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The Official Grand Theft Auto IV thread: The World Is Yours


Maggot9 said:
maybe that's because it's the LAST ONE YOU UNLOCK??

NO SHIT SHERLOCK! Forgot to write about the lack of pigeons too, but saw that Digital Limit wrote about that. I hope the island is used a lot, already sick of the two others.


I'm 25 hours in and haven't had the rocket launcher once yet. Just unlocked the last part of the map so i'm hoping its pretty soon.


BeeDog said:
NO SHIT SHERLOCK! Forgot to write about the lack of pigeons too, but saw that Digital Limit wrote about that. I hope the island is used a lot, already sick of the two others.
so why are you stating the obvious? your previous post was retarded.

Ploid 3.0

So about this Social Club thing, is it what people imagined it would be? I ask because a lot of people on GAF made a big deal about it.

I'm surpassed that I have hardly been screwing around in gta4. In the GTA3's thats what I did the most. GTA4 has better missions, and control so I guess thats partly why. Also shooting people in this one looks a more real. No more cartoony head disappearing after a head shot while the body falls in a unnatural animation.

That NJ island looks boring and empty. This is probably the "lets save this for dlc" part of the game. You play the first dlc as a Jersey cop that has to take down the Sorprano like family. You manage you family relations, while trying to do your job. I only just made it to the Island though. I look good for a racing location though.


Maggot9 said:
so why are you stating the obvious? your previous post was retarded.

Why is it retarded, maggot? I haven't done any missions using the third island yet, but I HAVE cruised around there, and it doesn't feel as well-developed as the other two. Sue me for thinking that, and actually ASKING if the island will be used in a proper manner in the forthcoming missions (and also in some way outside of the story missions).


I wish they'd done something different instead of Alderney city, because it feels like more of the same. Suburbs would've been cool, or maybe a little bit of country side (dunno how realistic that would be in respect to NYC).

Ploid 3.0

In that mission there was a cutscene that would warp me beside the group of enemies. Tey would either kill me before I could figure out where I was, or I'd take a lot of damage.
Wizpig said:
Please GAF, PLEASE help me with Deconstruction for Beginners.
Any tips?
Keep everything in front of you. Take single shots at fools' heads from a distance, from some cover, and let them rush at you instead of rushing at them.

Same for any 3rd person shooting game, in my experience.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Wizpig said:
Please GAF, PLEASE help me with Deconstruction for Beginners.
Any tips?

Are you friends with Jacob? Then make sure you have armor, a stack of grenades to chuck out and some other firepower. Don't rush things and make sure all the goons around are dead before proceeding to the next cover. Rely on free aim when covering, press the right stick to zoom in so you can get some shots in even if your enemy is covering.


Sorry if this has been asked already, but how frequently am I able to use Kiki's perk? I used it once, and about 8 hours in game time later I still can't use it again.
For Deconstruction for Beginners, I found a really good way to beat it. Go to the roof with Jacob and snipe the look-outs and anyone you can see. Then go to the construction site, But don't go inside. Stick around the entrance where you go in, and look towards the construction site until you can see the the first Union Boss to snipe him. After you snipe him, take out any guys who come running toward you, with an uzi or assault rifle. After that, climb up the crane next to you. From here you can safely snipe the next two Union Bosses without even approaching them. One is to the rear of the site on a second story platform, and then just look to the right of that area around the other side of that building for the 3rd Boss. A helicopter will come. Snipe the pilot and the helicopter will explode. This gives you time for the next step. Leave the crane, safely, because you already took out a lot of guards, and go back to the roof with Jacob. From here you can snipe the last union boss, who is to the left of where the helicopter was, on a roof in between two higher roofs. It should be relatively easy to complete.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Hootie said:
Sorry if this has been asked already, but how frequently am I able to use Kiki's perk? I used it once, and about 8 hours in game time later I still can't use it again.

If you keep her like level above a certain percentage (probably 75 or 80), it should normally be permenantly available to you. Have you checked that percentage yet? If the perk is gone, then maybe Kiki's level has dropped
SolidSquirrel said:
It is possible to lose friendship abilities? I unlocked Little Jacob's ability a while ago, and now I can't figure out how to access it.

Yeah. You need to keep their percentage high. Brucie won't pick me up in his helicopter anymore.
SolidSquirrel said:
It is possible to lose friendship abilities? I unlocked Little Jacob's ability a while ago, and now I can't figure out how to access it.

Bring up his phonebook entry, the option should be in there, just as if you were going to call him for darts or the stripclub. I'm not sure if you can lose your friendship though...


