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The Official Grand Theft Auto IV thread: The World Is Yours

rhino4evr said:
Crackdown felt like a comic book/videogame city. It wasn't nearly as realistic or well designed.

To be fair I think partially that is what they were going for but I know what you mean. The cities aren't impressive in the sense of actual cities although they are fine for what they are going for within their design philosophy probably.


homez99 said:
Boy that sounds well righteous, think I need that to chill out as this is doing my head in now, I'm pressing A like a complete madman and throwing my controller and shouting a particularly offensive four letter word, which must be a bit displeasurable for my neighbours.

Are you able to sprint on foot? As in, when you repeatedly tap A while on foot, does Niko run faster than he would if you just held A?


Struct09 said:
Are you able to sprint on foot? As in, when you repeatedly tap A while on foot, does Niko run faster than he would if you just held A?

Yeah, that seems to work fine.

Stoney Mason said:
You must have hit a bug in the game or something. It really isn't that hard especially if other bits of the game haven't given you much trouble. If you have a save, a little bit back, I would try that.

Maybe I should go back to (Mission Spoilers)
One Last Thing and do the deal instead of revenge?

I'll give it another go with the current mission again, but if I can't do it I'll try the alternative in the spoiler and see what happens.


If there was an Official MGO Community Leader, I'd be it
homez99 said:
Yeah, that seems to work fine.

Maybe I should go back to (Mission Spoilers)
One Last Thing and do the deal instead of revenge?

I'll give it another go with the current mission again, but if I can't do it I'll try the alternative in the spoiler and see what happens.
If you go back you
use a boat and go through the water instead of the bike along the shore. You still have to do the A tapping thing either way :(


homez99 said:
Yeah, that seems to work fine.


That's weird, I failed the mission beyond that point a few times but that section never gave me problems. I definitely don't consider myself any kind of exceptional button masher.

Hopefully you get it worked out.


Ah great after Bernie's Infernus disappeared from the parking space the Infernus from Stevie's mission also disappeared now. How did this bug survive QA?


Revengeance said:
As it stands, my $800,000 stands to be whittled away by gun purchases and healthcare. There really isn't any other use for it. (cab rides and hotdogs are so cheap as to not even make an impact).

Maybe a super deluxe penthouse or mansion to buy, or the option to purchase sportscars, and always have them spawn in your parking spots (this would also get rid of the 'never drive the Infernus, just look at it' phenomenon)

That's pretty much my thoughts - 850k for what exactly? The stupid thing is with the awesome game engine they have, a penthouse on the 60th floor with a view out over the whole of Algonquin, the car lights twinkling below, would have looked freaking awesome. Big plasma TV, underground garage, maybe even with frigid Kate wandering about the apartment in skimpy underwear. I would have paid 850k for that.


homez99 said:
Yeah, that seems to work fine.

Maybe I should go back to (Mission Spoilers)
One Last Thing and do the deal instead of revenge?

I'll give it another go with the current mission again, but if I can't do it I'll try the alternative in the spoiler and see what happens.

Have you tried getting to the jump earlier than you are? I bet you're just running out of time as the boat is too far ahead of the chopper. I had to try a couple of times because the yellow icon was still above the ramp, but when I hit the jump, the chopper was already too far away and I just landed in the water, ruining the bike and ending the mission.


AirBrian said:
Have you tried getting to the jump earlier than you are? I bet you're just running out of time as the boat is too far ahead of the chopper. I had to try a couple of times because the yellow icon was still above the ramp, but when I hit the jump, the chopper was already too far away and I just landed in the water, ruining the bike and ending the mission.

Yeah, I've tried getting there faster than before, with the boat just next to the ramp on my latest go. I think the problem is Niko's just not responding to my A battering on the chopper, he just continues to hang on the side and doesn't actually move. I've seen youtube videos of what's supposed to happen, where Niko manages to claw himself up to it, get in, and shut the door, but that's not happening in practice with me.
Perhaps Constanza can do a Bully and get this patched up if it's the games fault :lol
rhino4evr said:
Just becuase you could climb and interact with every building does not mean the architecture was important.

