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The Official Headphone Thread 2.5: We're Making WAVs and Catching FLAC


Just wanted to say I got the HD 600 and magni 2 for production purposes and I am absolutely loving them. I was thinking of getting the AKG 700 series but I decided to make the jump to something more premium. I'm a sucker for the neutral sound, I think I've just gotten so used to it from studio monitors.

Also the box the HD 600s came in is a lot nicer than I expected
Crazy that they still have it under "item review". $128 is a fantastic price on these.
There have been some complaints about cosmetic defects. I got my girlfriend a pair for Christmas when they were $199 and she went from being a skeptic (we'd earlier agreed on HD598s) to being fanatically happy with them. She got my original Schiit Magni and bought a Modi 2 Uber just because she heard how much better they sounded out of my rig than they did straight from her iMac headphone jack.
1. AD500X's sound similar but do not have the immense soundstage of the AD700, which is what makes them so compelling for gaming
2. If someone is in the same room they will definitely hear you if you are playing anything at a fairly high volume and especially if there's nothing else playing; If the door is closed they probably won't be able to hear you unless you have them turned up real high.

Thanks again for the information. Yeah, I've been hearing that the AD700X are a noticeable jump with the soundstage compared to the AD500X. Surprisingly, I can actually purchase the AD700X's in a local store. If I see a great deal on the AD900X's, I might even go all out and procure those, but I think the 700X will be plenty for what I use it for honestly. I'm still interested in the HD598's as well, but I will most likely make a decision by this month or early next month.


Dear Gaffers, I just moved to Spain and I need some bluetooth headphones to make my commute time happier.

Which sites should I check? I guess because of European Union I can buy from anywhere in the EU. I know just a few 'famous' (fnac, mediamarkt, amazon) but I guess there should be a specialized site in headphones in this continent with better prices :)
Dear Gaffers, I just moved to Spain and I need some bluetooth headphones to make my commute time happier.

Which sites should I check? I guess because of European Union I can buy from anywhere in the EU. I know just a few 'famous' (fnac, mediamarkt, amazon) but I guess there should be a specialized site in headphones in this continent with better prices :)

Yep, being in the EU you should be able to import from another import country without any import charges. That is how it is in the UK anyway. Sadly the import limit here is £15+ I believe so it makes importing 'phones from the US when they have amazing deals not so attractive. I can't help you on sites I'm afraid but I'm sure someone will. Enjoy Spain! :)
There have been some complaints about cosmetic defects. I got my girlfriend a pair for Christmas when they were $199 and she went from being a skeptic (we'd earlier agreed on HD598s) to being fanatically happy with them. She got my original Schiit Magni and bought a Modi 2 Uber just because she heard how much better they sounded out of my rig than they did straight from her iMac headphone jack.

I enjoyed my X2s when I had them, which were also powered by an Uber stack.
Hi everybody, have over the last year or so been Spotifying the heck out of my account during work hours and very happy. My 1.5 hr comute each way is also filed with tunes.... With that in mind I just today got my hands on the Nobel Savant IEM.

HOLY MOLY! Such a difference. Am running extreme quality downloads from Spotty and playing through my Sony Z3. From my old headphones to this is day and night.

Am toying with the fiio x7 or mojo, but in no rush.

My question is... Would I notice another difference if I ran music off from something other than my phone?

I was very in the fence with these IEM'S but they sound amazing and it's a real investment in something I spend a lot of time doing. An glad I made the purchase.



the holder of the trombone
I have the mojo, and while I don't think it creates a night and day difference (I really don't think any DAC/amp creates a night and day difference as long as your headphones are properly powered and playing files from any decent source, and I've heard setups that exceeds thousands) but I appreciate the improvements. If I could describe it in one word I would say that it's more... analog?

My phone and Oppo HA-2 have an edge to each note that the mojo decays more fully while keeping the detail without going into full on lush that you can get with some tube amps. More fully voiced mids, better articulation of the lower mid to upper bass region and smoother highs (though that is partly due to some slight upper treble roll off with IEMs inserted). Not a bigger soundstage but better imaging.

Fiio X7 I was considering but I've heard too many issues regarding firmware and UI wonkiness. Same with the onkyo dp-X1 where people reporting issues with third party apps not utilising the DACs and also fragile audio ports, and when you have people talking about pouring acrylic in order to make it more secure I'm tuning out. Plus I kinda like just controlling one device at a time.


I hate to be that guy, but what are some comfortable over ear headphones under $200? I am sick of headphones that get painful after an hour or two of wear. I want something that I can put on for hours at a time with little to no pain. I prefer closed back, but these are for at home so it's not a requirement.


I hate to be that guy, but what are some comfortable over ear headphones under $200? I am sick of headphones that get painful after an hour or two of wear. I want something that I can put on for hours at a time with little to no pain. I prefer closed back, but these are for at home so it's not a requirement.

Sennheiser HD598. Super comfortable and light-weight. They are open though.

Edit- beaten


Those do look comfortable.

How would these compare to something like the HD 598's? I know the Sennheisers are open back, but those were the headphones I was considering before you posted these.

Soundmagic HP150 are pretty damn comfy and are closed.

Sony MDRMA900 can be had for around $200 too and are supremely comfy, though open as well. I like them slightly better than the 598
I should clarify that open back headphones are fine. I will be using these at home.

Since your using them at home and open backs are fine, I'd highly recommend going open back over closed back.

