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The official Neogaf Wrasslin' Alliance thread.

Speaking of twitter you can check us out there and try to get things like #NATIONOFMEDIOCRITY or #PLYWOODCARABROMANCE Trending Worldwide!

Oh my Professor Beef has come a long way since his No Mercy days, heck during his debut I always called it that he'd be champion.

Now I hear that The beef wreckers, that energetic tag team is going to defend their championships against Plywood and Sin Cara is this true?!??! They're double booked that night AND Tag teaming!

Sin cara made no statement but just pointed.

Sin Cara:

*camera shifts backstage to the Beef Wrecker's locker room*

Yeah I heard I got a match with Spindashing this week, but I don't believe it. See I don't even have a match tonight, but I'm still working out, because I got nothing else to do! What am I gonna do!? That's what I do! What am I gonna do, play the geetar? I can't play the geetar! All I do is BEAT PEOPLE UP.

I asked a question to myself, "what is Spindashing's motivation?" I know he loves shitty chicken, but I check my pockets and I don't have KFC...I don't have El Pollo Loco...I don't even have Churches...BUT I AIN'T GOT NONE.

Spindashing, you got TWO DAYS to come up with a magic set of balls to get in the ring with me. Because in two days...I'm gonna beat your ass. BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT I DO.
*After a KFC commercial, we are brought to the backstage area, where an already-trying-to-restrain-his-marking-out Matt Striker is holding a microphone to Spindashing.*

Matt Striker: "Spin, you've lost both the ECW championship as well as the Tag Team Championship with Entropia and now you're being placed in a match against one half of the current tag team champions, Professor Beef, tomorrow. Do you have anything to say about what transpired last week and your plans for this week?"

*The camera pans to spindashing.*

Spindashing: "Matt, let me give it to you straight. I lost. Losses happen, and even Gods ain't perfect, you know what I'm sayin? I came into NWA Friday Night both the ECW champ and the Tag Team Champion with Entropia, but I lost 'em both. I lost my ECW belt to that fraud of a turtle and I lost my tag team championship belt to Beef Wreckers, the most fraudulent team to ever grace the ring ever since The Bushwhackers. Now let me tell you somethin' about that match. Roll the footage."

*We are given a taste of what happened last week.*

Spindashing: "This match was the highest rated NWA match period, b. We hit 27 viewers, more than anything else NWA had. We beat the hell out of each other and in all honesty it was pretty equal. Me and Entropia felt confident and I'm sure them fools Beef Wreckers felt confident as well, you know what I mean? We were beating each other's asses. Finishers left and right. You had my Chaos Drop left and right and you had whatever fairy princess bull[muted] that the Beef Wreckers had, but let me show you something about this match. Look at Net_Wrecker. Look at that sonofabitch. That n[muted]a definitely had some steroids. N[muted]a hulked up and shit. Dude definitely sniffed some sort of drugs nahmean? 5 moves of doom. Boom. We kicked out of that shit but we was definitely hurt..."

Matt Striker: "Are you claiming that they won due to the influence of an illegal substance?"

Spindashing: "Did you listen to me at all, white boy? That's exactly what the fu[mute] I said. Listen. It's all good now. I got Professor Beef all to myself, no homo."

Matt Striker: "W-With all due respect, Spindashing. You can't say that on TV..."

Spindashing: "Do I look like I give a fuc[muted]. All I got to say is, Professor Beef, your ass is mine come tomorrow. See your bitch ass in the ring. I ain't even need the Nation. I got this sh[muted]. My homeys are waiting for me in a stretch out limo, we gonna ride the town after I'm done beating that n[muted]a in a coat made of pubes. I ain't gonna shake your mother[muted]ing hands or nothin, too. Dude ain't know sh[muted] about chicken either, who the fu[muted] does that n[muted]a think he is, spouting all that bullsh[muted]? Dude's as suspect as dudes listening to Adele on a Friday Night while watching some Lifetime. And after I take care of you, Imma expose those turtles as the little bitches they are. Because at the end of the day, Beef is gonna feel the Sonic..."

