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The OFFICIAL Amazing Race - Season 7 Thread

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Junior Ace
Wait, what the fuck. When I went into the bathroom, they were begging for money for a flight. How are they in first now?


Team Black being so down like that, that was a huge comeback for them. And Rob and Amber lost AHAH!!! OWNED!


I would bang a hot farmer!
Too bad R/A lost but I'm glad it was U/J who won instead of R/K. I guess it did all come down to Rob yielding the wrong team in that episode before. The one good thing for R/A is that they won't be hurting for money with their wedding being aired in a couple of weeks. I wouldn't be surprised if we heard more from them in the future. :)

BTW, am I the only one not really looking forward to the next season of TAR any more? After such a great season there's no way the teams of four in TAR8 can live up to TAR7.


HELL YES THE BLACK PEOPLE WIN AGAIN!!!!!! Man that was the most nerve racking moment ever of any of the Amazing Races. I'm fucking shaking as I type this. ROB AND AMBER CAN EAT IT, LOL!!!!!! SURVIVE THAT BITCHES!!!!!!


ShadowRed said:
HELL YES THE BLACK PEOPLE WIN AGAIN!!!!!! Man that was the most nerve racking moment ever of any of the Amazing Races. I'm fucking shaking as I type this. ROB AND AMBER CAN EAT IT, LOL!!!!!! SURVIVE THAT BITCHES!!!!!!




I would bang a hot farmer!
I think all the hate that Rob/Amber got is funny because if it wasn't for them this season wouldn't have been as entertaining as it was.


:lol Yeah.....I was in the rob and amber camp as well, but U&J were good people, and if anyone else had to win, it would be them. U&J having a spanish-speaking cab driver won them that race, although I should say that it's too easy to blame it on the final bit of luck, as the game is broken down into many instances of lucky breaks. It was a great season.


TheDuce22 said:
I wanted to see Rob and Amber win. Those other two guys should give half of the money to the pilot who let them on.

As much as I am a Team Black fan, I've read on other boards that a lot of people are claiming that the producers had something to do with them getting on that plane. As much as I want to not believe it, I don't see how a pilot would stop his take off and reopen the plane just to let two people on.


As much as I am a Team Black fan, I've read on other boards that a lot of people are claiming that the producers had something to do with them getting on that plane. As much as I want to not believe it, I don't see how a pilot would stop his take off and reopen the plane just to let two people on.

That would not surprise me at all. Have you ever seen the apprentice? The producers fix challenges all the time. The only one where its really tough is survivor, even then they tailor events to specific people. Its tv after all.

The producers must have done something

Why would they allow one team to have an hour head start for the final part of the entire race
I'm shocked that Rob didn't go al quaeda on that plane after they re-opened the door. :lol

Great ending.... Rob & Amber and Uchenna & Joyce were the two remaining teams I liked, so it's cool that they were competing on the last leg like that.

Good season, all in all.
So, Team Black won. That's cool, since I didn't like the other two teams. It's amazing how big of a comeback they had after the first half when they were hours behind.

It was really, really nerve-racking when U&J were so close to the finishing line, but still had to pay the cab driver. I can't image how nervous they felt.


That was a great couple of legs, everyone had there moments and all 3 teams were great competitors. Uchenna really stepped up his game. Rob and Amber were tough as usual and Ron was great but his crappy partner really screwed him, he deserved better.

This reminded me a lot of the final in season 5. The nice black people beat the assholes and the cool guy and his drama queen come in last.

A fantastic finish to a mediocre season. Now I have to wait until the fall for the family version, I hope it's good.


I really didn't like how they had the "everyone catch up" moment in the final leg with the closed area. The final leg should be totally open, which is why the leg before it is non-elemination... That is the leg that sets the starting positions, but even if you are last you still have a good shot if you play smart.

It would be even better if they kept every single challange throughout the race open 24 hours...


ShadowRed said:
As much as I am a Team Black fan, I've read on other boards that a lot of people are claiming that the producers had something to do with them getting on that plane. As much as I want to not believe it, I don't see how a pilot would stop his take off and reopen the plane just to let two people on.

Fuck that was ridiculous. Did Uchenna and Joyce even have STANDBY TICKETS for that flight like R&A had to go up to the counter to do? They just ran to the gate, and were magically let on board. What the hell ever happened to going through security checks / customs etc. Who the hell holds a plane for 2 people begging to get on after the door has closed? That was the most bullshit moment of the entire series and a total fix by CBS. Hell I was half expecting the pilot to suddenly turn his plane around after taking off to pick up Ron & Kelly cause then it would have been more exciting to have a final 3 race to the finish. :lol I mean it was so ridiculous at that point I wouldn't have batted an eyelash had more plane hijinx occurred.

What a way to ruin the final episode.

Anyway, it all comes back to what I said when R&A yielded Ron and Kelly. They should have yielded Uchenna and Joyce which may have eliminated them in that episode and propelled Meredith and Gretchen into the final 3. Their mistake cost them in the end.

Don't feel sorry for R&A though. They still have the 1.1 million from Survivor, all the free trips from Amazing Race, their wedding paid for by CBS etc. Also, does anyone know if the other teams get any money for finishing in 2nd and 3rd like Survivor contestants do?


