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The Official GAF Pen and Paper RPG Thread of Rolling Nothing But 20s!


Hey guys, sorry for the late notice...

I haven't been at work since Thursday, I should have posted sooner. I caught a sinus infection and I'm pretty wasted. I went to the doctor yesterday and got some antibiotics but I'm still pretty stuffed up.

So please go ahead without me this week, I'm sorry for the late notice. :( Hopefully next time we'll be at full strength.


I caught something too, been sick the last few days unfortunately. Have been bedridden most of the time, sucks.


I worked on my character a bit, but his sheet is still missing some stuff like regular equipment. I will try and make it tomorrow, but that really depends on how well I feel in the morning.

Rotham's parents have been honorable smiths all their lives following the traditions set forth by their ancestors. During the rift, tragically they lost all their ancestors from their parents to their great grand parents.

When they had their first child Bohm, he grew strong and fast. He trained hard and fast and became an epic warrior and fought for the king to protect the empire. Rotham was born much later, being the weaker of the two. Rotham at an early age join the clergy. Although there was an obvious rift between the brothers, Rotham always admired his older brother. Bohm was almost more of a father figure to him than his own father.

Bohm suffered a tragic death at the hands of a hill giant a few years past which hit Rotham hard. He decided to take the life of an adventurer to rid the world of hill giants.


Irony of ironies, I've got pink eye from my daughter (fun!) and some unknown cause of sore throat myself.

IRL Dungeon Master is cruel, made us all roll DC 30 fort saves >_<

In any event, it's not that bad (oh noes, my eye is discolored and it's contagious, how can I speak into a microphone and click a mouse?), so I still plan on cowboying up at this point. I am somewhat mindful of losing my voice, though, so I plan to talk fairly softly and mostly use chat.


I am feeling a little better, last night I got a fever, and it broke (I think thats the term) while I slept. Based on how I am feeling now, I think I should be up for the session. Is my character sheet good on the big things? Everything else I can plug out when I have time.


chapel said:
Is my character sheet good on the big things? Everything else I can plug out when I have time.

Let's see...

By-the-book, the Dwarf Cleric (of Moradin) RSL gives Warhammer proficiency at level 4, along with a bonus +2 damage with it (basically, it's the Fighter's Weapon Specialization).

If Spook doesn't care, then you're good to go with your warhammer (1d8, x3); if not, you'd take a -4 penalty with it until you reach L4, so you should use a morning star or heavy mace (1d8, x2), instead.

Save DCs vs your spells are:
0th level: 12
1st level: 13

Your spells per day are:
0th level: 3
1st level: 1+1, Bonus Spells (from Wisdom): 1

You need to list your cleric domains somewhere (and their powers); I believe you said you were interested in Earth and Protection.

You probably ought to list which 6 spells you want to prepare (pray for) for the first adventuring day (any can be scrambled for a cure / heal).

I'd recommend Sanctuary as your domain spell (none of use slings - if you want to use a sling, then Magic Stone ain't bad, expecially vs. undead), and maybe for your other ones... hrm, maybe Magic Weapon and Shield of Faith?

You also might want to note the Dwarven special abilities and the contents of the adventuring pack (just copy and paste them off my sheet).

You'd have a lot of money left over at this point: 138 gp, so I'd pick up a shield, maybe jump up to Chainmail (or hold onto the money and jump up to Heavy armor asap).

If you don't pick up a shield, I'd buy a longspear so you can stay back a bit and stab.


go with the morning star or mace.

livewire...hope u feel netter soon man.

i will be opening the channels 12.30 and pm you guys hte info then.


Anyone able to get in touch with KittenMaster?

Oh and also, Spook, can you add these:


Thanks to TokenTool I can make these things fast now.

They're a little big but the conversion in Gametable is easy (click pog, highlight face size, click 1 square)


Wanted to say that the session was very fun and can't wait to play again. Sucks that we have to wait 2 weeks or more, damn holidays!

Now about my brother here, achapel, would you guys mind if he came in? He really is wanting to play, and is up to playing anything, though he has little experience with magic casters. He is awesome with barbarians though haha. I suggested a monk, but he wondered about a wizard, isnt that kitten's role? Is he going to play at all?


