Is the e-cig supposed to be smoked like a real one, or is one drag equal to a whole ciggie?. I need to kick the habit, it isn't good to smell of smoke on the wards.
I suck on mine all day. Not smelling like an ash tray is awesome. I did get off real cigarettes with it, but I am a little worried how healthy these things are. They have to be healthier than cigarettes though(and cheaper).
That's good, i'm a very heavy smoker and the idea of only puffing now and again was putting me off, i'm gonna give it a whirl.
Obviously they are all different, but roughly how many drags equal 1 cigarette? is it similar(need to plan what i need)
From what I've read, 10-12 drags is equal to one cigarette. Just got my Maxx Fusion in the mail and I am loving this damn thing. I've been vaping for a week now and I am feeling a shit ton better than I did on cigarettes.
I did get off real cigarettes with it, but I am a little worried how healthy these things are. They have to be healthier than cigarettes though(and cheaper).
Just tried the Kona Coffee Milkshake and Black Cherry Marshmallow from Virgin Vapor and it put out a shit ton of vapor and tastes amazing. Everyone should give them a try.
I have yet to order the Boba's Bounty simply because I was too afraid it would not work with my cartomizers, thanks for the tip^ I will NOT read your spoiler until I've tried it for myself though, lol. I switched down to a lower nic level because I want to vape all the damn time now and too high a level can cause some issues that way. I like the lucid dreams though!
Edit: just placed an order with Alien Visions, woot! Bobas Bounty is currently 20% off fyi
Today my good friend was killed by lung cancer due to near lifelong smoking.
GAF, please quit now, before it is too late.
My GF wants to buy one of these for her dad. However, we live in Canada. Sorry if it has been asked before, but is there a company/website that ships to Canada?
Also, which flavors would you recommend?
Thanks for the help.
edit: noticed HappyVaper being mentioned in this topic, I'll check them out
edit2: no nicotine in their liquid. Any Canadian site that has nicotine?
edit3: tried, they have no liquid in stock, and none with nicotine anywaysl! Prices look good though
If you check out the forum ECF you should be able to find quite a few Canadian vendors. CanVape is the only one i know off the top of my head.
Edit: I subscribe to the user VaporChase on YouTube. He's Canadian and does regular juice reviews from Canadian vendors, I'd check out his videos for some ideas.
For device recommendations: cant really go wrong with a standard ego. The KGO by SLB and EPower from Smoktech are also fantastic if you want an all day battery.
I've known a few people who vape, good on you who do.
Wondering if your guys' senses of smell and I guess taste revert back to how they were pre-smoking. I mean, that to me would be an enormous incentive.
Everybody with an ecig NEEDS to be familiar with the concept of DRIPPING!
Its all I do. No cartridges here, just a drip tip.
Since this thread has been active as of late im just gonna recommend some of the most delicious juices that ive come across in my 14 months of vaping.
Sweet Caroline - Sweetened tobacco flavor from
Vaperite's entire Organic line. From VR4 (vanilla caramel tobacco) to Pecan Praline!'s entire line. I think my fave of theirs is 555 but I vouch for everything on the backwoods brew menu and love all of the many flavors ive tried from them.
E-cigs have always intrigued me. I quit smoking a bit more than a month ago for my health, but there are times still where I'd simply like to be able to kick back with a butt and take in the scenery. Dat oral fixation, I guess.
I'm really surprised to read that the throat hit can be replicated with these things.
E-cigs have always intrigued me. I quit smoking a bit more than a month ago for my health, but there are times still where I'd simply like to be able to kick back with a butt and take in the scenery. Dat oral fixation, I guess.
I'm really surprised to read that the throat hit can be replicated with these things.
Here's my latest juice haul. Hoping this lasts me a while. Last time I got a 120ml of House Blend I managed to go through it in around 3 weeksThese are from two of my favorite vendors at the moment. Went back up to 18mg on some because I'm trying to vape less often.
Just got my 18 mg Gorilla juice and Hype from AVE. If you like peach, Hype is really good with a ton of flavor.
Look up 10 posts.
I'm sure it's been covered so far in the thread- but what's with the juice stuff? I keep looking at different E-cig sites (currently eyeing Green Smoke) and none mention juice. I'm wary about buying these damn things without knowing what I'm getting into- why do some of you have juice? So far as I can tell, all that matters are the batteries, chargers, and cartomizers. The cartomizers are what have different flavor option.
Where the hell does juice come in?
I'm sure it's been covered so far in the thread- but what's with the juice stuff? I keep looking at different E-cig sites (currently eyeing Green Smoke) and none mention juice. I'm wary about buying these damn things without knowing what I'm getting into- why do some of you have juice? So far as I can tell, all that matters are the batteries, chargers, and cartomizers. The cartomizers are what have different flavor option.
Where the hell does juice come in?
Love Hype, switched it out this month to check out Gorilla Juice, which I like but not as much as Hype. Don't know if I'll get GJ again with the ever growing list of stuff I need to try. Hype definitely has something in common with GJ, the nicotine base probably.
Hoosier Ecig Supply and Crystal Clear Vaping are great one-man operations with good prices and fast shipping (free at CCV).
MadVapes and Liberty Flights are relatively large, well known, online stores.
i think juice fills up the cartomizers, but yeah, this ecig stuff really needs a faq or something.
The main question is "I am a smoker, should I switch to vaping?" and the emphatic answer would be "Yes, and do it now."
Just got back from my buddy's memorial service.
There were attendees smoking outside the reception.
I see you have Copper Creek House Blend in a 50/50 PG/VG. I was about to pull the trigger on some yesterday and was wondering the thickness of the all VG blend, so I think I will get a 50/50 assuming it does not need to be thinned down any. Boba's and Gorilla juice both are clogging up my clearomizers and have to be thinned or I will not get a good vape from them. I've had no issues with PG personally and it always gives a good vape for me.
can someone post me a good site to get these from that I won't feel ripped off by?