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The Official Gundam Thread of Gunpla, Origins, and 35 Years of GUNDAMUUUU!

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Where is this from?
hmm...doesn't look too bad, but the Zaku still seems too plasticky.

Yeah, I'm thinking the same thing. The animation's much smoother than I expected, though. They're doing their best to make the 2D and 3D stuff mesh well, if that shot of Char in the pilot's seat is anything to go by.


I took a long break from watching Victory Gundam because I couldn't justify being unemployed AND watching this show. It seemed wrong, somehow.
Well, now I've got a job, and I've developed a genuine interest in the series again - it may not follow real-world logic, but it seems to be very consistent in its nonsense, like an absurdist space opera written by a drunken Lewis Carroll.

Victory Gundam Episode 45

So, after the
unintentional murder-suicide
from the last episode, we move on to much cheerier news - Zanscare's super weapon, the Angel Halo, is nearing the end of development. The queen is ready to judgement-murder the shit out of her opponents now - whatever hesitation she had about the project is gone now that her psychic legions are giving off good vibes. The generals' reassurance that the Halo's vibes will absolutely, positively not have any adverse effects on the victims probably helps with that, even though they're still testing it out.

Meanwhile, Uso's still set on getting back to Shakti. He's impatient, and he unintentionally goads the others into mobilizing earlier than expected. He runs off into his room to get some tech, but trips into a flashback of simpler times. He, Shakti, Flanders and Karlman were a loving family, or at least very adept at playing Farmer in the Dell - the child soldier minds the princess, the princess minds the dog, and the dog cleans the baby. Wait.
Turns out it's the power of the Angel Halo at work. He has two more visions, which I'm going to go into detail about because they might not actually be Uso's real memories. The 2nd was about his mother consoling him as a baby when he cut his hand, telling him about how kids shouldn't mess around with knives - which is BS because his mother cares about as much about his safety as she does about her own. The episode itself casts doubt on this by contrasting it with that flashback Uso has every now and then about how she trained him to use knives as a kid. And he didn't even know what was happening in the 3rd, which was about Odelo and Warren spying on Shakti while she's taking a bath in the lake, complete with slow, supposedly-awe inspiring shots of her splashing about, coupled with a slow pan of a frozen shot of her in the sunlight.
Yeah, I wasn't reaching when I threw out that line about Carroll earlier. Gonna delete this ep as soon as this post is up, btw.
The episode didn't contrast this scene with anything, and I'm grateful for that - it would have probably countered with "that one time Uso actually did see Shakti naked." That said, the way Uso's eyes light up when he gets a good look at Shakti is priceless, although the animation is too short to bother .giffing.
And while the two horndogs said that they were perving on all the girls, Shakti, Karl and Flanders are the only ones in the shot, and Shakti's front and center, so it's gotta be in Uso's sad, pubescent mind. At least now we have a more grounded motivation for his impatience.

The visions seem to be messing with both of his heads, as he breaks away from the transport to get to enemy territory faster. He insists that it's OK, since he understands both sides now all of a sudden, but for once UNDERSTANDING is treated as the lunacy it is, and Odelo and Tomache try to restrain him. The obligatory Zanscare pilot trio pops up, thinking that they'll get major credit if they can take out the White Ark and its crew, enough to risk fighting while under the influence of the Halo. Uso no-sells the illusions by focusing on Haro and reminding himself of the senseless deaths his teammates have suffered - mostly the Shrike Team, let's not beat around the bush here. This causes psychic backlash, and also eats up time with real flashbacks in order to make up for the cash spent drawing the fake ones.
Eventually, the Zanscare pilots figure out that the Angel Halo only affects sensitive types - with their dreams of epic props dashed, they settle for trying to sink the V2.
Meanwhile, Uso's will clashes so much with the Halo's effect that his daydreams become more and more abstract, making him delirious in the process. I know, I know, Uso's baseline mental state isn't exactly stable to begin with, but the kid is out there at this point. Like, shooting-blindly-in-every-direction bonkers.

And I guess the hollow pupil effect was first used in Victory, not SEED like I always assumed.
To be honest, after seeing this episode,
the bikini babe massacre scene
that happens near the end of the series makes more sense.

