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The Official Grand Theft Auto IV thread: The World Is Yours


rc213 said:
How do you do the Vigilante Missions? How many are there? What do you get?

Get in a cop car, L1 to bring up the computer. Go to most wanted. I don't think you get any thing except % completed and not sure how many there are.


Question: I just finished all of the Brucie races, 3 on each island for a total of 9. One of the achievements is to come in 1st place in 20 single player races. Bruce sent me a text saying that I've won all the races but I can still do them. However when I call him up and ask him about races he says to call back later(which happens after you've completed the 3 on a particular island which of course I've already done).

So where do I find these other races?

I'm sitting at 40 Hrs played and just unlocked Alderney btw.


Smokey Bones said:
Question: I just finished all of the Brucie races, 3 on each island for a total of 9. One of the achievements is to come in 1st place in 20 single player races. Bruce sent me a text saying that I've won all the races but I can still do them. However when I call him up and ask him about races he says to call back later(which happens after you've completed the 3 on a particular island which of course I've already done).

So where do I find these other races?

Go to another borough and call again, that usually worked for me


fuck GTA. Fuck it, fuckt it and fuck it a third time.

I thought things will be different.

Catch the wave mission:

what the fuck is worng with the dude coming with me???what the fuck! Hes just gets out of the truck and runs into the fucking building to be assesinated, no matter how many times I try. Is he a fucking idiot or what?? and the bullshit of going from the start to the truck and then to the location with the slowest truck in the world???? fuck this shit and fuck him


any advice?
itxaka said:
fuck GTA. Fuck it, fuckt it and fuck it a third time.

I thought things will be different.

Catch the wave mission:

what the fuck is worng with the dude coming with me???what the fuck! Hes just gets out of the truck and runs into the fucking building to be assesinated, no matter how many times I try. Is he a fucking idiot or what?? and the bullshit of going from the start to the truck and then to the location with the slowest truck in the world???? fuck this shit and fuck him


any advice?

when i did was
back up as soon as the action started and stopped the car about 30 feet from the building, then moved in with the m4 covering phil and cappin bitches. use the exploding barrels towards the right- careful not to blow yourself up like i did


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Smokey Bones said:
I've done all 9 races (3 in Algonqun, 3 in Alderney, 3 in Broker/Dukes).

You can redo the same races, I'm at 17 or so and probably did some up to 4 times now.


Holy fuck that was innnnffffuuuuurrriiiiaaaattttiiiiiinnnngggggggggggggggggg. I'm playing A Dish Served Cold, get inside the cargo hold and I can't hit the first enemy from my vantage point, so I chuck a grenade around the corner at him. I'm a little nervous that it may be bugged so I try and run a bit but can't get off the wall and it explodes and I die. I honestly wanted to chuck my controller at the wall.


notjackbauer said:
when i did was
back up as soon as the action started and stopped the car about 30 feet from the building, then moved in with the m4 covering phil and cappin bitches. use the exploding barrels towards the right- careful not to blow yourself up like i did

That was stupid but did the trick but man, next mission...Passed of something like that. It´s the worst mission I ever play, second to the flying toys of San Andreas, It was awful and plain stupid. Worst design ever. I hope the quality mission just start going up again like the rest of the game :/


So I was screwing around on foot and picked up a used cigarette off the floor. So of course I decide to throw it at someone sitting on a park bench. Apparently it's heavy enough to knock them completely off it. :lol

Found my final random character as well. Turned out to be Faustin's wife and
she apparently lost the house after her husband died and is living in a one bedroom apartment with her daughter.
:/ Helped her out with a mission and of course afterwards I go by and steal the Turismo parked in the old driveway.

Take that new owners!
I just found out last night that both me AND my fiancee made the WKTT call-in bit! I'm Mike Meeples/Maples, and she's the one who's talking about mascots and her cats! Fucking priceless!
Final Mission: Hrm...is there some sort of magic way to
Kill the boat really quickly? Because otherwise I'm just going to quit this bullshit now and sell the game. The lack of save points or flexibility in this mission puts Rockstar's mission design back in the stone age again.

After about ten tries I managed to get to the chopper, but it can fire for shit, seemingly can't do any damage and all of the rockets hit me. If I "fly low" as the game suggests, I either die from a rocket or hit the water since there is basically no indication of how close to the surface I am.
Crazymoogle said:
Final Mission: Hrm...is there some sort of magic way to
Kill the boat really quickly? Because otherwise I'm just going to quit this bullshit now and sell the game. The lack of save points or flexibility in this mission puts Rockstar's mission design back in the stone age again.

