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The Official Headphone Thread 2.5: We're Making WAVs and Catching FLAC

leng jai

Australian headphone pricing is trippy as:

Beyer T1 = $1149 (first gen)
HD800 = $1349
HE560 = $1399
LCD2 = $1499
TH900 = $2299
Ether = $2399
LCD3 = $3099
HE1000 = $4749
LCD4 = $6399 (LOL)

So basically everything is super expensive aside from the T1 and the HD800 (which is a random bargain pretty much).

Tommy DJ

The Beyerdynamic T1 is still super expensive considering the MSRP has tanked to the point you're expected to buy it for $600 USD. Retailers such as Noisy Motel and Addicted to Audio, still have stock of the HD800 left before the tanking of the Australian dollar. Once they've sold through their existing stock, the price will go up by a hundred or two once they have to order more from their supplier. Models that sell relatively well, such as the HD600, have already seen a price hike from ~$320 AUD to $370 AUD.

Headphone pricing is getting stupid presumably because its no longer the red headed stepchild of the audiophile industry, although most kilobuck headphones still have worse technical capabilities even when compared to even a $400 pair of JBL LSR305.

leng jai

The Beyerdynamic T1 is still super expensive considering the MSRP has tanked to the point you're expected to buy it for $600 USD.

Retailers such as Noisy Motel and Addicted to Audio, still have stock of the HD800 left before the tanking of the Australian dollar. Once they've sold through their existing stock, the price will go up by a hundred or two once they have to order more from their supplier.

Models that sell relatively well, such as the HD600, have already seen a price hike from ~$320 AUD to $370 AUD.

The HD800 price rise is definitely inevitable. Interestingly they've dropped most of Oppo's products aside from the PM-3. The PM-2/PM-1 were very mediocre so I'm not surprised with that. Their blu-ray players with built in Sabre DACs were always very nice though.

I literally laughed out loud when I saw the asking price for the LCD4. It's getting farcical.


the holder of the trombone
Got a good full day of listening on the trinity hyperion. Kinda want to wait for my nami to come in before I judge my entire collection. Just want to say though that the small size + waxed foamies means that they are the first earphones I've used that I can barely feel at all. The profile is so tiny that I feel completely comfortable lying on my head in bed with it.

Here's a comparison pic with a micro sim card.


With the this, the tenore, rockets and R2Pro I feel that the tiny dynamic are a seriously interesting category right now.


Dear Headphone GAF,

You served me well awhile back when I needed some headphones, so I've returned to your bosom to seek further advice:

Can anyone recommend any good headphones for use while exercising outside fairly rigorously (e.g. Insanity)?

Price range - up to £50.

Thanks in advance!
Just buy multiple pairs of Koss KSC75.


Picked up a pair of brown Sennheiser M2s to use on the commute, I'd say they're more comfy than even the UE 6000s. Would've preferred ivory but I shouldn't complain for the price I got them (180$ CAD).

Time to save up for a dac and some good open cans to replace my ha s680s.


the holder of the trombone
Had a day off today so decided to go audition the fitear togo 334.

Jesus it sounds so good.

Jesus it's so expensive.
There seems to be a noticeable electrical buzzing noise on the new iPhone 6S headphone output on highly sensitive, low impedance earphone. Can anyone confirm this? I have Apple EarPods and Sennheiser HD 650 and I'm hoping this wouldn't concern me.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NW-G7IxtXBY&feature=youtu.be [1]
I found out about this issue in this Youtube video. This might influence my decision in not getting an iPhone 6S Plus this year. :(
Had a day off today so decided to go audition the fitear togo 334.

Jesus it sounds so good.

Jesus it's so expensive.

I'm extremely surprised that you were that impressed with the 334. I think the Angie is a far better phone. The 334 has comparatively sluggish bass, and rolled off, metallic highs. The midrange is really great, and the imaging is also top shelf. I can't say I was a fan of it otherwise. That and the 1plus2 were the two biggest let downs in my time with TOTL IEMs (they were also two of the most hyped).

