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The Official Left 4 Dead Thread

Meh, had a pretty decent game against PillowKnight and Crooked Rain go to shit thanks to stupid server issues. Having some random pubbies in your game is always good for laughs. Specially if the bad one is on the opposing team and keeps fucking up his Boomer turns.


man you know the other team is really bad when two of your survivors make it to the safe room with 100 health :lol

what i don't understand is what teams like this expect to accomplish when after a few rounds of us slaughtering them, they'll turtle in the safe room or in some other extremely easy to defend spot, and then keep voting to return to the lobby. We're not going to let you do it, dudes! That just makes us want you to suffer >:)


CrookedRain said:
The tank will still take damage from weapons, but it does not change how long it takes for him to die from the fire. The tank will either die from taking too much damage from weapons or from being on fire for 40 seconds.

oki, so if you think you can damage him enough so he dies from weapon damage before 40 seconds, you could do it, although its preferable to just outrun him

From what healthpoint do the tank run faster than you? 50hps ?
Had an awful match last night.

Me, plus two new players versus a team of experienced and well-coordinated players. Oh, and one moron on our team who ripped the piss out of everyone on the team. Example:

NM2. Our team is playing the survivors. I open the safe room door and get hit by a perfectly-timed stream of vomit, then tugged off my feet before I have chance to fall back by a Smoker hiding at the top of the stairs. My two new teammates dash forward to assist only to both get whacked by Hunters. Our "experienced" teammate stands on the ledge just outside the safe room making no attempt to rescue us while our life ticks away. Eventually, after dancing around for a bit, he knocks out one of the Hunters and dislodges the Smoker but by this time one of my teammates is dead, the other is bleeding out and I'm down and blacking out. He jumps off the ledge and gets hammered by the remaining Hunter. Team down.

Instead of apologising for not doing anything to assist, he just starts running his mouth off through chat, calling us "lousy noobs", "a team full of f*gs", "fucking f*gs" etc. This continues through the next map and partway through NM4 when he finally quits (last words - "fucking maphack", or something similar).

Worst game I've had so far.
Raggy said:
oki, so if you think you can damage him enough so he dies from weapon damage before 40 seconds, you could do it, although its preferable to just outrun him

From what healthpoint do the tank run faster than you? 50hps ?

If you're below 40hp, the tank will be able to chase you down. Also, once you set the Tank on fire, just book it. Specially if your team only has tier1 weapons. It's only really OK to stand your ground in tight, narrow maps like No Mercy 4, where the chances of you getting separated from your teammates are low.
Blizzard said:
Anyone ever seen this? I'm in a versus game, and we heard the witch...and we were all SURE we passed the witch, on the right side of a train in the subway. Then we were going forwards, and I ran into...the witch. And got incapacitated and we all promptly died.

Anyone ever seen a respawning witch? My team agreed with me...we just left the earlier one alone, and she wasn't that far away.


I just verified. When I played the same level as infected, the witch WAS in the same place (before the fire and the cave tunnel), and I'm pretty sure they DIDN'T have a second witch after the ammo.
No man they had another one just a bit further from where we got our second one. We got ours like right in front of the little cave tunnel and they got theirs right in front of the train you have to go through. Can't remember if it fucked them up or not though.

But yeah the next time on No Mercy 3 we definitely had a witch and a tank at the same time in front of the gas station and they only got the tank so that was fucked up.


Pop On Arrival said:
If you're below 40hp, the tank will be able to chase you down. Also, once you set the Tank on fire, just book it. Specially if your team only has tier1 weapons. It's only really OK to stand your ground in tight, narrow maps like No Mercy 4, where the chances of you getting separated from your teammates are low.
I can't count the number of times I've had this conversatin:

"Tank's on fire, run."
"Okay, just going to shoot it for a bit."
"No, seriously run!"
"Just want to kill it."
"Run or die!"

Of course that said there have been enough times when I've ignored my own warnings.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
CrookedRain said:
The tank will still take damage from weapons, but it does not change how long it takes for him to die from the fire. The tank will either die from taking too much damage from weapons or from being on fire for 40 seconds.


i've been bombing that dude then standing there getting pissed that he doesn't seem to die much quicker with my shotgun. :lol

from now on I'm fire + run


Pop On Arrival said:
Meh, had a pretty decent game against PillowKnight and Crooked Rain go to shit thanks to stupid server issues. Having some random pubbies in your game is always good for laughs. Specially if the bad one is on the opposing team and keeps fucking up his Boomer turns.


of fail apparently... f you guys


Giganticus said:
just remember in campaign he runs faster when on fire, especially on expert where he can quite adeptly chase you down.