After about ten tries I managed to get to the chopper, but it can fire for shit, seemingly can't do any damage and all of the rockets hit me. If I "fly low" as the game suggests, I either die from a rocket or hit the water since there is basically no indication of how close to the surface I am.
Final Mission tips
stay to the sides of the boat you're following, and out of the way of the rpgs - they pretty much fire straight out of the back of the other boat

when you're in the helicopter, don't bother trying to get a good angle - just stay up and out of the way. When you loop back around south Algonquin, you'll get a cinema leading you to the final part of the mission. There is no point in trying to shoot it down before this. Lame, I know

In the final part - ignore the bad guys, and just run flat out. Shooting will just give you a wanted level, and the cops will take you down quick. This happened to me a few times before I finally passed.

The final mission was an exercise in frustration for me, as I figured out what worked and didn't work.

king_e_dawg said:
I just found out last night that both me AND my fiancee made the WKTT call-in bit! I'm Mike Meeples/Maples, and she's the one who's talking about mascots and her cats! Fucking priceless!
Dude, that's freaking awesome! Next time I play I'll be listening for you


So does anyone know if you get some sort of mini-copter / gyrocopter at any point in the game? It would be great for reaching those hard reach buildings like Happiness Statue as the regular choppers are a pain in the ass.

Also the mission where
you gotta kill Pegorinos body guard for wearing a wire - think its called "Everyones a Rat"
is just dying for a silenced weapon of some sort. I cant believe they were omitted from the final game.


I finally got around to stealing a chopper and "breaking into" Aldery Prison. Man, those guards just don't care what happens there. :lol I found that preacher guy that hangs out across the street from your Bohan hideout there. Apparently, he got arrested because hes in full prison garb and is still preaching to the inmates. :lol

On a side note, total fail on Rockstars part to not include some kind of prison escape mission.

voltron said:
So does anyone know if you get some sort of mini-copter / gyrocopter at any point in the game? It would be great for reaching those hard reach buildings like Happiness Statue as the regular choppers are a pain in the ass.
Never. Only 3 choppers in the game: The touring one, the police chooper and the SWAT/FIB chopper with the mounted machineguns.

Also the mission where
you gotta kill Pegorinos body guard for wearing a wire - think its called "Everyones a Rat"
is just dying for a silenced weapon of some sort. I cant believe they were omitted from the final game.
Crazymoogle said:
Final Mission: Hrm...is there some sort of magic way to
Kill the boat really quickly? Because otherwise I'm just going to quit this bullshit now and sell the game. The lack of save points or flexibility in this mission puts Rockstar's mission design back in the stone age again.

After about ten tries I managed to get to the chopper, but it can fire for shit, seemingly can't do any damage and all of the rockets hit me. If I "fly low" as the game suggests, I either die from a rocket or hit the water since there is basically no indication of how close to the surface I am.

Yeah, The final Mission was the toughest for me but it was all because of the
The chopper scene. Just stay really close to the boat and right on top of it.
voltron said:
So does anyone know if you get some sort of mini-copter / gyrocopter at any point in the game? It would be great for reaching those hard reach buildings like Happiness Statue as the regular choppers are a pain in the ass.

Also the mission where
you gotta kill Pegorinos body guard for wearing a wire - think its called "Everyones a Rat"
is just dying for a silenced weapon of some sort. I cant believe they were omitted from the final game.
It was called "Flatline" and you could have
silently killed him by pulling his life support machine's power cord


BobFromPikeCreek said:
It was called "Flatline" and you could have
silently killed him by pulling his life support machine's power cord

dammit! I looked at all that gear thinking it would be cool if you could do that.... guess I missed it.


BobFromPikeCreek said:
It was called "Flatline" and you could have
silently killed him by pulling his life support machine's power cord
Oh, that's the mission he's talking about? :lol

I thought everyone figured that out. I guess it wasn't made all that obvious though..


So one decision that I always thought was a strange one was, why get Juliette Lewis to host the Radio Broker? I mean dont get me wrong - Im a huge fan and have always kinda had a thing for her - but its such a low impact station with not much a dialogue that it seems a strange choice to pay big money for a celebrity to do it.


BobFromPikeCreek said:
It was called "Flatline" and you could have
silently killed him by pulling his life support machine's power cord

Yeah but even if you do that, you still get a Wanted level right? Or is there some way to do it without anyone noticing?


ElyrionX said:
Yeah but even if you do that, you still get a Wanted level right? Or is there some way to do it without anyone noticing?
Doubt it. Even if you don't bring attention to yourself, the guards still notice as soon as you get about half way down the hallway.

Shame there isn't an open window so you could snipe him from across the street or toss in a molotov. :lol


itxaka said:
fuck GTA. Fuck it, fuckt it and fuck it a third time.

I thought things will be different.

Catch the wave mission:

what the fuck is worng with the dude coming with me???what the fuck! Hes just gets out of the truck and runs into the fucking building to be assesinated, no matter how many times I try. Is he a fucking idiot or what?? and the bullshit of going from the start to the truck and then to the location with the slowest truck in the world???? fuck this shit and fuck him


any advice?