People with way to much money.

lol you'd be surprised. Audeze hasn't stayed in business for this long on good will or anything

There seems to be a noticeable electrical buzzing noise on the new iPhone 6S headphone output on highly sensitive, low impedance earphone. Can anyone confirm this? I have Apple EarPods and Sennheiser HD 650 and I'm hoping this wouldn't concern me.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NW-G7IxtXBY&feature=youtu.be [1]
I found out about this issue in this Youtube video. This might influence my decision in not getting an iPhone 6S Plus this year. :(

I believe Lachlan has been to the Apple Store to test out about 5 or 6 phones and he noted this issue on all of them. He said he's contacted Tim Cook so we'll see if they issue a response. Tho to be honest, I can detect the same "app noise" on my iPhone 6 with my FIBASS. It's not an issue at all when you're listening to music.


the holder of the trombone
I'm extremely surprised that you were that impressed with the 334. I think the Angie is a far better phone. The 334 has comparatively sluggish bass, and rolled off, metallic highs. The midrange is really great, and the imaging is also top shelf. I can't say I was a fan of it otherwise. That and the 1plus2 were the two biggest let downs in my time with TOTL IEMs (they were also two of the most hyped).

I thought the angies were very good too, but that midrange and imaging on the 334 is so good. I actually find the way it presents bass to be more appealing to me than what I've heard of the angies to be honest. I agree that it's sluggish compared to the angies but I've always felt that BA bass's faster decay just doesn't sound natural to me. Though to put it in context I was mostly comparing it against the ASG 2.5 where I feel the 334 is slight superior in midrange clarity and layering/separation. Didn't really feel like it had metallic highs, but I didn't really have a wide range of music with me to test its timbre.

Though despite my thoughts on the midrange I still feel that the ASG 2.5 still have much better vocal reproduction. Don't know how they do it despite having bass that does colour the tonality quite a bit. I still find the ASG 2.5's clarity to be pretty impressive considering the massive presence the lower bass has when called upon, and I haven't heard anything does vocals as well as they do. Though of course my experience is rather limited.

Which is why I said jesus it's so expensive at the end. Did enjoy the sound but it in no way justifies its price. Especially 2.4K AUD for the customs. Jesus.

Also to put it into even more context I forgot to bring my X3 so I pretty much only have uyama hiroto and perfume on my phone. The timbre on the uyama hiroto songs were pretty damn excellent, just any acoustic instrument sounded great. Did ok on perfume but I just find the 2.5s are just excellent on electronica. BA drivers still cannot deliver the slam capable in the ASGs.

leng jai


I should preface this by saying I'm using a less than ideal setup to drive the HD800s - a DAC Magic and a Woo Audio 2 on stock tubes.

I'm loving the bass on the HD800s, definitely not lacking for my tastes despite all the complaints I've read. Then again it's similar in quantity to the T1 and people say that's somehow bass light as well. The beginning of Angel by Massive Attack still sounds like a sledgehammer on your head. It has more depth and control in the low end than the T1s, but I'd say the Beyer pair has more of the mid bass hump. The HD800s are the first full size cans I've used that have been finicky about head positioning due to the large ear cups. It's entirely possible to get a poor seal, losing some bass and getting that dreaded "thin" sound.

Where the HD800s really pull ahead is in instrument separation on more complex tracks. It's more discerning and layered than the T1s - the Uncharted 3 OST sounds absolutely sick on these things. I'm actually finding the soundstage similar on both cans but I have a feeling it's due to the limitations of my DAC here. Now the treble - I'm definitely having more issues with excess brightness and sibilance with these than I ever did with the T1. The Sennheisers seem to get disproportionately brighter at higher volumes. Lana Del Rey's Honeymoon is pretty much unlistenable until you turn the volume down to the point where it loses dynamics. Might have to try the Anax mod at some stage.

That leads me to the next point (which is well documented by everyone else) - the HD800s makes you realise that the mastering quality most of your collection is garbage. The T1s worked pretty well with about 80% of library, while with he HD800s I'd say that close too half of my collections sounds awful on it. Well mastered acoustic tracks absolutely sing on the HD800s while a lot of modern tracks sound atrocious - lucky I don't listen to Metal.

More thoughts to come later I guess.


the holder of the trombone
How would something that is reputated to be unforgivable to bad recordings do for Lo-fi stuff like sleigh bells, when the whole point and sound comes from intentionally harsh and extreme sound engineering?

