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The Official MADWORLD Thread of No Means Yes and Yes Means A--wesome!


Maturity, bitches.
Fritz said:
( I loved Frank by the way
the screw turning, fuck awesome
Perhaps that's why people find him boring, because they don't activate the QTE. Just slicing him will make the battle last much longer, especially with his recharging, so I can see why it would seem tedious.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
BGBW said:
Perhaps that's why people find him boring, because they don't activate the QTE. Just slicing him will make the battle last much longer, especially with his recharging, so I can see why it would seem tedious.
If people aren't activating the QTEs at least twice per boss battle (not counting the last one you have to do in order to finish the boss off) then they are doing it wrong.

I don't get what's so hard about Frank.

Stand on the platform above the water, wait for him to start an attack animation, dodge out of the way, run forward and chainsaw slice him, repeat until QTE trigger starts occurring, start the QTE, dodge his super quick moves with a flick of the nunchuck, jump down and start chainsawing his feet as he recharges, run the fuck back up once he gets up, making sure to jump whenever he uses an electric punch in the water, and finally, repeat. It was relatively straight forward. Of all the bosses I've versed so far (the last one I versed was Martin) he had the simplest attack pattern.

The boss battles, and the awesome QTEs, make this game, and basically further validate that Wii controls can greatly add to the experience when done right.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Rez said:
I don't get what's so hard about Frank.

It's not the difficulty that I dislike about Frank, it's just that I find him a very boring boss battle. The
unscrewing of his screws
is the only cool thing, that and the finishing move. Otherwise the battle just seems slow, awkward, and cumbersome. It doesn't have the adrenalin rushing fluidity of other battles.
Yay, Im unbanned! (^_^)
Got the game Friday and just beat it last night, loved it and I can see alot of replay to be had (not even going to check out hard mode, died too much in normal).

BGBW said:
Perhaps that's why people find him boring, because they don't activate the QTE. Just slicing him will make the battle last much longer, especially with his recharging, so I can see why it would seem tedious.
Yea, I didn't like him. It took me a well to understand him cause I expected more action to be had.

But I hated most of the mummy level. The Vamp was pretty fun but over all I just hate mummies and that
regenerating crap.
EatChildren said:
It's not the difficulty that I dislike about Frank, it's just that I find him a very boring boss battle. The
unscrewing of his screws
is the only cool thing, that and the finishing move. Otherwise the battle just seems slow, awkward, and cumbersome. It doesn't have the adrenalin rushing fluidity of other battles.

The Frank battle is fine. If you stay up on the platform, there's your rush. You stay clear of him, because it's easier for him to get near you, and then you activate the QTE, then have to run back up the stairs. It moved nicely for me.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
VistraNorrez said:
The Frank battle is fine. If you stay up on the platform, there's your rush. You stay clear of him, because it's easier for him to get near you, and then you activate the QTE, then have to run back up the stairs. It moved nicely for me.

Actually, the platform was the main thing that killed the battle for me. I didn't feel a rush as the arena ended up feeling too small and limited. Every other boss battle until then was much more open and free-form, even in arenas of the same size.

The Frank battle just didn't work for me. Visually cool, just not very fun.


Started my Hard Mode run. Just finished the first level without dying once (and getting the DeathWatch No Continue challenge). All you people who died on the tutorial are wussies.


One of my Playlog Kills mentions something regarding a Ragdoll something. Anyone know what this is and how I can get the kill?

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
The game locked up on me as I was going up the tower! :(

The pay off for whoever the grand champion is better be damn good. :lol


Just beat it... surprised nobody has mentioned yet that Alexander O. Smith translated Matsuno's scenario script for this game (no wonder it's very good).

Definitely a fairly short game, but I can see a decent amount of replay, with Hard mode and trying to rack up high scores. Worth the $40 I paid for it from Amazon.

Bosses are pretty easy on normal to spam through by dodging and using the chainsaw, except for Frank.

Game only froze up on me once.


I didn't know so many people were having problems with the game freezing. It never freezed on me...and I have had quite a few Wii games freeze on me come to think of it. Overall it was a pretty fun game. I definitely warmed up to it the more I played. Some of the dialogue was grating at times, but not a big enough detriment to taint the entire experience.





Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Small market is small. I'm surprised MadWorld had a higher debut than Chinatown Wars though. I always got the impression everyone here was a GTA nut.

Even though our market is small I hope MadWorld stays up on the charts for a few weeks, much like Overkill.


Picked this up today. So far it's fun, but I'm having trouble getting a hang of the gameplay. Any tips on how to make the combat more fluid / pick up bigger combos? So far with every guy it's:

1. go find something to stick on him (barrel, tire, sign)
2. Proceed to beat him up a bit
3. Then throw him at some death hazard.

Since just chainsawing or beating up guys seems to give less points, I repeat that adnauseam

The violence of it is fun, but I've only gotten the bottom two 'tiers' of combo scores, and haven't combo'd more than three guys at a time.

How can I get the hang of higher scoring / more fun combat?


TheEastonator said:
Picked this up today. So far it's fun, but I'm having trouble getting a hang of the gameplay. Any tips on how to make the combat more fluid / pick up bigger combos? So far with every guy it's:

1. go find something to stick on him (barrel, tire, sign)
2. Proceed to beat him up a bit
3. Then throw him at some death hazard.

Since just chainsawing or beating up guys seems to give less points, I repeat that adnauseam

The violence of it is fun, but I've only gotten the bottom two 'tiers' of combo scores, and haven't combo'd more than three guys at a time.

How can I get the hang of higher scoring / more fun combat?
I would just move around the map using different tricks to keep it interesting. A few things you can try

-backflip -> A for a dashing punch
-hold forward combo does a big punch kind of like the backhand
-use A and B finishers
-horizontal saw 2-3 guys at once
-grab, headbutt to stun, do as you please or keep butting until their head blows up
-daze or item a guy infront of an environmental hazard then throw another gut or two into him so they all hit it
-make sure to use weapons when you get them

some harder stuff that i did not do much
uppercut -> saw finish
jump -> saw
TheEastonator said:
Picked this up today. So far it's fun, but I'm having trouble getting a hang of the gameplay. Any tips on how to make the combat more fluid / pick up bigger combos? So far with every guy it's:

1. go find something to stick on him (barrel, tire, sign)
2. Proceed to beat him up a bit
3. Then throw him at some death hazard.

Since just chainsawing or beating up guys seems to give less points, I repeat that adnauseam

The violence of it is fun, but I've only gotten the bottom two 'tiers' of combo scores, and haven't combo'd more than three guys at a time.

How can I get the hang of higher scoring / more fun combat?
1. Use a tire/barrel
2. Use a Signpost, chandelier or other stabbing weapon
3. Grab the enemy and take him as close as possible to another stabbing weapon
4. Repeat step 2
5. Repeat step 3
6. Repease steps 4 and 5 as long as you can

I managed to stab a single enemy (not a zombie) with seven different things before I threw him on some spikes


Shit, out of stock :(

Anyway, the whole Mad World staff is just über alles. Yesterday, I wanted to make Christopher Wilkes, "Ox" my friend on facebook. Not only he accepted but wrote a nice comment on my wall. Thanks buddy :)


Anyone else disappointed with how they got a bit lazy and
only started having 1 Bloodbath Challenge per level, even re-using previous ones? I like Death Press II since it felt different, but Money Shot II and Man Darts II were exactly the same but with different enemies. The Strip seems like it'd be perfect for some funny casino-themed Bloodbath Challenges. A pity.


Dascu said:
Anyone else disappointed with how they got a bit lazy and
only started having 1 Bloodbath Challenge per level, even re-using previous ones? I like Death Press II since it felt different, but Money Shot II and Man Darts II were exactly the same but with different enemies. The Strip seems like it'd be perfect for some funny casino-themed Bloodbath Challenges. A pity.

I think it would have to do more with time and budget. Not to mention that coming up with challenges that are unique and entertaining and that fit well into the mechanics of the game is probably not an easy task. I think the Dev blog on the challenges offers a lot of insight into their creation.


