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The Official Gundam Thread of Gunpla, Origins, and 35 Years of GUNDAMUUUU!

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AGE is definitely better than Destiny, if only because there's nothing worse than Destiny. No other Gundam production has abjectly failed its mission statement the way that show did. Even as bad as AGE became, it still mainly did what it set out to do from the start.

Beth Cyra

As far as AGE vs Destiny.

I will say that I actually disagree with most everyone who says AGE is better.

Zeheart, Woolf and a few designs are good but that is pretty much it.

Flit? Kio? AGE -1 and it's variants? The use of women? Everything for the most part is actually worse then Destiny.

The most important difference to me is that Destiny recognizes that it's lead is a piece of trash and he gets his in the end.

AGE on the other hand actively tries to make Adolf Space Hitler out as a hero in the end, and I just can't stand by that shit.


Yea, I think AGE has some of the most boring designs ever. Some exceptions are there, but man, most don't do anything for me.
You're exaggerating more than a little bit, lol.

Vagan are murderous creeps throughout most of the series, the attempt to humanize them at the end is really stupid.

Destiny is terrible because it was horribly scripted. Shinn Asuka could have been a really interesting lead if the director and writer didn't decide (or weren't pressured by higher-ups) to put him in the margins and make horrible characters Kira and Athrun take the lead yet again. God, I hate those two.

Beth Cyra

You're exaggerating more than a little bit, lol.

Vagan are murderous creeps throughout most of the series, the attempt to humanize them at the end is really stupid.

Destiny is terrible because it was horribly scripted. Shinn Asuka could have been a really interesting lead if the director and writer didn't decide (or weren't pressured by higher-ups) to put him in the margins and make horrible characters Kira and Athrun take the lead yet again. God, I hate those two.

There is no god damn exaggeration.

Flit in an episode says that they need to kill them all, wipe them out. Not just the Enemies, or those that kill, but ALL VEGANS. The use of Genocide and calling him Space Hitler is completely accurate. Even if we they don't humanize the Vegan's, the moment we learn they are humans then there is always a chance they would have a segment that didn't want this war.

Even before the third act we had Zeheart, and while he did kill we know that he didn't do it out of enjoyment and even spared Earth Based humans a few times.

Flit did not care, all he wanted to wipe out an entire race of people.

Destiny has it's issues, but at least the people who want to do this, regardless of the side they are on are the ones who made out as evil.

There is no god damn exaggeration.

Flit in an episode says that they need to kill them all, wipe them out. Not just the Enemies, or those that kill, but ALL VEGANS. The use of Genocide and calling him Space Hitler is completely accurate. Even if we they don't humanize the Vegan's, the moment we learn they are humans then there is always a chance they would have a segment that didn't want this war.

Even before the third act we had Zeheart, and while he did kill we know that he didn't do it out of enjoyment and even spared Earth Based humans a few times.

Flit did not care, all he wanted to wipe out an entire race of people.

Destiny has it's issues, but at least the people who want to do this, regardless of the side they are on are the ones who made out as evil.

Vegans have been waging a close to 100 year war on humans at the time Flit says that. There's been no Vegan offshoot that's tried to sue for peace. Vegans have been relentless, murdering innocent people by the millions, all because of their leader's insane plan.



look at that pose

even he knows he was one of the best parts of uc7
AGE is definitely better than Destiny, if only because there's nothing worse than Destiny. No other Gundam production has abjectly failed its mission statement the way that show did. Even as bad as AGE became, it still mainly did what it set out to do from the start.
You mean it set out to horribly bomb in game sales and toy sales, have extremely low ratings for every potential viewer demographic and continue to drag the name of the franchise through the mud? That's news to me.


SEED had amazing mechanical designs. There are a few that were just too many, though. SEED didnt know when to chill out, but they are all for the most part attractive designs.

Destroy Gundam was one of my faves.

Random, but what I hated most about SEED was the excessive beam spam. Ugh. But yea, Destiny > AGE.


SEED had amazing mechanical designs. There are a few that were just too many, though. SEED didnt know when to chill out, but they are all for the most part attractive designs.

that's what happens when your series' secret gundam project initially went for a whopping 5 gundams
You mean it set out to horribly bomb in game sales and toy sales, have extremely low ratings for every potential viewer demographic and continue to drag the name of the franchise through the mud? That's news to me.

And yet it's the only Japan-only Gundam Blu-ray to have English subtitles. Huh.


that's what happens when your series' secret gundam project initially went for a whopping 5 gundams

Yea, I didn't like that. When every side character and their pet has a Gundam, it's not special anymore. It's just a massed produced unit, now.

Yet, I can't deny the sexiness that is;

Astray Units
Freedom & Strike Freedom


Vegans have been waging a close to 100 year war on humans at the time Flit says that. There's been no Vegan offshoot that's tried to sue for peace. Vegans have been relentless, murdering innocent people by the millions, all because of their leader's insane plan.

Of course there hasn't they're literally dying out. The Vegan are a bunch of forgotten, exiled humans kicked out to Mars and left to die there. I mean yes, the Vegan ARE expending all of their resources to build a war machine rather than to try to develop a means of making life better, but if you're going to treat AGE's narrative seriously then these people are fucking dying from space cancer and Ezelcant is all that is holding off the despair that comes with it.

