KGO kit 1100mAh by SLB $43.99
Okay, I need to ask a few questions. I have the regular disposable ecigs (Premium, Apollo), but I want something better now that I really quit smoking. I'm new to the liquid aspect of ecigs but it's very confusing to me. I was hoping this atomizer/cartomizer confusing jargon from the early days of ecigs was done with once they combined them into the 1 piece cartridges like the one I have now, but I guess not.
If I order that KGO ecig in your link, is that all I need to start dripping e-juice (like some organic ones from vaperite)? Do they work together? That kit you linked doesn't include a cartomizer -do I need that for this ecig? The kit includes 2 atomizers - do they need to be replaced after a while? All I want is a reliable, easy to use, long lasting e-cig, and a good selection of organic juices, and I'll be fine for a number of years ordering them.
Sorry if this is a lot to answer, but every ecig store website has their own specialty names for items, and it seems a lot items only work with specific other items. And then the confusing mess of teaching FAQs and videos themselves are either too specific or too broad, or outdated if they're only a few months old. The ecig world is changing and getting more confusing by the day.
What's the difference between the propylene glycol and vegetable thingy concentrations? Is 100% VG better than 60/40 PG/VG?
If youre a cartomizer guy, then i would pick up the KGO kit i posted (even if its just for the batteries!) and a couple of dual-coil cartomizers to use (they're right in the upper right corner of the KGO page). Dont forget to order some juice too (my recommendations are in post 325). And a drip tip so you can try out dripping for yourself.
The KGO i linked to is a 510 model.Thanks. I assume the KGO is a 510? There's a lot of choices of cartomizers on the hoosier website. Do they all work with this kit? What is the difference between single and double coil, and what does ohm mean? The kit says it includes 1.5ohm batteries, but it also includes 2.0ohm atomizers - why the difference? How many refills can you do in a cartomizer before you need to use a new one? Would you need to change it if you switch flavors?
Does this look sketchy to you guys:
cause i have an ebay certificate to make it really cheap and I'm starting to notice how much my Blu kit sucks.
Does anyone here have the Joye Ego-T
ive never had one but ive had a regular ego and i know what 'tanks' are. what were you wondering?
Does anyone here have the Joye Ego-T
I'm about to order a massive batch of cartos for the next month or two and I want to grab some attys for dripping too. Are smoktech's any good? I'm guessing I can't go wrong with boge/smoktech?
I've tried dripping a few times with zero success. Probably because they were all crappy random attys from kits, I never searched for a good one because I was always happy with cartos. They had bridges, I removed them, and they still sucked. So I'm hoping a good atomizer will change this.
Now is the time and I'm serious about it this time. I need to quit smoking analogs. For the past several hours I've been going through threads on the ECF forum and trying to figure out what will work best for me. Honestly I'm a little overwhelmed it seems like there are so many choices out there. I could use a little help.
I'm a pack a day smoker. Over the last year I've stepped down from Marlboro Reds (Full flavor) to Marlboro Lights. Even though I've stepped down the brand I'm still smoking a pack a day. I would like something that is as close as possible to smoking a Light. I've tried the disposable Ecigs from places like Walgreen's and while it was alright for a couple of days I found that it wasn't eliminating my smoking of analogs but I did step down to about a half a pack a day during that time.
This time I want to quit analogs for good. What I'm looking for in an ecig is something that is the same size and shape as an analog. I don't think I would dig trying to smoke something the size of a sharpie. Right now I'm leaning towards a V2. Having to buy cartridges all the time doesn't sound great but I can't find a refillable one with the size dimensions I want.
Has anyone used a V2 before? What is your experience? I know I should probably post this on the ECF forum but I wanted to give my GAF homies a chance to weigh in first.
I went ahead and started a thread on EFC and after many responses and many video reviews I watched I went ahead and ordered the Volt from Smokeless Image.
It was around 40 bucks and I hope that it ends up paying for itself in about a week from me not buying regular cigs.
I'll post again once I get it.
I'm thinking about ordering this next paycheck. Thoughts?
I'm thinking about ordering this next paycheck. Thoughts?
What's the difference between the propylene glycol and vegetable thingy concentrations? Is 100% VG better than 60/40 PG/VG?
I went ahead and started a thread on EFC and after many responses and many video reviews I watched I went ahead and ordered the Volt from Smokeless Image.
It was around 40 bucks and I hope that it ends up paying for itself in about a week from me not buying regular cigs.
I'll post again once I get it.
Glad youre on board!
I still recommend the KGO to newcomers. I know its a lot to ask, but if you scroll up and read my posts (#325), i think they collectively show the newcomer all they need to get started feeling confident.
I got the EGO-T a few months back with a sampler of 5 or 6 different flavors of juice.
It just didn't give me that sharp kick in the throat that I'm looking for. The closest thing I could compare it to is smoking a sheesha/argeela (arabian water pipe)
It was a Canadian retailer, so the juices didn't have any nicotine in them. I tried to order some of the popular highly recommended juices that are supposed to give you good throat hit from American retailers but they wouldn't ship them to me because of some bullshit blanket advisory from Health Canada.
Went back to smoking anlogs and haven't touched the e-cig since.
I started at 18, then after a few months I went down to 11 which I've been using for about 8 or 9 months now.Another newbie question. What nicotine strength should I get for a beginner, someone who smokes about a pack a day?
Thanks! Just ordered the black version of the e-cig you recommended previously. I hope he'll like it.I started at 18mg and eventually decided 24mg would be better. Been at 24mg ever since. I dont vape constantly, but when i do, i get satisfaction![]()
That's the strength I ordered, we'll see how it goes. Thanks for the feedback.I started at 18, then after a few months I went down to 11 which I've been using for about 8 or 9 months now.
Does this look sketchy to you guys:
cause i have an ebay certificate to make it really cheap and I'm starting to notice how much my Blu kit sucks.
I'm thinking about ordering this next paycheck. Thoughts?
Ok, looking for an ecig myself now, I'm an almost a pack a day smoker, and decided to get my feet wet with a blu disposable. Things have gone well so far so I've been looking for a good starter kit. The Volt seems to be right up my alley. I'm looking at the 78mm ones with the bigger PCC. The other brand I was looking at was the Stog set mainly because I heard their cartos kicked all sorts of ass.
My question is, are cartos more or less universal? If I get the Volt, can I use other cartos on it down the line if there is a flavor I really like?
I've got the Volt and I have really enjoyed it so far. I was also a pack a day smoker and as of this post I am 11 days cig free. The cartos for the Volt are KR808 size. As long as you purchase cartos that are 808 they will fit.
I would suggest getting blanks and filling them with your own juice that way you can have more variety. I ordered my stuff from If you order from there use the coupon code "SIVOLT50" for 15% off your purchase.
The only drawback to the 808's is I've found they are not as much customization available as the 510 models. However, you can always buy an 808 to 510 adapter if you upgrade to bigger batteries and stuff.
Let me know if you have any more questions. I'll be happy to help in whatever way I can. Good Luck kicking the stinkies.