Guess I do have something that is sorta similar coming my way soon too with the namis, but in a way I guess I can't see myself buying headphones that make the music I have sound unlistenable as my main driver.
How would something that is reputated to be unforgivable to bad recordings would do for Lo-fi stuff like sleigh bells, where the whole point and sound comes from intentionally harsh and extreme sound engineering?

Guess I do have something that is sorta similar coming my way soon too with the namis, but in a way I guess I can't see myself buying headphones that make the music I have sound unlistenable as my main driver.

I'm not sure about the Nami, since it's a generation one Flat-4 product without the anti-resonance coating, but the KII has been surprisingly tolerant of lo-fi recordings. That being said, I believe the Kaede was always the most refined of the F-4 range. It's been a very long time since I've heard the original Kaede, but I can remember Muppetface stating that the Kaede's highs weren't as harsh as SUIs. In shigzeo's latest review for Headfonia


he states that the Kaede Type IIs highs are again sweeter than the original Kaede's, something that seems to bear out in my time listening to it. With the original Flat-4s in general though, you wanna watch out for hot recordings, cause things like crash cymbals and vocal sibilance can come across as piercing.

That aside...

Snapped some pics of the Kaede II today. The packaging is absolutely gorgeous. The wooden box is definitely artisanal quality. I have no idea how it was assembled, you have to look pretty close just to see any seams. It's pretty tough to photograph the KII (doubly so with a smart phone), but I tried to capture the subtly golden hue imparted by the lacquer.

As for the sound, this phone is weird as fuck through tone gen. There's like... zero response at 6 kHz. None. I believe the phase tube obviates all treble energy at 6 kHz. Prior to this void, there's a huge spike at 5.5 kHz, and after the void, there's another huge spike at 8.5 kHz. 1-2 kHz is more subdued than the upper mids at 3-4 kHz. If I had to guess, this thing wouldn't graph all that pretty.

FR wonkiness aside, I just don't find the KII all that offensive with the bulk of my recordings. I remember the original Flat-4 line up feeling harsh, and although this phone does have a tendency to accentuate sibilance (which I'll probably try to rectify with some tea bag filters later), it curiously enough, never comes across as piercing. I know the Type II has that weird anti resonance coating on the inside of the wooden housing and the phase tube, so perhaps this has something to do with that.

The other thing I want to mention is... holy fuck does this extract low level detail like nothing else. It does this is in the most effortless manner too. This thing is basically a plankton machine. Heretofore unheard of textures and fine details up high, down low and in the middle are extracted out of layers and layers of music. Things like the resonance of a drum after it's struck, the way strings are articulated in the middle of a heavily distorted solo, the very faint trace of reverb against walls, instruments buried in the mix, the texture of a very, very low oscillating string/frequency. Very fine detail that's usually masked by neighboring frequencies.

It's honestly kind of shocking to me how resolving the KII is vs. the other very capable IEMs I've heard. I'm guessing that it's the absence of 6 kHz coupled with the exaggerated treble that makes these fine details stand out more. I mean, it's not like I haven't heard phones with exaggerated treble before, but none of them were capable of effortlessly bringing forward detail to this level.

Soundstage is gargantuan and very airy, bass extends incredibly low and is infused with tons of texture. Percussion is just nuts on this thing. Mids and vocals especially can come across as sort of subdued at times (that lower midrange dip), but put on something like Gsldfrapp's Felt Mountain and she practically feels there. It definitely works better with some things vs. others, but I've been pleasantly surprised by just how accommodating it is of poorer recordings as it just slices through the haze and brings everything into razor sharp focus on even lo-fi recordings.


the holder of the trombone
God they do look gorgeous.

Yeah I've seen that insane dip at 6khz. The flat 4 range definitely has one of the weirdest frequency ranges I've seen. Which is kinda why I want it. Along with that weird phase correction tube. Even if it might not be right or to my liking I just like weird, one of a kind designs.

I thought the nami was based off the kuro II though?
God they do look gorgeous.

Yeah I've seen that insane dip at 6khz. The flat 4 range definitely has one of the weirdest frequency ranges I've seen. Which is kinda why I want it. Along with that weird phase correction tube. Even if it might not be right or to my liking I just like weird, one of a kind designs.

I thought the nami was based off the kuro II though?

