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The Official Daily Show Thread with Jon Stewart

"While on another channel a handful of presidential candidates about whom their own party can't even get excited will competitively pander to a small, but vocal collection of elderly lunatics."

I love you Daily Show
Haven't laughed at the show this much in a while now. The dissection of the jobs speech was awesome, especially with the reactions of the republicans during the speech.


Should rock band The Tea Party sell its domain name to the political movement?
Canadian rock band The Tea Party broke up in 2005, but its members now stand to make a pretty penny thanks to the domain name they registered back in the early 1990s, BusinessWeek reports.

Known for a unique Middle-Eastern-tinged brand of prog-rock, Tea Party share a name with the U.S. right-wing movement. The band's web site, teaparty.com, apparently receives many visits from confused visitors seeking info about the grassroots movement's candidates.

"So much damage has been done to our name by the political movement that we're considering selling," the band's bassist, Stuart Chatwood, told BusinessWeek.

As the 2012 presidential race approaches and interest in Tea Party's political candidates rises, many are now speculating the Canadian rockers could auction off their domain name for a price as high as $1 million.

The band has also suggested it could be open to the idea of lending the domain name to someone of a different political stripe: in the BusinessWeek piece, Chatwood says the band contemplated letting Stephen Colbert or Jon Stewart the teaparty.com domain in order to "dispel some of the stuff that the Tea Party says."
How do we make this happen? I want this to happen.


They're always good together. I enjoy it.

I loved how Jon's basically like "You have a book out...and we're not going to talk about it"


NotTheGuyYouKill said:
Yeah. It felt a bit odd, more subdued than I would have thought. Plus they flipped the order of the show around for no reason.
I think they did that since the second segment was angry/humourless and would kill the lead-in to Sandler.

But yeah I fast-forwarded after listening to them awkwardly banter for a couple minutes. Neither seemed interested.
Socreges said:
I think they did that since the second segment was angry/humourless and would kill the lead-in to Sandler.

But yeah I fast-forwarded after listening to them awkwardly banter for a couple minutes. Neither seemed interested.

It would have been nice if their interactions here were more like Stewart and Denis Leary, which is always funny.


Holy fuck, Cain actually used lines from a Pokemon movie. His campaign really was master class trolling.

And Stewart (his writers) actually did their research for Pokemon stuff, heh.
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