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The Official Mercenaries 2: World in Flames Thread


Flunkie said:
I picked it up tonight from a local brick & mortar store, and I have one thing to say, right off the bat:

Unpolished as hell.

They seriously delayed it for this?

A bit surprising with how long this has been in production. With that said not so surprising from hearing earlier comments on it.


saunderez said:
It makes sense. Everything is destructible and you'd be relaying destruction information for stuff on the other side of the map. It'd get really messy when you've got 1 character flying around in a chopper whilst the other is destroying buildings on the other side of the map.
Well, most physics stuff wouldn't have to be in sync anyway. If a building or a car explodes in a different way for both players that wouldn't be a problem. And if some random objects controlled by physics can affect gameplay it could be updated relatively seldom. Games like GTA4 and Halo 3 seems to do that, you'll occasionally see physics stuff go one direction... and then suddenly go a different direction 1-2 seconds later as it got synced with the server or other players.

If something like GTA4 can incorporate online multiplayer which remains playable even with amazingly awful ping, I'm hopeful Mercenaries 2 will be able to do the same thing.

If anyone's getting Mercs 2 would be able to report on the netcode, I'd appreciate it.


Flunkie said:
I picked it up tonight from a local brick & mortar store, and I have one thing to say, right off the bat:

Unpolished as hell.

They seriously delayed it for this?
Well shit this makes me a little uneasy about what was supposed to be a definite purchase. Care to elaborate?


NullPointer said:
Jtyettis said:
A bit surprising with how long this has been in production. With that said not so surprising from hearing earlier comments on it.
Acid08 said:
Well shit this makes me a little uneasy about what was supposed to be a definite purchase. Care to elaborate?
I understand that literally everything is destructible, but the graphics still look muddy and just overall.. bleh. The character models look really bad; the textures are extremely low-res; and there's hardly any AA that I can tell, which makes it worse. The whole presentation is a total clusterfuck; it seems like it was just thrown together at the last minute. Granted, I'm not that far into the game, but the whole free roam stuff is really bad so far. The cutscenes and story are a huge joke - I think the cutscenes actually look worse than the gameplay, lol.

I did have one funny moment just awhile ago, when playing with white tattoo mohawk guy. (Very, Very Early Spoilers) Okay, so I go on this mission to retrieve a thing called something "big and bad" sounding, like "The Destroyer" or something similar (I already forgot), and when I get there, there's this huge tank, and the dude goes, "Yes!" Then I realize that the GPS marker isn't pointing to the tank. So I go around the wall by the tank, and there's a little pink scooter that I have to drive back to a base. I thought that was pretty funny. I hope there's more stuff like that later on.

These are just early impressions so far.
Flunkie said:

Did you ever play the original? How would you say the sequel compares?

I'm not getting what you mean by "lack of polish" and "thrown together" just from what you've said about the graphics.


Wasn't this game originally developed for PS3? If I recall correctly I saw it on one of those honking PS3 dev kits at the last big E3.


NullPointer said:
Did you ever play the original? How would you say the sequel compares?

I'm not getting what you mean by "lack of polish" and "thrown together" just from what you've said about the graphics.
I've never played the original, outside of a demo on an OPM disc (which I do remember enjoying, but don't remember much outside of that).

Okay, the presentation is pretty basic and plain once you get into the game. The main menu screen is kind of slick, with bullets and dollar insignias and stuff, but when you get into the core game, the setup of selecting and accepting jobs and training missions and talking to people and whatnot feels tacky. The way the game presents the information to you just feels.. out of place. It's kind of hard to describe. I guess it feels like they were aiming for something cool and cinematic feeling, but totally missed the point.
Flunkie said:
I've never played the original, outside of a demo on an OPM disc (which I do remember enjoying, but don't remember much outside of that).

Okay, the presentation is pretty basic and plain once you get into the game. The main menu screen is kind of slick, with bullets and dollar insignias and stuff, but when you get into the core game, the setup of selecting and accepting jobs and training missions and talking to people and whatnot feels tacky. The way the game presents the information to you just feels.. out of place. It's kind of hard to describe. I guess it feels like they were aiming for something cool and cinematic feeling, but totally missed the point.

You had me scared there for a bit - been waiting for this game for ages. But to tell you the truth if it was just the original game in HD I'd sweep it up day one.

*crosses fingers*


NullPointer said:
But to tell you the truth if it was just the original game in HD I'd sweep it up day one.

That's what it's sounding like to me from Flunkie's impressions. Sounds like they've got Mattias's personality spot-on at the very least.
Well I did a few of Jen's missions tonight. This game really makes me have flashbacks of Just Cause for whatever reason. While the cutscenes are cheesy as hell, the gameplay is extremely basic I still had a ton of fun. It's kinda hard to ignore how fucking ugly the graphics are though, specially during the cutscenes. Fun game though, should have been $40 or so, not $60.


Well because of terrible compression, the only thing I got from the live stream is that the pickup chopper is now a little one and it arrives alot quicker than the first game which is a good thing.


dabbled in the jelly
PC version for me. I only hold M2 impressions valid from those who have played and loved the first game from beginning to end. Anyone complaining about the presentation not being up to next-gen standards or whatever purchased this game for all the wrong reasons. I am SO glad they made a PC version this time.
Shaheed79 said:
PC version for me. I only hold M2 impressions valid from those who have played and loved the first game from beginning to end. Anyone complaining about the presentation not being up to next-gen standards or whatever purchased this game for all the wrong reasons. I am SO glad they made a PC version this time.