I did a little googling and I think the Nami may be a retuned Kuro I. The Kuro II and Kaede II didn't release until roughly 7-8 months after Nami (Oct. 2013 vs. May 2014), so it seems unlikely that the Nami could be based on something that didn't even exist yet lol

Yeah, they don't graph pretty, but some of the most interesting sounding phones graph terribly. FIBASS, PF IX, Flat-4 etc. all graph terribly, and tend to be recording dependent. When there's "synergy" with the recording however... It sounds far more convincing to me than a phone that graphs perfectly for some reason.

I believe the late Takai of Final Audio tuned every single one of his phones by ear, and avoided spectrometers and the like. That explains a lot about why those phones sound the way they do - designed more to elicit an emotional response, (I know, it sounds fuckin pretentious as all fuck, but the proof is in the pudding) vs. a perfect measured response. Still, my daily drivers are obviously phones that are tuned closer to neutral simply because they work with all music, rather than being specialized. It takes someone with a collector mentality or perhaps an idiot to hoard all manner of expensive phones. (and I don't believe I'm the former - I'm working on downsizing!)
BTW - just a little tip for you guys, but you can tend to score the Flat-4 series or any other niche Japanese phone really, by combing through Fujiya Avic's USED phones section (I did score the KII through a seller in LA this time though). Their stuff tends to be in pretty much mint condition. Then use a forwarding service (I like Fromjapan) to act as the middle man to order and mail it to you. I've done this before and you really do come out ahead due to the current depreciation of the Yen coupled with the low value of used Japanese goods (just be aware of possible duty charges in your country). I think at present exchange rate coupled with commission/shipping to US, the Flat-4 SUI comes out to roughly $180 or so

leng jai

Anybody sat down and thought about all the headphones they've owned over the years. I started thinking about it and it's a pretty long list:

Sennheiser HD800
Beyerdynamic T1
Oppo PM-3
Denon D7000
Sony MDR-1
Shure SE535
Westone UM3
Shure SE210
Sennheiser HD650
Audio Technica M50
Grado SR60
Sennheiser HD595
Koss KSC75

Don't have most of them anymore. Makes me realise I pretty much dislike closed headphones, and that it didn't take me long to know I hated everything about Grado headphones.
Anybody sat down and thought about all the headphones they've owned over the years. I started thinking about it and it's a pretty long list:

Sennheiser HD800
Beyerdynamic T1
Oppo PM-3
Denon D7000
Sony MDR-1
Shure SE535
Westone UM3
Shure SE210
Sennheiser HD650
Audio Technica M50
Grado SR60
Sennheiser HD595
Koss KSC75

Don't have most of them anymore. Makes me realise I pretty much dislike closed headphones, and that it didn't take me long to know I hated everything about Grado headphones.

Didn't like the D7000?

leng jai

Not particularly, aside from bass they were pretty much useless to me. The soundstage and midrange really did not work for a lot music. Also found them fairly uncomfortable to use, especially in summer.


the holder of the trombone
I did a little googling and I think the Nami may be a retuned Kuro I. The Kuro II and Kaede II didn't release until roughly 7-8 months after Nami (Oct. 2013 vs. May 2014), so it seems unlikely that the Nami could be based on something that didn't even exist yet lol

Yeah, they don't graph pretty, but some of the most interesting sounding phones graph terribly. FIBASS, PF IX, Flat-4 etc. all graph terribly, and tend to be recording dependent. When there's "synergy" with the recording however... It sounds far more convincing to me than a phone that graphs perfectly for some reason.

Oof, I find it hard to think of the piano forte series synergising with most music. Some of the craziest roll offs on either end I've ever heard.

Still want to try their heaven series. I heard that they are some of the best single balanced armature headphones out there.
Oof, I find it hard to think of the piano forte series synergising with most music. Some of the craziest roll offs on either end I've ever heard.

Still want to try their heaven series. I heard that they are some of the best single balanced armature headphones out there.

Yeah the PF is pretty esoteric. Mostly midcentric. I had the PF IX which wasn't as midcentric as say the VIII or the X. The thing about the PFs is the super airy sound - totally out of the head, and long reverb. It's got this analog feel to it. I bet it'd look pretty crazy through a CSD plot. I had the ASG-2 when I heard the PF the first time. I was really struck by how weirdly effortless it felt compared to the ASG-2.