Anyway, Queen Maria intensifies her empathy waves, and Uso completely loses it, so it's up to Odelo to save the day. He does it by copying Uso, launching his verniers in order to pierce the Spider Web - the trails look like the Wings of Light, and while the move doesn't do what he intended it to in any way, shape or form, the sight of it makes Uso snap out of his machine-induced delirium. The kid trio then defeats the grunt trio.
Maria's so shook up by Uso's resistance that she and her psychics take a mental hit, and she calls it a break for today. Apparently, this is the limit of the weapon, and Kagatie wonders whether or not Maria can be replaced.


I just marathoned all of Gundam Unicorn today and goddamn...Shit was so fucking good without all the waiting between episodes. The only thing that made me just a tiny bit disappointed was the use of BUILD KNUCKLEEEEE. I was hoping for Unicorn going all out with his beam sabers but oh well.


The worst thing about the Gundam Origin trailers is still the Guntank. It looks so wrong, and the shading on it is plain bad. And it's been in BOTH trailers so far. Lol.
I think Char's Zaku looks worse, it just doesn't fit in with the rest of the world, especially when they went to so much trouble to make the animation look so much like the original manga artwork (so much so that it looks like the panels come to life!).


Every time someone posts about the last 12 episodes of Victory Gundam I am that much happier I did not watch the last 12 episodes of Victory Gundam.


tagged by Blackace
Runner cleaning/washing tips?

Last time with my astray I got some weird sort of washes on some of the parts, I'm not sure if that's from partially removed mold release or some soap that didn't wash off proper.
So... after 2 months of waiting, my first Gunpla finally arrived last week. But I could only build it on the weekends since I'm living in another city to study.

I finally finished today it and for a first try I think it's good enough. I got the Exia Repair II as you guys recommended.

Thanks for all the tips!


So... after 2 months of waiting, my first Gunpla finally arrived last week. But I could only build it on the weekends since I'm living in another city to study.

I finally finished today it and for a first try I think it's good enough. I got the Exia Repair II as you guys recommended.

Thanks for all the tips!

Both its legs are on so I'd say it's a success.


I won this yesterday. ;)

So freaking excited. I've been following this person's work for awhile now, and it just blows my mind each time. Some of the best Gunpla work I have ever seen, and most of the work is MG (my favorite scale to collect Gunpla in).

Now to grab a few extra stuff to make a cool diorama with. I'm loving Frame Arms stuff, and the Modeling Support Goods accessories.

Did anyone see this? Just wanted to see what you guys think about Frame Arms, and MSG accessories. They look super sweet.
So... after 2 months of waiting, my first Gunpla finally arrived last week. But I could only build it on the weekends since I'm living in another city to study.

I finally finished today it and for a first try I think it's good enough. I got the Exia Repair II as you guys recommended.

Thanks for all the tips!
Woah, hey. That looks way cool! Congrats on your first build. :)


So... after 2 months of waiting, my first Gunpla finally arrived last week. But I could only build it on the weekends since I'm living in another city to study.

I finally finished today it and for a first try I think it's good enough. I got the Exia Repair II as you guys recommended.

Thanks for all the tips!

congrats on the gunpla bro. looks good. i want to get back into it but i'm waiting until i can move house and get space so i can just get a air-gun.


Runner cleaning/washing tips?

Last time with my astray I got some weird sort of washes on some of the parts, I'm not sure if that's from partially removed mold release or some soap that didn't wash off proper.

I just dip the entire runner in a small tub filled with warm water and soap, leave them there for a couple of hours, wash them well with a water hose and and finally dry them softly using a towel.


tagged by Blackace
I just dip the entire runner in a small tub filled with warm water and soap, leave them there for a couple of hours, wash them well with a water hose and and finally dry them softly using a towel.
Thanks, trying this now. I think maybe I fucked up by letting it air dry last time.


Unicorn Episode 7

Finally had the chance to sit down and watch this. I was expecting/hoping they were going to a find a way to
redeem/make me no longer dislike Riddhe. But they managed to throw that away in the first 20 minutes. Marida :(
I wasn't ready for that.


Unicorn Episode 7

Finally had the chance to sit down and watch this. I was expecting/hoping they were going to a find a way to
redeem/make me no longer dislike Riddhe. But they managed to throw that away in the first 20 minutes. Marida :(
I wasn't ready for that.

So I didn't read the novel but
wasn't that scene originally Riddhe aiming at the Nahel Argama and Marida moving in to take the shot for the ship? The way it played out in the OVA made Marida seem pretty lame.


