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The Official Left 4 Dead Thread

M.J. Doja

i like the idea of a poison smoker cloud.. kinda. but i dont see the point of changes to the way melee works.

maybe they need to modify the mechanic known as "teamwork" :lol


Now that I've actually seen the video, it looks like it was actually a skilled attack.

Since the server was such a POS, I just assumed I was whiffing from lag until the second and third hunter dropped down and I then realized shenanigans were going on.


finally got to play a full campaign. Did DA with some randoms the final stats were awful I had about 300 more kills than the rest of the team. Only me and another guy were able to finish the finale. I didn't think that were going to make it. As soon as the second tank spawned we ran over to the plane and kept running around it. The tank got stuck on one side it kept trying to run thro the side of the plane. So we just unloaded rounds into its legs from the other side :lol

Gwanatu T

Junior Member
Zeke said:
finally got to play a full campaign. Did DA with some randoms the final stats were awful I had about 300 more kills than the rest of the team. Only me and another guy were able to finish the finale. I didn't think that were going to make it. As soon as the second tank spawned we ran over to the plane and kept running around it. The tank got stuck on one side it kept trying to run thro the side of the plane. So we just unloaded rounds into its legs from the other side :lol

Yeah I got L4D for Christmas this year for the PC and haven't had any time to even play 5 minutes since then. Finally got to play through the No Mercy campaign last night and loved the heck out of it. What an absolutely AWESOME concept this game is. I'm sure it also helped that my teammates were actually pretty good and matched with my skill level (I'm average at best in FPS). I'm going to go play another campaign now.
1-D_FTW said:
Now that I've actually seen the video, it looks like it was actually a skilled attack.

Since the server was such a POS, I just assumed I was whiffing from lag until the second and third hunter dropped down and I then realized shenanigans were going on.
Nah something odd was going on. In the beginning of that video you can see me just standing there and not dying.


A few hours ago some crazy stuff happened on Blood Harvest.

On the first stage, a Smoker jumped down a cliff, so one of the survivors stood at the edge of the cliff trying to shoot him. I pounced him as Hunter and for some reason it shoved him off the cliff to his death :lol

On level 4 we (Survivors) almost made it to the safe room but a Tank appeared on the bridge, so we waited on the little roof outside the window of the house - Tank came close and we all jumped down and went past him, but he managed to hit one of us, who went flying across the chasm and onto the edge of the bridge a little further, surviving with 6 HP :lol


1-D_FTW said:
For some reason the video isn't loading for me. But that was seriously not fair. I know I had my team chat window open and was fumbling around to get it closed so I could start attacking. And then when I finally did, the attacks didn't do anything. So I opened the window to bitch how I couldn't attack cause the window was open and then more started dropping in.:lol
Whatever they did to fix the physics object related elevator glitch caused hit detection (?) problems in the elevator, which can make the hunter seemingly invulnerable. Haven't really tested it though.


If only one person does it, you can stun him around in the elevator and it's not too bad.

But I'm guessing it's patched on Monday.

PillowKnight said:
Nah something odd was going on. In the beginning of that video you can see me just standing there and not dying.

Happened again in a game today (only one person.) And bulleta was like, "that's real? I saw the video and thought they just sucked." Don't think she was joking either:(


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
Zeke said:
is it just me or is it getting harder and harder to find good games to join. I played a little yesterday everyone kept quitting and one match I joined some guy kept TK everyone.
Yeah. It's forced me to play campaign mode on expert. There aren't any dumbasses or pieces of shit playing it, so its a pretty great place to find good players.


bish gets all the credit :)
I've died 2 fucking times on Death Toll right on the
as the rescue
shows up. ahhh.


just played my first real full versus mode now....we got raped all 5 rounds, but ended up winning the last round somehow...anyways can u guys hook me up with some pro tips? i dont think i did to good
mh56 said:
just played my first real full versus mode now....we got raped all 5 rounds, but ended up winning the last round somehow...anyways can u guys hook me up with some pro tips? i dont think i did to good

Practice makes perfect.
Just play a lot, and learn from what everyone else is doing.
It also helps to go into the Multiplayer options, and turn on "Free look mode", so you can scope out what's coming next when you're waiting to respawn as an infected.
mh56 said:
just played my first real full versus mode now....we got raped all 5 rounds, but ended up winning the last round somehow...anyways can u guys hook me up with some pro tips? i dont think i did to good
Overall tip; never ever attack alone. Never stray from your team, if they can't see you, you're too far.

