Mugen said:
Uh...what? How did I get owned? The last thing I said was that I was hoping for a great finish...sure, it didn't come true, but alas.
There was definite producer involvement in aspects of the race; there always is. Whether or not they literally stopped that flight is a whole other story. But it's more than a little fishy, in my view.
And yet, I don't really care. Because, no matter what, the finale leg in Miami sucked. The rest of the episode was great, but Miami was way too easy. The previous season had the lame pizza eating detour, which was bad enough. This season's was literally entirely about finding a place. Or, telling your cabby to find a place.
At least the pizza detour actually involved some sort of task so that the people who complete it the fastest (Along with making less mistakes along the way) have the best chance of winning. Here, it came down to someone knowing Spanish and someone not. And, really, that kind of sucks. It was so obvious that they were leagues ahead of Rob and Amber at that point, and it's almost saddening. I like Uchenna and Joyce, but I hated to see Rob and Amber lose due to a small, out of the way Cigar store that's name was in Spanish being more difficult to find. It's similar to how I felt about last season...Kris and Jon worked their ass off on the tasks all the way through the race and lost because the final task was a lame pizza task instead of something requiring skill. That is the reality of the situation.
It was a very good season; good tasks, good racers, and intriguing ways of playing the game. I would have preferred to see Rob and Amber win, simply because they performed very evenly throughout the race, but props to Uchenna and Joyce. Help from the producers or no help from the producers, they ran a good final leg and got themselves a chance to make babies the 21st Century way. Plus, it made the hair thing totally worth it. Good stuff.
4 Months until Families of 4 head out...should be interesting how this changes things, that's for sure. Looking forward to it...
Now, how was I owned exactly? Please? I like being noticed and all, but usually I like to know why too.