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The Official Left 4 Dead Thread


Trax416 said:
Here is how my conversation went when I jumped in vent last night.

Me: Hey guys, get L4D on steam, and lets play....do it now
Friend 1: I will if you do
Friend 2: So will I
Friend 3: I have it, get it now you failures
Me: Done
Friend 1: Ok, I got it.
Friend 2 Got it also, my download is going at 1mb/sec waaaaaaaaat

40 minutes later, we play L4D.
It helps when you do things this way. Tell, don't ask, and people are so much more willing to do your biddi... I mean, acquiesce to your request. :D


Pop On Arrival said:
I'd be really surprised of the hunters melee attack goes unchanged in the upcoming patch. Sometimes it feels too easy to just run up to someone, slash 'em a couple of times and just disappear into the darkness.
They better not, that's the only way to even hope to bring down good teams. I suppose they could change it a bit if they remove all the extra health packs.
syllogism said:
They better not, that's the only way to even hope to bring down good teams.

Well, if they're not gonna just nerf it and not adjust how the hunter plays, then I think so too. it's just that I play against so many people that I get to melee 5-7 times before getting killed/meleed off. Maybe I'm just playing against people that don't know how to deal with it, thus making it look broken.


BobsRevenge said:
Whenever anyone suggests going under the ramp I immediately say "No man, fuck that shit." Even if the other team did it.

I have taken out a team that did try that though. It takes some luck and creative tanking. Luckily people have chilled out on it and I haven't seen it for a while.

Some team did that in my game, well pretty much everyone does that now from what I've seen. I swiped Zoey 4 times while she was boomered and then went down, Francis came out trying to help and I swiped him down as well.

Had some idiot kept doing the spectate exploit and I'm pretty sure he bugged the Tank on NM Finale. His team didn't bother to kick him either so I just left since we had already won the game with more points. I really hope the patch comes soon, these exploits are taking the fun out of the game.
Giganticus said:
petition to change smoker tongue recharge time to be the same as when they miss

Smoker is worthless in most situations, so I'd say no. Usually you only have an instant to get the perfect grab, and even then someone can just shoot or melee and get out of it.
PotatoeMasher said:
Smoker is worthless in most situations, so I'd say no. Usually you only have an instant to get the perfect grab, and even then someone can just shoot or melee and get out of it.
smoker is worthless in most situations, so you wouldn't like to see it's recharge time reduced significantly to improve it?
id prefer a compromise....

if its been shot then a lengthy respawn time (ie the one we have) if its just a melee hit then its get a slightly shorter version as a melee hit isnt as bad as being shot!
Blue Geezer said:
id prefer a compromise....

if its been shot then a lengthy respawn time (ie the one we have) if its just a melee hit then its get a slightly shorter version as a melee hit isnt as bad as being shot!

That really wouldn't change anything. It's not like it's incredibly hard to just shoot someone after you melee them once.
i meant in regards to their tongue. and surely it would make a diff? as a team spamming melee over and over would get more smoker tongues coming at them over time as opposed to those that took the risk to actually shoot the tongue.

Blue Geezer said:
i meant in regards to their tongue. and surely it would make a diff? as a team spamming melee over and over would get more smoker tongues coming at them over time as opposed to those that took the risk to actually shoot the tongue.


Ah, the way you worded it had me confused, sorry.

Chet has confirmed to Shacknews that the update is on target for this week.

Leave mah autoshotty alone.
catfish said:
oh man, played a great game of vs on No mercy last night, stranger team was working well, everyone supported each other, really nailing them when we were infected (hunter claw works really well)

however, on the finale, after we destroyed them all and they didn't escape 2 of the guys were 'hey check out this neat thing and got under the ramp :( the other player was an idiot who quickly died so I couldn't go with him, I could either be a ramp dick guy or just get slaughtered on my own.

So I tried it out :( wow what a boring cheap easy win that pretty much ruined the game. I'd never done it before so I didn't realise it was just a win button. Nothing can do anything to you! Even the tank is a piece of cake.

Real shame that the otherwise great players chose the easy win. However it's always the way with a glitch like that. Dude probably discovered it and thought he was on to a 'secret' or something.

vs is fun. I really like waiting as a hunter until the boomer spews someone then attacking with the claw.
Damn, sounds just like my game of Versus last night... we did awesome the whole time legitimately but when it came to the finale everyone piled under the ramp. I didn't want to rage quit because we were having such a fun match but it pissed me off.