Meanwhile, let's not forget that Flit Asuno conducted a fucking COUP D'ETAT when he learned that the Earth's government had been in collusion with Ezelcant to continue and profit from the war, and rather than use this newly acquired channel to communicate with the Vegan and sue for peace, what does he do? SPEND THE NEXT THIRTY YEARS DEVELOPING A SUPER NUCLEAR WEAPON SO HE COULD MURDER INFIRMS, CHILDREN AND WOMEN IN ONE FELL SWOOP.

Flit was a tight fisted autocrat who dominated his special technology from the get go, ruled over mankind, cowed anyone and everyone, and by the show's end his own grandson hated what a vicious, repulsive shit he was.

Let's not forget that this is the man who only stopped from nuking his fucking son and grand son, never mind thousands of innocents who didn't get a say in what was happening with their space colony as it was being taken to be rammed into the Earth, because he had a spontaneous wet dream about a little girl.

Let's not forget that this is a man who continued to see himself as a mother fucking 11 year old boy well into his fucking 80s. Or that this is a man whose hatred for an entire race was fueled by the loss of his mommy, and that when confronted with the OBVIOUS humanity of the Vegan Flit immediately decided they weren't human and spent the next 70-90 FUCKING YEARS OF HIS LIFE CONVINCING HIMSELF OF THAT POINT so he could you know, NUKE THE FUCK OUT OF DESPERATE, DYING LITTLE BOYS AND GIRLS.

Forget Ezelcant's retarded mustache twirling plan for just a second and think about how the rest of his race was in it because there was exactly one place they could live in the universe and they'd been exiled from it.

Consider that in SEED humanity is still fighting because it is too stupid and brutish to calm the fuck down and make peace. Contrast with AGE where humanity is still fighting because Flit is too stupid and brutish to calm the fuck down and make peace.

But what do I know, Heil Gundam Hitler and his ugliest Gundams in the franchise.
Just read something interesting on /m/.

Quess's Jadg Doga is in the final episode of Gundam Unicorn.

Apparently only two Jadg Dogas were ever made. Gyunei's was destroyed of course, but Quess's managed to survive, minus one of its arms.

The Jagd Doga in Unicorn 7 has the same face as Quess's machine (Gyunei's was slightly different). Plus the Jagd Doga's right arm is different from a normal Jagd Doga. It appears that the Sleeves took Quess's machine and repaired it by attaching a Gear Doga's arm to it.

Kind of cool
I just discovered Gundam Planet.
oh my gosh so many gunpla~

also, like 4 different RX-78-2 variants in HG and no clue which one to buy lol
imma spend MAD money


I've been rewatching the Destiny BDs, and, yeah, Shinn.. What a bitch.
Hating on Kira for his own mistakes and then thinking he's the shit when he shoots down Freedom. He puts her back into the hands of the people that were using her, expecting Neo to disobey orders and not put her back into battle. No, Shinn, don't try to to communicate and tell Kira Stella is in there and that you were getting through to her. YOU KILLED STELLA, DIRTBAG!


And what series would you suggest?

If you can deal with the old animation, the original is always a good start. Even better would be to just read The Origin manga. Fixes a ton of the problems the original show has. From here, just keep going with UC if you're so inclined. Feel free to skip ZZ and just read a summary, though. You'll be much better off.

If you want a short, self-contained OVA go for 08th MS Team or 0080. They take place around the first series, but you don't need to know anything about it to get everything of the show. If you want a show based purely on the action, Wing is good there but perhaps G or 00 will do you better (Even though 00's second season and film are laughably bad).

You could always start with the best gundam, Turn A. It has some references to older series, but you don't really need to understand them to watch the show.


Just read something interesting on /m/.

Quess's Jadg Doga is in the final episode of Gundam Unicorn.

Apparently only two Jadg Dogas were ever made. Gyunei's was destroyed of course, but Quess's managed to survive, minus one of its arms.

The Jagd Doga in Unicorn 7 has the same face as Quess's machine (Gyunei's was slightly different). Plus the Jagd Doga's right arm is different from a normal Jagd Doga. It appears that the Sleeves took Quess's machine and repaired it by attaching a Gear Doga's arm to it.

Kind of cool

Oh man, that theory was around way back when they had the 7 minute preview lol.


Unconfirmed Member
I love Unicorn a lot, but if I had one major complaint about the series, it's that he and Riddhe are enormous losers.

I think his(Banagher) situation is interesting in that I don't think there's ever been a UC protagonist that's been on both sides of the conflict like Banagher to the point where he's already fought for and against both by the time episode 4 ends. This makes him able to empathize with the people on both the Federation and Zeon side in a way other UC protagonists just haven't, or weren't able to.

What's frustrating is that he doesn't really have his own perspective. He has no personality and he has no goals. He's just purely an idealist. An idealist who seems to double down on his naive beliefs when faced with the reality of war, and as a result is paralyzed by them to the point of inaction even in the face of death.