Smoker : Always go for fall damage, try to find places in the map where you can make a survivor fall to take damage. Drag survivors away from their destination, never towards it.

Hunter : Learn to long distance pounce , long distance pounces can deal a maximum of 25 pounce damage. The easiest way to do this pounce is to position yourself on some building, position yourself adjacent to a survivor group, then pounce aiming yourself in a 45 degree angle. Note that while the hunter is traveling mid air you can still aim by moving around. This move will seem really tough at first but it starts to get easier and easier with time, it also works best if you know how to wall jump away to safety to try again.
More hunter tips :
* Another great use for the hunter is in assisting other teammates. Did your smoker buddy just drag someone? Stay near them and pounce any survivors who try to help.
*When a boomer spits on a bunch of survivors always pounce the survivors who did not get spit on.
*It's your job to pounce any survivors who separate themselves from the pack.

Boomer : The most important part of playing boomer is knowing where to spit on the survivors; never spit on survivors who are near a corner, do spit on the survivors when they split up.
*Try to create a wedge between survivors with your huge body, this is great for letting zombies swarm one half while the other two try to deal with your. This technique is also useful for stalling when you're trying to assist a hunter/smoker.
*Spawn in front of the survivors, there are a few exceptions though.
*Learn to barf from cover, recall that the boomer spit travels in an arc , use that to your advantage to spit on survivors from behind train cars, walls, pretty much anything.
*Barf survivors in places where there is little light, survivors cant use their flashlights while using melee.

Tank : Don't let the tank's image deceive you, out of all the infected, this is the one that requires the most tact.
*Your main goal is to incap, not to kill(your teammates should do this).
*Against T2 weapons or molotovs never run in. Toy with the survivors with rock throw, and wait until one of your teammates makes an opening. It's preferably to hand off the tank to another teammate than for you to run into a molotov or insane bullet fire.
*Use your huge body to block survivors and herd them towards a location that's advantagous towards your team. Basically divide and conquer.
*Don't let any survivor pick up any other survivor, always watch over survivors who have already been downed to make sure they don't get up.
*Use cars/dumpsters/ect to instant incap(or kill) survivors.


PillowKnight said:
*When a boomer spits on a bunch of survivors always pounce the survivors who did not get spit on.
*It's your job to pounce any survivors who separate themselves from the pack.

Just two more notes about the hunter: Sometimes you can pounce people who WERE vomited on. If there's not a survivor so close that they will immediately kill you, holding the blinded person down can mean the inrushing horde can do HUGE damage, sometimes, when combined with your hunter damage.

The second thing is that setting yourself on fire as a hunter (trash cans etc.) will kill you slowly...but, if you can pounce someone like that, you will very rapidly do damage. Useful when it's doable.

Boomer : The most important part of playing boomer is knowing where to spit on the survivors; never spit on survivors who are near a corner, do spit on the survivors when they split up.

I was confused at first, but I guess you mean "never vomit when there's a concave corner survivors can hide in"...ambushing around CONVEX corners is quite useful for a boomer.

Also, note that the boomer recharge is so long, it's often useful to just charge in and try to explode on the remaining survivors instead of trying to hide long enough to vomit again, unless you really feel like you'll have a good opportunity.

Also one more note about the tank, if you can hit movable objects like cars torwards survivors, make sure you do that. I think it's a guaranteed instakill.


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
The best time to spit as a boomer is when you have a smoker ready to get a sweet-ass pull. The pull + the bile attracted zombies are a really fucking dangerous combination. Get a hunter or two in there to keep the other guys from making it to the sucker and you've got the makings of a game-ending ambush.

edit: Although a flaming hunter with the bile is probably the king of all awesome ambushes.
Also, don't spawn too early as the Boomer. You've gotta wait for the very right moment before you spawn, or you'll most likely get shot dead before you're able to do any real damage. Boomer is really the most important infected, and if the Boomer keeps doing it wrong, the entire team will suffer and the Survivors will just breeze through the level.


BobsRevenge said:
The best time to spit as a boomer is when you have a smoker ready to get a sweet-ass pull. The pull + the bile attracted zombies are a really fucking dangerous combination. Get a hunter or two in there to keep the other guys from making it to the sucker and you've got the makings of a game-ending ambush.

edit: Although a flaming hunter with the bile is probably the king of all awesome ambushes.

