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The Official MADWORLD Thread of No Means Yes and Yes Means A--wesome!


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Got it last week but just now really getting a chance to dig in.

Liking it more and more and I can definitely see a lot of replayability here..it's just so damn fun and I've already replayed a few stages to try and score more points.


Dascu said:
Awesome rack on her though.


Tribute to Jack - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gLTJ3DOSf1U


MoogPaul said:
I haven't noticed anything on mine. I'll take a closer look later.

It's there slightly in a pitch black room. But when the the room is properly lit, it's barely noticeable and hardly a problem. A big reason behind this is because it's not white. It's really really hard to make out.

Anyone else's game crashing?
Really looking forward to getting this all of the sudden. The type of game I'd have a friend over to play and just swap the controller every time one of us dies like the old NES days.
Just finished it. Loved it through and through :D . Visuals, gameplay, story, sound...Everything meshed together perfectly to make for one of the most awesome game I've ever experienced. Kudos to Platinum Games and SEGA for taking the risk to make such a bold and unique game. In fact, I think it's now safe to say that PG confirmed themselves, with this first release, among the top developers out there, and certainly among my personal favorite.
Anyway, now to read the thread for story and gameplay tips that I previously avoided...

VerTiGo said:
I love(d) No More Heroes but Platinum Games just handed Suda51 an ass kicking.
Pretty much :lol (and I still absolutely love NMH). However, despite the mind-blowing awesomeness that was MW, I'm pretty sure Suda and GHM are up to the challenge to blow our collective minds again with NMH2. And damn, that's certainly the kind of escalating rivalry I could get behind.


Is there an in-depth story summary anywhere? I finished it and had some questions about what was going on in the plot.


You can check out MadWorld's wikipedia page for more detailed information about the story.

I thought No More Heroes had a more interesting and entertaining story.

MadWorld's story was decent in my opinion. It felt like it was trying to try to come off as being more sophisticated than it really was. In some ways, certain story elements worked well to keep things interesting given the mysterious characters and the straight forward nature of the basic story plot. However, others things just felt kind of silly and awkward like with the two characters, Leo and Naomi.



“Nishikawa-san, what should we do about the new Bloodbath Challenge?”
“I’ve actually got an idea…”
“Yeah. What if we shoved soda into an enemy and shot them off into the distance?”
“And the enemies that you shoot off will hit huge billboards of women.”
“I see.”
“And then the girl will go ‘Ahhhh…’”
“(Excitedly) Yeah. Ahhhhhh….”
“(Happily) C’mon, that’s funny, right!?”
“Uh… (Is this guy OK in the head?)”
“(Proudly) Hey, Rokumoto. You ever seen a game like that before?”
“No. Not that I’m aware of!? (Of course I haven’t seen something like that! There is nothing like that!)”



KennyLinder said:
And its not even optimized, its got big fucking borders. I wish I was joking.

Ummmm what? Not going to pick up the game now, glad I poked my head in here before rewarding that sloppy shit. That shit is completely unacceptable these days.


WTF! When did this happen? 50 hz for PAL?!!!!

Sega/Platinum... this is unfucking-acceptable!!! This aint the fucking 1990's. Complete bullshit.

I demand that all PAL gamers put up some petition to Sega/Platinum for a replacement disc program! What a fucking joke.


pitt_norton said:
WTF! When did this happen? 50 hz for PAL?!!!!

Sega/Platinum... this is unfucking-acceptable!!! This aint the fucking 1990's. Complete bullshit.

I demand that all PAL gamers put up some petition to Sega/Platinum for a replacement disc program! What a fucking joke.

Model 500

You don't hear this often from me, especially in a game like this, but the voice acting in Madworld is superb, much much better than in MGS4 and Killzone 2 for example. I liked the commentary as well, but decided to turn it off for my first playthrough, the audio was just getting too confusing for me. The music is great too and fits the game well.

