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The Official MADWORLD Thread of No Means Yes and Yes Means A--wesome!


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
Surfheart said:
Hmm interesting, maybe the Aussie version dodged the 50hz bullet? Does your TV tell you details about the input it's receiving?

Pretty sure the Aussie one is the same as the US one it has the honking big 18 on the disk.

I'll have to get it back to verify the reviewer has it :p
ImNotLikeThem said:
Uh, everyone knows that this game is supposed to have a yellow tint to it right? It always has in all of the videos.

I see no yellow whatsoever in my copy. The whites are subdued and look a little grayish, but not yellow.

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
Game's supposed to look like the characters are living on a Japanese tonkabon, which are in b/w, so you know that with that kind of paper is not exactly white but more of a desatured yellowish tint.

Just set your tv's color temperature to Cool/Cold and you'll get what you want if that bothers you.
dragonlife29 said:
I see no yellow whatsoever in my copy. The whites are subdued and look a little grayish, but not yellow.
Go look at videos of the game on IGN or even the official website. It's all slightly yellow. Probably for two reasons, them being /\ up there about the paper used, and also that much bright white on a screen would tire your eyes out easier.

It's especially more noticeable when there are certain parts of the menu that are actually white, I'm trying to find a screen of something like this somewhere though.

edit: actually if you look at any gameplay video online in decent quality, you can see in the HUD, and specifically the border around the health bar, it is clearly a solid white color while the actual game space is the subdued off-yellow color. or like the screen grabs in this post. http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=15079205&postcount=911
Surfheart said:
I've been wondering if anyone with the PAL version has tried setting their Wii to 480i?
Perhaps the game defaults to 576i if the Wii is set to 480p?

I still can't believe the developers would release the game like that for PAL.


My Wii is always set to play at 480i / 60hz but as soon as this game boots up you can tell it changes the setting to 50hz (smaller screen size and flickering due to the lower refresh rate). I've even tried to force boot it into 60hz mode via Unofficial Gecko OS but the game still defaults back into 50hz mode. :/


Finally got a chance to play this game this weekend and I'm loving it. It's just so much fun to dump a barrel on someone, stab him with a roadsign, and then slam his sorry ass into a wall of spikes... FOUR FREAKING TIMES!!!!!!!

The bossbattles aren't as much fun IMHO, but the finishers you get to unleash on them provide a good laugh nonetheless. The Bloodbath Challenges... I have no words for them except MADNESS!!!

Good work SEGA, you managed to provide the Wii with an original title worth playing.
Not trying to rain on the parade(Ive already gone over this), but why on earth did this game get the green light with such a busted functioning targeting system? I mean, they had to know it was a bit wonky while playing it right? Everything else in the game exudes so much style and care, so it hard to believe that something like this would slip by them. Am I just doing it incorrectly, or does it suck?


I think I used the targeting system on one boss, not sure what is broken about it.

I finally made my way through Asian Town, used dodging for the first time against the last boss there. Maybe that's what I've been missing in terms of boss strategy for the rest of the game? Oddly for the last two bosses, the fights have been better than the finishers.


From the latest IGN VoiceChat:
- Looking for MadWorld sales and will post it. Talked with the VP from Sega; they are happy with their first results of the sales of MadWorld
Good news, I guess.

Managed to get 3 Extremes on Area 66 by the way. Wasn't even trying in particular. The Magnet Gun is so fucking good. It's a darn shame there's no Shop where you can buy the special weapons with your scores so you can use them in any level.


It's pretty difficult to tell where the screen ends and the case begins, but here's a rough outline of what MadWorld looks like on my TV:


I just had my first crash as well.

Not cool, Plat'num.


PAL Gamers using a 4:3 TV.

