having someone escorting you, it's the same basic "spirit of the game". They are taking advantage of the knowledge of someone else to get to Point B from Point A. We've had this exact argument before, and you keep dismissing this, but you seem to believe that they're all alone out there. They ask for directions; Ron and Kelly got the SAME information as Rob and Amber coming out of Abbey Road (To go to the subway station to do the detour). All they had to do was ask someone.
Different teams have gotten escorts in the past, and for the most part they are inconsequential. There has yet to be a "guide" who has completely upheaved the race order. Only the first guide for Rob and Amber in Peru really helped them move forward, and that was so early it didn't even affect anything. Lena and Kristy had one last season, in an early episode and did fairly well for themselves with it...but the realities of the race is that everyone evens up.
Sanjeev, from a few episodes ago, told their taxi drivers where to go...but everywhere else got there relatively easily. He helped By following them around? There has never been a guide who changed a race, only ones who helped a team race more efficiently. Guides aren't guarantees either; they can lead you in wrong directions, steer you down the wrong path, or make a mistake themselves. And, really, Rob and Amber aren't hiring experts. They are finding people who have information that the rest of that city may have. And, the other teams have access to it just as easily.
The spirit of the game? It's a race. You do what you can to get from Point A to Point B the fastest. You get help from who you can, when you can, and by whatever means necessary. If every team had your moral fortitude and felt that getting detailed help from a local was wrong, then they couldn't really call themselves racers.
Glad to see Gretchen and Meredith go, only because it means that there are three competitive teams in the final Three. Here's hoping for an awesome finish.