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Wizpig said:
I enter the building with a Car and they shoot me while i'm in the car.
I killed two fucking guys and then died at the third one.

Don't use a car, just run there and use cover.
TheGreatDave said:
Yeah. You need to keep their percentage high. Brucie won't pick me up in his helicopter anymore.


Alright, I've got another problem... I'm stuck in an internet cafe. There's a dumpster blocking the door.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
SolidSquirrel said:

Alright, I've got another problem... I'm stuck in an internet cafe. There's a dumpster blocking the door.

Just do what you would do irl: shoot the dumpster out of the way with a shotgun
One general tip I want to share for all the people that are having problems with completing missions is to slow down and play more conservatively. Unlike the past GTA's you don't have to gamble as much. My experience with GTA4 so far is that Rockstar really made the game a lot easier this time around but only if you heed the new mechanics carefully. It's ok to hide behind cover and bide your time to get your bearings straight. There are relatively few instances where you have to rush and even then, you don't have to be in constant sprint. When it comes to driving, you don't need to go full tilt and attempt to plow into your mark. If you keep a good distance and wait for an openning they generally present themselves quite obviously. Even when it comes to avoiding cops, I don't find myself ever gunning through the streets at top speed in order to avoid them. If you weave and turn in control at medium speeds, you can avoid them perfectly find. I find that the overall pace of GTA4 is a lot less hectic than that of past iterations.


Darunia said:
Are you friends with Jacob? Then make sure you have armor, a stack of grenades to chuck out and some other firepower. Don't rush things and make sure all the goons around are dead before proceeding to the next cover. Rely on free aim when covering, press the right stick to zoom in so you can get some shots in even if your enemy is covering.
I died even with the Armor last time, but yeah, i will buy it again -_- :(


Unconfirmed Member
SolidSquirrel said:

Alright, I've got another problem... I'm stuck in an internet cafe. There's a dumpster blocking the door.

:lol :lol



y'all should be ashamed
Oh wow, just took the helicopter tour over Liberty City at night...awe inspiring for sure.

Then I hijacked a heli and was crusin around the city before Little Jacob called me for darts. So I show up in my copter and pick him up...and shear off the tail on the way up.

*as we're spiraling out of control*

"Jacob, what's wrong?"
"Oh I dunno Niko, these drugs, they'll fuck you up."

Maybe he thought he was still high or something. Surely we're not really in a helicopter plummeting to our doom, right? :lol
I actually knocked the dumpster in front of the door before I ran in.

Darunia said:
da fug, can you do that? :lol

this game continues to amaze me


Instant five stars.

It was hilarious. When the first wave arrived, I threw a grenade out of the sliver of space the door could open. After everything exploded, everybody in the internet cafe was running towards the door. The police were also trying to open the door from the other side, but I was standing in front of it. There were giant crowds on both sides of the door, so I tried to throw another grendade. This time the police flooded in, the grenade bounced, and everything died.

It was glorious.


I love how when the cell phone is about to alert you of an incoming call, you can hear the interference on the radio. That's a good detail inclusion.


SolidSquirrel said:
I actually knocked the dumpster in front of the door before I ran in.


Instant five stars.

It was hilarious. When the first wave arrived, I threw a grenade out of the sliver of space the door could open. After everything exploded, everybody in the internet cafe was running towards the door. The police were also trying to open the door from the other side, but I was standing in front of it. There were giant crowds on both sides of the door, so I tried to throw another grendade. This time the police flooded in, the grenade bounced, and everything died.

It was glorious.



will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
SolidSquirrel said:
I actually knocked the dumpster in front of the door before I ran in.


Instant five stars.

It was hilarious. When the first wave arrived, I threw a grenade out of the sliver of space the door could open. After everything exploded, everybody in the internet cafe was running towards the door. The police were also trying to open the door from the other side, but I was standing in front of it. There were giant crowds on both sides of the door, so I tried to throw another grendade. This time the police flooded in, the grenade bounced, and everything died.

It was glorious.
Most epic pedo arrest attempt ever. imagine if that shit happened IRL...