I loved that thing for shoegaze, soundtracks and stuff like Sufjan. Nothing I've heard before and since sounds even remotely similar to it, but I had to sell it cause the fit was plain awful for my ears, otherwise I'd probably still have it since it's the most unique sounding phone I've ever heard.

The SS is crazily detailed and tonally saturated. The Heaven VII is probably the one that's least likely to polarize. Pretty neutral, excellent note weight, and really strong imaging. It basically sounds like a leaner, poor man's LAB I to me.

I'm finding the KII to be an awesomely engaging phone for hip hop. Which... Probably shouldn't be a surprise since powerful bass, space and clarity are among its strong points. It's a nice alternative to the LAB I for the genre. Death Grips and Shabazz Palaces sounds crazy through these. Hell Tyler the Creator sounds incredible lol.


I know this is a 'phones thread, but any recommendations for some budget desktop speakers in the $~60 range?

These don't look terrible.

Thanks again.

Tommy DJ

At that budget, you're really better off digging through the seconds market.

Loudspeakers are different from from headphones in that there's a fair bit more effort required for them to sound good. Speakers need thick rigid cabinets with internal dampening, quality woofers, quality tweeters, plate amplifiers, crossovers, functional waveguides, etc. Once a manufacturer has enough budget to actually provide decent components, stuff starts sounding really good. The lower end is just too cheap to allow for that.

If you wanted a decent pair of headphones for around $30, I could suggest the Koss KSC35 or 75 without any hesitation. In the case of speakers, the sound quality of loudspeakers hover between shit to "ehhh that's alright I guess" until you hit the $200 or so mark.


Appreciate it, guys. This is a gift for a non-audiophile so sound quality isn't really important.
These aren't too bad, but still fifteen over budget -http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0011Z87I0/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?qid=1443972245&sr=8-1&pi=SY200_QL40&keywords=alesis+speakers&dpPl=1&dpID=41VE7hoH0OL&ref=plSrch

M-Audio AV30s around the same price.


I can't *believe* these lazy developers keep making file sizes so damn large. Btw, how does technology work?
Looking to buy an A&K Jr. in the next month, I think. I've given up hunting for a reliable and affordable location to snag a black variant, so silver it is.

With that said, doing a lot of research on what set of headphones I'd like to use with them without spending a shit ton.

I appreciate good audio and spending more to achieve it; but I also have to work within my budget and accept there will always be other things/hobbies I'd rather spend my money on. I'll likely never graduate to truly high-end audiophile gear; but I do enjoy taking a good leap over the crap most people pick up at Best Buy. And so with all that said, I'm looking for a pair of headphones around ~$500 or less, that have a good soundstage, quality highs, and a good deal of clear bass. I typically listen to a mix of mainstream hip-hop, and female-vocal alternative electronica (think stuff like CHVRCHES). Most the time I'm rocking my iPhone with Bowers & Wilkins C5s. I've used Triple.Fi 10s and mid range Shures ($300+) in the past.

I'd like to have a step-up'd portable setup utilizing headphones, but am not totally against another pair of IEMs if heavily recommended. Suggestions? I've looked at a good deal of suggestions here and on Head-Fi, but recommendations seem all over the place, and most people seem to use the AKJr as a secondary device, whereas I'll be using it as my primary.


Looking to buy an A&K Jr. in the next month, I think. I've given up hunting for a reliable and affordable location to snag a black variant, so silver it is.

With that said, doing a lot of research on what set of headphones I'd like to use with them without spending a shit ton.

I appreciate good audio and spending more to achieve it; but I also have to work within my budget and accept there will always be other things/hobbies I'd rather spend my money on. I'll likely never graduate to truly high-end audiophile gear; but I do enjoy taking a good leap over the crap most people pick up at Best Buy. And so with all that said, I'm looking for a pair of headphones around ~$500 or less, that have a good soundstage, quality highs, and a good deal of clear bass. I typically listen to a mix of mainstream hip-hop, and female-vocal alternative electronica (think stuff like CHVRCHES). Most the time I'm rocking my iPhone with Bowers & Wilkins C5s. I've used Triple.Fi 10s and mid range Shures ($300+) in the past.