So I didn't read the novel but
wasn't that scene originally Riddhe aiming at the Nahel Argama and Marida moving in to take the shot for the ship? The way it played out in the OVA made Marida seem pretty lame.

If that is the case it sucks even more.

I haven't read the novels either and was left a bit confused with
FF's death scene. I always figured he was just a straight up clone, but that scene makes it seem deeper than that. IDK if the books dwell on that any more than the OVA did.
What marker do you guys use for panel lining? I'm kinda tired of getting the "panel lines are too thick" comment. I'm currently using the Black Fine Gundam Marker, but it seems like Fenice's lines came out too think. :/

Also, changed my plans from getting another HG to upgrading to an MG kit. After three HGs, I really want to try it.


Unicorn Episode 7

Finally had the chance to sit down and watch this. I was expecting/hoping they were going to a find a way to
redeem/make me no longer dislike Riddhe. But they managed to throw that away in the first 20 minutes. Marida :(
I wasn't ready for that.

That hurt me a lot too.

If that is the case it sucks even more.

I haven't read the novels either and was left a bit confused with
FF's death scene. I always figured he was just a straight up clone, but that scene makes it seem deeper than that. IDK if the books dwell on that any more than the OVA did.

They didn't really elaborate very well and I'm still somewhat confused. He was a clone with memories from the Sazabi's psychoframe that Char used, but after that it gets strange.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm pretty sure Full Frontal is
a Char clone that was possessed by his vengeful ghost or some shit.
based on conversations towards the end

I still don't really understand his motivations though, or what happened when
he took Banagher to the end of time or something,
but to be honest I wasn't really paying attention much to the subs at that point.


I'm pretty sure Full Frontal is
a Char clone that was possessed by his vengeful ghost or some shit.
based on conversations towards the end

I still don't really understand his motivations though, or what happened when
he took Banagher to the end of time or something,
but to be honest I wasn't really paying attention much to the subs at that point.

he was projecting memories using the psychoframe and also his idea of what the end of time looked like. Not sure why his mobile suit just eroded away though.


tagged by Blackace


That's like double the amount of runners in my last(/first) HG.

And this is what I'm talking about when it comes to the soap/cleaning leaving marks. Since I'm painting this, I guess it doesn't matter much, but I still want the paint to adhere properly.

he was projecting memories using the psychoframe and also his idea of what the end of time looked like. Not sure why his mobile suit just eroded away though.

I finished Episode 7 earlier today,
and when that scene came up, I got the impression that all the psycho-field stuff uses the suits as a sort of conduit - so Full Frontal burnt out the suit from the inside, and it just fell apart at the end. I guess he just wasn't OP enough to do all the crazy transcendent stuff and leave the suit intact.

On another note,
what's up with all the arms on the Neo Zeong? The gigantic frame arms aren't enough, it needs another 2 pairs on its back, on top of the Sinanju's stubby little arms on its neck? And the PsycoShard Generator is disconcertingly similar to some of the tech in Victory, so I was pretty miffed when that came up. I thought I'd warm up to the design when I saw it in action, but now I don't want anything to do with it.


I finished Episode 7 earlier today,
and when that scene came up, I got the impression that all the psycho-field stuff uses the suits as a sort of conduit - so Full Frontal burnt the suit out, just like he burnt himself out. I guess he just wasn't OP enough to do all the crazy transcendent stuff and leave the suit intact.

On another note,
what's up with all the arms on the Neo Zeong? The gigantic frame arms aren't enough, it needs another 2 pairs on its back, on top of the Sinanju's stubby little arms on its neck? And the PsycoShard Generator is disconcertingly similar to some of the tech in Victory, so I was pretty miffed when that came up. I thought I'd warm up to the design when I saw it in action, but now I don't want anything to do with it.

Yeah, it's psychocommu technology.
Mobile Suit Gundam 1 - END:
Wow, what a series. That was just fantastic.
The characters were great and well-developed, the plot was unique and rather dark at times, and the Gundam was just straight-up rad at all times. I'm really glad I followed Build Fighters with this. It fits nicely on my Top 5 series of all time. Great stuff for sure.
My favorite character had to be Amuro in terms of development. His transformation from a young, inexperienced punk to a loyal battler with a heart of gold was fantastic. While a few episodes of the show felt like filler/were just boring, all the other ones felt fresh and kept you wanting more.

