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The Official Grand Theft Auto IV thread: The World Is Yours


Iamthegamer said:
MMArsu, you wanna go tonight? I'll be on about 6:30-7 PM EST if youre down to ride.

This is an open invite to all 360 gaffers, btw.

Uhm don't know when that is but I'll probably be online around till 4AM GMT :p

But sure :).

chubigans said:
I really, really hope RS does a good job with the DLC for all consoles. It would be brilliant if there was a DLC pack and they threw random things in the city and said, "122mb, DLC pack 1, explore and have fun!" Maybe some new weapons, cars, and a new mission or two.

Episodic content is nice, but I hope they supplement that with fun packs too. :(

I think they are going to bring out DLC packs before the episodic episodes come out. More glasses/clothing/cars whatever. Couple of more choppers, a nice mansion somewhere, it's all possible :).

Then we will get the +10hours DLC mission packs...fucking awesome

Hey Che, if you want add me on XBL, I'll get you into some crazy GAF matches ^_^


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
UncleGuito said:
I'll join you guys. I had a fun time last time we all played together- hold down the Burger Shot!
I'm realy surprised the framerate held up so well with all those rockets. Then again, like, no cars or people ever spawned:lol


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Wollan said:
Did you 'finish' it?

Nope, still going at it.

But as a sandbox for me to pull Val Kilmer HEAT shenanigans, it is unparalleled.

Yeah, "Forever" does imply future so it's BS, but still, this is a classic for me.


Grimm Fandango said:
And bam, more connection issues with friends.

The ratio of disconnected games to connected ones has literally been like 5:1 for me. Fucking bullcrap.

fix your router


chespace said:
Spent nearly a week with this game now and my verdict:
Still GOTF.

I agree. Could be the greatest game ever made (if any doubt it purely comes down to my other candidates being in totally different genres). It's the ultimate sandbox title, living/breathing game world, fully realized characters & themes and takes urban warfare in gaming to the next level.


y'all should be ashamed
chespace said:
Nope, still going at it.

But as a sandbox for me to pull Val Kilmer HEAT shenanigans, it is unparalleled.

Yeah, "Forever" does imply future so it's BS, but still, this is a classic for me.

I get the feeling future next-gen GTA chapters will be reviewed as, "while it's no GTA IV, the game..."


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Yeah, sign me up for some MP tonight, 360.

Digital Limit said:
Alderney seems like an afterthought. There are nearly no buildings to enter and no flying rats. Must have been a result of the time crunch.

Just opened up the 3rd island, so you spoiled it for me...jk ;P

You might have solved what the DLC will be, in regards to location ;P
mileS said:
yup.. because I said that and all right? :lol

Hand to hand is perfectly fine, you just got to know what buttons to press and time your dodges right. It boggles my mind that people are still making such a big deal about the hand to hand.

Anyways I could go on and on about how much better the combat is but i'm not going to bother. You may not be bad at all video games you're just probably terrible at GTA :D

Combat may be better than past GTAs, but its nowhere near as good as other current games.

My main problem is with gun combat in interiors. I never use the auto-aim, but since run is mapped to a button I end up walking most of the time when I should be running my ass off from cover to cover. I also ran into a ton of corner conditions where moving against a wall (not in cover) would move my reticle and squish my perspective. Even worse, because the camera is over my right shoulder you effectively have a blindspot when moving through doorways.

I'm still trying to pick it up - but its amazing how RockStar still doesn't "get it" when it comes to controls. Speaking of which: does anybody know how to roll from cover? I remember reading an in-game message about it, but I don't remember the technique.


Grimm Fandango said:
And bam, more connection issues with friends.

The ratio of disconnected games to connected ones has literally been like 5:1 for me. Fucking bullcrap.

im getting this a LOT too, it seems to be very hit and miss on getting into games.

NAT is open, ports all forwarded. I have a Netgear DG834N router and I have just upgraded the firmware to see if it makes a difference, i should be able to test it out tonight. I hope its not dodgy netcode from rockstar, the party system is already fucking dodgy enough as it is.


Can you still date the chicks you stood up on dates? I got a date with lawyerchick, but I had already started a mission and I didn't see her location, so I ended up not going. Now I got an email of her bitching at me and I don't see her profile on the website anymore.. Btw, is that the chick that gives you the perk to clear your wanted level? If not, then which one is it?


