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The Official MADWORLD Thread of No Means Yes and Yes Means A--wesome!


Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I'm really loving the game so far (it's just so creative), but there is one think that is irking me. One of the last levels I played, the second Asian Town area, was easily the best level in the game so far. Why? Because it wasn't just an arena, it progressed like a more traditional "level" with the scoring system mixed in. It kinda makes me wish the rest of the game was like that.

But look, when push comes to shove, the sheer amount of originality and creativity is just brilliant. What a great game.

Oh, one question: when it comes to bosses and mini-bosses, is there some sort of dodge button or maneuver I'm unaware of? I always have such a hard time getting out of the way on time, even with the lock-on system. I feel like I'm missing something.


Rez said:
Oh, one question: when it comes to bosses and mini-bosses, is there some sort of dodge button or maneuver I'm unaware of? I always have such a hard time getting out of the way on time, even with the lock-on system. I feel like I'm missing something.
Shake the Nunchuck towards you. You'll do a backflip (and you can do a counter-punch if you press A while doing the backflip). If you're real close to an enemy while he's attacking, you'll do a slow-motion sideways dodge, which leaves the enemy wide open for an attack.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Dascu said:
Shake the Nunchuck towards you. You'll do a backflip (and you can do a counter-punch if you press A while doing the backflip). If you're real close to an enemy while he's attacking, you'll do a slow-motion sideways dodge, which leaves the enemy wide open for an attack.
I can't believe I forgot about this. Thanks! :)


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Anybody else find themselves going back to older levels to complete DeathWatch Challenges before they've even finished the main game?


Just finished the game

so can you NOT kill the guy at the end of the game by not moving the remote?
who was Jack before in the deathwatch games?
Why can the Black Baron get killed so many times during the game but when Jack does it, it's final?
What does the ending really mean?


EatChildren said:
Anybody else find themselves going back to older levels to complete DeathWatch Challenges before they've even finished the main game?

Yes, its addicting to see the new challenges open up. Also a fun way to build up extra lives



Game clock says 3:53, but it was about three times that figure when you factor in death and replays.

I really liked the last sections of the game.

was incredibly easy, but the
Casino Zone
was one of my favourite stages and the
was pretty intense.

Black Bandit
battle was one of the better bosses and the entire scene was just perfect (the music, the
, the announcers).

Damn good.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I think I'm in love with this game. I'm playing it in small chunks (I'll play through maybe one level per sitting, maybe two), and I'm constantly amazed by the creativity thrown at me.

I just finished the Courtyard level. The boss/mini-boss fights are amazing. The satisfaction of performing a finishing move on a boss is a feeling that not many games have offered before.

I take back what I said earlier about not liking the arena style levels, they have definitely grown on me now that I really understand the way the game is constructed (I finally understand how to dodge, the significance of points, being aware of my next score goal, the Deathwatch challenges, and more. All of these things seem simple, but they didn't immediately click for me), although some more linear progression styled levels thrown in to balance would be nice.

The story is actually pretty great as well. The cutscenes actually feel like a good reward for beating a level, and make for a good incentive to keep playing.

What an amazing game. It's just a joy to play.


Went back in to finish the first level of Asian Town. Man, if it wasnt for the timer I would go on and on. Its just that addicting. Im playing by the level in between days of GTACW, SF, Smash and Pokemon. Man what a month. Im holding off on RE5 this month. The awesome of this month is too much.

PS: My Wii looks like it wants to crap out on me. It doesnt want to load my games sometimes and I'm getting worried that its gonna die before Nintendo announces a new color and on the week that another awesome game comes out for it. :-(


Finished the game, its awesome. I appreciate it even more after I replay it again. Just wish there is one more last fight at the end thou. Still cant get any ultra violence kills, only manage to do Super violence.


Is there any more air finishers? I figured out only 2 of them, the back breaker and the chainsaw slice. Also you can do air juggle in this game by swinging the wii mote vertically and press A at the correct timing.


Tenbatsu said:
Is there any more air finishers? I figured out only 2 of them, the back breaker and the chainsaw slice. Also you can do air juggle in this game by swinging the wii mote vertically and press A at the correct timing.
Equip the daggers, uppercut an enemy with an upward swing of the Wiimote, jump up with Z and start tapping A for an Aerial Rave with the daggers. Not sure if any other weapons have this though.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Anyone else think it was a nice touch that (fourth area spoilers, that's area, not level)
the alien blood is an inverted red?

