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The Official Left 4 Dead Thread


Jtyettis said:
Just got a patch on the 360 version. What does that cover?

Not sure, however, I noticed something different after a match ended, I saw a score for "Boomer Damage" and I have not seen this before, perhaps this was the patch?


man wtf is up with versus? I dont even think im gonna play doing some of this bullshit. Playing in public games, people do the cheapest shit ever. I was just in a versus round, we were survivors first, we got to NM2, and we had to face a tank, killed it, and the completed the level. The opposing team knows a tank is coming up and runs up the stairs towards the train station and I learned about the cheapest tactic which my teammate called "Cornering" wtf is up with the bugs for this game?


mh56 said:
man wtf is up with versus? I dont even think im gonna play doing some of this bullshit. Playing in public games, people do the cheapest shit ever. I was just in a versus round, we were survivors first, we got to NM2, and we had to face a tank, killed it, and the completed the level. The opposing team knows a tank is coming up and runs up the stairs towards the train station and I learned about the cheapest tactic which my teammate called "Cornering" wtf is up with the bugs for this game?

What´s cornering?


MMaRsu said:
What´s cornering?
its where all the survivors head to a corner and crouch and just shoot away at the tank, and because the tank can only hit 1 person with each swipe, he goes down pretty fast. and also depending on the level, the tank cant even hit the survivors. I was just on the steam forum, a bunch of people are complaining about this, the only smart thing ive read was to give the tank a charge up attack, so that you could hit all the survivors and knock them away instead of having them all bunched up together.


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
MMaRsu said:
What´s cornering?
Probably how people just all get into a corner to fight the tank. Since the tank can only hit one person at a time it makes him really easy to kill without taking a whole lot of damage.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
I've always found it pretty stupid the tank can only hit one person at a time and cornering is a great example of why it shouldn't be. People wouldn't corner if they knew they'd all get fucked when the talk rolled on through.:lol
Tank change sounds interesting. I've always thought that throwing a molly at a tank and just booking it for 40 seconds was kinda boring, but if Syllogism is correct, 75 seconds should be plenty of time for the Tank to do some damage unless the survivors decide to fight him.

While I'm happy for the melee fix, I'm surprised they haven't fixed a certain glitch though.


sparkle this bitch
I concur. Why is the swipe not just everything in front of it?

With tanks spawning in the same place for each team now. The 2nd to go has a much greater advantage. Worse is there are those spots were it takes ages for the tank to reach. Under stairs, in vents, etc. Tank is worthless against pistol only even.:lol
Maybe the loading screen should tell the first team where the Tank is gonna spawn. I mean, if the second team knows where it's gonna spawn, so should the first team. Witch Spawn shouldn't be in the same place too. I mean, they should always be in chokepoints, but for christs sake put them somewhere else for the second team. So easy to avoid her when you know where exactly shes gonna be.
NM3 would be better if the horde didn't stop until you reached the upper room. People who pull the switch on the elevator and just turtle in a corner somewhere are assholes. SO BORING.


Kard8p3 said:
Hahah, I didn't think he'd take it so seriously, I mean, it was a freakin' pub match and we were up by a few K, ya know?

edit: Wait..he got mad at the car part? I thought everyone though it was funny <_<;

my bad.

I just think since he doesn't play with you often, he was unsure of your humour and thought you were kinda just being a dick. He usually likes to get to know people and get comfortable with their play style before fucking around like that, ya know?


Tank still dies really fast to assault rifles (which are the new auto-shotguns). But eh.

My biggest gripes are spawn places (with the occasional freeze) and the ladder blocking issue. Hunters instacapping/instakilling people who climb up ladders, hunters knocking survivors all the way back down ladders, and ESPECIALLY any hunter/boomer/normal zombie being in the area of the ladder blocking all movement are kinda lame. Since you can't shoot when you're on the ladder, you just end up with three survivors on a ladder and one normal zombie slowly walking in place, in air, above the ladder exit, until you drop down and kill it. I guess that's intended to make the chokepoints harder, but it's still annoying sometimes.