Switch your Wii to widescreen in the settings menu. You go from a 50% visible screen to like 80% visible. Helps if your TV has a widescreen toggle button on the remote so you can experiment. It helps alot although it distorts other games, so only use it for Madworld on 4:3 Tvs

On widescreen TVs you get like 20% borders.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I think I've nearly completed the game and it's been an absolute blast. I was concerned that it would be all style and no substance, but the gameplay is very well done and a lot of fun. This is most definitely one of the finest games available on the Wii! Possibly the best original 3rd party Wii title as well. Can't wait to see what else Platinum Games releases now.


Oxx said:
It's pretty difficult to tell where the screen ends and the case begins, but here's a rough outline of what MadWorld looks like on my TV:

I just had my first crash as well.

Not cool, Plat'num.
I was thinking of putting my 16:9 LCD TV in 4:3 just like i always do with Wii games.


Just got my game from Play-asia. I am impressed with the visuals, how did Platinum games get a Wii game to run on a HD TV with so little or close to no jaggies?


never left the stone age
So I ordered it from VGPlus, semi-mess up when I order the game but I got the receipt just fine.

I send an email to Customer Service asking them whether or not my order was processed correctly or not.

Two days later I get a fucking Refund Receipt :lol
I've sent them an email asking about the current situation as they have an entirely separate email for cancellations.

They fucked up sooo hard. I hope I at least don't have to give up that 5% of the price they take when you cancel your order :(
gamingeek said:
PAL Gamers using a 4:3 TV.

Switch your Wii to widescreen in the settings menu. You go from a 50% visible screen to like 80% visible. Helps if your TV has a widescreen toggle button on the remote so you can experiment. It helps alot although it distorts other games, so only use it for Madworld on 4:3 Tvs

On widescreen TVs you get like 20% borders.


I'm playing on a 4:3 TV but I've just set the Wii to output its video signal at 16:9 and this game is so much better for it - I can finally see again! There are still borders but now they're minimal compared to the borders on 4:3 aspect setting, and now Jack doesn't seem so squat anymore. I'm pretty sure I haven't actually lost anything from the image either by playing 16:9 on a 4:3 TV.

I'm still annoyed that the PAL game doesn't have a 60hz mode, but at least now I know that PG doesn't just hate PAL gamers but also poor peole with 4:3 TVs. :)


What do I need to do to beat

I'm sure I could work it out eventually, but
after killing grunts for 15 minutes and then falling into the water a couple of times and dying fairly swiftly
I'm in no mood for playing it straight.


wackojackosnose said:

I'm playing on a 4:3 TV but I've just set the Wii to output its video signal at 16:9 and this game is so much better for it - I can finally see again! There are still borders but now they're minimal compared to the borders on 4:3 aspect setting, and now Jack doesn't seem so squat anymore. I'm pretty sure I haven't actually lost anything from the image either by playing 16:9 on a 4:3 TV.

I'm still annoyed that the PAL game doesn't have a 60hz mode, but at least now I know that PG doesn't just hate PAL gamers but also poor peole with 4:3 TVs. :)

You're welcome. It was really bugging me because it forced a letterbox mode view on you otherwise that cut out half the screen. I remembered because its an old trick I used to use on 16:9 movies on my dvd player.

On Widescreen on a 4:3 TV you are probably missing bits from the side but because Jack is always central and everything is in ratio and larger, it makes no difference. Now I can play this game without crying myself to sleep about letterbox.

Just remember to set the Wii back to 4:3 for your other games otherwise you will notice they look out of ratio.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Are there any slow downs in the PAL version, like the 60hz->50hz conversions of old?


provides useful feedback
EatChildren said:
Are there any slow downs in the PAL version, like the 60hz->50hz conversions of old?

I just finished the game (sure as hell didn't expect
The Black Baron
to be the final boss!) and not once did it slow down for me.

It's good fun, a great nod to games like Final Fight where almost all of the enjoyment was in taking on the enemies in different ways and satisfying fighting mechanics. Sure it's a short game but it doesn't outstay its welcome and there were plenty of things I was looking out for to make the enemy deaths more grizzly and disgusting.