You mean it set out to horribly bomb in game sales and toy sales, have extremely low ratings for every potential viewer demographic and continue to drag the name of the franchise through the mud? That's news to me.

What does its business (or lack thereof lolz) matter to me? I don't care about how poorly AGE performed or how well some other garbage series like SEED does. I'm talking about the purpose and goals and arcs of its storylines and characters, the actual show itself. You know, the thing that plays on your screen for 50 twenty-minute segments that you look at with your eyes? That's what I'm talking about. Not sales numbers or ratings, which, while not AGE-level bad, also haven't been kind to plenty of legitimately good Gundam works -- so as measurements of quality, they're especially pointless to me.

Retro_ said:
What's frustrating is that he doesn't really have his own perspective. He has no personality and he has no goals. He's just purely an idealist. An idealist who seems to double down on his naive beliefs when faced with the reality of war, and as a result is paralyzed by them to the point of inaction even in the face of death.

The thing that bugs me about his character is how damn needy he is over Audrey, and for seemingly no reason. They know each other for barely no time at all in episode 1 when he suddenly blurts out, "I need you need me!" And then that's his goal in life for the rest of the series. Even as far as Newtype plot devices go, that was a huge and weird stretch.

Riddhe annoyed me for similar reasons, at least there was a plot-derived motivation for what drew him to Audrey.


Unconfirmed Member
Oh he didn't mention her in 4, but I thought that was lame in previous ones.

I feel like Unicorn 1 was really really strong and it's all been downhill since


1-3 were really great. 4 was a big misstep. 5-7 were satisfying enough.

Wait, wait. 4 is the low point? It's still the best episode as far as I'm concerned. Sure, the stuff going on around Riddhe and Banagher is boring, but the main battle that most of the episode centers around is still one of the most astonishing, well done large scale military conflicts in Gundam history. Just incredible to watch.
Mobile Suit Gundam 15:
Doan is top tier.
Dude is a beast.
Damn, this show is excellent.

Oh, and I finished panel-lining Fenice. Ugh, his legs and arm block joint things are such a pain. lol
Here's a picture of my "gunpla" collection so far:
What a bunch of jokers.
AGE is better than Destiny.

Yeah...No. Destiny has a lot of issues but I could at least watch it from start to finish. AGE just made me wish Le Creuset and would show up and kill 'em all. That's how unlikeable everyone in AGE was, Flit and Kio in particular. Doesn't help that the writing is so bad that it was like reading a bad Fanfic.

Speaking of Destiny, it's been years since I watched it on YTV. Think it might be worth revisiting, if only to confirm my thoughts on it from years back?


Yeah, UC7 was a disappointment. The HGUC Hyper Beam Javelin came with a magazine which contained a much better parody version. I've only skimmed through it quickly, but from what I've understood the La France box contained the true information on who the characters in this parody are really based on, but Bananaaji (Banana taste) ended up burning its contents. The parody had some silly name changes. Audrey became Ootori (Large bird), Kshatriya became Kusatoriya (Weeding shop), Banshee became Banshi (Certain Death , arguably a much more badass name).

Here are some pages:

The Hyper Beam Javelins are cool, should have bought more.



Wait, wait. 4 is the low point? It's still the best episode as far as I'm concerned. Sure, the stuff going on around Riddhe and Banagher is boring, but the main battle that most of the episode centers around is still one of the most astonishing, well done large scale military conflicts in Gundam history. Just incredible to watch.

The Torrington battle was the only thing good in ep 4. Everything was annoying and/or unneeded. The whole thing felt like filler.
There are lots of great moments in u4 besides Torrington.

Banagher and Zimmerman in the desert.
Banagher and zimmerman fighting
Mineva visiting the diner.

Only low point is riddhe getting butthurt and banagher trying to save loni.


Torrington battle was literally half the episode. Most of the other half was Banagher/Zinnerman or Audrey scenes, all of which were pretty crucial character building stuff.

I remember feeling ep. 4 was pretty weak, script-wise, the first time I saw it but it improved a lot on rewatch. I think the only "wrong" thing with it is Loni's character, who they clearly didn't have enough time to spend on and should have been heavily rewritten if not scrapped entirely. Doing a truncated version of the novel's Loni did not work at all imo.


Torrington battle was literally half the episode. Most of the other half was Banagher/Zinnerman or Audrey scenes, all of which were pretty crucial character building stuff.

I remember feeling ep. 4 was pretty weak, script-wise, the first time I saw it but it improved a lot on rewatch. I think the only "wrong" thing with it is Loni's character, who they clearly didn't have enough time to spend on and should have been heavily rewritten if not scrapped entirely. Doing a truncated version of the novel's Loni did not work at all imo.

The character building stuff took like two seconds. The Torrington battle and Loni stuff was all tied together, made up the bulk of the episode, was handled terribly, and was completely unnecessary.


The character building stuff took like two seconds. The Torrington battle and Loni stuff was all tied together, made up the bulk of the episode, was handled terribly, and was completely unnecessary.

I don't know if it's your computer, your tv or just your watch, but somewhere you have a broken timer.
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