Well, hopefully we'll get ahold of Kitten eventually - at the very least, his ban wasn't for that long. By the time we next play (two weeks from now, no game next week because of Easter) it'll be over.

As for new players, it never hurts to make a character and network for future games (the online tabletop equivalent of "putting your quarter down" at the arcade), but that's fully DM prerogative. As for myself, I once made the mistake of having seven regulars plus the occasional guest and it's just crazy.

I'm not sure if the online nature makes it easier or harder to deal with larger numbers - I do know designing encounters becomes harder to balance. You have to use stronger bad guys AND more bad guys, which is hard to fine tune and keep the game in that sweet spot of optimal challenge. The encounter calculator can help a little bit, but in practice, it's very touch-and-go.


If he were to be able to play, what do you think he should build? I think he would get some satisfaction fleshing out a character. :)


chapel said:
If he were to be able to play, what do you think he should build? I think he would get some satisfaction fleshing out a character. :)

We have (to narrow it down based on character mechanics, i.e. the stat choices, feat choices, equipment choices, etc. people have made):

Me / Fieren / Dwarf Fighter - axe and board; tank

Kaze / Allandrian / Human Paladin - 2-handed melee; face

LiveWire / Aranel / Elf Ranger - archer

chapel / Rothan / Dwarf Cleric - healer; off-tank (potentially: giant smasher)

Merenwen / Elf Rogue - trapfinder, sneaker, scout

KittenMaster / Thalm / Halfling Evoker - makes things go boom

If Kitten doesn't come back AND he gets permission to play? A Wizard or Sorcerer would be great because we have no one in that role.

Presuming Kitten does come back and he gets permission to play? Well, there are 11 classes and we have no Bard, Barbarian, Druid, Monk, or Sorcerer; also, given the nature of specialist Wizardry and the option of widely different feat choices / skill arrangements we could even double up on a class in theory. It'd be up to him. But that's up to spook first. 6 is a lot, 7 might be too much.


sorry .took me a while to get here again LOL

yes.. the problem at the moment is the status of kittne master.. but he was contacted by Jdub and still we did not see him.

If he does not show a sorcerer class would be nice. a bard might be really good also whether he shows or not , because it would be a great char to drop in with when someone cannot show, and if we have a full group a bard can compliment nicely also.

make sure you have high Charisma!!

TO be clear : your brother is welcome.. but we have to work through the logistics a bit.


Oh, hey, I just saw this and wanted to post it since it's kind of neat:


Basically, the folks behind the Pathfinder campaign setting and formerly, Dungeon and Dragon magazine, are planning on doing a 3.5 update that takes some of 4th edition and mixes it in with the old material - take a gander at "3.75," it's free to download and look at. What's there now is an Alpha of the new rules, with Fighter, Rogue, Cleric, Wizard, as well as a section on skills, feats, combat, and spells.

Some of it is stuff I would happily mix in; other stuff I have to wonder how it would be balanced considering just how strong certain classes were before.


HEy guys...
Sorry have been slacking ( not really just really busy)

The XP is coming .. I promise.. prepare to level though(EVERYONE.but kittenmaster and chapels little bro)

I have been working on a recap of the story so far.. I just lost my notes so I am doing it by memory .. so some detaisl might be a bit off.. (DM RULEZ count LOL)

For instance I could not remember the name of the first inn ( of the inviation) so I left is blank in the recap .. if you know it let me know. anyway Saturday noon is fine again for us. Here is the story I have so far .. the rest will follow before the weekend.


A missing relic

Another night has passed over Moncur, capital of Amacom, and as the sun rises it breaks the night into pieces of reds and pinks shattered across the skies. Down in the city the night dwellers return to their homes as other get ready to start their day.
It is still 3 months away until the millennium anniversary of the great rift, but preparations are well at hand. This will be a major event on which it is expected that the population of the city will double during its festivities. That off course means there are inns to be restored, or newly build, to increase capacity while still passing building inspection guidelines, supply warehouse are being stocked with food drink and the greatest wares and off course many new recruits are taken into the royal guards in ordered to provide a well secure environment for all.