Does not compute.

But at least we can agree that both cities were designed with different end goals in mind, and thats fine by me.

Liberty City is insanely crafted and detailed, and the objects and people are pretty damn reactive. Just wish there was more gameplay through it all. I miss the gang warfare of GTA3 - Hell, I miss A LOT from GTA3, which I never thought would be the case.


raYne said:
I got an in-game map of the locations of all the secret stuff (weapons, armor, items, random characters, pigeons, vehicles etc) after beating the game, but I only used it once to get free armor so I don't have to pay for it anymore.
What do you mean by after beating the game? I completed the story but I got no such thing. And how do you view it? Is it in the pause menu or something?

Please explain.


MMaRsu said:
The streets man! It's all about the streets!

:lol :lol

Dude's funny man :lol

Hey man, are you playing some GTAIV Live tonight? I only have 10 friends out of 100 on tonight, it's like everyone's got early midweek syndrome or something, or they've been knocked out by the MS storm.


psycho_snake said:
Now that I've got exams coming up, the only time I'll be able to play this game is during weekends, and even then I wont have that much time to play it.

HA HA, I just had my last final today, so now I can actually spend some serious time playing without my wife asking why I am not studying!!

I have already put 35 hours into the game, but I feel like I haven't even begun to explore. Tomorrow morning will be the beginning of my true GTA4 orgy! It's summertime, bitches!!


Ninja99 said:
What do you mean by after beating the game? I completed the story but I got no such thing. And how do you view it? Is it in the pause menu or something?

Please explain.
It's in an email you get. So you'll have to go to Tw@ or find another in-game computer to access it. Someone said you can use it earlier by just manually typing in the address and visiting the site online (again, in-game) though.

Still, it's not all that convenient. As I said, you can only view the email from an in-game PC.


Where and when does Brian (the coke head who gives you $100) show up for his 3rd encounter? I thought it was near the weapons shop in Downtown Broker, but he's never been there for me. That's the last random encounter I have to do.

And I am getting really fed up with the Social Club. It says I've never played the game, even though all my achievements from it are up on my gamercard on Xbox.com. I try to re-link my gamertag and I get an error. I send them an email about it and they don't respond. And I'm not the only one having problems. It's inexcusable how incompetent they've been in implementing the Social Club.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
MMaRsu said:
The streets man! It's all about the streets!

:lol :lol

Dude's funny man :lol
H'es annoying as shit. He better be high as fuck all the time, because otherwise his actions are purely inexplicable.

And the Dmitri shit was cold blooded and totally unnecessary.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
homez99 said:
Gotta break some eggs to make some omelettes man.
And then you gotta clean up the omelettes...by forcing you to be my patsy and throw yourself into dangerous situations for next to no real reason! Here, let me steal your motorcycle and never return it while I'm at it.

I'll admit, it was a nice touch to have their voices muffled in a cut scene where they were both wearing helmets.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
homez99 said:
There's a laptop on the kitchen side in your
Algonquin Penthouse.

eh wow. I did not know this and I've been playing this game for 45 hours. i'm checking that out next time I crash there


Doc Evils said:
I've given up with this game. I'm not going to look at 200 locations for 1 pigeon. seriously rockstar can go screw themselves.

can someone explain this to me? i am seeing alot of these same kind of complaints about the game. just stop looking for pidgeons and PLAY THE GAME. If you do not ENJOY scouring every last bit of the game world looking for pigeons to shoot THEN DON'T DO IT.

Now some of you out there might be asking "like what Bob? What the hell do oyu expect me to do if i'm not looking for birds to shoot?

Well kids, lucky for you I made a handy list for you!