NullPointer said:
Combat may be better than past GTAs, but its nowhere near as good as other current games.

The only thing that would put this below other shooters is that it may have less animation frames to the various combat moves. Sometimes the reloading doesn't react while doing a specific cover move can be a slight annoyance. The reason why the cover system may seem a bit fiddly is due to the system actually being dynamic. In Gears or Uncharted the spaces between the various covers have been carefully measured to work so you can proceed through the tunnel of fun without a hitch.

But there's a lot of crap that GTA4 does better. The results of the carnage caused in GTA4 is just way above those two others. Blood splatters on windscreen, destructible stuff left and right, incredible explosions, Euphoria reactions, the brutal sounds, the freedom to what the hell you want with the situation. Shooting stuff is simply just way more impressive & immersive in GTA4. I love how Niko throws his gun away if it's empty of ammo. The spinning rpg's with smoke trails. Niko cursing and shouting like a mad man. Combat in GTA4 is Wow.


careful said:
Can you still date the chicks you stood up on dates? I got a date with lawyerchick, but I had already started a mission and I didn't see her location, so I ended up not going. Now I got an email of her bitching at me and I don't see her profile on the website anymore.. Btw, is that the chick that gives you the perk to clear your wanted level? If not, then which one is it?

Wollan said:
...Combat in GTA4 is Wow.

That I can absolutely agree with. Its just the controls that are bonkers. I should have been more specific.

I've been getting much better at driving, but I'm still struggling with interior combat. The controls could use a LOT of work.


I just killed Darko, and I dont have anymore missions? are they suppose to be calling me, or am I suppose to do those assassination missions?
Am I right in thinking there's no way to do a 180, Resident Evil style?

Cos without that I'm finding a lot of combat just so frustrating. Especially when Niko takes cover on the wrong wall and it takes awhile for him to get out of it.

I'm finding the combat pretty unenjoyable for the most part. It's all take cover, wait for them to pop out, lock on and aim up slightly, get a headshot. Most the time when I die I don't feel like it was entirely my fault.


Combat in GTA4 kinda mirrors WoW in a bit. When that mmo launched (or Beta, whatever you tried first) the combat was totally on a next level. 'Wow, the melee is so satisfying and responsive, it's so fast', 'Wow, there's no lag when picking up loot!'. It's easy to forget but that stuff wasn't standard prior to that game. It's so great to have such a refined combat system in GTA4, it's just not normal for a sandbox game. In some ways it's slightly behind the top two-three most refined examples (Uncharted, Gears) but it actually goes past them in most areas which is a great feat.

funkmastergeneral said:
yea it was awesome for me to lose my sniper rifle and have to spend 5000 dollars on a new one :(
Befriend Little Jakob. You'll get a good price.
In any case, you rarely use enough ammo for Niko to throw it away, it's a cool touch.
Jesus the combat pistol is the best weapon in the game, after the rocket launcher. I wish I could just drop everything else(including the knife)

edit: meh, there's a use for everything except the shotgun, so I unloaded it into a wall. still wish I could drop the knife, though.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Wollan said:
The only thing that would put this below other shooters is that it may have less animation frames to the various combat moves. Sometimes the reloading doesn't react while doing a specific cover move can be a slight annoyance. The reason why the cover system may seem a bit fiddly is due to the system actually being dynamic. In Gears or Uncharted the spaces between the various covers have been carefully measured to work so you can proceed through the tunnel of fun without a hitch.

But there's a lot of crap that GTA4 does better. The results of the carnage caused in GTA4 is just way above those two others. Blood splatters on windscreen, destructible stuff left and right, incredible explosions, Euphoria reactions, the brutal sounds, the freedom to what the hell you want with the situation. Shooting stuff is simply just way more impressive & immersive in GTA4. I love how Niko throws his gun away if it's empty of ammo. The spinning rpg's with smoke trails. Niko cursing and shouting like a mad man. Combat in GTA4 is Wow.

