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The Official MADWORLD Thread of No Means Yes and Yes Means A--wesome!

The Wii is set to 480p and widescreen, but the game keeps coming it in 4:3 (two big black bars on the left and right hand sides). This is pissing me off to no end, and I haven't even started playing the game yet.


Madworld related: tnks to Platinum games for sending me this tshirt! Platinum Games are awesome :D



I really loved it, just after i beat it i started it again on Hard.
And i NEVER EVER replay games (Shadow of The Colossus being the one notable exception)...

Great game, really... and i wasn't really feeling it before i got my hands on it.
I'm trying to figure this out. Every level has two Blood Bath challenges and one boss fight. And the main objective of each level is to kill people to earn points, which unlocks those Blood Bath challenges and boss fight. Correct?
Blu_LED said:
I'm trying to figure this out. Every level has two Blood Bath challenges and one boss fight. And the main objective of each level is to kill people to earn points, which unlocks those Blood Bath challenges and boss fight. Correct?

The main objective is to get enough points to open up the boss fight. At the beginning of each level theres a list of the things that open up as you gain more points, such as weapons, new environmental hazards, minibosses and blood bath challenges. Doing each of those usually equals more points towards unlocking the boss fight. Not all levels have 2 blood bath challenges, but I think each level has at least one.

You want to kill guys in the most outrageous ways possible with the biggest combos to earn big points.
God I really want to like this game. Platinum games just seems like a group of people that can do no wrong so it makes me think there was something wrong with ME that I didn't like the game. Then other people here started saying the same thing I was.

All of the "one-off" shit in the game is obviously awesome and funny and cool. I mean throwing a guy into a trash can and him getting cut in half? That's cool, throwing dudes into a giant meat presser and watching blood fly? Awesome.

And yet...

Fighting guys in the street is boring. It just is. I mean one-offs are only cool so many times. It seems like they focused on all the "icing on the cake" type mechanics and show case stuff and not so much the "core" of the game. The core being that I punch dudes and saw dudes in half.

I've only played for about an hour or two, the gunslinger boss?

Does it change up the enemies later in the game? Or is mostly just the same fodder type enemies mixed up with the minotaur like guys?

Edit: no I take that back I made it to the driving segment.
I pretty much ignored fighting guys in the streets my way through, killing guys if they got in my way. Mostly I explored and tried to find all the different enviornmental kills/etc while also using them for the biggest combos I could. I killed lots of dudes, but I never stayed in one place very long. Exploring/going for huge kills usually got me enough points for the blood bath challenges/minibosses/new weapons which added another thing for me to do.

The way I played, I honestly don't get some of the repetitive complaints. It all felt like rapidfire new ways of killing people throughout the game, which was over long before it got old. I imagine it'd suck if you just stood in one area punching dudes, especially since it'd make the levels last a lot longer doing repetitive actions for small amounts of points, but I pretty much never used my punch or chainsaw attacks except for when I was overwhelmed. All about raking up crazy combos.


What an excellent game. I beat the first level a couple of hours ago and it definitely is what I was expecting. I just hope the combat feels fresh throughout, just like No More Heroes.

The only bad thing is the two centimetre border all the way round... crappy PAL conversion.


Anyone else think Hard Mode is still fairly easy?
Except for those goddamn Death Blades whose attacks are now always instant kills, not just the QTE ones.


Just finished the game. Couldnt stop playing since I opened it up.

I loved Jack, the music, the commentators, the use of the Wii controls which flowed so perfectly, the style... all that was great. The gameplay itself I felt could have used some more variety for the standard kills... more options when grabbing an ememy.. rip off an arm or something, I dunno.

I thought the driving stuff was really lame, felt like complete uninspired filler compared to the rest of the game which felt very cohesive and well thought out. I felt the latter levels were kinda blah compared to the earlier missions. The level with the aliens in particular I didnt like.

Glad I picked the game up but I really dont see myself playing it again, atleast not any time soon. Great job Sega, I want to see more stuff like this.

Sadist said:

Very cool. They should make a Jack figure... this is right up NECA's alley.



so if u havent seen it... here: http://triumvir3.com/wordpress/?p=2116

I was THIS close to snaggin one of those jackets!!!

but the stupid website wouldnt let me log in coz they decided to introduce a broken verification code process... and I was tryin to log in BEFORE the item officially dropped at 2PM today.

by the time I had successfully logged in... which was AFTER I had the coat added to my cart... they were all gone!!


I waited all week for it only to let it slip between my fingers so easily...

o well...

Just finished the game. Really had a lot of fun with it. Just pure fun, which is really nice to see. The story was pretty much non-sensical bullshit, but it still actually kept me interested and was really funny at some points.

Also the game clock said I played for 3:45. What the hell is it counting, I defiantly played more.


Anyone pick up the Brady Games strategy guide?

I've played through the game and all, but I'm looking into it as an avenue to obtain some artwork or something.

Anyone heard or have some impressions of it?


Blu_LED said:
Just finished the game. Really had a lot of fun with it. Just pure fun, which is really nice to see. The story was pretty much non-sensical bullshit, but it still actually kept me interested and was really funny at some points.

Also the game clock said I played for 3:45. What the hell is it counting, I defiantly played more.
I honestly don't know what the deal is with the in-game clock. I think it doesn't even count boss battles and bloodbath challenges.
Blu_LED said:
Also the game clock said I played for 3:45. What the hell is it counting, I defiantly played more.

I'm pretty sure it doesn't count the QTEs, y'know, the bits where you have to waggle which is probably half the time in the game.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
wackojackosnose said:
I'm pretty sure it doesn't count the QTEs, y'know, the bits where you have to waggle which is probably half the time in the game.