Ah I had to retry that twice.

1. sometimes it's just better to wait for daytime. I didn't have a problem with that mission but one of the ones before
where you protect peligrino or whatever the fuck his name is, with the sniper rifle
the area won't be well lit... anyway

2. The only way your buddy is gonna stand out in the open is if you take the spot where he runs for cover. I guess this shit is scripted, so if you take his spot by the entrance of the warehouse he'll stand out in the open. If you go to the opposite side, where you can see much better anyway, and shoot from there he'll be fine. He'll move from one cover to the next one and should survive for as long as you need him to.


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
ElyrionX said:
Don't worry. The game is still awesome. Just remember to take your time with it and don't play it intensively or you may get burned out. And remember, taxis are your best friends.
why are texi's my best friend? I've never actually used one. The only time I used public triansport was when I had to get on a train as it was part of my mission.


psycho_snake said:
why are texi's my best friend? I've never actually used one. The only time I used public triansport was when I had to get on a train as it was part of my mission.

Instant teleport.


psycho_snake said:
why are texi's my best friend? I've never actually used one. The only time I used public triansport was when I had to get on a train as it was part of my mission.

Because you will get tired of all the repetitive driving when you're retrying missions. Taxis bring you to your destination instantly after about 5 seconds of loading. In the last 40% of the game, I used taxis 90% of the time for getting around. Don't worry about money, you'll never run out.


So I know a few of you have been dogging all the chase missions, but you have to admit some of them are pretty cool. Last night I did two that were awesome.

the one in central park on the moped was hilarious
and the one biker chase in the subway was really intense

Chase missions now seem redeemed in some way.


BobFromPikeCreek said:
It was called "Flatline" and you could have
silently killed him by pulling his life support machine's power cord

I feel so stupid now.

I guess the problem is I'm always treating this like an action game, now.

When I first started, I was very impressed with the detail. But the more I play, the more I notice the flaws, and the less I notice the detail. Pulling the life support is one of those details, I guess.



rhino4evr said:
any tips on getting a Turkey in bowling?

I read somewhere to take 2 steps to your left and try to roll about 28-29mph. However I've only gotten 2 in a row using this method. :/

I need better tips.


MMaRsu said:
Also any good places where cops won't arrest me if I steal about 10 cars and put em all in one heap??
Oh, you achievement whore, you...

Just do it at AutoEroticar in north Alderny. Should be 9+ cars near the showroom lot and you'll most likely bring your own.

What I did was use another vehicle to push the others into the showroom area (no one cares if the alarms go off that way) and just toss a couple grenades in. :D


MMaRsu said:
Also any good places where cops won't arrest me if I steal about 10 cars and put em all in one heap??
I just parked a couple cars in the middle of a 4-way intersection, backed off, waited for a traffic jam, and tossed a bunch of grenades at a line of cars.


raYne said:
Oh, you achievement whore, you...

Just do it at AutoEroticar in north Alderny. Should be 9+ cars near the showroom lot and you'll most likely bring your own.

What I did was use another vehicle to push the others into the showroom area (no one cares if the alarms go off that way) and just toss a couple grenades in. :D

Hey not much else to do once you've finished the story you know ;)

But yeah good idea, will try ^_^


MMaRsu said:
Hey not much else to do once you've finished the story you know ;)

But yeah good idea, will try ^_^
I actually almost had it during normal gameplay. That mission where you chased some guys into the same shop and it ended up in a shoot out. I tossed a few grenades in there that time too, but the cars were spread too far apart so the chain reaction wasn't fast enough. The guys got owned though... Worst attempted standoff ever. :lol

So, of course I had to go back at some point and finish the job. :D


Finished the game this morning. Hope the DLC is a little harder than the last few missions. Maybe I just got lucky because I completed the last mission on my 2nd attempt (first I
crashed the bike in the water

Now I'm going to attempt 100% :D

Does anyone know a place the Infernus spawns?


Wiggum2007 said:
That was pretty good, but wasn't one of the Houser brothers in an interview not too long ago dissing Eastern Promises because the actors weren't actually Russian and had fake accents, and they brought in actual East European actors for these parts in GTA IV?

Yes he did :).

But alot of actors in GTAIV are of eastern european descent, at least looking at the manual.

Fucking TakeTwo removed my GTAIV theme from youtube :(. It had over 90.000 views too, my most viewed video ever :(



Rapping Granny said:
Yeah, The final Mission was the toughest for me but it was all because of the
The chopper scene. Just stay really close to the boat and right on top of it.
Or you can
ignore the boat entirely and just fly to Happiness Island. It works.


Wizpig said:
Fuck "Union Drive" -_-
Any tips?
There are really no tips to give other than to take the Turismo down the block when the mission starts.

The rest of the mission is the invincible chase bs and you can't take them out until they get to the park, crash and make a run for it.
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