Agreed 100%. The combat is visceral unlike anything I've played before. The amount of collateral damage you can cause is really really satisfying. Simply unloading your assault rifle into oncoming cop cars and seeing it crumple under your volley, bullet holes everywhere, tearing into the vehicle, glass shattering and sirens disintegrating, tires blowing out and blood exploding onto the windshield. Or examining your getaway vehicle after a 3 or 4 star escape and looking at it hanging by a thread, bullet holes everywhere, steam and smoke coming out of it... simply amazing.

Then you add Euphoria on top of that and you have one of my favorite shooters of all time.

BTW, during interior combat, I use the free-aim view a lot to navigate and remember kids, never ever turn on auto-aim.

Eric WK

dagZ said:
Ok. I just took a picture of her, now do I wait?

Yeah, I actually did that before the Darko meeting. Just keep playing. There's at least a few things yet to happen. You'll know when it's finished.
I just played
Three Leaf Clover
, and it's one of the greatest gaming experiences I've ever had.

During the
getaway sequence
it just began to rain, my health was all but gone and the front left tyre was shot out. I had the Electro radio channel on and a really hard trance beat was booming from the car. My heart was racing throughout whilst the car was being riddled with bullet holes, sliding all over the place, crashing into traffic all while the police helicopter looked on from above...

chespace said:
Agreed 100%. The combat is visceral unlike anything I've played before. The amount of collateral damage you can cause is really really satisfying. Simply unloading your assault rifle into oncoming cop cars and seeing it crumple under your volley, bullet holes everywhere, tearing into the vehicle, glass shattering and sirens disintegrating, tires blowing out and blood exploding onto the windshield. Or examining your getaway vehicle after a 3 or 4 star escape and looking at it hanging by a thread, bullet holes everywhere, steam and smoke coming out of it... simply amazing.

Then you add Euphoria on top of that and you have one of my favorite shooters of all time.

BTW, during interior combat, I use the free-aim view a lot to navigate and remember kids, never ever turn on auto-aim.

Coming out of the bank in the Heat mission and lighting into the police cars with the M4 was one of the best feelings I've had in a game in a long time. The sound of the M4 really helped to nail visceral quality of it.


I have 3 hours left til 30 hours, and my last guy is gerry, which is at 80% mission completion. Will I beat the game before 30 hours?


Unlimited Capacity
When i get indoors i usually press the back button a few times to snap to the complete over the shoulder view, ala gears. It works a lot better for thos indoor gun fights cause yo dont have the zoom in zoom out strobe effect.

I usually never run when im indoors unless im dashing towards cover either. My GF pointed out that i play the shootouts like its a movie, and she is right. I dont try to do it, but it kind of just happens. Like, if im indoors, i mostly have my sight up and move slowly. If im behind cover, ill kind of look at what im going to run to first before just detaching and going. Like, ill seek the proper cover and go instead of just tilting the stick over in game with pre placed cover.

Its even better in multiplayer. I skid my car to a stop and hop out to take cover, while the other guy takes cover behind a parked car. I lay into the car, the windows blow out and the tire pop. Bullets just rip the car apart while the alarm is screaming. I love it love it love it.


Captain Glanton said:
Coming out of the bank in the Heat mission and lighting into the police cars with the M4 was one of the best feelings I've had in a game in a long time. The sound of the M4 really helped to nail visceral quality of it.

yeah I think the fact that the M4 was locked until then was a good way to show off the sound effects.
Tried for an hour last night trying to connect to games online, and every single one just remained stuck at the "starting game" loading screen. Does this happen alot?

Afterwards, I enjoyed 30 no-lag matches of Mario Kart online.

So, that's messed up. That's unnatural.

That's like watching a shark bite and kill a gorilla.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
Hey guys I'm currently on the mission "pest control" I've failed it twice :lol This is the first time in the game that the enemy actually shoots back and HITS your vehicle :lol

If I take the quickest route to the end of the story how much longer do i have? At 52% right now I think.


So I'm close to 50% done with the game, and I haven't done anything on the third island, whatever it's called. So far it almost seems like it's a left-over, like the first two islands have been the interesting points so far; will the third island be used (a lot) at all?


BeeDog said:
So I'm close to 50% done with the game, and I haven't done anything on the third island, whatever it's called. So far it almost seems like it's a left-over, like the first two islands have been the interesting points so far; will the third island be used (a lot) at all?
maybe that's because it's the LAST ONE YOU UNLOCK??
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