In one of Moncur’ s many jails we find a young female high elf working on the locks of the door that are keeping her there. “Damn Merenwen ” she mumbled to herself , “ you should have been out of here ages ago, it is already getting light” .. It was not uncommon for Merenwen to leave her possessions at home and have herself thrown in jail with nothing but a hairclip and the clothes on her body. It was good practice, in case she would have to get out of a bad situation one day. Besides a little evening brawl leading up to her arrest by the guards was always good to release some of her anger. A satisfying click confirmed that the lock gave in to Merewens efforts. She opened the cell door and stared for a minute at the fat guard sleeping in his chair. She swiftly moved out the back entry of the building but was startled by a cloaked figure clocking her way. “they ...got me?” she thought. “ No way.. “

The cloaked figure held out an envelope “ Merenwen? We could use someone with your skills, please bring this invitation to the golden ........ inn to hear our offer” Mereven took the envelop, she opened it and looked at the card.. it was blank. “What the..? “ she looked up but the cloaked figure had disappeared. Merenwen paused in awe over the incredible stealth demonstrated by this person.. then she heard the racket of a guard waking up to an open jail cell, minus one female elf. And she swiftly rushed home.
In the mean while in the park section of the city, Aranel was practicing with the bow he received from his uncle redently. This magnificent piece of weaponry seemed to have a perfect aim. Aranel loved this bow, but could not help but wonder why he would receive this gift now. But he knew better not to try and find him.. he has not been able to for years now, even though through the occasional letter it seemed his uncle was well informed on him. Aranel took another shot .. Once more the arrow sailed through the air striking true into the heart of the target. As he went to retrieve his arrow, a cloaked figure step out from the trees on the edge of the range. “ You should be careful” Aranel stated “ a stray arrow could do some real damage if it strays and hits you, while you are lurking in the woods” The cloaked figure replied “ But your arrows always strike true , so there should be no worry”

“Do I know you?” Aranel asked.. “ The figure didn’t reply to the question , but simply offered him an envelope and stated “ Your services could prove quite useful, please bring this invitation to the golden ...... inn to hear our offer”
Aranel puzzled, took the envelope from the figure and looked at his name on the envelope. He looked up to see the person in front of him had disappeared. “not a twig bend or broken..amazing” he noticed. He opened the envelope to notice a blank card. “strange” he thought.. but he was intrigued non the less. And since he was a little hungry anyway, he figured why not check out this inn, and he went on his way.

Two half-orcs fly through the air end land in a pile of garbage.. hastily they pick themselves up and run off into the alley, tripping over their own feet every few steps.
Behind them Fieren steps out of the door opening of the inn the half- orcs were just tossed out off. “don’t you show yer faces her again or Ill rip yer skull off, yer good fer nothins” The stout femal dwarf shouted at them. She moved back inside and grabbed a broom and started to sweep the floor. She pondered how she got so stuck her down in Garamhold ..deep below the city of Mocur. She did not want to follow her father’s footsteps into the crafts and trades profession, So she went on looking for a place where she could use her fighting skills. The royal guard did not seem the place for her... if they even would take in a female dwarf. And the trading caravans would bring her face to face with her father to much, and she was not ready to deal with him yet. No.. this was her home for now and this inn was offering a decent pay, free food n drink and every night a good brawl. The puke bucket was not so bad as it’s reputation might indicate. Off course “puke bucket” was not really the name of the inn, but everyone has been calling it just that for many years.. and no one really knows it’s real name anymore. The sign had gone missing forever it seems and many patrons had taken over the establishments over the years. The only two things that remained the same were it’s nickname and it’s rowdy customers.

