Awesome episode of TDS tonight, I was LOLing hard
doomed1 said:You know... Olivia Munn isn't any funnier on the daily show as she is on Attack of the Show... which is to say, not at all. The bratty, self absorbed reporter isn't usually a flattering role :/c
No, I mean it wasn't funny. It just makes her uninteresting and a pain to watch. She can't really pull off the comedic self-centered pretty girl because I can actually believe she IS that kind of person. Her delivery is just off to me.blame space said:that was kind of the point, TBH. how did you not get that?
While she is bland, she's much better than that Josh Gann kid (or however you spell his last name). Frankly, the last good addition to the team was Wyatt and even then he took awhile to gel (though personally I prefer Larry more heh).Lead Based Paint said:Olivia was definitely the worst part of the episode.
Easily the worst "reporter" on the show.
Pretty sure it was always just 1 rally considering it's being held in the exact same spot on the exact same day.We don't get Colbert Report in England so was Colbert really planning a counter rally and it fell through or was 1 rally always the plan?
Zenith said:We don't get Colbert Report in England so was Colbert really planning a counter rally and it fell through or was 1 rally always the plan?
B.K. said:Obama's going to be on the show on October 27.
B.K. said:Obama's going to be on the show on October 27.
Fusebox said:jealous I can't go to the rally.![]()
He also said it'll be streaming online.B.K. said:Jon said on last Thursday night's show that they're going to be airing it on Comedy Central.
Nabs said:
The entire week has been nothing but re-runs. Nothing new till Monday.Markster said:What the...
Watching it on CTV (Canada) and... it's a re-run today? It wasn't yesterday! What the heck!
If they were serious about this they would have to come out against some of its supporters like HuffPo and arguably Oprah. That would just be awkward.Fusebox said:Saw ANOTHER article from Slate today bitching about this rally because it isn't serious enough. What a bunch of unpleaseable muff muffs.
:lolmj1108 said:*chases woman down the street*
"I should have thought that through." :lol :lol
B.K. said:I just caught the end of NBC Nightly News's report about Obama being on The Daily Show tonight. From what I heard, it sounded like Jon might not be as soft with Obama as he usually us with politicians.
CharlieDigital said:Full 30 minutes?
Milabrega said:This feels like a Presidential Postmortem.