Wizpig said:
Please GAF, PLEASE help me with Deconstruction for Beginners.
Any tips?
Did it!
My mistake was i entered the building guns blazing, but if you do the mission slowly it's easy.
Let me say just one thing: the grenade-throwing system SUCKS :(

:lol @ 6.500 $ for 1 Mission


Gully State said:
One general tip I want to share for all the people that are having problems with completing missions is to slow down and play more conservatively. Unlike the past GTA's you don't have to gamble as much. My experience with GTA4 so far is that Rockstar really made the game a lot easier this time around but only if you heed the new mechanics carefully. It's ok to hide behind cover and bide your time to get your bearings straight. There are relatively few instances where you have to rush and even then, you don't have to be in constant sprint. When it comes to driving, you don't need to go full tilt and attempt to plow into your mark. If you keep a good distance and wait for an openning they generally present themselves quite obviously. Even when it comes to avoiding cops, I don't find myself ever gunning through the streets at top speed in order to avoid them. If you weave and turn in control at medium speeds, you can avoid them perfectly find. I find that the overall pace of GTA4 is a lot less hectic than that of past iterations.

This is awesome advice, by the way. Take your time and use cover, and you'll make it.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
SolidSquirrel said:
I actually knocked the dumpster in front of the door before I ran in.


Instant five stars.

It was hilarious. When the first wave arrived, I threw a grenade out of the sliver of space the door could open. After everything exploded, everybody in the internet cafe was running towards the door. The police were also trying to open the door from the other side, but I was standing in front of it. There were giant crowds on both sides of the door, so I tried to throw another grendade. This time the police flooded in, the grenade bounced, and everything died.

It was glorious.

'local internet cafe loses clientele, lives'

culprit confesses: 'i was just looking at leetle kids'


haha, i just did the mission where i had to
ice ray
. I decided I would play it cool instead of shooting from the car right away, so i stayed back and noticed both cars stop at a red light. I pulled in front of them went to aim at their windshield and kill them, held down L1... nothing.. let go.. held it again.. no drive by.. i go to see if im out of ammo and notice an empty hand icon, when i realise i have grenades equipped. I go to get out of the car to run for my life as my shitty taxi has no acceleration and BOOM grenade goes off and blows up the car, ignites me and sends me about 5 stories high constantly spinning in a burning cartwheel. I was pissed I failed the mission but it was such an awesome moment i couldnt stay mad



Please give me any pointers on the final mission when you have to follow dimitri in your helicopter.


Wizpig said:
Let me say just one thing: the grenade-throwing system SUCKS :(

Yeah especially from behind cover. Ive grenaded myself too many times because niko likes to throw grenades at the wall


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
I laughed at this

Hitler Stole My Potato said:
So I'm flying around in a helicopter and I get a call from Roman asking me if I'd like to get something to eat and seeing how I've turned the guy down a few times in a row recently I decided to go out with him. He's over at the safe house in Bohan and I was kind of curious if he'd get in the chopper if I landed near him. After several dozen of near misses I finally was able to land the thing right next to the guy and sure enough he ran into the helicopter. I started to take off when Roman began to talk about how impressed he was that I was flying a helicopter and how they were really moving up in the world when I clipped a nearby sign taking the tail end of the helicopter clean off causing us to go into an uncontrollable spin right into a tree. Roman got hurt and was sent to the hospital and I got a thumbs down on the relationship meter. A little while later I get a call from Roman at the hospital saying he was just discharged and would like for me to pick him up. Well by that time I'd already taken a taxi to the heliport and was ready to steal another chopper so I said yes. I flew back in another helicopter and got Roman and again he started to repeat what he was telling me the first time about how impressed he was about the 'copter and moving up in the world, etc. when this time I hit a telephone pole which bumped me into a building that tore the tail off my helicopter and we crashed sending Roman right back to the hospital. Add another thumbs down. :/

I decided to quote this since we will never see a HSMP post on this forum again :'(
BobFromPikeCreek said:
Lure was an awesome little mission.
Was that the satellite dish one? I also liked that one.

My favorite so far is Tunnel of Death
Rocket Launcher baby! (also the target in this mission is my namesake, which excited me)


This was my experience on my first date with Michelle, nothing spoilerish, but an odd glitch happened.

I went to the cabaret cause I was desperate to see what that was all about, but I couldn't figure out how to sit in a booth (there was no icon). After about 10 minutes of trying to figure out how to sit down, the loading screen came up, then we were outside in a cut scene (?) chatting, she asked me a question, then the screen went to the loading screen again and came back and the message "Michelle has died" came up, and I was just going about my business like nothing happened... Needless to say, I reverted my save. Has this happened to anybody else, or anything like this?

I have something weird in the cabaret club with michelle - looks like I am at the right table from the map and destination icon but i can't sit down and can't work out what to do? Any pointers guys? Drive home? Its not marked on the map and the game clearly expects me to do something at the cabaret club.
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