I also noticed a disturbing trend; no slight against the graphical style but the black-and-white environments were beginning to get to me to the point where I was wanting the arena to be coated with red, and bring some stark colour to the world.

The voiceovers are hilarious and I can listen to them all day (which is just as well as sadly they repeat a lot), and add to the unashamedly immature motive of killing = good behind the game. There's no bullshit behind it so you can't feel cheapened out when it tries to stick a plot onto it all (which it does, but luckily it doesn't come across as preachy or hypocritical thanks to the writing.)

One day I'll play through it again, but right now I have other games in the back catalogue to clear through in the meantime. Well done Platinum Games!


gamingeek said:
PAL Gamers using a 4:3 TV.

Switch your Wii to widescreen in the settings menu. You go from a 50% visible screen to like 80% visible. Helps if your TV has a widescreen toggle button on the remote so you can experiment. It helps alot although it distorts other games, so only use it for Madworld on 4:3 Tvs

On widescreen TVs you get like 20% borders.

Yeah this is Very important! I couldn't read FUCK in the radio transmissions form 13 when my Wii was set to 4:3. Now it looks pretty tolerable. Still I hope something like this doesn't happen again.

Oh and the game rocks. Killing has never been so fun :)


Yikes, I just got crushed in the Castle Courtyard. Died once dicking around the fountain, boss didn't have much trouble after that.


Was kinda disappointed in this at first, but business is really picking up now (I believe I'm a third of the way through it). Matsuno's writing is surprisingly good for a mindless game like this.
Thx gaf, I'll try that with my Wii too. I like 4:3 more tbh, that's why we still have a 4:3 CRT.
but in MadWorld I can barely read anything. So if this fixes this problem this would be great.

I'm only in the asia part yet but so far the game is great :D


abstract alien said:
Not trying to rain on the parade(Ive already gone over this), but why on earth did this game get the green light with such a busted functioning targeting system? I mean, they had to know it was a bit wonky while playing it right? Everything else in the game exudes so much style and care, so it hard to believe that something like this would slip by them. Am I just doing it incorrectly, or does it suck?

The targeting doesn't work for me either...I tried and failed a number of times, kinda frustrating...I decided to chop a few people up and forget about it.
Evilink said:
The targeting doesn't work for me either...I tried and failed a number of times, kinda frustrating...I decided to chop a few people up and forget about it.
I think you figured it out. They broke it so that we would get frustrated and take it out on the enemies to get more points :lol



Lock-on isn't perfect, but it's not broken. It's mainly for bosses and you have to remember to hold down C not just press it. You also have to be within a certain distance for it to lock on.
To answer the above posts, I had slowdown on the bike levels, when you ram into them to make them explode it got real choppy and even completely stopped for a second at times.


Is there any super play video yet? Dam its really hard to score really high points, you need to be perfect in your execution, be it bloodbath challenge, normal fights etc.
Scrubking said:
Lock-on isn't perfect, but it's not broken. It's mainly for bosses and you have to remember to hold down C not just press it. You also have to be within a certain distance for it to lock on.
Yeah, the bosses are about all its good for.


Ok, I just beat this last night.

NMH remains my second favorite Wii game for it's unique story, tighter fights, awesome bosses, awesome music and more varied gameplay.

Mad World becomes my third favorite Wii game for it's brutality, style, killer soundtrack, cool bosses and commentary


Just beat it tonight. Was really fun, but I might try to ebay it while the iron's hot.

I think they should've gone for a little bit more Sin City vibe and add a dollop of color to more stuff. Some of the levels would stand out more, especially the last few.

I was never able to get the highest kill indicator, no matter what I did. I assume I suck/arn't creative enough.


Oxx said:
It's pretty difficult to tell where the screen ends and the case begins, but here's a rough outline of what MadWorld looks like on my TV:


I just had my first crash as well.

Not cool, Plat'num.

Meh, not too bad I guess. Thanks for posting the pic.
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