Yikes, I did NOT know that. I think Scarlet said that she'd never been able to outrun a tank on expert, even with full health, so maybe it's only if it's on fire...of course, running doesn't help too much if it's NOT on fire. Does gunfire still slow it down?

Speaking of which, one thing I really hate is the (possibly new) freeze thing when you spawn as a tank. I spawned as the tank frozen for 2-3 seconds on the ladder up to the turret in no mercy 5 once.

Even more annoyingly, I spawned as the tank (or rather, I got control of the previously AI-controlled tank) in the long hallway on no mercy 5. I could not move at ALL for 2-3 seconds, while I lost 25% of my health to four crouched assault rifle survivors (who knew about the tank since they had already had their turn, whee). And of course if you're frozen for that long, it's easy for you to be set on fire and killed anyway.


Heh, that was us. I think the comment was "4 AR's.... you're fucked" :lol

Then, the tank music stopped. So we ran down the hall, and you freaking came out of a room and took a swing before you died. Freaking ninja tank.


Giganticus said:
just remember in campaign he runs faster when on fire, especially on expert where he can quite adeptly chase you down.

....................I never knew that. No wonder that Tank SOB caught up to me when he was on fire in Blood Harvest Expert mode. I had over 80 health and next thing I know he hits me and I'm on the ground.=(


TommyT said:
Heh, that was us. I think the comment was "4 AR's.... you're fucked" :lol

Then, the tank music stopped. So we ran down the hall, and you freaking came out of a room and took a swing before you died. Freaking ninja tank.

That was the AI tank. And yes, you were ready with four AR's, because you -knew the tank was there-. Much like you knew the tank wouldn't be there for most of NM4 and blithely ran through the hospital instead of checking anywhere for molotovs.

I still don't get the freezing thing though, is that just a glitch when you take control of the tank?


Blizzard said:
That was the AI tank. And yes, you were ready with four AR's, because you -knew the tank was there-. Much like you knew the tank wouldn't be there for most of NM4 and blithely ran through the hospital instead of checking anywhere for molotovs.

I still don't get the freezing thing though, is that just a glitch when you take control of the tank?

I think it's just the load time (probably server to client) when you become the tank. I've had this freeze happen on NM5 in the open and just got molotov'd and shot to 25% health pretty much before I could get up the ladder/stairs.


I've never had an issue where I was frozen as a tank. I haven't spawned much as a tank since the big update, but I'm pretty sure I've spawned at least once.

EDIT: That's crazy. I'm usually one of the HPBs too. Although yesterday the Gaf gang was playing on this server: and I was pinging it at 55. God I wanted to join that match.

SECOND EDIT: Okay, I did have it happen to me once. But it was in the middle of a fight. I even thought I'd died at first. But the other team was able to kill my immobilized tank (No Marcy 5).


Well I am already tired of playing with people that suck at this game and run off on their on. Got to the standoff on Blood Harvest and one dumbass on my team triggered it before we even could talk stuff over. About 5 minutes in a Boomer came in the window as I was getting strangled by a smoker so I proceeded to be gang raped and died along with the rest of my team.

Ethereal85 is my tag, hit me up if you want to play, I'm still a little green to the Xbox version but I played the PC demo a lot before the game came out
Just played a weird game about an hour ago with some gaffers. The server had it setup so that survivors could respawn in closets whenever they died, and smoker was even further gimped than it was previously. Seriously, all these backseat developer server owners should all just fuck off. The shit they add into games are just fucking horrible.


Pop On Arrival said:
Just played a weird game about an hour ago with some gaffers. The server had it setup so that survivors could respawn in closets whenever they died, and smoker was even further gimped than it was previously. Seriously, all these backseat developer server owners should all just fuck off. The shit they add into games are just fucking horrible.
And the Tank looked like the Hulk even though none of us had the custom skin installed :lol



Quite the glitch!


dresses business casual
backflip10019 said:
Any 360 Left4Deadites want to play? I'm itching to play through the campaigns on Expert.

GT: backflip10019

I tried to add you, but your friend's list is full. I need help with expert campaigns too! I have none done.

GT = LunaticPuma
Pop On Arrival said:
Just played a weird game about an hour ago with some gaffers. The server had it setup so that survivors could respawn in closets whenever they died, and smoker was even further gimped than it was previously. Seriously, all these backseat developer server owners should all just fuck off. The shit they add into games are just fucking horrible.
Yeah the Hunters had super pouncing ability and you could use a med pack in like one third the time it normally takes. T'was lame.