From my brief 3 hour session yesterday the only let downs for me have been the primitive camera and the shitty lock on system. All in all, the game has had me laughing out loud on many occasions. The kills are amazing in all sorts of ways and the OTT atmosphere is spot on! Definitely worth experiencing for every action game fan.
pitt_norton said:
People with your attitude deserve to play shit unoptimized code. PAL SF2 on SNES - lest not forget.

I receive my PAL copy tomorrow...

QFT. It's not an issue of whether or not I can mod my system and import, or hack the game with homebrew, or just pretend the borders don't exist and get on with the game. I just won't spend money on crap like this anymore.

And if we import all it says is "skip the PAL market next time" which is a worse message to send. Anybody know where we can give feedback to the publishers (and preferably the dopey Japanese developers) directly?

I need these people to know why they're not getting my money. And so does everybody else on here.
Gokurakumaru said:
And if we import all it says is "skip the PAL market next time" which is a worse message to send. Anybody know where we can give feedback to the publishers (and preferably the dopey Japanese developers) directly?

I need these people to know why they're not getting my money. And so does everybody else on here.

There's a thread about this on the Official Madworld Platinum Games Forum. I've already posted my displeasure on it but I'm not sure if we'll get any official correspondence. Hopefully someone at PG will read it though. :/



Nemesis556 said:

What a massive dissapointment this 50hz thing has been. One of my most anticpated games this year on any platform and it's PAL incarnation is a disaster.

25fps, borders and I assume squashed graphics whilst not unplayable has taken the buzz right off.
wackojackosnose said:
There's a thread about this on the Official Madworld Platinum Games Forum. I've already posted my displeasure on it but I'm not sure if we'll get any official correspondence. Hopefully someone at PG will read it though. :/


Thanks. I've just registered and posted my thoughts. I don't expect a response either, but you have to let them know it's a problem or nothing will ever change. Oh well, more time for Killzone and House of the Dead.


I got the game today and I didn't think that 480i would be a problem, but I use my LCD 21" display for this and I CAN'T PLAY IT!! Man, what a bummer. Who the hell thought it was a good idea to release this game without 480p support? Now I have to find a TV somewhere so I can actually play the game. If I didn't buy it from Play Asia, I would have taken it back to the store. The black screen looks awesome, though.


Can any PAL owners post pics of the size of the borders? I'm thinking the massive ones we used to get back in days of the PS1 and N64. Are they really that big?

I'm clinging to the possibility that the PAL issues are exaggerated.
Surfheart said:
Can any PAL owners post pics of the size of the borders? I'm thinking the massive ones we used to get back in days of the PS1 and N64. Are they really that big?

I'm clinging to the possibility that the PAL issues are exaggerated.

I don't have any pictures, but the best way to describe it is this:

Set your machine to run games in 50hz mode only and then bring up the Home menu. (You'll immediately notice the Home menu screen size is definately smaller than its 60hz counterpart.) Now do you see that space in the middle of the screen between "Home Menu" and the "Remote Settings"? The Madworld game is run at a resolution slightly bigger than that empty space. :/


wackojackosnose said:
I don't have any pictures, but the best way to describe it is this:

Set your machine to run games in 50hz mode only and then bring up the Home menu. (You'll immediately notice the Home menu screen size is definately smaller than its 60hz counterpart.) Now do you see that space in the middle of the screen between "Home Menu" and the "Remote Settings"? The Madworld game is run at a resolution slightly bigger than that empty space. :/

Crap, ok that's pretty bad.


I've been wondering if anyone with the PAL version has tried setting their Wii to 480i?
Perhaps the game defaults to 576i if the Wii is set to 480p?

I still can't believe the developers would release the game like that for PAL.

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
Guys, help me sort this shit out 'cause I'm not going to open my copy if it's really like that (PAL). I'll just sell it and order a US one but boy that would really suck (another 20 days of waiting when I could have just ordered it there from the beginning).
I wanted to support good PAL Wii games for once... how wrong I was.