I'll also through my hat in for the hd598. Super comfy and great sounding at their price point. Can be had new for around $150 on amazon. If you don't mind using amazons warehouse deals, the SE black model can be had for $101 currently


I got one adverteisement that says 'Sony MDREX550', 2 for the price of 1, 42,50 euros. It has the photo, description etc. I went to check and I cant find nowhere this EX550 version, only the ZX550, which has the same photo as the advertised, the very same description. I checked the market website and the only Sony headphones that they have is the ZX550 (for 110 euro lol). On Amazon it is being sold for around 80 euros. The shop that sells it is big and well known in Lithuania, so it's no scam or anything like this.

Is there any EX550 version? I will go tomorrow morning check it, ofc.

I don't really like the look of the vmoda headphones either, although I tend to like the aesthetics of headphones that are supposedly pretty ugly, such as the Audeze LCD line or Hifimans so I don't have room to talk about aesthetics.


Amazon warehouse had the black HD 598's available for less than $100 so I grabbed those.

I did have another question, my laptop I use at work has horrible sound quality from the aux port. I mostly just use cheap ear buds, but even with those I can notice a big difference in sound quality compared to my iphone. Would something like a Fiio E07K Andes give me a nice boost in sound quality without much of an investment?
Amazon warehouse had the black HD 598's available for less than $100 so I grabbed those.

I did have another question, my laptop I use at work has horrible sound quality from the aux port. I mostly just use cheap ear buds, but even with those I can notice a big difference in sound quality compared to my iphone. Would something like a Fiio E07K Andes give me a nice boost in sound quality without much of an investment?

If your using your laptop, I'd recommend something like the Fiio e10k or Schiit Fulla for around the same price range.


Amazon warehouse had the black HD 598's available for less than $100 so I grabbed those.

I did have another question, my laptop I use at work has horrible sound quality from the aux port. I mostly just use cheap ear buds, but even with those I can notice a big difference in sound quality compared to my iphone. Would something like a Fiio E07K Andes give me a nice boost in sound quality without much of an investment?

The Fiio E07K is pretty damn decent at $58. Bought it for my brother the other day for his laptop and he prefers it over the FiiO E10K. I too think it is better. They sound similar, but with his Audio-Technica M50x I thought the bass boost sounded better. Also it is very portable and comes with some nice accessories.


the holder of the trombone

Got my AAW A3hpro customs in and um, wow.

For USD$249. Throw in an extra USD$50 for impressions and shipping those impressions.


First things first, great job on AAW for getting the fit right first time for me. I know there are horror stories of having to get customs refitted, so I'm glad I don't have to go through that. The advantages of customs are immediately apparent. Even though it has a sound port because it's a dynamic driver hybrid, the isolation is kinda insane. It's very comfortable, though I feel fine with regular IEMs anyway. One thing that really stood out to me though is the lack of bone conduction, so I don't hear my steps at all. With very little microphonics also I can see this becoming my go to sport headphones for sure.

Overall really great package, and if I have any criticisms it is that the purple is duller and not as red as I thought it would be, but it still looks fine with a nice shimmery effect, and that the cable feels really chintzy and plasticy, but that's mostly in looks and feel. It actually seems to be a pretty good cable generally.

I need to listen to it more to really make a judgement, but on first listen it's great. Great clarity without sounding thin, generally balanced with slightly more emphasis on the bass area. I would characterise it as a warm and smooth sound that still retains excellent detail throughout the midrange.

There is a metallic tinge compared to the harmony (which seems fairly common to hybrid designs from what I recall dynamite ringo saying), which for example results in splashier cymbals compared to the harmony, but then again I always thought the harmony was one of the best headphones I've heard when it comes to resolving the diffusion and decay of percussive instruments. Other than that though I thought the A3hpro's treble is generally fine, though certainly not the most refined treble I've heard.

Imaging is slightly more homogeneous compared to the harmony but again, I feel that it has really good imaging and soundstage for its price without factoring that it's a custom. Bass isn't as visceral impact and my preference would be slightly more sub and lower bass, but then again a lot of people would think this is bassy enough. Bass detail isn't as resolving as the harmony, but then again, I'm comparing it to an IEM which I think has some of the best bass out there. Also an IEM that costs twice as much as the A3Hpro even factoring the cost of getting impressions done and shipping.

So yeah, on sound alone, without factoring the price and the benefits of a custom vs universal, I'd say that the harmony wins. But the A3Hpro isn't really that far off, and considering the price I'd say that it's a pretty great way to introduce yourself to customs.


the holder of the trombone
To be fair that was the Massdrop price, which also included free premium faceplates which could cost up to $50. Normally it would cost usd$350 and only with the basic faceplates. Also audio equipment really aren't that expensive to make, the r&d and nicheness are the biggest drivers of the cost.
To be fair that was the Massdrop price, which also included free premium faceplates which could cost up to $50. Normally it would cost usd$350 and only with the basic faceplates. Also audio equipment really aren't that expensive to make, the r&d and nicheness are the biggest drivers of the cost.

It seems like just yesterday the cheapest ciems were $600+

May have to look into getting myself a pair at these prices.


Would you recommend buying used headphones from Amazon Warehouse?

Sure. I got a pair of 598SE from them last week and they may as well be new. The only bummer is the shorter cable wasn't included, only the longer one. I got Amazon to credit me $16 for the missing cable and was able to buy an aftermarket shorter cable with the added benefit of being nylon wrapped and 3.5mm.
Do you use your 6P as a driver for your headphones?

My 6p is on backorder, so it hasn't shipped yet.

I rarely listen to music when I'm out and about, so my primary listening is done on my desktop setup with a Modi Uber and Vali 2.

If I do use them away from home, I've got a phonak IEM I use with my Fiio X1.
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