Also, I need to learn how to break the smoker's tongue off. Is it just a matter of running fast, or do you have to run behind other survivors/behind an object immediately to break it?
Pop On Arrival said:
Maybe the loading screen should tell the first team where the Tank is gonna spawn. I mean, if the second team knows where it's gonna spawn, so should the first team. Witch Spawn shouldn't be in the same place too. I mean, they should always be in chokepoints, but for christs sake put them somewhere else for the second team. So easy to avoid her when you know where exactly shes gonna be.

Witch is a complete joke these days - not knowing where she is actually hurts the infected team more than the survivors because they are less likely to be set up properly, but 2nd survivor team knowing where the tank is going to be is too big of an advantage.
Wow, what was the point of changing how melee worked in high-latency situations? The game is now unplayable for me with over 200 ping. It takes like 2 seconds for melee to even register every time I click it.



I'm a little confused by this game, I see there is a big online multiplayer part, but is there a single player game?

I tried - what I thought was - the single player last night, but there is no progression or story. You get to choose your chapter and there is no save game.

I guess I'm not @getting@ the game.

Red Scarlet

Vagabundo said:
I'm a little confused by this game, I see there is a big online multiplayer part, but is there a single player game?

I tried - what I thought was - the single player last night, but there is no progression or story. You get to choose your chapter and there is no save game.

I guess I'm not @getting@ the game.

There is single player campaign, but it is just you and 3 bots. There is no "one character alone" mode unless you kill the 3 other characters and never rescue them (where they'll come back for the finale anyway). You can try to do it with just yourself and no bots, but two of the special infected monsters will kill you if they get their attack on you once.

This isn't Half-Life; the story is "kill zombies and survive". There's only 5 maps per campaign, no real need to save, since you can just pick the level you start on if you have to go. Entire campaigns are beatable in less than a half hour-less than an hour.

Although there *IS* the single-player mode, it's still a *multi-player* game with a focus on teamwork. This is not Doom/Quake/Half-Life. It's "Team Zombie-Strike".

Did you get it for PC or 360? If PC, add me sometime and we can play. :)


Red Scarlet said:
There is single player campaign, but it is just you and 3 bots. There is no "one character alone" mode unless you kill the 3 other characters and never rescue them (where they'll come back for the finale anyway). You can try to do it with just yourself and no bots, but two of the special infected monsters will kill you if they get their attack on you once.

This isn't Half-Life; the story is "kill zombies and survive". There's only 5 maps per campaign, no real need to save, since you can just pick the level you start on if you have to go. Entire campaigns are beatable in less than a half hour-less than an hour.

Although there *IS* the single-player mode, it's still a *multi-player* game with a focus on teamwork. This is not Doom/Quake/Half-Life. It's "Team Zombie-Strike".

Did you get it for PC or 360? If PC, add me sometime and we can play. :)

Okay, I'm enjoying the game; it is smooth, but I just though I was missing something.

Yeah, I got it on the PC I'll add you.

I'm getting a weird tech problem, the game stutters every so often, the screen freezes and the sound effect loop. It does it for about five seconds. Anyone had that?

I've got to go, wife is calling, but I'll check back later..tks

Red Scarlet

If it's what I'm thinking of, where the video freezes and a sound repeats like a skipped record or something, that happens to me usually once per game within about the first 5 minutes of playing, then not again until I load up the game again. No idea what the problem is, I always figured it was something on the server side.


Vagabundo said:
Okay, I'm enjoying the game; it is smooth, but I just though I was missing something.

Yeah, I got it on the PC I'll add you.

I'm getting a weird tech problem, the game stutters every so often, the screen freezes and the sound effect loop. It does it for about five seconds. Anyone had that?

I've got to go, wife is calling, but I'll check back later..tks
Try disabling multi-core support with mat_queue_mode 0 (or in options, also disable steam cloud just in case).


never left the stone age
Pop On Arrival said:
Wow, what was the point of changing how melee worked in high-latency situations? The game is now unplayable for me with over 200 ping. It takes like 2 seconds for melee to even register every time I click it.

