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The Official Mercenaries 2: World in Flames Thread

AkuMifune said:
Damn, this is gonna be tough. It's this or Force Unleashed for me too. I forgave alot of Mercs1 issues because it was hella fun, so it might be the same situation here. Or rather, which games' faults am I more forgiving of? Not a great question to have, but it's just filler until late October anyways.

The Force Unleashed demo had too many nagging issues for me, so I've kind of dropped that from my list, but I was hoping Mercs 2 would pick up the slack until October when all the good games start dropping. Now I"m a bit hesitant about Mercs as well. Loved the first one though, so if the reviews are half-way decent, I'll probably still go for it.

Deleted member 20415

Unconfirmed Member
I hate to keep busting on this game, but a few other things happened last night that you can file under annoying/frustrating:

- Cars blow up FAR too quickly
- Cars blow up FAR too quickly when you hit 2 sign posts and blow up a half city block in the ensuing chain blast
- Think you're driving down a barren road? You are. Until 10 cars and trucks magically appear all around you and you instantly crash.
- If you're on a boat with a friend, hold on. You start driving and it's highly likely they will get tossed back and find themself lodged in a part of the ship and not able to get out.... ever.

There's just a LOT of weird things that happen and a lot of WTF moments.

Still having fun though... that's the important part, right?


Douchebag. Yes, me.
Seeing how the entire world has broken the street date, is there anywhere in the US that is selling this now?
Even though so many places have broke street date, I still haven't been able to find one in my town. Everyplace just says the 31st.


FlyinJ said:
Seeing how the entire world has broken the street date, is there anywhere in the US that is selling this now?

I would check with Walmat or other big box chains. My local import store has broken the street date, but I'm holding off until a few reviews pop up.
gamerecks said:
Games arent meant to exist to have fun, they are there for people to bitch and complain about as much as possible.

You've been here on GAF a long time huh. :lol

I can't wait to play Mercs 2. Fun! Its the key word.
some more impressions:

I've started recruiting some help to my PMC- so far it seems like you don't actually have any choices when assembling your team, but it does give you a sense of being in the world, being in control of your destiny etc. One of the recruits gives you a mission that involves a VERY fun toy:D ... those Pandemic guys are nutso.

I got a few HVTs- these are the equivalent of the deck of 52 from the first game. Each faction has High Value Targets that they want capture / killed and they're scattered around the map. You don't have to collect intel like you did in the first one; they just show up on your map and fiona clues you in when you're nearby. Really fluid! And now you have the option of hitching a ride with the chopper when they come to pick up your target.

The more i play the more I like. BUT people are correct that it's buggy. I haven't noticed any of the other stuff people have talked about, but i was doing one mission where i had to toss a smoke grenade in a radius to mark it for a chopper to bring in a listening post, and everytime i dropped it in fiona said "throw it closer." there WAS NO CLOSER, so i just had to wait out the clock and fail the mission. Balls.

Fortunately, the game features a generous mission checkpoint system.
Thanks for the impressions. I keep waiting for more to be posted but so far thats been a no go. Glad to know your still having fun with this one.
Yeah, sorry i haven't done more. i honestly haven't clocked more than 3 hours so my impressions are still evolving. i took a couple off-screens and tried to post em from flikr but in the preview they keep coming up as links. if someone can tell me what i'm doing wrong i'll do it again. not great pics, but it's something.
AgentOtaku said:
thanks for the further impressions :D

ugh, waiting till monday is fucking maddening!

Monday?? Just grab it on Sunday like the rest of us!! :lol

Still on the fence, so more impressions are good. On the one hand, the reports of the bugs are making me nervous, but then reports on the gameplay make it sound like what I was expecting.


Gold Member
truly101 said:
SO basically, if I liked Mercs 1 (which I did), I'll like Mercs 2. Thats all I care about.

Thing is, I loved Mercs 1 as much as the next guy, but... while Mercs 1 looked sort of poor but iirc I don't remember tons of bugs and/or dodginess.

I would wait for a patch, but for some reason I am thinking Pandemic is just itching to get this out and put the staff on other games.



Once my brother gets home, we're going for non stop co-op
I'm probably less than 2 hours in still, too many new games lately. I'm having a ton of fun though, the missions are simple and short but they're just plain out fun for whatever reasons. The game seems like its going to be short since my stats page says I'm already 20% complete when I feel like I've barely done anything yet. Great simple fun though.
DarkAngelYuna said:
I'm probably less than 2 hours in still, too many new games lately. I'm having a ton of fun though, the missions are simple and short but they're just plain out fun for whatever reasons. The game seems like its going to be short since my stats page says I'm already 20% complete when I feel like I've barely done anything yet. Great simple fun though.