I thought it was pretty cool, considering red is the most dominant colour in the game.


EatChildren said:
Anyone else think it was a nice touch that (fourth area spoilers, that's area, not level)
the alien blood is an inverted red?

I thought it was pretty cool, considering red is the most dominant colour in the game.
Yeah, that was a lovely detail.

Fuckin' aliens.


EatChildren said:
I fucking hate
Death Blade
. Prick gets me every time. I have trouble with one thing in particular;
Zombie grabs you, he spawns, and its a 1-hit-kill. A quick-time motion event appears briefly, but I NEVER seem to get it. It's fucking with me!
That fucker is becoming nearly game-breaking for me. I'm sure it's possible to beat the boss with one life, but I needed three the first time I got there (and only had two because of him). Seems I'm doomed to play only twenty minutes a day, whether from beating a level, or giving up in frustration.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
D-X said:
Just finished the game

Why can the Black Baron get killed so many times during the game but when Jack does it, it's final?

hehe not really, you're just like him. You get 3 'balloons' per stage, really, so when you die you get right back on your feet! Just like him!

Btw, I complained alot about the yellow filter but to everyone mentioning it, you were totally right: i fiddled with the color settings on my TV, i.e. set it to Cool 2 and lowered the "color" settings and it looks really nice and crisp and white. I don't usually replay games but after doing that it looked like an entirely new game! Spent a couple hours yest just getting higher scores, so thanks :)


Maturity, bitches.
Gryphter said:
you mean the
Black Baron?
Or is that what they call him in EU?
No name changes here, must be a mistype on his behalf.

Finished it yesterday and surprised by the final boss. Might play the levels again on my first file before going on to hard mode.


Just beat the game, one of my favorite experiences this gen.

It had a few flaws. Which were overlooked with brilliant creativity oozing out of the game.

What I love the most is that even though it was amazing, it can be heavily improved upon on all fronts. With motion plus and PG pushing the hardware even more next time has me giddy.

Please God and all thats holy let this game sell. I want MadWorld 2 in the near future.


Gryphter said:
you mean the
Black Baron?
Or is that what they call him in EU?

Oops. Pretty sad that I got his name wrong after he appeared so many times throughout the game.
The soundtrack is awesome. "You don't know me" is my fav.

Finished the game earlier this week. Fuck-fantastic game. Gonna play through it on Hard now... :)

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
This game needs more love from the gaming community. So many people don't realise what they're missing.

But it does bring up a kinda depressing point that hardcore third party Wii games, inexplicably, don't garner the same amount of attention that other consoles' third-party games do.

Madworld deserves more attention, dammit!


I just beat it last night. Loved the ending, and last battle:lol . I'd say it was one of my favorites of this gen. It wasn't too short of a game nor too long. I thought the difficulty overall was just right too. Excellent game. If you own a Wii, you HAVE to play this game. I hope it charts well for March. It's one of those few games I probably won't ever sell or trade in.


Who was Jack before in the deathwatch games?

According to the story, Jack was a former marine and a former 3 time winner of past DeathWatch events. Jack had cosmetic surgery to change his appearence each time.However, it doesn't seem to be explained why Jack was involved in past DeathWatch events and why he joined The Agency. This time though,Jack goes undercover as a member of the Agency to investigate the organizers who are responsible for the creation and support of DeathWatch. He secretly enters DeathWatch as a contestant and finds a man named XIII/ Lord Gessor to sponsor him. As it turns out, Lord Gessor is a political figure.

Why can the Black Baron get killed so many times during the game but when Jack does it, it's final?

This is just an example of how MadWorld doesn't take itself that seriously. Black Baron is treated as a comic relief character. His presence as the host of the Deathwatch challenges is meant to simply serve as an entertaining introduction and tutorial into the over-the-top nature of the game. His multiple deaths are meaningless during these mini game events and so they serve no purpose to the actual story.

What does the ending really mean?

Apparently, one part of Jack's mission with The Agency was to rescue the mayor's daughter who was trapped inside the city and feared that her life was in danger due to the virus and that the DeathWatch event was taking place right there. However, it turned out that the daughter didn't need to be rescued and actually enjoyed being a part of the DeathWatch crowd of spectators. Jack probably hit her because she wasted his time and put his life at risk for no good reason so he decides to leave her there since she didnt want to go and didn't need any real help from him.

The other part of the story focuses on that Jack's investigation of DeathWatch's origin and purpose, something that probably wasn't a part of his orignial mission with the Agency. During his mission, Jack is surprised to find a man who he saves named Leo.