1. Missions ~ try one, you might like them!

2. Go for a drive ~ take a pill, then a deep breath. Cruise the city, enjoy yourself!

3. Murder ~ This may not be socially acceptable in real life, but here you can murder to your hearts content!
Nervous? heres a pro tip:
a.Find a quiet, secluded area. Like a park, or a dark alleyway.
b.Look for someone who is alone, prefferably a hooker.
c.Wait until your nice and close, you don't want to miss on your first attept at murder! d.Then finally, pull out the weapon of your choice and start attacking your victim!
e. Repeat step d. until your victim becomes completely motionless.
f. Make a quick getaway, if you chose your first spot well, you shouldn't have to worry about any cops.
CONGRATULATIONS! You have murdered your first victim! You will likely have many more, but none so sweet at the first.

4. Base jumping ~ this one is easy and effective! Find a tall building, say your last words, then jump! Look at that emotion engine go!

5. Multiplayer ~ Repeat steps 1-4 with a friend!
Just beat the story
Kinda lame. Pegerino becomes the big bad villain out of nowhere? Bleh. I'll have to go back and finish the game working with Dimitri. Maybe that ending is more fulfilling. Did I miss anything by skipping the credits? I was late for Hell's Kitchen. :p


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Grimm Fandango said:
Roman's cab driver (who picks you up with the car service) is the funniest person in the game. I'm only 43 missions in so far though.
somebody please tell me we get that guy back. I wanted to finish his mini-plot, but the cab service went up in smoke
Zoink said:
That's pretty much my thoughts - 850k for what exactly? The stupid thing is with the awesome game engine they have, a penthouse on the 60th floor with a view out over the whole of Algonquin, the car lights twinkling below, would have looked freaking awesome. Big plasma TV, underground garage, maybe even with frigid Kate wandering about the apartment in skimpy underwear. I would have paid 850k for that.
lol me too :D

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I did like 32 hours of single player in 4 days... I'm on the mission "I'll take her."
Has anyone had their interest in story mode just completely drop like a rock.
Those first few days I turned notifications off so I wouldn't be bothered by invites and friends signing on and off, but now all I play is multiplayer!

I play a good 3 -4 hours a day, but I haven't even considered going back to singlplayer.
I guess it's just a combination of playing too much too quickly and the game having kickass multiplayer.

Btw. Team Deathmatch with 2 - 3 player teams, standard weapons, autoaim off, pedestrians off and traffic on high with the map set to bohan is pure bliss. I can't remember the last time I played TDM that was so much fun.
That Rent Roman youtube link above has a fucking spoiler in the comments. Be careful. I hate the damned internet when I'm playing through a game.

Anyway, I know I said I wouldn't come back to this thread until I beat the game because of freakin' spoilers!!! (and I get spoiled again, heh) but I had to share a couple of things I noticed lately. I noticed that what you are seeing in that cell phone pop-up, actually shows up on the cell phone Niko himself is holding. Nice touch!
Also, I was doing some donuts in a Turismo (holding brake and gas pedal at the same time and turning the wheels). After awhile I noticed sparks were coming out, I thought it was strange so I took a closer look and realized that I had burned off all the rubber on the tires and was just spinning rims! WOW! :lol
It sort of seems as if the controls are contradicting themselves in the mission "Search and Delete", which is making it impossible for me to complete it:

I've acquired the necessary police car, and I'm being told to press the left bumper button when stopped in order to access the onboard computer. However, pressing the button just makes me fire the micro-SMG, which is what the button does under normal conditions. I know I've officially stopped, because the mission briefing says as much--I don't think the instruction to access the computer would have come up unless I'd successfully stopped the car. Is there something really obvious I'm missing here? It's driving me bananas. Oh yeah, this is on the Xbox 360.


butthole fishhooking yes
andrewjnyc said:
It sort of seems as if the controls are contradicting themselves in the mission "Search and Delete", which is making it impossible for me to complete it:

However, pressing the button just makes me fire the micro-SMG...

Don't hold it down. Just tap the bumper.
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