I just noticed something. I'm not getting achievements anymore. Wtf? Is there any reason why I wouldn't? Do you not get them playing with friends or something? This is the PC by the way.
Darklord said:
I just noticed something. I'm not getting achievements anymore. Wtf? Is there any reason why I wouldn't? Do you not get them playing with friends or something? This is the PC by the way.

A lot of times I notice I lose connection to steam, Mid-Game. Perhaps you're experiencing the same difficulties? It's weird though, when I lose connection with steam, I can't connect to my friends list, and I can't access my steam ID page, But I don't get kicked out of the game, and the rest of my internet is working fine.


Darklord said:
I just noticed something. I'm not getting achievements anymore. Wtf? Is there any reason why I wouldn't? Do you not get them playing with friends or something? This is the PC by the way.

I just got 4, so they are still working.

Red Scarlet

RocketDarkness said:
Okay, I'll bite. Why were you looking in the trash?

By the way, what happened: I rush to safe room. You and Prinny hobbled along as the horde music started. Prinny shuts the door on you, at which point you move to the side. Door is cracked open, I start firing out. You get hit with some of my shotgun spread through the door, leading to incapacitation. I close the door because zombies are coming for my face, at which point it seems like a hunter ate you or something, I'm not sure.

I saw it as I walked by the recycling 'room' and figured hey why not. I know someone that fixes 360's, probably normal ones.

I just remember picking 2 people up, then hobbling over, and Prinny I guess it was closed the door on me, then a horde starts coming so I begin my last stand next to the door, which opens when there's a small break in the zombies, then I go towards the door and it gets shut on me again(!), and a zombie incaps me. I don't think you did.


Tranced Shadow said:
How hard/expensive would this be to set up?

I ask because I'm getting L4D soon, but my left hand isn't good with a keyboard (Cerebral Palsy sucks). I was just gonna use a 360 pad mapped to keyboard buttons, but if I could do this I'd just strap a 'mote and chuk together...

Couldn't tell you.

Although, it looks like a software-only solution. The instructions should be on the site.


wow huge performance drop with the PC update, tried reinstalling L4D, tried a bunch of different drivers, tried fresh installation of XP and Vista... nothing, thanks Valve!


Tranced Shadow said:
Thanks man. I might well give this a go...

FWIW playing 360 controller in left hand and mouse in right would work pretty much flawlessly. As long as you have a couple extra buttons on your mouse, along with the LB and LT on the 360 pad I think you'd do pretty okay :)


LunaticPuma said:
I tried to add you, but your friend's list is full. I need help with expert campaigns too! I have none done.

GT = LunaticPuma

What time do you guys plan on getting on Live. I've done Death Toll on Expert but always get demolished by the second tank on Blood Harvest. I could really use the help if you guys are going to run through it.
Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
It is. Previously, holding the melee button made you nearly invulnerable to a Hunter. Now there are gaps of time between punches that a Hunter can jump in.

Yup, before I just run around meleeing and never get pounced on as long as I'm able to keep facing the hunter. The one thing they HAVEN'T fixed though is the fucking turbo melee.

Red Scarlet

Last week, I was in a gaf-game where the team I was on won by 21 points, which included a hilariously awesome ending..Pop said he had a 3 point win a couple days ago.


Sanjay said:
Had a really good gaf Vs game, lost by 100, not had a close game like that for, actually never.

I joined a game with some circle-Xers where my team was behind, I think...we ended up winning (Falco was on the other team, which made it even sweeter O:p)!

That was the first game in like...six games where my team hasn't got absolutely destroyed, or lost after starting out ahead. Coincidentally (or NOT? :O), I was on the team that got to go first as zombies, i.e. the survivors weren't forewarned...


Sanjay said:
Had a really good gaf Vs game, lost by 100, not had a close game like that for, actually never.

That 'ish was fun...

Sucks I'v got to get up early for work tomorrow, I'll be able to play more then one game tomorrow night though!


Neo Member
Red Scarlet said:
Last week, I was in a gaf-game where the team I was on won by 21 points, which included a hilariously awesome ending..Pop said he had a 3 point win a couple days ago.

That the one where Pop was friendly fired to death and I was murdered by a tank inside the APC? Hilariously awesome indeed.

Red Scarlet

Medic said:
That the one where Pop was friendly fired to death and I was murdered by a tank inside the APC? Hilariously awesome indeed.


So who was the Tank that got the three ppl in the APC incapped before the one person out of it?

: D
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