Is there a way I can do something running the game though Gecko's app (Homebrew Channel)?

And WHAT THE FUCK Platinum/Sega, WHAT THE FUCK! -__-

Nemesis565 said:

Get the fuck out


Oxx said:
The notes for episode 3 of the PGTV show says that Nishikawa discusses 480i.

I think the discussion starts at 15:44. Answer = unsatisfactory.


His answer didn't make any damn sense. He wanted it to look good in 480i or 480p, yet it's in 480i? My head is about to explode thinking about that one. There is no reason for this game to not support 480p. Ugh...so irritated because I can't play it. :(
Mkliner said:
Yes; it's not pleasing to the eyes.

Seriously, why is it yellow?

EDarkness said:
His answer didn't make any damn sense. He wanted it to look good in 480i or 480p, yet it's in 480i? My head is about to explode thinking about that one. There is no reason for this game to not support 480p. Ugh...so irritated because I can't play it. :(
From what I made of it, it didn't matter which one they went with because it would look the same. Of course, I know nothing about 480i and 480p :p


dragonlife29 said:
From what I made of it, it didn't matter which one they went with because it would look the same. Of course, I know nothing about 480i and 480p :p

No 480p means that not everyone can play it. Whether it looked the same or not doesn't mean it shouldn't have been there. He really gave a crappy answer.

Just wanted to point out that I usually don't care about these sort of things, but as my monitor doesn't do 480i, I can't play the game at all. My screen is black and I can hear the sound. It flickers from time to time, but I never get a picture. It's frustrating since I've been wanting to play the game since it was announced. :(


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
JB HiFi appear to have mailed off my copy plus the soundtrack today, meaning it will arrive tomorrow, a day earlier than release. Awesome.

Also, I'm not sure if I'll keep the OST. If not I'll hit some peeps up here to see if they want it. I might keep it though, depending.

Eteric Rice

EDarkness said:
No 480p means that not everyone can play it. Whether it looked the same or not doesn't mean it shouldn't have been there. He really gave a crappy answer.

Just wanted to point out that I usually don't care about these sort of things, but as my monitor doesn't do 480i, I can't play the game at all. My screen is black and I can hear the sound. It flickers from time to time, but I never get a picture. It's frustrating since I've been wanting to play the game since it was announced. :(

Not trying to sound like a dick (seriously, I'm not). But do you have a normal TV anywhere?

I know it's not convienient, but maybe you can hook it up to the TV for a while? The game isn't very long, you can beat easy and hook it back up to the monitor (or keep it there and beat hard as well).
ShadiWulf said:
The game looks fine in 480i on a HDTV, sheesh, all this whining about nothing (regarding the 480p issue)
Well, the guy up there said he can't play it at all because his monitor doesn't do 480i...so I can feel for him because not being able to play a game you desperately want to enjoy sucks.

John Harker said:
Mine is yellow too. But people have posted picture of it in totally crisp black and white.
My question is: how do i get it that white too??
Maybe something's up with your TV?


Eteric Rice said:
Not trying to sound like a dick (seriously, I'm not). But do you have a normal TV anywhere?

I know it's not convienient, but maybe you can hook it up to the TV for a while? The game isn't very long, you can beat easy and hook it back up to the monitor (or keep it there and beat hard as well).

I'm looking for a solution now, but I own over 30 Wii games and all of them work. The fact that this one doesn't just boggles my mind.


NVM, MS paint skills am fail. :(

PAL version will look like this I guess :(

VOOK said:
Mine looked like that too, It had like small borders on the top, bottom and right. And no it didn't look Yellow - I even set my tv to "COOL" and it made it even better. On "WARM" though it looked yellow.

Are you zooming it Vooks?


The game is desaturated yellow. It looks kind of like parchment paper, and I think it fits in with the manga vibe. If you really hate it, just fiddle with your TV settings.
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