Scrubking said:
I think it would have to do more with time and budget. Not to mention that coming up with challenges that are unique and entertaining and that fit well into the mechanics of the game is probably not an easy task. I think the Dev blog on the challenges offers a lot of insight into their creation.
Which is why we need a sequel!


Just beat the game...
HOLY FUCK, what an astonishing experience.
I had a blast with it, really.

I'm so sorry it's not selling like hot cakes, this is truly a gem every Wii owner should get.

Kudos to Platinum Games for creating a kickass game like this one... now go Bayonetta go! :D


I now join the PSWii club, yes I bought a Wii with Madworld today, with $209 in store credit, it was a pretty easy decision for me to make (seriously wtf am I going to do with that much store credit at this time anyway).
Mdk7 said:
Just beat the game...
HOLY FUCK, what an astonishing experience.
I had a blast with it, really.

I'm so sorry it's not selling like hot cakes, this is truly a gem every Wii owner should get.

Kudos to Platinum Games for creating a kickass game like this one... now go Bayonetta go! :D

All of their games (Okami, God Hand, Madworld and the upcoming Bayonetta) deserve to be in as many hands as possible. They are honestly some of the finest and freshest games I've ever experienced.


Wow finally got time to play...and the Castle is kinda challenging on normal. Seems to throw more enemies at you than usual.
AceBandage said:
All of their games (Okami, God Hand, Madworld and the upcoming Bayonetta) deserve to be in as many hands as possible. They are honestly some of the finest and freshest games I've ever experienced.
As impossible as it is, wouldnt it be awesome if a box set titled "Clover/Platinum" released that contained every game, piece of art, music, and developer story ever to come from them?

Maybe in a perfect world.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
AceBandage said:
All of their games (Okami, God Hand, Madworld and the upcoming Bayonetta) deserve to be in as many hands as possible. They are honestly some of the finest and freshest games I've ever experienced.
Originality is what Clover and Platinum do best, which makes sense given that that's what they were initially founded for.
abstract alien said:
As impossible as it is, wouldnt it be awesome if a box set titled "Clover/Platinum" released that contained every game, piece of art, music, and developer story ever to come from them?

Maybe in a perfect world.
We're not worthy of such a thing (and never will be thanks to Capcom owning the rights to all of Clover's work).


goldenticket said:
good job. also dont forget to check out no more heroes and mario galaxy

I'm picking up NMH tomorrow, I'm trying to look for Wind Waker right now (never had a GC).

Oh with regards to the game, it is well, just too awesome for words, and I'm pretty sure that's John DiMaggio doing commentary. :D :D :D


Rez said:
We're not worthy of such a thing (and never will be thanks to Capcom owning the rights to all of Clover's work).
It's a damn shame. Kamiya still wants to do a sequel to Okami, as evidented in his recent PG Blog post, but I really doubt Capcom will let them.


Wanted to wait until I beat some other games I've got laying around before buying it, but the price of 25 Euros was a bit too tempting. Should have it before the end of this week :)


I'd be in the dick
Got this today and played up to the first stage of
Asian Town
. Holy crap this game is good. It oozes style and plays great. The announcers are hysterical. The boss fights are really satisfying. I love it.
Is there any reason why this game is not displaying in full screen? Granted I haven't played Wii in a LONG time, but I remember SMG and SSBB displaying in full screen. Why is this doing this?


Blu_LED said:
Is there any reason why this game is not displaying in full screen? Granted I haven't played Wii in a LONG time, but I remember SMG and SSBB displaying in full screen. Why is this doing this?
USA or Europe?

For USA, you shouldn't be having any issues. Make sure your Wii's settings are in order.
For Europe, no 60hz support, no full screen display. Bummer. :/
Blu_LED said:
Is there any reason why this game is not displaying in full screen? Granted I haven't played Wii in a LONG time, but I remember SMG and SSBB displaying in full screen. Why is this doing this?

Some games overcompensate for overscan, this is one of them. There's nothing wrong with your Wii or your TV.
Dascu said:
USA or Europe?

For USA, you shouldn't be having any issues. Make sure your Wii's settings are in order.
For Europe, no 60hz support, no full screen display. Bummer. :/
I'm in the US. I'm pretty sure I have my Wii set to 480p and widescreen. I'll check again.
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