Yup. If you are a Hunter, set yourself on fire, pounce from a long distance, and it's pretty much GG for the person you are ontop of unless their team is literally right next to them.


Played a VS match last night on NM5 level where a tank managed to climb onto the helicopter with us. :lol It was a good thing he was low on health cause that would have been it for my team.




Mo the Hawk said:
Scarlet just invited me to play at 3 in the morning. o_O


I just finished a game at like 5:50. Scarlet and I and Nabs were on a team and we got slaughtered. :( I teamkilled a person once, but other than that we were all just bad.

Time to start another one!
Finally got to play some games with GAF tonight! I think I held my own, mostly :D
I should really remember to use the screen capture thing more often though. I took a few shots, nothing great though (saferoom shots :lol )

The first game especially was pretty intense. I think we had an icon bet going the second time though, didn't we?
Sorry I had to leave the game guys, hopefully the AI pulled his own weight (I doubt it). So, what's happening with these avatars then? I assume our team lost D:


I did somewhat bad last night, but then I realized right when I went to bed that my headphones were on backwards the entire time.

Cool beans, that was not.


I like the new shift towards minor score differentiations determining the outcome of versus games, it puts a lot of pressure to not only win the round, but to also do it as cleanly as possible as it's harder and harder for survivors to win now. On the flip side of that coin, however, it's also becoming increasingly frustrating for one bad map to end up wiping out your chances, as my games from the last couple of days have attested to.

Also, need to work on my tank skills; using the other classes feel really organic and fluid now but I'm still having trouble with tank strategies.


sparkle this bitch
mh56 said:
just played my first real full versus mode now....we got raped all 5 rounds, but ended up winning the last round somehow...anyways can u guys hook me up with some pro tips? i dont think i did to good
He covered most of the tips. But a few more

Hunter swipes are still useful. They also do not draw attention like if you pounce on them. Its great for knocking down that low health guy. Then running back to hide. Or blending in as a zombie rush.

The smoker is definitely the one most about strategy and using clever tricks.
With smokers something most people don't do but it works extremely well sometimes. I stand in fire and drag them into it. Like No Mercy 02, the 2nd train area with the big hole in the wall and the fire going in it. You can stay behind the rock but still drag one over it and right into the fire. Get them in there and you'll cause some massive damage extremely quickly. Works great if they were just hit with a boom.
Also even if you can grab them as a smoker, if it will get caught right next to the survivors sometimes its best not to do it. And just wait for that prime moment. There is allot of sitting and waiting with the smoker. But if you can get one of those prime moments. You can wreck a team easily.

With hunter and boomer, The pounce and when you explode will make them stumble. Levels like No Mercy 4, This can result into you taking out 2 to 3 people just by knocking them off the ledge.

-Remember, a tank is going to get wrecked against T2 weapons if they don't have help or allot of stuff to knock at the survivors. Make sure you are alive during that. Even if it is just a pounce to stop a survivor from running and letting the tank catch up to them. Its all they need. And if you can get a good boom, you're golden. You need to support him.

-You can shoot through most walls and doors. If you start hearing the boomer sound, Shoot at the wall next to the door. Can kill them allot of times before they even have a chance.Same with hunters and smokers.
-Fire is your friend. One cocktail and you can stop an entire rush if you plant it right.
-Stay together, The faster you move, the quicker you are to helping each other, the better you will do.
one tank tip is to crouch and aim up when hitting stuff. this makes it fly further; you can knock the alarm car clear over the apartment building into the alley if you aim it right
Giganticus said:
one tank tip is to crouch and aim up when hitting stuff. this makes it fly further; you can knock the alarm car clear over the apartment building into the alley if you aim it right

Doesn't hitting an alarm car with the tank permanently disable its alarm now?
Davidion said:
I like the new shift towards minor score differentiations determining the outcome of versus games, it puts a lot of pressure to not only win the round, but to also do it as cleanly as possible as it's harder and harder for survivors to win now.
I've often idly wondered what it would be like if the survivor multipliers were only x1, x1.2, x1.3, and x1.4 respectively.


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Metalic Sand said:
So are they ever going to fix Infected moving objects to block entrances? Completely ruins the game....
Find an oxygen tank or use a pipe bomb in the meantime.

Metalic Sand

who is Emo-Beas?
RubxQub said:
Find an oxygen tank or use a pipe bomb in the meantime.

Yea i know, Its just you gotta find one first. Im hoping if anyone knew if this will ever be fixed or is there a stance that its a definitive never.
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