Leo says he is a doctor that was trapped in the city and stole the vaccine so he wasn't harmed by the virus that DeathWatch had contaminated the city's population with. However, it turns out that Leo is actually lying because he is secretly connected to DeathWatch's organizers. Leo's father is the president of the pharmaceutical company called Springvale who made the virus as well as the vaccine. Leo's only reason for being in the middle of the DeathWatch games was becasue he personally wanted to be close to the action even if it meant risking his life.

The pharmaceutical company planned on using DeathWatch to blackmail other countries by televising the harmful effects of the virus as a live demonstration and use the vaccine as a bargaining chip to earn money from other countries by threatening to release the virus on them. Another reason why the pharmaceutical company did this is because it originally lost a lot of money from the last presidental election so it needed to find a way to quickly recoup its losses.

The purpose of DeathWatch itself is basically to act as a form of entertainment as a bloodsport in order be a substitute for war because humanity has a insatible craving for violence. In addition, Death Watch also served as a way for the organizers, sponsors and supporters of DeathWatch to earn a lot of money by bidding on the people who they think will survive and become ranked fighters and possibly win the championship title. Jack's sponsor, XIII/Lord Gesser, informs Jack that SpringVale, the pharmacuetical company, is a key secret figure in the creation of transforming much of the city into becoming DeathWatch's battle arenas before the event took place and the virus was to be spread across the city.

DeathWatch's organizers realized that Jack is a threat but they were not allowed to kill him on television because the spectators wouldn't want that especially given Jack's rising popularity as a rankedd fighter. So DeathWatch was forced to let Jack continue to participate in the games and hope that the other ranked fighters would eventually kill him.

After Jack manages to win the final DeathWatch event, Noa, the man who is in charge of the command center at DeathWatch and takes orders from his superiors, the Organizers, wants to kill Jack. This is because DeathWatch lost a lot of money because of Jack's involvement and eventually winning his fourth championship title.

However, before Noa has the chance to kill Jack, Leo decides to shoot and kill Noa. I suppose Leo decided to save Jack as a form of payback when Jack had saved Leo during their first confrontation. Unfortunately, Jack doesn't show much gratitude towards Leo saving him because Jack never really trusted Leo and figured he was connected to DeathWatch so he decided to kill him for being a part of the reason why DeathWatch's organizers terrorized Varrigan City and transformed it into DeathWatch. It turns out that Leo was a fool for believing that Jack wouldn't kill him for being involved in DeathWatch.


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
Hiltz said:
Why can the
Black Baron get killed so many times during the game but when Jack does it
, it's final?
Thanks for spoiling it -_-'
I'd better stop entering this thread again until I beat the game -_-


Frank sucks. He FUCKING sucks. This boss fight is so awful. I hate it. I FUCKING hate it. This is the worst boss in the entire game. Please GAF, tell me it's worth fighting this fucker, because I am not having fun right now.
ElNarez said:
Frank sucks. He FUCKING sucks. This boss fight is so awful. I hate it. I FUCKING hate it. This is the worst boss in the entire game. Please GAF, tell me it's worth fighting this fucker, because I am not having fun right now.

The bosses after him are awesome, so yes.
Also, he's easy once you figure it out.

Don't run away, just dodge whenever he attacks and slash him with your chainsaw. Easy.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
After hearing about all the Frank hate around here I was expecting a painfully difficult, tedious boss battle. But no, when I played it was actually incredibly good, and chock full of the creativity and imagination that make Madworld so great. He had what were essentially four different moves, all of them relatively easy to dodge.

This is one of the best games I have played in quite a while. After RE5 (which was great), this game works so well as a contrast.

I'll wait until I finish, and once all the euphoria of actually playing the game settles down, but this has probably been one of the best times I've had playing a game in quite a while.


Oh for fuck's sake. I just heard that they totally messed up the PAL conversion. It's 2009 and I'm still supposed to tolerate 50Hz and no proper widescreen in an apparent AAA-game? It's like there's somebody out there who deliberately doesn't want me to buy any Wii games.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Hesemonni said:
Oh for fuck's sake. I just heard that they totally messed up the PAL conversion. It's 2009 and I'm still supposed to tolerate 50Hz and no proper widescreen in an apparent AAA-game? It's like there's somebody out there who deliberately doesn't want me to buy any Wii games.
Speaking as someone who bitched and moaned about it when I heard about it, I'm (for now, at least) playing on a HD set and I honestly forget I'm playing a Wii game, never lone a 50hz Wii game. I wouldn't worry about it.