We didn't make it though, under the ramp we were fine but as soon as we climbed out to get to the chopper we were destroyed. Double hunter pounced and Smoked, I think someone may of been swiped down to - all while getting to the helipad from under the ramp. Actually made me smile that they stopped us :D . We still won the game mind you, but it was a relatively close one.


Is it useless to try expert when two players are npcs?
Wife and I tried this last night, and the two npcs we had kept holding us back and for the most part if a tank showed up it was game over.


Coverly said:
Is it useless to try expert when two players are npcs?
Wife and I tried this last night, and the two npcs we had kept holding us back and for the most part if a tank showed up it was game over.

On expert, yeah prolly not the best idea...
Coverly said:
Is it useless to try expert when two players are npcs?
Wife and I tried this last night, and the two npcs we had kept holding us back and for the most part if a tank showed up it was game over.

i have done two campaigns on expert with two bots. so it is doable. you literally gotta drag them along for the most part but however they are excellent at killing special infected.
Blizzard said:
Yet you want to nerf hunter melee, the only consistent way to do damage, typically? :lol

The comment you quoted was a joke.

And I don't want them to nerf the hunter, I want them to change how he plays. I feel like running around meleeing everyone isn't how he was supposed to be played. It's boring.


Blue Geezer said:
i have done two campaigns on expert with two bots. so it is doable. you literally gotta drag them along for the most part but however they are excellent at killing special infected.

Dafish: Yeah it sucks, but for another week or so we will not have any internet access at home so we can't play with friends like we usually do. So we thought we could try it to get used to expert.

They are a godsend on killing special infected, they are so fast. We have no problem with npcs on a normal setting, but expert has been a real challenge. It's fun though.
to extend my reasoning...

smoker is a class that requires an opportunity to strike. without a prime opportunity it's useless or dead or maybe a distraction at most. good opportunities take a while as against even half decent survivor teams they'll be close together and meleeing etc. so when that rare opportunity pops up ie. when one person lags back maybe only a few metres or so or a boomer covers 3 of the team, it would be great if the smoker wasn't having to wait for the ridiculously long recharge because like 15 seconds ago he had a tongue that didn't even last a second because of melee.

take that ledge on nm3 just after the lift. it takes less time than the tongue recharge time to get all the way across. you have one shot as a smoker to grab someone and pull them off. if you mess up, great, you probably missed the only time you'll ever be effective. with a shorter recharge you might be able to get another chance.

it also adds a bit of balance and depth in strategy between high areas and low areas for smokers to attack. a high up smoker has less effective attacks that make survivors easy to rescue but is in a safe place where it's easy to retreat out of gunfire. low smokers wont survive most of the time but if they succeed they have massive payoff, by dragging survivors off ledges, making them hang or causing fall damage. with the recharge time being the same as spawn time why would a smoker ever go to a high place, where they are effectively "killed" (from the survivor's point of view) after one rescue. all smokers will choose a low place where the one shot they get to have might count. with a quicker recharge, you can choose high and irritating or low and potentially devastating. it adds a much higher skill ceiling to the smoker.

also it's a good way to punish survivors who don't kill the infected who has the most obvious location, what with that bigass green smoke cloud and the long tongue that leads their gunfire right back to him. don't kill the smoker? expect to be tongued again.


sparkle this bitch
Know what I'd like to see the Hunter get. If the pounce is getting bonus pounce damage added on to it. Then make it unblockable. Even better could be to try giving it some AE damage to the ones he stun also surrounding the victim.

Another, If the smoker is on fire, The tongue is also and the victim starts taking fire damage. Would love that too. And what the hell, Have the boomer the same way. Where if it splashes it victims while on fire. They take damage:lol


shintoki said:
Know what I'd like to see the Hunter get. If the pounce is getting bonus pounce damage added on to it. Then make it unblockable. Even better could be to try giving it some AE damage to the ones he stun also surrounding the victim.

Another, If the smoker is on fire, The tongue is also and the victim starts taking fire damage. Would love that too. And what the hell, Have the boomer the same way. Where if it splashes it victims while on fire. They take damage:lol

... you are aware that there is pounce damage bonus right ?
Speaking of bots, does anyone else feel they need some serious rebalancing for Versus games? On one hand they're slow, always lagging behind but on the other they're godly at taking down anything but a tank.

