mh56 said:
just played my first real full versus mode now....we got raped all 5 rounds, but ended up winning the last round somehow...anyways can u guys hook me up with some pro tips? i dont think i did to good
Overall tip; never ever attack alone. Never stray from your team, if they can't see you, you're too far.
Smoker : Always go for fall damage, try to find places in the map where you can make a survivor fall to take damage. Drag survivors away from their destination, never towards it.
Hunter : Learn to long distance pounce , long distance pounces can deal a maximum of 25 pounce damage. The easiest way to do this pounce is to position yourself on some building, position yourself adjacent to a survivor group, then pounce aiming yourself in a 45 degree angle. Note that while the hunter is traveling mid air you can still aim by moving around. This move will seem really tough at first but it starts to get easier and easier with time, it also works best if you know how to wall jump away to safety to try again.
More hunter tips :
* Another great use for the hunter is in assisting other teammates. Did your smoker buddy just drag someone? Stay near them and pounce any survivors who try to help.
*When a boomer spits on a bunch of survivors always pounce the survivors who did not get spit on.
*It's your job to pounce any survivors who separate themselves from the pack.
Boomer : The most important part of playing boomer is knowing where to spit on the survivors; never spit on survivors who are near a corner, do spit on the survivors when they split up.
*Try to create a wedge between survivors with your huge body, this is great for letting zombies swarm one half while the other two try to deal with your. This technique is also useful for stalling when you're trying to assist a hunter/smoker.
*Spawn in front of the survivors, there are a few exceptions though.
*Learn to barf from cover, recall that the boomer spit travels in an arc , use that to your advantage to spit on survivors from behind train cars, walls, pretty much anything.
*Barf survivors in places where there is little light, survivors cant use their flashlights while using melee.
Tank : Don't let the tank's image deceive you, out of all the infected, this is the one that requires the most tact.
*Your main goal is to incap, not to kill(your teammates should do this).
*Against T2 weapons or molotovs never run in. Toy with the survivors with rock throw, and wait until one of your teammates makes an opening. It's preferably to hand off the tank to another teammate than for you to run into a molotov or insane bullet fire.
*Use your huge body to block survivors and herd them towards a location that's advantagous towards your team. Basically divide and conquer.
*Don't let any survivor pick up any other survivor, always watch over survivors who have already been downed to make sure they don't get up.
*Use cars/dumpsters/ect to instant incap(or kill) survivors.