Since the game isn't coming out here in Australia until 11/09 and I just happen to have an NTSC 360 due to importing Rock Band last year I just put in a pre-order with priority shipping from the US....should be here Monday or Tuesday next week - can't wait!
I'm all over this one, provided that the impressions given above aren't the tip of the iceberg on an epic failure or something. I loved the first game, and have been waiting for this one for a long time. I'll grab it Sunday, if not sooner, on the 360. GT: KungFuJedi 1138


Flunkie said:
Okay, so I go on this mission to retrieve a thing called something "big and bad" sounding, like "The Destroyer" or something similar (I already forgot), and when I get there, there's this huge tank, and the dude goes, "Yes!" Then I realize that the GPS marker isn't pointing to the tank. So I go around the wall by the tank, and there's a little pink scooter that I have to drive back to a base. I thought that was pretty funny. I hope there's more stuff like that later on.
<3 :lol


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
Flunkie said:
I picked it up tonight from a local brick & mortar store, and I have one thing to say, right off the bat:

Unpolished as hell.

They seriously delayed it for this?
Which version? PS3 or X360? or PS2 or PC?


Sectus said:

I suppose it's not too surprising (there's already a ton of current gen games with online play which is unplayable with a ping higher than around 50), but has there been any real information about this? Or was that just a random joke?
It was mentioned on 1UP FM (or was it 1UP Yours? Not too sure, it was one of them, though). I just retrieved the 1/2 KM remark from Wikipedia, so it could be faulty. Even still, there is a tether.


DarkAngelYuna said:
360 is unpolished as hell from the hour I've put in. Feels like a psone game.

Exaggerate much? The original didn't even look like a PS1 game, there's no way the sequel is going to. I've seen a lot of the gameplay videos (which were all played on the 360 version) and they looked fine, like a HD Mercenaries - which incidentally is exactly what it is.


pr0cs said:
now I'm really starting to worry, esp about my comments of doing the PS2 version in tandem.
Worst thing they could've done. All that did was drag down the quality of the other versions accordingly.


It's really not a good sign that there's still an embargo on reviews. If it's not lifted before the weekend, they can forget my sale.


DarkAngelYuna said:
360 is unpolished as hell from the hour I've put in. Feels like a psone game.

It is what it is. Merc 2.The models look like a somewhat upgraded port of a Ps2/xbox game, bad (low res, low poly) textures litter the landscape. Cheesy as hell cut scenes . Some texture pop in. Big explosions large open world.

Yeah it's Mercenaries for our current gen. Hey, at least it has the same (or similar) voice actor who did Sarge for BF:BC


xbox 360 version.

I loved the original, may even be in my top 10 from last gen.

I've played a few missions so far....this game is on par with True Crime: NYC.

I wish it weren't so, but so far, it is.

I will update if it gets better.

But - easy achievements so far.


str8-h4x said:
I loved the original, may even be in my top 10 from last gen.

I've played a few missions so far....this game is on par with True Crime: NYC.

I wish it weren't so, but so far, it is.

I will update if it gets better.
Could you elaborate? Is the gameplay somehow much weaker than in the original cuz man Mercenaries and True Crime are on two different levels.


I feel that the controls have suffered since the last game, as has animation. The gunplay, IMO, is nowhere near as fun as the first game. I haven't played the original in years, but I'll probably pop it in tonight to see if it substantiates my memories.

As others have posted, it doesn't feel "done". Sure, it's more colorful than the original, but just does not have the same feeling. Someone also mentioned "Just Cause" - I agree completely.

If there are more specifics you would like to know, please let me know and I'll try to find out tonight when I get home from work.
Wow! These early impressions are not making me very happy. :( With so many games out now or on the horizon, I may put this one on the back burner and wait if it's really as bad as people are saying.
I played it last night (PS3), and I'm enjoying it. Gameplay wise it's very similar to the first one- the biggest changes are L3 sprint and L1 zoom aim- almost functions as a lock on. You'll feel right at home.

People are right that a lot of the textures are pretty low-res, and I for one really miss euphoria. BUT I've barely scratched the surface of the game- no grappling hook, no helicopter, no real firepower. The big graphics test, for me, will be flying a helicopter over the jungle then decimating a city with a hail of missiles. Who cares about a splotchy wall texture when the point of the game is HUGE FUCKING EXPLOSIONS?

I think it's really fun- there's a lot of depth to the PMC aspect and the resources you need to collect. As with the first one, you can tell the designers are military nerds with the amount of details in the vehicles and weapons.

Other stuff- there's quite a lot of traffic on the street at all times, and there are a lot of firefights happening kind of randomly around. This was one of my favorite aspects of the original, and I'm glad to say they've ramped it up big time, it seems.

I think as I get into it (the game tells me I'm at 0%) I'll like it more and more. Mercs1 fans, have no fear!

Deleted member 20415

Unconfirmed Member
I'm sure it's probably already been said, but just in case. NYC GAF: The game's available at Video Games New York at 220 E. 6th Street.

I just went over there during lunch just to check out crap and saw that it was on sale and snagged a copy. Today can't end soon enough!


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
On a side note, this game has one of the worst commercials I've ever seen for a video game.

Deleted member 20415

Unconfirmed Member
Plinko said:
On a side note, this game has one of the worst commercials I've ever seen for a video game.

I think I might be the only person in the world that actually likes it. It's quirky and different... the song at least. The only thing I don't like is that it doesn't show any game play... CGI commercials need to be Old Yellered.
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