All in all, totes rad 10/10 would watch.
Excellent opinion. First series is still my favorite. I recommend checking out the movie trilogy now. Movies 1 and 2 aren't that good IMHO (though Ai Senshi is a great song). They feel too condensed. Movie 3 has quite a bit of new footage though, including some excellent new scenes regarding Degwin Zabi and the Prime Minister of Zeon, Darcia Bakharov
Excellent opinion. First series is still my favorite. I recommend checking out the movie trilogy now. Movies 1 and 2 aren't that good IMHO (though Ai Senshi is a great song). They feel too condensed. Movie 3 has quite a bit of new footage though, including some excellent new scenes regarding Degwin Zabi and the Prime Minister of Zeon, Darcia Bakharov
Alright, I'll get those next. :)

Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam 1:
what the fuck was that all about?
who were these people?
why did i care for their issues?
why is the main character just beating people up?

wow what an episode
also the intro is terrible and it should feel bad for it

EDIT Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam 3:


^Hope you're watching Zeta the series and not Zeta the movies...

So I didn't read the novel but
wasn't that scene originally Riddhe aiming at the Nahel Argama and Marida moving in to take the shot for the ship? The way it played out in the OVA made Marida seem pretty lame.

Yeah, that's how it happened in the novel.

If that is the case it sucks even more.

I haven't read the novels either and was left a bit confused with
FF's death scene. I always figured he was just a straight up clone, but that scene makes it seem deeper than that. IDK if the books dwell on that any more than the OVA did.

In the novel,
Frontal is a cyber-newtype engineered by the Republic of Zeon and implanted with a fragment of Char's memories/personality left behind by an old psycoframe.

In the OVA,
it's not really clear what he starts out as (though his comments about burning himself out to become a vessel kinda jive with the novel's explanation), but by episode 7 at least, he is possessed by a part of the real Char. After Char dies in CCA, a piece of his ghost is unable to let go of the war and what he was fighting for, and ends up being channeled into Frontal. In the end, Char reclaims this piece of himself and moves on with Amuro and Lalah, leaving Frontal a lifeless body.


Alright, I'll get those next. :)

Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam 1:
what the fuck was that all about?
who were these people?
why did i care for their issues?
why is the main character just beating people up?

wow what an episode
also the intro is terrible and it should feel bad for it

Oh hell no. Zeta's OP is amazing, the fuck is wrong with you?


That's like double the amount of runners in my last(/first) HG.

And this is what I'm talking about when it comes to the soap/cleaning leaving marks. Since I'm painting this, I guess it doesn't matter much, but I still want the paint to adhere properly.


If you mean the part on the bottom left where there seems to be some strange split that's related to the actual molding process, there's nothing you can do about it. Only way to get rid of those is to color the kit.


tagged by Blackace
If you mean the part on the bottom left where there seems to be some strange split that's related to the actual molding process, there's nothing you can do about it. Only way to get rid of those is to color the kit.
I mean the little change in lighting and curve you can see on the model that goes through the straight groove down the length of the part. Is that avoidable?


^Hope you're watching Zeta the series and not Zeta the movies...

Yeah, that's how it happened in the novel.

In the novel,
Frontal is a cyber-newtype engineered by the Republic of Zeon and implanted with a fragment of Char's memories/personality left behind by an old psycoframe.

In the OVA,
it's not really clear what he starts out as (though his comments about burning himself out to become a vessel kinda jive with the novel's explanation), but by episode 7 at least, he is possessed by a part of the real Char. After Char dies in CCA, a piece of his ghost is unable to let go of the war and what he was fighting for, and ends up being channeled into Frontal. In the end, Char reclaims this piece of himself and moves on with Amuro and Lalah, leaving Frontal a lifeless body.

This is what I was leaning towards when watching it.

Also, it sucks to know about
the change for Marida
from the novel to the OVA.
Shitty way to go for a great character.

I mean the little change in lighting and curve you can see on the model that goes through the straight groove down the length of the part. Is that avoidable?

Part of the kit. Once you sand and paint over it you should be good.


That's like double the amount of runners in my last(/first) HG.

And this is what I'm talking about when it comes to the soap/cleaning leaving marks. Since I'm painting this, I guess it doesn't matter much, but I still want the paint to adhere properly.
Can't wait till I get mine.
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