What pisses me off most is that they seem to see through Boomer bile perfectly fine. Playing a hunter one night, 3/4 of the team was boomer'd before entering the last room before the alarm car in NM1 (by the bus stop). One survivor was making a run for it and didn't get boomed so I jumped him about 5 yards after he left the building, just before the car. The NPC survivor, who literally just got exploded on, immediately recovered from his daze and ran through the multiple rooms of this building, out the front door, and melee/uzi'd me off the survivor.

They're also perfect at Boomer knock-back. I can understand them being able to do it sometimes but it's a little silly how accurate they are with it every time. Exploding on a survivor group is a true test of skill when they have an NPC on their side.

The fact that they are so horrible at following close to the other survivors and don't know how to closet camp doesn't make up for the fact that they have pinpoint accuracy and are immune to the most devastating distraction in the game. They're more of a hindrance to the survivors for sure but it's just very annoying (as in not fun) to try and play against them as infected.


Beaulieu said:
... you are aware that there is pounce damage bonus right ?
He means that, if in the game's calculation a pounce WOULD give bonus, then make the pounce unblockable. (I'm assuming unblockable via melee is what he means here.)


Houston3000 said:
Speaking of bots, does anyone else feel they need some serious rebalancing for Versus games? On one hand they're slow, always lagging behind but on the other they're godly at taking down anything but a tank.
Often when they get boomed, they pretend to be completely oblivious to their surroundings. They also often take ages to help a survivor right next to them. Hunter melee brings them down quick as well. Still, I hate how they see through foliage.



And with that I have officially played this game WAY TOO LONG.

Give us the DLC already, VALVE. And the patch to fix the 360 version gah-damn.


Is there a way to stop the AI team-mates healing me? I'm trying to get the Achievement for finishing a mission without using health and the fucking idiots keep healing me! There is nothing more annoying than getting through to the finale with a good amount of health...and then getting healed by someone!!
123rl said:
Is there a way to stop the AI team-mates healing me? I'm trying to get the Achievement for finishing a mission without using health and the fucking idiots keep healing me! There is nothing more annoying than getting through to the finale with a good amount of health...and then getting healed by someone!!
Whip out a health pack (don't use it, just hold it when they start to heal).
123rl said:
Is there a way to stop the AI team-mates healing me? I'm trying to get the Achievement for finishing a mission without using health and the fucking idiots keep healing me! There is nothing more annoying than getting through to the finale with a good amount of health...and then getting healed by someone!!
Get your medikit out and I think they'll stop
Just played Dead Air Versus on PC. Don't know how it's done, but one of the guys put in some console commands and had it switch over. No one could join because the server browser saw it as a full co-op game.



It was actually kind of boring. I left after the second map.
After the first round of vs last night:

Your team: 2 points, Enemy team: N/A

"Shit, we got slaughtered, we'll lose for sure... but let's try to do our best."

After the enemy team play their round:

Your team: 2 points, Enemy team: 1 point

This carried on for pretty much the entire campaign, neither team managing to get more than a few steps out of the safe room before succumbing to a perfectly timid attack. By the time we started NM5, both teams' scores were still stuck in double digits :lol
Oh man, Me (Midnight Train), Vertopci, and BrightYoungThing (Panda Bear) Just had an awesome game. We were getting completely owned the first couple rounds, but then some of the teams got switched, and shit just got crazy.


Why is no one playing versus in Harvesting Blood?

I tried to creat a game yesterday and had a lot of fun, but none of the matches I joined randomly where in that scenario.


Alright, I just started playing this after I finally got my damn headset shipped to me. I've only played a few rounds but why does no one use their health packs? The safe room gives you one each so if you still have one in your inventory why not top up your health? Dudes are running around with like 60% health and never use a health pack until they are almost dead... then laugh at the end credits when I used 5 health packs and they all used 1... Am I missing something? It's only on Normal (I'm a puss) so maybe they need a thrill


sikkinixx said:
Alright, I just started playing this after I finally got my damn headset shipped to me. I've only played a few rounds but why does no one use their health packs? The safe room gives you one each so if you still have one in your inventory why not top up your health? Dudes are running around with like 60% health and never use a health pack until they are almost dead... then laugh at the end credits when I used 5 health packs and they all used 1... Am I missing something? It's only on Normal (I'm a puss) so maybe they need a thrill
No reason to use any healing unless your health drops below 50 and you start slowing down (Or you take a severe beating and don't have pills). I never use a medkit until I reach the saferoom, so I can heal up and grab a new one for the next stage.