What? :lol

Why would you even consider playing on servers with over 200 ping?
The only reason I could see someone doing that is if they were forced to because of their location, if so, that sucks.


Easy_D said:
What? :lol

Why would you even consider playing on servers with over 200 ping?
The only reason I could see someone doing that is if they were forced to because of their location, if so, that sucks.
The game is shockingly playable even with 250ms
Easy_D said:
What? :lol

Why would you even consider playing on servers with over 200 ping?
The only reason I could see someone doing that is if they were forced to because of their location, if so, that sucks.

No, I go out of my way to play on servers with over 200 ping.


Easy_D said:
What? :lol

Why would you even consider playing on servers with over 200 ping?
The only reason I could see someone doing that is if they were forced to because of their location, if so, that sucks.

You didn't know Pop is really Neil Armstrong playing from the moon?


Easy_D said:
What? :lol

Why would you even consider playing on servers with over 200 ping?
The only reason I could see someone doing that is if they were forced to because of their location, if so, that sucks.

It's harder than you think to find games under a 200 ping when playing with gaf. First off, a lot of the times the host is really only seeing a tiny fraction of the servers and can't find anything decent. Yesterday, two people couldn't see any servers and were unable to start. So I hosted and was having a good day seeing servers... I think I looked at the scoreboard at one point and saw 6 green and 2 yellow. That's a rarity in a private match.

Secondly, I was screwing around a while in the open server browser. And once I wised up and started looking under the Custom server tab (where there were 711 servers as opposed to 41 in the main), I started joining a bunch of low ping empty versus servers. And the thing I began to realize is, there's like a 75 ping penalty once you join a server. So you can ping it externally at 55, but once you join it's gonna be more like 125. So I'm guessing there's a ton of overhead with the way zombies and stuff are handled.

That said, people who can't find decent servers as hosts should know by now and bow out of the hosting. At least if you're host, do an "openserverbrowser" and see how many servers you can see. If it's pathetic, exit and rejoin.

syllogism said:
The game is shockingly playable even with 250ms

It's playable, but it's not shockingly playable if you're used to precision. With a good ping, you can quickly kill hunters from any distance before they do any damage to their victims. You can kill all the infected with a couple shots of the AR. Basically before any damage is inflected on teammates. With a above 200 ping, it's more like doing battle with a butterknife. You can kill people, but it's often messy and takes much longer than it should. If my ping is too bad, I go shotgun and even then, I can put 3 shotgun blasts at point blank range before an infected dies.

It's also a pain to play the infected. Boomer takes forever (relatively speaking) to vomit once you've pressed the button. Which can be insta death for a character with small ambush windows. Instead of being precise with hunter strikes, you sometimes have to do 3 or 4 jumps before you'll lock on. A lot of times I'll have perfect position with the smoker, but the tongue won't even release. I'm just spamming the button until a survivor sees me, pops 3 bullets from the AR, and I'm dead. And I just sit there, shake my head, and think: "Gee, that wouldn't have been nice if my character would have did that. You'd be half dead already."


It's not the host that causes laggy servers to be found imo. I think the issue is most people running L4D servers are like "oh haha it's only a 4-8 player game who gives a fuck I'll just run a gimp server for it" so it winds up laggy as shit. When I've gotten great ping for the entire team in a campaign it's been on like a clan server or some other "high performance gaming" server.


Ok confession time: how many of you knew you can wall jump after jumping normally at a wall instead of crouching?
1-D_FTW said:
It's playable, but it's not shockingly playable if you're used to precision. With a good ping, you can quickly kill hunters from any distance before they do any damage to their victims. You can kill all the infected with a couple shots of the AR. Basically before any damage is inflected on teammates. With a above 200 ping, it's more like doing battle with a butterknife. You can kill people, but it's often messy and takes much longer than it should. If my ping is too bad, I go shotgun and even then, I can put 3 shotgun blasts at point blank range before an infected dies.
I play low and high ping games all the time and the difference isn't that big. Furthermore you should always have a shotgun anyway. Also, the only infected you can kill like that is the smoker as boomers spawn next to you and hunters move too fast. Hunter hit detection is annoying but you can adjust to it by leading a bit. Unless you are playing competitively, and there's no way I'd be interested in that, it's not a big deal.


syllogism said:
Ok confession time: how many of you knew you can wall jump after jumping normally at a wall instead of crouching?