I'd like to have a step-up'd portable setup utilizing headphones, but am not totally against another pair of IEMs if heavily recommended. Suggestions? I've looked at a good deal of suggestions here and on Head-Fi, but recommendations seem all over the place, and most people seem to use the AKJr as a secondary device, whereas I'll be using it as my primary.
I gotta ask why spend that kinds money on an AK Jr. When you could get a aa Fiio X1 and 128gb SD for half the price. Anyway I'd recommend the SRH1540 or Focal Spirit Professional keeping your needs in mind.


the holder of the trombone
None of the AK daps are worth the money they're asking for, seriously.

Either stick with your phone or use something that's more reasonably priced like the Fiio range.

leng jai

Buy an AK Junior and then skimping on the headphones seems backwards. High end DAPs are pretty much the worst value for money acquisitions you can make.


I can't *believe* these lazy developers keep making file sizes so damn large. Btw, how does technology work?
I gotta ask why spend that kinds money on an AK Jr. When you could get a aa Fiio X1 and 128gb SD for half the price. Anyway I'd recommend the SRH1540 or Focal Spirit Professional keeping your needs in mind.

Honestly... I know it's a silly reason, but I actually had a Fiio X1 about a year ago (when it came out... I think?) and it was just so damn bulky I never wanted to carry it around. Again, I'll preface it's a silly reason, but I hated how it looked and felt.

I have $50 in eBay bucks sitting in my account for a year, and I see the AK Jr is often selling for ~$425 or so. For $375, I think I can justify it. That said, I certainly appreciate the recommendation.


Honestly... I know it's a silly reason, but I actually had a Fiio X1 about a year ago (when it came out... I think?) and it was just so damn bulky I never wanted to carry it around. Again, I'll preface it's a silly reason, but I hated how it looked and felt.

I have $50 in eBay bucks sitting in my account for a year, and I see the AK Jr is often selling for ~$425 or so. For $375, I think I can justify it. That said, I certainly appreciate the recommendation.

If you want it, buy it. It's your money.

Tommy DJ

The GUI performance pissed me off enough when I demoed it that I don't think I could live with it. I recommend trying it out before buying if you haven't already. It's why my iPhone is still my DAP because they all compromise on some usability aspect no matter the price.

Amusigly, I think Sony has the best GUI with DAPs if that's believable at all. At the very least their devices are easy enough to use and don't have the performance of a Android 2.0 device.


I've got a FiiO X5 and I've gotten used to the UI, though they absolutely should bring in letter scrolling, like the Walkman has. It's so time consuming trying to reach the middle of my artist list with the wheel/buttons (track count of 11k)

My opinion would be to keep the wheel for scrolling up and down, re-function the FF/REW buttons to do letter scrolling.

I've seen UI mods for the X5, but they seem purely cosmetic, I may take another look to see if one exists that has this stuff, it's such a nice way to navigate long music lists.

Tommy DJ

I've just re-bought a demo pair of HD800s again because the price was just too good.

I don't agree with leng jai on the Beyerdynamic T1 but I think his opinion on the HD800 on the previous page is pretty much spot on. Acoustic, dark sounding jazz and classical work extremely well on the stock HD800s. No matter how you cut it the HD800 will always be a bright headphone.

- Still the cleanest sounding headphone out there. Everything sans 6khz is completely mint.
- It has the same wide and deep soundstage of AKG headphones without the questionable imaging.
- Really comfortable.
- Very fast and actually dynamic sounding. Creates a very engaging listen.

- That 6khz peak is extremely horrible when combined with how dynamic the HD800 is. EQ can't completely eliminate it.
- It may actually sound brighter than headphones with huge treble peaks because of this.
- Bass rolls off too soon.
- The box and foam materials have a pretty horrid chemical smell.

- It might have a recessed midrange but that seems to make its soundstage wider so YMMV.

Verdict: Really don't bother unless you are willing to do something to tame the treble energy. I think physical mods + some light EQ is the right way to go.

The only aggressive method of EQ that I've found that works is Sonarworks' VST plugin that you can try for 21 days. They provide a generic HD800 EQ preset based on the measurements from numerous HD800 samples. I've tried it for a few hours and I reckon 100% Wet + Custom Curve with -2.0 Bass Boost and +2.0 Tilt results in something fairly close to good studio monitors.


the holder of the trombone
Is there actually something going on in the 6kHz region that makes peaks there undesirable? The Flat-4's whole design was basically to get rid of resonance in the 6kHz region, and it basically craters around 6kHz.
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