For a minute Fierens mind wandered off to the mountains near her birthplace.. when she saw a cloaked figure sitting in the corner of the inn. “we closed for the nite..mate” she sneered in a raw dialect. The figure put a hand on the table and pushed forward an envelope. “ I am not here for the cuisine” He said “bring this to the golden ....inn if you want to get some real fighting experience.” He stood up and walked out the door. Fieren ran after him but there was no trace of him anywhere. “That be some of weird magic freaky stuff” she thought. Fieren walked over to the table and picked up the envelope, Staring at the blank card inside she figured “why not give it a try.. it might be something not involving cleaning up bodily waste” and she put down the broom and headed out the door.


Unless you have some specific hit points houserule that automates the amount we get (everyone gets 50%, 75%, 100%), I'll roll my d12 when we game and add that to the total.

In any event, I'll assign my skill points and bump up my BAB and Fort save: http://www.campaign-blog.com/view.php?id=7798

Here is the Dwarven Fighter RSL again for reference:

The feat substitution is called Racial Foes, it adds +2 on all damage rolls vs. anything considered to be of the racial type of Humanoid (Orc), Humanoid (Goblinoid), or Giant.

Besides the obvious, that means half-orcs, bugbears, hobgoblins, trolls, ogres and probably some more that I'm not thinking of but most often that means Orcs, Goblins, and Giants (Hill / Fire / Storm, etc).


Monks can be hard. You pretty much have to dump Cha since it does the least for you. Then Int is pretty much next. Con, and then Str / Dex / Wis are all pretty much equally important for all your skills and abilities and attack, damage, and AC.

You need Strength (to hit with your flurry of unarmed attacks and do damage), Dexterity (no armor), and Wisdom (bonus to armor, Stunning Fist, and Quivering Palm).

Human is good because there are no stat penalties, the skill bonus offsets the cost of dumping Int. Races with penalties to Int and Cha are fine. Halflings can make interesting, high AC monks, but the size penalty to unarmed damage AND reduction in Str can suck.

If he pumps Wisdom, take Stunning Fist. If he pumps Strength, and especially if he goes Half-Orc, take Improved Grapple. Either way, keep Dex high.

Two recommended 25 point buy distributions from the DMG and PHB2 respectively, are:
Str 14, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 8;
Str 13, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 8;

Obvious patterns there. =P

Oh, and don't forget, "Monster Feats" like Ability Focus (Stunning Blow) or Improved Natural Attack (unarmed strike) work for PCs too, when applicable.


XP: Chapel/Rothan: 1010
JAyDub/Fieren: 1250
Sariana/Merenwen 1250
Stepahnie/Allandrian: 1010

Edit: My kids are sick at the moment so there might be last minute cancellation (worst case) or in best case it will be a short session ( about 2hrs) so make sure you are good to go at 13.00 EST ( such cruelty real life brigns :p)


So we went through all the info on grapple and my brother decided it would be fun to play a half-orc monk. He played a half-orc before as I mentioned earlier in the thread.

Here is the updated stats for the character, I just filled it out based on what we worked through for stats and what not. The feats aren't final as well as the weapons. The image you posted above, those feats aren't available to a level 1 character, are those for monsters?


Hope we can get a session going this morning, will be fun.



Haha, woah. Interesting.

As always, take this with a grain of salt - I'm a shameless optimizer, and when I check character sheets to make sure everything checks out rules wise, I tend to put my $0.02 in.

The DMG uses the elite array, as always, and that gives you:
Str 14, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 8;
A Half-Orc version would have: Str 16, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 8, Wis 15, Cha 6

Bro went Str 16, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 8, Wis 13, Cha 8; 16s are killer at their 10 point buy cost.

You would have a +8 on Grapple checks, and that is awesome at L1. Trouble with going that deep into a tactic is it makes you a one trick pony. I mean, you could get a +9 Grapple and a 20 Str, but then you'd only have 9 points left for 5 stats. :lol I'd settle for a +7 and spread some around, at least to your Wis for your AC.

I'd recommend a 14 in Str / Dex / Wis at least. Trouble with Monks is, there went 18 point-buy. 7 left! Heh. May as well leave Cha where it is (now very glad Steph went 15 Cha) at 8 (6).