*Spindashing makes a gun with his finger, pointing it at Matt Striker's head."

"... Boom."

*He walks away from a still-marking-out Striker watching him leave.*


G-Fex shows up behind Spin, Camera pans to the Boss.*

G-Fex: Spin...., I'm glad you were more than happy about your one on one match with Professor Beef. IN FACT,I'm going to make it a first blood Extreme Rulez match. *laughs* oh and Wrecker and Entropia will have a last man standing match.

*Walks away laughing a bit*


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Keep talkin you got a match with a turtle
when are you going to learn that sending the cheap turtle squad after me doesn't scare me. I've taken on 1 turtle 3 times in one night. I'm not afraid of the turtles. Ill be the one to crack their shell, and with it your stranglehold over the lockerroom. While the others are busy with their vendettas, ill make it my mission to destroy the shelled menace. And when I'm done with them, I'm coming for you, g-ace.


when are you going to learn that sending the cheap turtle squad after me doesn't scare me. I've taken on 1 turtle 3 times in one night. I'm not afraid of the turtles. Ill be the one to crack their shell, and with it your stranglehold over the lockerroom. While the others are busy with their vendettas, ill make it my mission to destroy the shelled menace. And when I'm done with them, I'm coming for you, g-ace.
That's adorable you actually think you can take on the King of Games, the boss of bosses. You watch yourself cause I RULE THIS WORLD!

Since you think so highly of yourself after your match with Donatello and after Frankman's match with Robocop, you two will take on my fearsome new tag team. It ain't like anything you've ever seen!

You haven't a ghost of a chance!


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
That's adorable you actually think you can take on the King of Games, the boss of bosses. You watch yourself cause I RULE THIS WORLD!

Since you think so highly of yourself after your match with Donatello and after Frankman's match with Robocop, you two will take on my fearsome new tag team. It ain't like anything you've ever seen!

You haven't a ghost of a chance!
You gonna make us fight batman and spider man? Or are we gonna be tagging against the turtles again?


No One Remembers
I may not be able to be there to watch guys! Got my company's Christmas party to attend. Depends how late you're running it though
*camera is facing Professor Beef as he rubs his neck*

Josh Matthews: Professor Beef, we just saw your match with Spindashing and how it all ended. Can I get your thoughts on what we witnessed?

Beef: Yeah, you can get my thoughts. I lost. It happens. You certainly can't win 'em all, even though everybody wants to be just like Cena. *winks at the camera*

Josh: But Beef, certainly you can't be happy at all with this turn of events?

Beef: Obviously not, you midget. But like I said, I lost. Congratulations, Spindashing. Tonight, you were the better man in the ring. But that's only tonight. You see, even though you won tonight, you didn't win when it counted for those tag-team belts that STILL belong to the Beef Wreckers. And until you do...nothing you or Tropia say means a damn thing. Now get out of our locker room.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
in the last few days, the nation has been on a horrible losing streak. losing to any and everyone that came in the ring. we were down, beaten, battered, but not out. G-ace tried to make an example of us for standing against his regime. for trying to stop his influence over some of the newer wrestlers, making men battle for their belts mere minutes after gaining them. making men fight against insurmountable odds in order to keep their gold.

well tonight the nation had its stranglehold broken and began the counterattack. the victories that we gained tonight may seem like they are mere victories for the nation, but that is untrue. the true effect of these victories is the break of the intense grip that g-ace has on the company. by me beating him, i showed you all that he is but a mere man, that he isnt as invincible as he would make you believe, that he can be beaten.

i have yet to reach my goal, as a member of the nation, or personally, but i am inching closer. and with every gain i make, its a victory for you all. so you shouldnt despise or fear the nation, but embrace us. because in the end, we are doing this, ALL OF THIS, for you, the fans, who put your faith in this company, and you the wrestlers, who sweat and bleed and cry for the sake of this company. so rejoice in our victory!