If you mean wall jumping to another wall jump to another wall jump... then yeah most GAFers I play with use it a lot.

syllogism said:
No, I mean starting a wall jump without crouching at all. You can simply walk to a wall and jump using space and then wall jump.

Hmm... dose it still have the same effect as the crouching wall jump? Can you make it all to way to the top of a building in say NM1?


DaFish said:
If you mean wall jumping to another wall jump to another wall jump... then yeah most GAFers I play with use it a lot.
No, I mean starting a wall jump without crouching at all. You can simply walk to a wall and jump using space and then wall jump.


Easy_D said:
What? :lol

Why would you even consider playing on servers with over 200 ping?
The only reason I could see someone doing that is if they were forced to because of their location, if so, that sucks.

I can play this game perfectly fine at even 250ms sometimes.

Ping is not the end-all be-all of playability.


syllogism said:
No, I mean starting a wall jump without crouching at all. You can simply walk to a wall and jump using space and then wall jump.

No way! this will help me loads now for failed pounced attempts and I mostly play with a ping of 150 ping and I see no real difference between 50 and 150 but this can be used as a great excuse when you totally fail as a boomer.
firex said:
It's not the host that causes laggy servers to be found imo. I think the issue is most people running L4D servers are like "oh haha it's only a 4-8 player game who gives a fuck I'll just run a gimp server for it" so it winds up laggy as shit. When I've gotten great ping for the entire team in a campaign it's been on like a clan server or some other "high performance gaming" server.
I always thought that the servers were chosen by the game based upon the host's location. But then again I have no idea how this stuff works so I'm probably wrong.


has anyone else with the 360 version been experiencing freezing on the loading screens since this update came

edit: installing the game seems to have fixed it


firex said:
It's not the host that causes laggy servers to be found imo. I think the issue is most people running L4D servers are like "oh haha it's only a 4-8 player game who gives a fuck I'll just run a gimp server for it" so it winds up laggy as shit. When I've gotten great ping for the entire team in a campaign it's been on like a clan server or some other "high performance gaming" server.

I'm pretty sure if everyone in a lobby opened their openserverbrowser, everyone would see a different number of servers. There are times when some people don't see any (I've had this happen) and will be unable to locate a server. And I know from personal experience as the host, the less you see, the worse it's gonna be. I can predict what quality it's gonna find just by popping that open and seeing how much Valve likes me on that day.

Some people are definitely more host friendly than others. But maybe part of it is because it looks for a server near the host (even if the host is away from everyone else.) Pretty sure there was a host one game and everyone was laughing he lived at the north pole and wouldn't be able to locate a server. And not only did he, but everyone was red and he had the best ping I've ever seen listed.

syllogism said:
Ok confession time: how many of you knew you can wall jump after jumping normally at a wall instead of crouching?

I play low and high ping games all the time and the difference isn't that big. Furthermore you should always have a shotgun anyway. Also, the only infected you can kill like that is the smoker as boomers spawn next to you and hunters move too fast. Hunter hit detection is annoying but you can adjust to it by leading a bit. Unless you are playing competitively, and there's no way I'd be interested in that, it's not a big deal.

Eh, I don't I agree with that. It's nice to be pinned in and quickly rescue teammates (as opposed to being pinned and having to wait for teammates to blast their way to you.) And as for mobs, all you do is spray at head level and they all quickly die. The only disadvantage I've ever felt was during tanks, and now that shotties have been nerfed, I'm not sure how much of an advantage that is anymore. An AR with a quality ping is a killing machine.
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