I'm not so sure only having two skill points as a Monk is good though, since Monks have a wonderful skill list, but yeah, it'll be your second lowest stat. Con you'll want as a Grappler because you'll be right in the thick of it. Another general principle is that you get 5 stat bumps (if the game goes that long, heh), an odd number, so the rule of thumb is to make something you want to bump odd for when you reach L4 (I have a 15 Str, for example).

Maybe: 14 (16), 14, 13, 10 (8), 14, 8 (6)?
Or even: 15 (17), 14, 13, 8 (6), 14, 8 (6) if the extra skills don't matter.
Or: 16 (18), 14, 11, 8 (6), 14, 8 (6) just to swap the 1 HP into 1 AC (which is almost always a good trade for someone who can't wear armor)

Feats: you couldn't have Dodge and Mobility as a L1 H-O (no human bonus feat).

Skills: Escape Artist, hrm. Just so you know, you don't need EA to break out of a hold - that's, more or less, for Bards and Rogues and Monks with a low Strength to avoid grapples (Halfling Monks, for example). It also helps you break out of ropes and manacles I guess, but another way to do that is to not get caught. :D

Spot is nice when you have 60' Darkvision;

Oh, and be sure to get a ranged weapon or two. You're proficient in a crossbow but you won't get the benefit of your Str damage from them, so you might want to use a sling for long ranges and shuriken for fairly close up (you can flurry with shuriken).

* * *

And for a reference to what's going on in the new versions of the rules: in Paizo's Pathfinder Alpha ("3.75 Edition" - which is free by the way, Spook, hint :D ) Half-Orcs get +2 Str, +2 Wis, -2 Int; in 4th Edition Half-Orcs were removed from the core rules!


AAARGh... sorry guys I need to cancel for today ...

My Powersupply died. SO we are missing a PC ... that would make things complicated. I ordered a new one.. but it won;t be in until aprl 2nd


so sorry about this. you guys should still meet up if you can though somehow , even if just through game table.
keep the group somewhat alive.

I will post more ont eh story so far this week



edit... and i got the hint.. will look into it but I am unfamiliar with pathfinder


rSpooky said:
My Powersupply died. SO we are missing a PC ... that would make things complicated. I ordered a new one.. but it won;t be in until aprl 2nd


so sorry about this. you guys should still meet up if you can though somehow , even if just through game table.

Eh, April 2nd is next Wednesday, so we could play next week. It's not like other gaming groups don't miss a week now and then, and besides, your kids are sick, too.

If you're going to be out for longer, let us know as soon as you know but it shouldn't be that big a thing to fix it.

And hey, it could be worse, your daughter could have thought it was acceptable to punch the TV screen when Swiper the Fox came on (happened yesterday... fuck).

"Daddy, fix it."
"I can't, baby, you broke it."
"No... Mama, fix it"
"I can't, sweetie."
"No... I fix it!"
"You can't fix it."
"I... sowwy." :(

edit... and i got the hint.. will look into it but I am unfamiliar with pathfinder

Me either. :lol I just like their Races and Classes section.


My brother liked your changes Jay, what feat do you recommend he takes?

I wonder if maybe we could do off the cuff games that are meant for short game sessions. I played this one with friends that was military based in vietnam. Was really fun and cool, and we all almost died. If you have something you want to DM Jay, my brother and I are up for play and whoever else that is around.


chapel said:
My brother liked your changes Jay, what feat do you recommend he takes?

See "Destroyer" on the image I posted above? There you go, and all of that stuff is in the SRD. Up the accuracy of your melee attack (and thus, your entire flurry) with Weapon Focus (unarmed strike), up your damage with Improved Natural Attack (unarmed strike).

With more material I could whip up something better. Power Attack, Leap Attack (Complete Adventurer) and Leap of the Heavens (Player's Handbook II) would synergize pretty well, probably. There's some cool stuff that requires Stunning Blow in the PHB2 that lets you do some Street Fighter 2-esque moves.

There are feats in the Eberron Campaign Setting that let you integrate a Longspear or a Longsword in with your flurry - those can be nice, course this ain't Eberron.

I wonder if maybe we could do off the cuff games that are meant for short game sessions. I played this one with friends that was military based in vietnam. Was really fun and cool, and we all almost died. If you have something you want to DM Jay, my brother and I are up for play and whoever else that is around.