I would bang a hot farmer!
Manics said:
Don't feel sorry for R&A though. They still have the 1.1 million from Survivor, all the free trips from Amazing Race, their wedding paid for by CBS etc. Also, does anyone know if the other teams get any money for finishing in 2nd and 3rd like Survivor contestants do?
From http://www.tarflies.com/article.php?cat_id=17 (they also have some other interesting facts like where the teams were sequestered after being eliminated in the previous 6 seasons).

Do the losing teams get any cash prizes?
Yes, the losing teams do get small cash prizes, staggered according to how long the team stayed in the race. For some reason, these amounts are kept very secret (much more so than the Sequesterville locations), but we have heard rumors that the second-place prize for some seasons has been $25,000 or $50,000, and third place was $10,000 or $25,000.


Mugen said:


Uh...what? How did I get owned? The last thing I said was that I was hoping for a great finish...sure, it didn't come true, but alas.

There was definite producer involvement in aspects of the race; there always is. Whether or not they literally stopped that flight is a whole other story. But it's more than a little fishy, in my view.

And yet, I don't really care. Because, no matter what, the finale leg in Miami sucked. The rest of the episode was great, but Miami was way too easy. The previous season had the lame pizza eating detour, which was bad enough. This season's was literally entirely about finding a place. Or, telling your cabby to find a place.

At least the pizza detour actually involved some sort of task so that the people who complete it the fastest (Along with making less mistakes along the way) have the best chance of winning. Here, it came down to someone knowing Spanish and someone not. And, really, that kind of sucks. It was so obvious that they were leagues ahead of Rob and Amber at that point, and it's almost saddening. I like Uchenna and Joyce, but I hated to see Rob and Amber lose due to a small, out of the way Cigar store that's name was in Spanish being more difficult to find. It's similar to how I felt about last season...Kris and Jon worked their ass off on the tasks all the way through the race and lost because the final task was a lame pizza task instead of something requiring skill. That is the reality of the situation.

It was a very good season; good tasks, good racers, and intriguing ways of playing the game. I would have preferred to see Rob and Amber win, simply because they performed very evenly throughout the race, but props to Uchenna and Joyce. Help from the producers or no help from the producers, they ran a good final leg and got themselves a chance to make babies the 21st Century way. Plus, it made the hair thing totally worth it. Good stuff.

4 Months until Families of 4 head out...should be interesting how this changes things, that's for sure. Looking forward to it...

Now, how was I owned exactly? Please? I like being noticed and all, but usually I like to know why too.


but I hated to see Rob and Amber lose due to a small, out of the way Cigar store that's name was in Spanish being more difficult to find.

Yeah Uchenna and Joyce got really lucky in the fact that their cabby happened to ask someone in spanish for directions to "King of the Havanas" Since the person was spanish the cabby translated it for them. Very lucky.

But hitting the green on two was a great play.

Uchenna and Joyce were better people and it’s good that they won.

Rob and Amber were better players and should have won.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Yup, when the pilot moved the plane back to the gate I was thinking "Yeah right! How much money did the producers offer to pay him?".

Totally rigged.

U&J, while good people (and certainly the ones who could use the money the most b/c they need in vitro fertilization to have a child) did not deserve to win the race after that plane fiasco. I am certainly happy that they won over R&A but I am not happy with how they won. I hate R&A more than any other team but they made on the plane first fair and square. The producers basically cheated on behalf of U&J for ratings and R&A got screwed out of a million dollars that up to that point was all theirs. Not cool. I won't look at the show the same way after this.


I just heard that Ron and his old girl called it quits after the show and the two gay dudes are getting married in Canada. There was also another couple from last season getting married.


Memles said:
Now, how was I owned exactly? Please? I like being noticed and all, but usually I like to know why too.

Nothing against you man, you're alright. You're just a Rob and Amber defender so yah. sorry if I offended you. :D


The show is over and this thread can now be locked.

Thank you all for participating. There was much love in this thread. Onwards to season 8.


ShadowRed said:
I just heard that Ron and his old girl called it quits after the show and the two gay dudes are getting married in Canada. There was also another couple from last season getting married.

I find it funny how Kelly seemed to keep deluding herself that there was a future between her and Ron after all the shit they've been through....


I would bang a hot farmer!
Time for me to upset the Rob haters, he said on Live with Regis and Kelly today that he's going to enter the World Series of Poker this year. I hope ESPN at least shows him playing a couple of hands because he's going to lose so fast. :lol

BTW for all of those who are happy that Rob/Amber got "owned", don't worry about them because they did very well in the negotiations to air their wedding on TV later this month. :D

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
ShadowRed said:
Apparently, that cabbie went on a radio station recently in Miami and complained that U/J still owe him $15.

Wow, that makes it sound like even more of a fix. You never saw the cabbie say it was okay. They just kept showing Uchenna telling Joyce "its cool, c'mon". When I was watching it definitely did not look the cabbie was happy.

The producers probably let them break the rules and run to the finish so they could win.

Your link isn't working btw.


TheDuce22 said:
Isnt not paying people against the rules?

Yeah but the guy didn't complain at that moment so i guess it doesn't matter. Had he made a big deal out of it then they probably wouldn't have won.
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