Lab. Right now I'm working on a phosphatase enzyme, trying to figure out what proteins in the cell the enzyme interacts with. I've hit a major snag right now because, for the life of me, I cannot get my DNA that codes for the human forms of those proteins to grow in some E coli cells. I figured that there was a restriction site (EcoRI) on the vector containing the protein DNA that wasn't supposed to be there, so the DNA got chopped up way more than it was supposed to. But since the fragments were small, they were coming off the gel and I didn't notice (due to inexperience) that the weight of the bands was slightly off. I figured it out, so maybe it'll work this time. My DNA is ligating at the lab's fridge as we speak, so maybe the problem will be resolved once and for all! (I'll find out Thursday mornin)
...realizing about 3% of you know what i'm talking about, I'll just leave it at that.