In general? Sure. Today? I probably only had enough free time for a short session, and I definitely don't have time to plan something.


JayDubya said:
See "Destroyer" on the image I posted above? There you go, and all of that stuff is in the SRD. Up the accuracy of your melee attack (and thus, your entire flurry) with Weapon Focus (unarmed strike), up your damage with Improved Natural Attack (unarmed strike).

With more material I could whip up something better. Power Attack, Leap Attack (Complete Adventurer) and Leap of the Heavens (Player's Handbook II) would synergize pretty well, probably. There's some cool stuff that requires Stunning Blow in the PHB2 that lets you do some Street Fighter 2-esque moves.

There are feats in the Eberron Campaign Setting that let you integrate a Longspear or a Longsword in with your flurry - those can be nice, course this ain't Eberron.

In general? Sure. Today? I probably only had enough free time for a short session, and I definitely don't have time to plan something.
Can he get that weapon focus at lvl 1?


chapel said:
Can he get that weapon focus at lvl 1?

Good catch! He actually can't. You have to have a BAB of +1 apparently, just one of many reasons why the War domain is good for clerics, I guess.

And wait a minute, he can't take Improved Natural Attack either until his BAB is +4, so it is a good feat, at level 6. :D

And yet, in Wizards own publication, those are the recommended feats. :lol Oh wow.

Honestly, I'd never noticed that Weapon Focus had that BAB requirement.

Too much time spent playing Fighters, Paladins, Rangers, Barbarians, Warblades, Crusaders, Knights, Duskblades, etc. I always play classes that get full BAB and I almost always take Weapon Focus. :D

Well gosh. I'd say maybe Power Attack, but he wouldn't get any use out of it until next level. If that doesn't appeal, Combat Reflexes or Dodge. If PHB2 is okay, Leap of the Heavens allows you to do a high jump standing still without doubling the DC and gives a +5 bonus to running jumps. Versatile Unarmed Strike lets you treat your punches and kicks as Piercing or Slashing, which can be very useful vs. certain foes (skeletons, zombies, oozes, etc).


how about your wife?
I do not mind the kid interruptions... (in case she is worried)have them myself asyou know quite often


She says she's up for it; I'm not sure how the logistics are going to work since she plans on going to work tomorrow morning for some overtime (remember the broken TV? Yeah.), but she says at most she'd be a little late.


My brothers character Garrin: http://www.campaign-blog.com/view.php?id=8100

Went with most of your guidance JayDubya. Though wanted to talk about the PHB2 stuff when we get into the session. Here is his story.
Garrin isn't your typical half-orc that lives in this day and age. Unfortunately he knows nothing about his parents, maybe that is for the best considering the usually shameful knowledge. As a tender infant left at the steps of a St. Cuthbert monastery he was adopted apprehensively. Showing much potential as a strong warrior the elder monks decided to shape the young half-breed into a strict monk warrior that could fulfill the will of St. Cuthbert. After years of rigorous training Garrin finally has gained the blessing of his elders to travel as a true monk warrior and protect law and order throughout the lands.

Rothan at Level 2: http://www.campaign-blog.com/view.php?id=7809


Looks good.

Oh, and Spook: orc / goblin / giant villains plz, kthx. :D

Edit: Always playing with fire when you ask for that sort of thing. "Okay, JayDub, here's a storm giant, just like you asked for!" :lol


does anyone know where livewire is hanging out?

by he way :

My Ip for today (gametable and ventrillo) is the same as last time


Just checkin, Spook - we on for this weekend, same bat-time, same bat-channel?

Oh, and hey guys, check this out; I'm going to be running my zombie game IRL pretty soon, take a gander, criticize, make recommendations, whatever.

Dread Zombie Template

Hit Dice: Drop any Hit Dice from class levels (to a minimum of 1), double the number of Hit Dice left, and raise them to d12s.

Speed: +10 movement. If the base creature can fly, its maneuverability rating drops to clumsy.