I think it's only counting the levels themselves where you have 30 minutes to rack up points. During QTEs it seems to suspend, and even if you take 29 minutes and 59 seconds and hit the boss bell at the last second, the boss itself doesn't go off of that time so it's not tracked...same with cutscenes, bloodbath challenges, etc.

That's the only thing I can think of, because the time the game says I took to complete the game is nowhere near the time I can add up through the play records the wii keeps.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Tenbatsu said:
Dam so thats how you stab the Driller!
that's not the only way, you can just wear him down to the point where he leans over, and pants for a while, giving you time to run and get a sign-post.


Tenbatsu said:
Dam so thats how you stab the Driller!
Fun challenge: In The Tower, stab Driller with the 4 signposts that are on the edges of the elevator, while the 2 Crockers are still alive.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
Does anyone have the formal soundtrack and who sings each song?
I've been vibing to it on youtube, but I need to own "Soul" so I want to find out who performs it...


John Harker said:
Does anyone have the formal soundtrack and who sings each song?
I've been vibing to it on youtube, but I need to own "Soul" so I want to find out who performs it...

Here is the tracklist:

1. Ox - Get It Up
2. Doujah Raze - come with it
3. Soul Purpose - Survival
4. Ox - Body That
5. Optimus - MAD WORLD
6. Sick YG - ain't that funny
7. Ox - lets Go!
8. Wordsmith - Death & Honour
9. Doujah Raze - Crazy
10. Doujah Raze - deathwatch
11. Ox - Crimson Rain
12. Bandy Leggz - You Don't Know Me
13. Ox - Move
14. Sick YG - It's A Mad World
15. Ox - Bang
16. Ox - Ride!!
17. Ox - Breathe
18. Sick YG - Look Pimpin!
19. Ox - So Cold
20. Ox - Soul


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
After reading over the last few pages, I'm surprised the Frank fight gets so much hate. It's not one of my favorites either, but I'd guess Martin would get most of the flak, if anyone. On top of being nothing but running until the missiles spawn, he even has the most forgettable death in the game.


my reaction
Papercuts said:
After reading over the last few pages, I'm surprised the Frank fight gets so much hate. It's not one of my favorites either, but I'd guess Martin would get most of the flak, if anyone.
who is martin

"On top of being nothing but running until the missiles spawn, he even has the most forgettable death in the game."
oh him, yep he was lame.

You can't hate on Martin if you do not remember him!

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I reckon the best death scene was one of the early ones, the one where you shoot the boss an incredible amount of times and then have to pull the trigger to finish him off.

So freaking satisfying.


These Area 66 guys don't fuck around on hard mode. I still haven't found any balloons on this stage, either. This is a tough one.


ZAK said:
These Area 66 guys don't fuck around on hard mode. I still haven't found any balloons on this stage, either. This is a tough one.
Yeah, it's a tricky one. If you're doing a replay, be sure to use the Katana on the Cyber Splicers. Takes them down in 2 or 3 hits. Take your time and just avoid the enemies with shields.
ZAK said:
These Area 66 guys don't fuck around on hard mode. I still haven't found any balloons on this stage, either. This is a tough one.

if you're looking to just merely survive, grab the magnet gun, then stand in the UFO beam with it (in the corner of the map, you can't get hurt by it, it won't abduct you). the enemies won't follow you in there, so just suck them up with the magnet gun and shoot them 3 at a time into the UFO beam. You'll have to step out of that safe zone when the robots appear, but what's good is that you can hop out, attack them, then hop back in. they won't follow.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Tenbatsu said:
Sweet! Hope to see Jack in there somewhere.

End boss. 20 seconds. You cannot win. Game ends with Jack stuffing her feet into her mouth while her heels shoot out her insides. The universe cannot take the awesome and implodes as Jack flies out of the explosion on his motorbike, to create a new universe or should I say Madiverse.

Credits roll and end telling you the sequel to MadWorld is in stores now, calls you a pussy, then melts your Xbox360/PS3.



Dascu said:
Yeah, it's a tricky one. If you're doing a replay, be sure to use the Katana on the Cyber Splicers. Takes them down in 2 or 3 hits. Take your time and just avoid the enemies with shields.
Yeah, I started a new file so the unlockables wouldn't be in the way. I found they made things super easy and really defeated the purpose of the mode.

Gryphter said:
if you're looking to just merely survive, grab the magnet gun, then stand in the UFO beam with it (in the corner of the map, you can't get hurt by it, it won't abduct you). the enemies won't follow you in there, so just suck them up with the magnet gun and shoot them 3 at a time into the UFO beam. You'll have to step out of that safe zone when the robots appear, but what's good is that you can hop out, attack them, then hop back in. they won't follow.
Whoa, you can go in there and nothing happens? I had no idea, thanks!


Awesome game, I feel like I want to post a picture of
but I don't want spoil people =P

Sometimes during gameplay my nunchuk get interrupted, I need to reconect it to play again, someone got this problem?


TunaLover said:
Awesome game, I feel like I want to post a picture of
but I don't want spoil people =P

Sometimes during gameplay my nunchuk get interrupted, I need to reconect it to play again, someone got this problem?

Nope. Check the plug and maybe clean it with some alcohol.


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
Okay, now I've made it to the level with the
#1 ranked dude
and I'm fucking angry at the idiot who spoiled it to me some pages ago (and this is why I stopped reading this thread) :/
It was a post with many spoiler-tagged lines and some untagged ones (of course people are going to read the latter, genius: they want to check if they can highlight your damn spoilers), and the spoiler was - of course - stupidly untagged -_-'''
Note to self: if you're playing a game where most of the fun comes from being surprised by characters and/or bosses, DON'T read official threads before beating the whole game. I sure will when No More Heroes 2 comes out :/
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