sikkinixx said:
Alright, I just started playing this after I finally got my damn headset shipped to me. I've only played a few rounds but why does no one use their health packs? The safe room gives you one each so if you still have one in your inventory why not top up your health? Dudes are running around with like 60% health and never use a health pack until they are almost dead... then laugh at the end credits when I used 5 health packs and they all used 1... Am I missing something? It's only on Normal (I'm a puss) so maybe they need a thrill
Uh, because they are a limited resource, heal more when at low health and reset your incapacitation count.

e: oh I misunderstood the post, of course you should use the spare ones assuming you've no reason to believe you can come back for it. I frequently use kits while still at 80+ health. I imagine the people playing on Normal just don't know better.


Contempt For Challenge
Pop On Arrival said:
Well, if they're not gonna just nerf it and not adjust how the hunter plays, then I think so too. it's just that I play against so many people that I get to melee 5-7 times before getting killed/meleed off. Maybe I'm just playing against people that don't know how to deal with it, thus making it look broken.
Are you on the 360? Because in the PC it's much more reasonable, anybody who knows how to play will spin around the moment they hear that slashing sound and melee stun you. When I'm playing competent players it's rare that I get more than a single swing off before dying. Also, slashing is actually the best counter to survivors backed into a corner/closet spamming melee right now, since if you aim properly you'll hit 2-3 of them at once with each swing.


I finally bought the game yesterday after renting it twice. What the hell is wrong with the player community on 360?

I tried Vs. for the first time and in two separate rooms my team was always:

- Two people on the same console who had no idea how to use a controller.

- A fourth teammate who seriously never stopped bitching and whining the entire game.

The concept is frickin' amazing, I just really need to get more people on my friend list who are still playing this game.


Zek said:
Are you on the 360? Because in the PC it's much more reasonable, anybody who knows how to play will spin around the moment they hear that slashing sound and melee stun you. When I'm playing competent players it's rare that I get more than a single swing off before dying. Also, slashing is actually the best counter to survivors backed into a corner/closet spamming melee right now, since if you aim properly you'll hit 2-3 of them at once with each swing.
I think he just plays too many pub stomps, though on some maps even good players have hard time locating hunters while boomed. I did 80 damage with two swipes yesterday, admittedly this time against mediocre to poor players. When defending in a corner you definitely should avoid being too closely huddled together as even with everyone melee spamming a hunter can get a swipe in. This is probably one thing even pretty good players haven't learned to avoid.
syllogism said:
I think he just plays too many pub stomps, though on some maps even good players have hard time locating hunters while boomed. I did 80 damage with two swipes yesterday, admittedly this time against mediocre to poor players. When defending in a corner you definitely should avoid being too closely huddled together as even with everyone melee spamming a hunter can get a swipe in. This is probably one thing even pretty good players haven't learned to avoid.

Last 5-6 of my games were with gaffers. And yes, I mainly do massive damage with hunter melee while the survivors blinded. Btw, I am complaining more about how boring this strategy is, not really how broken it is. Although it really must be annoying as shit when you're new to a game you keep getting slashed to death.

Oh well.


Pop On Arrival said:
Last 5-6 of my games were with gaffers. And yes, I mainly do massive damage with hunter melee while the survivors blinded. Btw, I am complaining more about how boring this strategy is, not really how broken it is. Although it really must be annoying as shit when you're new to a game you keep getting slashed to death.

Oh well.
I think it's pretty fun as you've to keep maneuvering and time the attack right. If there's enough foliage you can scratch once and get away too. More fun certainly than pouncing on most maps.

also some gaffers do need more practice


Baker said:
I finally bought the game yesterday after renting it twice. What the hell is wrong with the player community on 360?

I tried Vs. for the first time and in two separate rooms my team was always:

- Two people on the same console who had no idea how to use a controller.

- A fourth teammate who seriously never stopped bitching and whining the entire game.

The concept is frickin' amazing, I just really need to get more people on my friend list who are still playing this game.

Add: Amitr0n

I have a group of friends I play with consistently, and a lot of times there's one spot or another open on our team when a few of us are offline.

Microphone only though.
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