So... what you're saying is that it's simple fun huh? :lol

Deleted member 20415

Unconfirmed Member
Kung Fu Jedi said:
So... what you're saying is that it's simple fun huh? :lol

It's definitely simple fun, but as the guy said... just a couple hours in and you'll be pretty deep in double digit completion and you'll feel like you haven't done anything. It's def a weird feeling.

I'm about 22% and I played for 4 hours I guess... it just feels weird. Plus, achievements are handed out like fucking candy on Halloween.
El_TigroX said:
It's definitely simple fun, but as the guy said... just a couple hours in and you'll be pretty deep in double digit completion and you'll feel like you haven't done anything. It's def a weird feeling.

I'm about 22% and I played for 4 hours I guess... it just feels weird. Plus, achievements are handed out like fucking candy on Halloween.
I love Halloween! I love candy! SOLD!


Looks good to me, played Mercs 1 like 4 times on the ps2, and almost bought the xbox version too just for a slight boost in fps.


raYne said:
If the promo department had any brains whatsoever, a slimmed down version of that would've been the commercial for the game.

Unfortunately, they do not.

I agree. the same funny song with choice clips of badass explosions would have been leagues better.
I was a bit concerned as to why there was still a review embargo up with only several days until release, and some of the impressions in this thread confirm some of my fears.

Sounds like it is a lot of fun, but with the numerous problems I think I'll have to skip this until it I can find it for cheap. Shame, I was looking forward to some co-op action, guess I'll have to wait until my friend picks up Castle Crashers....and that gets patched... :/

Out of interest, does anyone know when the embargo is up?
I know someone asked for some co-op impression but I haven't had a chance to play more after just testing it. I'm moving right now and the ps3 isn't connected. I'll try to post some when I get settled but it may be out by then and impressions will be all over the place. Kind of sux to hear about how fast peop[le are moving through the game. It took me tons of time in the first game to round up all 52 of those jackasses.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Damnit. Im sad to hear that its buggy. I am sure its fun but why so many bugs. Rushed to release I guess. :-(


Wow that release trailer completely sold me on the game. Graphics looks great there as well. Also are there alternate costumes in this game? It looked like the girl was wearing some weird leather thing in the trailer.

Deleted member 20415

Unconfirmed Member
MThanded said:
Damnit. Im sad to hear that its buggy. I am sure its fun but why so many bugs. Rushed to release I guess. :-(

After playing it more... the fun is still there, but diminishing a bit... the bugs are really impacting playing the game.

The physics are completely screwed up at some points, leading to a fair amount of frustration...though there are some hilarious moments. An enemy car was at a dead stop and I shot the driver in the head, he fell out of the car, then the car lauched upward into a 180 spin before crashing down and exploding. It was the type of stuff you'd see in a 80s B-Action movie.

However, one thing that is incredibly frustrating and awful is the way the game recognizes the things you've done. I beat a challenge and the challenge clock ran for another 30-40 secs before the game was like "YOU DID IT!!!"

That was only after it did the same thing and the clock ran out and I lost a ton of money. :(

Deleted member 20415

Unconfirmed Member
gamerecks said:
Where are some of you getting these early? I want to go hunting after work.

If you're in NYC - check out Video Games New York on E. 6th Street.

Also, another thing that happened last night that was hilarious, if embarrassing...

I called in supplies, the helicopter flies in low, drops the supplies, then proceeds to fly off into the great unknown... by disappearing through the earth.
Check in with a local GameStop last night to grab this if it was available, but no luck. Reading these impressions just make it sound more disappointing though. Not sure I'm going to rush out and get it on Sunday like I had planned. Just too many good games on the horizon to pay $60 for a half-baked experience. Reviews are going to sway my decision I think.


El_TigroX said:
An enemy car was at a dead stop and I shot the driver in the head, he fell out of the car, then the car lauched upward into a 180 spin before crashing down and exploding. It was the type of stuff you'd see in a 80s B-Action movie.

Holy shit I hope that's not a glitch. That sounds hilarious
Is this really gonna be in stores this sunday? ...or is it shipping and will actually be in stores Monday?

Just got a flyer from Gamestop saying "Available on the 31st"

EDIT: nm, just called Gamestop and they said it will be available this sunday :D
AgentOtaku said:
Is this really gonna be in stores this sunday? ...or is it shipping and will actually be in stores Monday?

Just got a flyer from Gamestop saying "Available on the 31st"

EDIT: nm, just called Gamestop and they said it will be available this sunday :D

Sunday is the 31st. What am I missing here?


Kung Fu Jedi said:
Sunday is the 31st. What am I missing here?
I'm not even sure why he asked, considering how many stores (big chains included) have been posted in the thread that have been selling the game early.

It's obvious that the 31st is the street date and the game has been shipped already.
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