AC: Bonus to Natural Armor +1 Small +2 Medium, +3 Large, +4 Huge, +7 Gargantuan, +11 Colossal
BAB: A zombie has a base attack bonus equal to ½ its Hit Dice.

Attacks: Retains all natural weapons of the base creature. It gains a slam attack and a bite (that can only be used in a grapple); Small: 1d3 bite, 1d4 slam; Medium: 1d4 bite, 1d6 slam; Large: 1d6 bite, 1d8 slam)

Saves: Base is Fort +1/3 HD, Ref +1/3 HD, and Will + ½ HD+ 2.

Attributes: Strength increases by +4, its Dexterity decreases by 2, it has no Constitution or Intelligence score, its Wisdom changes to 10, and its Charisma changes to 1.

Special Qualities:
Bonus Feat: Toughness (Lose all other feats)
Damage Reduction 5 / slashing;
Single Actions Only – only a move or attack each round; can move speed and attack as a charge.
Unnatural Vitality: Only fully destroyed at -10 HP; immobile at 0 hp; prone and helpless at -9 – -1
Fast Healing 1.
Diseased Bite: Dread Plague*
Critical Hit Vulnerable – cranial trauma (critical hit, coup de grace) will destroy a zombie instantly; the lack of fortification makes these creatures vulnerable to sneak attack or sudden strike damage as well.

Dread Plague – Supernatural Disease (Curse); Infection: Injury, DC: 10 + Str Mod (+1 per hour); Incubation: Instananeous; Damage: -1d4 Con; Secondary Damage: 1d4 Con once per hour Once initial damage is done, successful saving throws do not allow the character to recover.

Any living entity infected with Dread Plague that dies for any reason other than a coup de grace reanimates as an Dread Zombie in 1d4+2 rounds.

Generic Dread Zombies (by race)

Human Commoner Dread Zombie
Size/Type: Medium Undead
Hit Dice: 2d12+3 (16 hp)
Initiative: -1
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares; can’t run)
AC: 11 (-1 Dex, +2 natural), touch 9, flat-footed 11
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/+3
Attack: Slam +3 melee (1d6+2) or bite +3 melee (1d4+2 plus Dread Plague)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft
Special Qualities: Single actions only, damage reduction 5/slashing, darkvision 60 ft., unnatural vitality, fast healing 1, diseased bite (DC: 12), critical hit vulnerability, undead traits
Saves: Fort +0, Ref -1, Will +3
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 8, Con Ø, Int Ø, Wis 10, Cha 1
Feats: Toughness
CR: 1

Human Child / Halfling / Gnome Dread Zombie
Size / Type: Small Undead
Hit Dice: 2d12+3 (16 hp)
Initative: +0
Speed: 30 ft (6 squares; can’t run)
AC: 12 (0 Dex, +1 natural, +1 size), touch 11, flat-footed 12
Base Attack/Grapple: +1 / -2
Attack: Slam +3 melee (1d4+1) or bite +3 melee (1d3+1 plus Dread Plague)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft
Special Qualities: Single actions only, damage reduction 5/slashing, darkvision 60 ft., unnatural vitality, fast healing 1, diseased bite (DC: 11), critical hit vulnerability, undead traits
Saves: Fort +0, Ref -1, Will +3
Abilities: Str 12, Dex 10, Con Ø, Int Ø, Wis 10, Cha 1
Feats: Toughness
CR: 1

Dwarf Changes: 30 ft move;

Elf / Shifter Changes: +1 AC, +1 Ref

Changeling / Kalashtar / Half-Elf: as human.

Half-Orc Changes: Grapple: +4, Slam +4 melee (1d6+3), bite + 4 melee (1d4+3, Plague DC: 13).

Orc Changes: Grapple +5, Slam +5 melee (1d6+4), bite +5 melee (1d4+4, Plague DC: 14).

