Lmao at me being the enemy of innovation. Innovation isn't reinventing the wheel. Or creating a square wheel. We have tonnes of affordable amplification with huge amounts of good quality power. A new Class A/B topology isn't exactly going to be innovative if it does the exact same thing as existing products in the market. That isn't what innovation is.
My point is, you were the one saying there is no use for Schiit to offer power amps, since according to you, with Crown & Crest amps we are already in a sonic nirvana.
If we follow your advice does that mean all the other manufacturers should stop trying to create new (possible better) amps?
Your statement was just silly and anti innovation, because innovation also means trying and failing.
Whatever this new topology is, I'm not going to jump on the hype train until someone passes it through actual measurements.).
Yeah, I don't see anyone here already stating those new amps are the best of the best, but quoting what Jason has said about this new topology compared to their own previous ones, and waiting until they are revealed.
I guess you missed the part where I wrote "time will tell" in my previous post.
Yeah I'm going to trust Jude, who exists to peddle hardware, or Herb Reichert, who gushes at everything that comes across his desk. I can't find a professional review except from these two so I didn't link one obviously. I mean what the hell is a "professional" review these days? What Hi-Fi rag isn't basically beholden by manufacturers who give them products to review?
I linked that post/thread for a very good reason. Because the general train of thought in there is that its a good amp that sounds increasingly harsh when given something difficult to drive, whether that be a difficult set of speakers or extremely loud content. Considering all user reviews there agreed that it doesn't really handle difficult loads particularly well, which just so happen to correlate well with John Atkinson's musings and measurements from the Stereophile review, I'd like to think my claim that I thought it was nothing special to be a perfectly fair statement. Especially considering I was pairing them with relatively insensitive speakers (LS50).
My apologies about the "professional review" part, after I posted I realized it wasn't the best term but just because of laziness I didn't change it.
What I meant is that review looked like one from just an average joe, and your statement about Ragnarok being just meh sounded to me like a fact, so I thought you were going to link a much more in deep review.
The thing is, if you take time to read every Ragnarok review available, the majority of them are extremely positive. I repeat it again, extremely positive, not like "oh this is a nice amp".
Finally, why do you mention Jude? Except for the Schiit's thread there, I don't give a rat ass about him or his site.
You mentioning him, it looks to me like a cheap shot to try to support your point of view about the amp. Again, google and look at all the reviews and then come here to tell that Ragnarok is viewed as a mediocre amp.
I guess I'm too sensitive when people post personal (valid) opinions as undisputed facts.