Rez said:
Speaking as someone who bitched and moaned about it when I heard about it, I'm (for now, at least) playing on a HD set and I honestly forget I'm playing a Wii game, never lone a 50hz Wii game. I wouldn't worry about it.
I'll take your word for it. But if I end up bleeding from my eyes and lose my sanity in the process I promise to hunt you down and throw you in the gaping maw of ... DEATH!


freakin amazing game. Had so much fun. The levels were quite intense, I could only take one and have a break afterwards. Sissy, I know.
The style is above any criticism, and the gameplay is superb. The basic moves might be repetitive in that you'll have to rely on them through the whole game, but they get increasingly hard to pull off and there are plenty of new killing mechanisms in every stage to prevent the game itself from getting repetitive. The boss fights are a blast ( I loved Frank by the way
the screw turning, fuck awesome
), best soundtrack ever imho and the length of the game is perfect.
There are also plenty of reasons to go back, fun gameplay alone.

Who doen't get this is crazy, you hear me?!


I beat the game yesterday. Loved the last levels. I needed a bit time to get into the game, but now I know how to play it. So I've to get back to all the level
with the two new weapons

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Hesemonni said:
I'll take your word for it. But if I end up bleeding from my eyes and lose my sanity in the process I promise to hunt you down and throw you in the gaping maw of ... DEATH!
no, not death! anything but death!

(There are black borders on the top and bottom of the picture, which I am used to thanks to playing my 360 games on a 16:10 monitor, so keep that in mind ;) )


Rez said:
Speaking as someone who bitched and moaned about it when I heard about it, I'm (for now, at least) playing on a HD set and I honestly forget I'm playing a Wii game, never lone a 50hz Wii game. I wouldn't worry about it.

I'll take your word for it and get the PAL version today..hopefully I won't be disappointed. :p

Model 500

Hesemonni said:
I'll take your word for it. But if I end up bleeding from my eyes and lose my sanity in the process I promise to hunt you down and throw you in the gaping maw of ... DEATH!

It's quite possible that your "AAA game" expectations become more of an issue for you. I had no probs with the the PAL "features".

Personally I feel that the camera sucks, but the style and creativity of the action more than make up for that. The controls work fine in itself and are a joy to perform. My own preference is A->B beat em ups so I'd absolutely LOVE for this team to make a Double Dragon game with the same over the top attitude. I'd recommend Madworld for the unique style and creativity of the action, best of the class in that respect.
Hesemonni said:
Oh for fuck's sake. I just heard that they totally messed up the PAL conversion. It's 2009 and I'm still supposed to tolerate 50Hz and no proper widescreen in an apparent AAA-game? It's like there's somebody out there who deliberately doesn't want me to buy any Wii games.

One of the GAF guys posted on the official PG Madworld forums about this PAL conversion compared to the NTSC one. He said that the actual gameplay and music is slower in PAL compared to the original 60hz game. :(

Not sure how true this is cos I've read (albeit from one random forum post) that this game was supposedly optimised for PAL, but either way SEGA screwing me over with a shitty 1990s style 50hz conversion on the only full priced game I've preordered this gen means I'm never preordering another SEGA Wii game unless I get full assurances on the quality of the PAL conversion. Or failing that I'll just wait till their games hit the bargain bins. :/


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
wackojackosnose said:
One of the GAF guys posted on the official PG Madworld forums about this PAL conversion compared to the NTSC one. He said that the actual gameplay and music is slower in PAL compared to the original 60hz game. :(


I know 50hz conversions are bad as is, and usually worse, but from what I've played the PAL version runs at the same speed as all the trailers and videos I've seen, as well as my upstairs neighbour's US copy. Also, music slowdown? I'll have to test this, but as someone who has the OST I can't say I've noticed it yet.
Please let us know the the results to your scientific study!

I keep meaning to do it but I just haven't had the time to compare it to the 60hz stuff on the web.


Model 500 said:
It's quite possible that your "AAA game" expectations become more of an issue for you. I had no probs with the the PAL "features".
I guess AAA game was a bit of an overstatement but I really wanted this one to be a solid game. Judging by the reviews it is, but poor PAL conversion is a real letdown. Of course people adjust to these conversion over the time but as I said it's 2009 and they really shouldn't.

Regardless I'll be picking it up this week and give it a shot.
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