u wot m8?
Image works for me! but its a numark mixtrack pro, Its no traktor s2 but it will be great to learn the ropes on!
Lame attempt at being a smartarse
You'll definitely have a tonne of fun with the Mixtrack, though! I own the Vestax equivalent and don't use it as much as I want, but they're definitely an awesome substitute if you can't afford proper decks and a mixer (and who can? My config set me back around $3.5k AUD at least!).
Pro tip: If you can (and it might take you a while), try to disable things like the song key and BPM and learn to mix without them. Oh, and auto-beatmatch. They may be great to start with but if you wind up playing bedroom or bar parties, you may not have the luxury.
Pro tip #2: If you can't play with no assists (or without any of them), it doesn't fucking matter in the long run. As long as you have fun
Pro tip #3: It's probably more accurately in 4s, because I find it goes in four, then sixteen, then 32 beats. But listen to enough house and you soon get the hang of it!