Bugbear Zombie
Size/Type: Medium Undead
Hit Dice: 6d12+3 (42 hp)
Initiative: 0
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares; can’t run)
AC: 15 (0 Dex, +5 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 15
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+7
Attack: Slam +7 melee (1d6+4) or bite +7 melee (1d4+4 plus Dread Plague)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft
Special Qualities: Single actions only, damage reduction 5/slashing, darkvision 60 ft., unnatural vitality, fast healing 1, diseased bite (DC: 14), critical hit vulnerability, undead traits
Saves: Fort +2, Ref 2, Will +5
Abilities: Str 19, Dex 10, Con Ø, Int Ø, Wis 10, Cha 1
Feats: Toughness
CR: 3

Ogre Zombie
Size/Type: Large Undead
Hit Dice: 8d12+3 (55 hp)
Initiative: -2
Speed: 50 ft. (8 squares; can’t run)
AC: 15 (-1 size, -2 Dex, +8 natural), touch 7, flat-footed 15
Base Attack/Grapple: +4/+15
Attack: Slam +15 melee (1d8+10) or bite +15 melee (1d6+10 plus Dread Plague)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./ 10 ft
Special Qualities: Single actions only, damage reduction 5/slashing, darkvision 60 ft., unnatural vitality, fast healing 1, diseased bite (DC: 17), critical hit vulnerability, undead traits
Saves: Fort +2, Ref 0, Will +6
Abilities: Str 23, Dex 6, Con Ø, Int Ø, Wis 10, Cha 1
Feats: Toughness
CR: 3

They could really, really benefit from the ability to learn feats as normal, of course, but they can't be mindless and still have feats. Improved Grapple would make them truly deadly; as is, the chances of a hero getting infected are not too high.

A commoner, yes, absolutely, but the average PC is going to have to miss an AoO, fail a grapple check, fail to escape the next round, get hit on an attack roll, and fail a fort save in order for the plague to get them. I guess that's enough safeguards against cheapness, but it's almost too many safeguards.


It is my goal to make it again same time.

I do have to get my dogs to the vet though (rabies shot so I can re-register them and animal control doesn't come to get me ).. lets hope that doesn't get out of control, since the reserved list is full and they only have FCFS walkins
And I know I owe you guys XP..


rSpooky said:
It is my goal to make it again same time.

I do have to get my dogs to the vet though (rabies shot so I can re-register them and animal control doesn't come to get me ).. lets hope that doesn't get out of control, since the reserved list is full and they only have FCFS walkins
And I know I owe you guys XP..

Oh, okay. Well, Steph may not be able to make it to this one since she's got a big project at work and I think she's going in all day tomorrow. Maybe not, though, since she's staying late tonight too. When she gets home I'll clarify that. With her permission I could play for her or you could arbitrate it however you want (it would be difficult for her to disappear given that we're out in the middle of the wilderness and she'd have no way of rejoining us if she were to get separated from us).

I'm still up for it though, for sure.

* * *

As for XP, at our level, 4 CR 1/3 goblins are worth 100 xp each, 4 goblins = 400 xp, so 100 xp per each of 4 players.

Of the two mystery people in my apartment, the female elf (Tharion?) threw a dagger at Merenwen and then made us teleport away after we all made Fort saves to avoid damage. Not sure what the CR was for that sort of thing; we didn't really defeat her in any meaningful way other than to slaughter her minions and defiantly charge at her before she made us go poof.

I'm not sure our Ogre "bard" friend counts as an encounter so much as he did a quest giver, though I wouldn't mind a modest "you mean you didn't actually just charge at the big thing or threaten it out of hand?!" bonus. :D

Leaving us with 3 CR 2 boars. Each boar was worth 600 xp at our level, 3 boars = 1800 xp, 5 players, 360 xp each. PC level doesn't start effecting xp gained until you reach L4

Up to you if there's anything else worth xp that went down, or if Garrin can get anything else besides the 360 at the end (he was a pretty good sport about waiting though :lol ).


well , you did kill 3?gobbies in your apt.
The ogre counted as an encounter ( not sure of lvl excactly , but indeed due to not just attacking it , it give you guys some XP.)
I was wondering what would happen :)

Ill think about the rest (incl RP xp.)


I am in the ventrilo room setup by rothan last week. lets see who turns off. allergies are killing me today though.. so I sound like a zombie today
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