in the last few days, the nation has been on a horrible losing streak. losing to any and everyone that came in the ring. we were down, beaten, battered, but not out. G-ace tried to make an example of us for standing against his regime. for trying to stop his influence over some of the newer wrestlers, making men battle for their belts mere minutes after gaining them. making men fight against insurmountable odds in order to keep their gold.

well tonight the nation had its stranglehold broken and began the counterattack. the victories that we gained tonight may seem like they are mere victories for the nation, but that is untrue. the true effect of these victories is the break of the intense grip that g-ace has on the company. by me beating him, i showed you all that he is but a mere man, that he isnt as invincible as he would make you believe, that he can be beaten.

i have yet to reach my goal, as a member of the nation, or personally, but i am inching closer. and with every gain i make, its a victory for you all. so you shouldnt despise or fear the nation, but embrace us. because in the end, we are doing this, ALL OF THIS, for you, the fans, who put your faith in this company, and you the wrestlers, who sweat and bleed and cry for the sake of this company. so rejoice in our victory!

*camera is facing Professor Beef as he rubs his neck*

Josh Matthews: Professor Beef, we just saw your match with Spindashing and how it all ended. Can I get your thoughts on what we witnessed?

Beef: Yeah, you can get my thoughts. I lost. It happens. You certainly can't win 'em all, even though everybody wants to be just like Cena. *winks at the camera*

Josh: But Beef, certainly you can't be happy at all with this turn of events?

Beef: Obviously not, you midget. But like I said, I lost. Congratulations, Spindashing. Tonight, you were the better man in the ring. But that's only tonight. You see, even though you won tonight, you didn't win when it counted for those tag-team belts that STILL belong to the Beef Wreckers. And until you do...nothing you or Tropia say means a damn thing. Now get out of our locker room.
Well, let me tell you something.

Alright, just like you said. Next week, you and Tropia will get to sniff success one last time. But if you two lose - and you will - then you'll never get another shot at our titles again as long as we're the champs. Do you accept, or are you as fraudulent as you claim the Beef Wreckers are?
Only if you agree that if Spintropia beats the two of you once and for all, you two officially change your name to The Beefy Frauds.
Only if you agree that if Spintropia beats the two of you once and for all, you two officially change your name to The Beefy Frauds.

Please. We're already putting our tag belts on the line. We've spent our entire careers making this division look legit. We're already putting everything on the line. You rookies are the ones with something to prove.

Besides, I have to talk with Wrecker to decide our next 5-second pose.
Please. We're already putting our tag belts on the line. We've spent our entire careers making this division look legit. We're already putting everything on the line. You rookies are the ones with something to prove.

Besides, I have to talk with Wrecker to decide our next 5-second pose.
Sounds like you're being BOK BOK BOK BOK BOK BOK.





That's right, if you Team Spintropia don't win the titles next week....

The next number one contenders will be Donatello and Michelangelo.


Yes but tonight The Beef Wreckers will be defending their titles against the Yeti and Astro Nut

By the way guys I'm streaming a mini marathon of wrasslin games like Wrestlemania X8 right Nowwwwwwwwww....Now!
Lemme catch up on what's been goin down in da NWA

*loses to Entropia in a table match*

GUH?! Who books this crap?

*Donatello disappears while fighting Beef*

NWA got dat production values.

*Beef Wreckers retain after Da Wrecking Ball leg drops Sin Cara while Plywood did nothing*

You were expecting a different outcome?

*Net_Wrecker loses the World Title to IsayFever*

......................The hell is this? How does this jobber even get a Title shot? Good luck drawing now, G-Ace.

*Beef trips and loses his IC Title shot like a dumbass*

What a botch.

I'm suing everybody.
All I gotta say:


Oh, G-Fex: I have a request to change my CAW's looks to match my heel persona.


Jacket, pants: black
Shoes: blue
V-neck shirt: blue
You can keep my sunglasses.

The homicidal hedgehog is ... corporal.
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